• Reference
  • Title
    Schedule of messuages, cottages or tenements, lands meadow and pasture belonging to the town of Wootton. Titled 'A Cedule Indented to this present deed Annexed [missing from bundle] of all the mesuages... etc.] mentioned in the said deed belonging to the Towne of Wootton...' Indented. 1 membrane in two pieces (indented out about ¾ of the way down the membrane. All the entries in the schedule are recorded below. The entries square brackets show significant differences in description/orthography for each item as recorded in the schedule of 1611 annexed to X740/15 (see also P3/25/1). Church End -1 messuage with a croft adjoining in the tenure of Robert Woodward [Emme Pecock, widow] situate between the messuage and croft of Henry [William] Bedells towards the E. and the close of Sir Thomas Cycell [Cicill], knight, towards the W. and abutting upon the Queen's [King's] Highway towards the S. and upon the close of Sir TC and George [Lewys] Monox esq. towards the N. Botte [Bote] End -1 cottage or tenement late [now] in the tenure of Elizabeth Tompson and Jane Hallam, widows, [James Fowkes only] with a piece of pasture adjoining in the tenure of Henry Foxe [no tenant named], lying between the messuage of Uryan Maynard on the W. side, the tenement of Henry Fouxe [Fowkes] on the E. side, the close of the said HF on the S. side and the Queen's Way [King's Highway] on the N. side. Hall End -1 cottage or tenement with a close adjoining in the tenure of William Cooper [no tanant named] situate between the close of William [John] Hill on the N. side, the lane leading from Hall End to Wood End Green on the S. side [and] 'abbut' [abuttinge] one East hedde [head] uppon the Quenes [Kinges] Highe waye'. -1 close of pasture in the tenure of Robert Woodwarde [Emme Pecocke] lying between the closes of the 'Queens majestie' [King's Majesty] towards the W. and S., the close of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] towards the E. and the lane as above towards the N. Botte [Bote] End -1 close of pasture in the tenure of Robert Woodward [Emme Pecocke] lying between the close of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] called the Brache on the S. side and the tenement of Henry Fouxe [Fowkes] and the town pightle on the N. side, and the W. end thereof abutting upon the close of HF and the E. end upon the Queen's Highway ['Kinges waie']. -1 pightle in the tenure of Joan Maynard, widow [James Fowkes] lying next the above close on the N. side, the Queen's Highway [Kinges waie] on the N. and E. parts and the tenement of HF on the W. side. Meadow Margin torn away here [Cluslade] -1 'hedone' ['haidon'] lying in Cluslad[e] abutting into the 'great broke' ['brooke'] between the meadow of Thomas Barker on the S. side and the meadow of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] on the N. side. -1 'hedon ['heydon'] lying in the same meadow between the meadow of Thomas Bedelles [Henry Fowkes] on the S. side and the meadow of Robert Pyckering [Fickeringe] on the N. side. -1 'hedon' in the same meadow between the meadow of Henry Beddells [Richard Button] on the S. side and the meadow of Uryan Maynard on the N. side. Total: 3 'heydons' of meadow. Arable land in the Hoofeild [Hooe Field] Hoo woode [Hoowood] -1 ac. together abutting upon the Hoo Wood between the land of Thomas Harvy [tenant not named] on the E. side and the land of Robert Pyckering [Pickeringe] on the W. side. - ½ac. lying on Smythe mede' [Smythmeade] Furlong between the land of RP N. and the headland of TH [Mr. Tatnam] S. - ½ ac. abutting upon [the] Hoo Hedge between the land of Thomas Kent [tenant not named] W. and land of Henry Bedells [Richard Fowkes] E. - ½ ac. lying upon 'twelve acars' [acres] Furlong between the lands of HB [Richard Fowkes] W. and the Queen [King] E. - ½ ac. on the same furlong between the land of HB W. and Thomas Bedells E. [the land of Mr. Bracy on both sides]. - 1 ac. on Cluslalde Hill lying through both furlongs between the lands of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] N. and Thomas Barker and TF S. [Cluslade] - 1 ac. of the same furlong lying as the other does between the land of Thomas Bedells [Henry Fowkes] S. and John Hilles [Hill] and Robert Pickeringe N. - ½ ac. abutting into Cluslade, Uryan Maynard on the N. side and Henry Bedells [Richard Fowkes] on the S. side. - 1½ acs. lying together in Longe Crofte between the land of Ellyse Ells on the S. and N. sides [Henry Fowkes N. and widow Creeke S.]. - 1r. lying in the parish of Kempston in the Marche Field abutting (E. and W.) between the land of Roger Crolye [Crawly] on the N. side and land of John Jarvis [Jarvys] on the S. side. - ½ ac. on the same furlong next the land of Thomas Stagguse on the N. side. - 5r. lying together in the same field next the land of TS on the S. side. Total: 6 acs. In the Middle Field Streat Furlong - ½ ac. lying on Streat Furlong between the land of Her [His] Majesty on the N. side and Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] on the S. side. - ½ ac. lying on Smythe Meade [Smithmeade] Furlong 'butting in the mead' the headland in the tenure of Thomas Barker on the W. side and the land of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] E. - ½ ac. lying in the same furlong between the land of Sir Thomas Cycell [Cicill] on the E. side and 'Kateren halff' acr' of the west side' [the land of Lewys Monox on the W. side]. - ½ ac. on the same furlong abutting upon 'Smythe meade [Smithmeade] hedge', the 'Quene' [King] on the E. side and Thomas Bedellen [Henry Fowkes] on the W. side. - 1r. abutting upon Smythe Meade Furlong towards the S. and upon the headland of Frances Warsley [William Else] towards the N. lying between the land of Thomas Bedells [Mr. Bracie] W. and Thomas Barker E. - 1r. lying on the same furlong abutting on the headland of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes]. - [1] ac. lying together on the furlong abutting into 'Smythe meade waye' [Smithmeadwaie] towards the W. between [the] land of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] S. and Uryan Maynard N. - ½ ac. on the same furlong Sir Thomas Cycell [Cicill] S. and John Harvy esq. N. - ½ ac. on the same furlong between the land of William Stanbridge [Richard Fowkes] on the S. side and Henry Savage [Thomas Savidge] N. - ½ ac. lying in 'Smale Heydons' [small heidons] between the land of Thomas Bedells [Mr. Bracie] S. and Uryan Maynard N. - ½ ac. lying on Oke Furlong abutting into Hatchewey [Hatchwaie] Sir Thoams Cycell [Cicill] on both sides. - ½ ac. lying on Hatche Waye [Hatchwaie] Furlong abutting upon the headland of George [Lewis] Monoxe esq. between the land of the Queen [King] N. and Thomas Bedells [Mr. Bracie] S. - ½ ac. on the same furlong 'as the other dothe' between the land of Henry Bedelles [Richard Fowkes] N. and Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] S. - ½ ac. lying on Longe Swynhill [longe Swine hill] the headland of George [Lewys] Monoxe esq. on the W. side and John Harvy [Harvie] esq. on the E. side. - 1 ac. lying together on Shorte Swynhill [Short Swinehill] between the land of George [Lewys] Monoxe esq. E. and Thomas Barker on the W. side. - ½ ac. abutting upon the 'Hame meade withe the East ende' and upon the headland of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] 'withe the west' between the land of Her [His] Majesty on the N. side and the land of Henry Fouxe [Fowkes] on the S. side. - 1 ac. lying together abutting 'with the East ende into the great Broke [brooke]' and the W. end upon the headland of Henry Bedells [Richard Fowkes], the Queen [King] on the N. side and John Harvy [Harvie] esq. S. - ½ ac. on the same furlong 'as the other dothe', the Queen [king] S. and John Harvy esq. N. Total: 10 acres. In the East Field otherwise called Little Brook Field ('litle broke feilde'). Brache Furlong - ½ ac. lying on [in] the Brache in the Gravel Pits ('gravell pyttes'), Sir William Russell knt. on the N. side. - ½ ac. on the same furlong between the land of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] on the S. side and the land of John Harvye esq. on the N. side. - ½ ac. on the same furlong between the land of John Harvy [Harvie] esq. on the S. side and Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] on the N....(document severed at this point) Dorse: inscribed 'Wotton towne Landes'. Second part of membrane begins here: - ½ ac. on the same furlong between the land of Thomas Harvye N. and Thomas Bedells [Henry Fowkes] on the S. side. 0 - 1 r. lying at the nether end of the said Brache Furlong [brachfurlonge] between the land of Henry Bedells [Richard Fowkes] on the N. side and land of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] on the S. side. - ½ ac. lying on Long Furlong between the land of Henry Bedells [Richard Fowkes] on the W. side and the land of Thomas Fouxe [Fowkes] on the E. side. - 1 ac. lying together on the same furlong between Her [His] Majesty E. and Sir Thomas Cicell [Cicill] W. - 1 ac. lying together in the furlong called the Brode between the land of Thomas Bedells [Mr. Bracie] on the N. side and the land of Robert Pickering on the S. side. - 1 selion lying for 5 roods, lying 'throrowe' [through] 3 furlongs and abutting at the W. end upon the headland of Henry Fouxe [Fowkes]. - 1 selion on the same furlong for 3r. between the land of John Harvye esq. on the S. side and the land of Thomas Harvye [Richard Fowkes] on the N. side. - 1 ac. lying together on Hoggcrofte Furlong between the house and land of 'Stephin' Estwicke' [John Tompson] on the W. side and the land of William Ellse [Else] on the E. side. - 1 r. on the same furlong between the land of William Ellse [Else] on the W. side and Uryan Maynard on the E. side. - ½ ac. on the same furlong between land of Thomas Stanbridge [Stambridge] on the W. side and land of Sir Thomas Cycell [Cicill] on the W. side. - ½ ac. lying on Hatcheweye [Hatchwaie] Furlong abutting into (MS 'abbutt' int'') Hatcheweye [Hatchwaie] between the land of Her [His] Majesty on the N. side and land of Sir Thomas Cycell [Cicill] on the S. side. - ½ ac. on the same furlong, Sir Thomas Cycell [Cicill] on both sides. - ½ ac. being [a] ley on the same furlong between the land of John Hall [Hill] on the N. side and the land of Robert Pickering on the S. side. - ½ ac. on the same furlong between the land of the Queen [King] on the N. side and Sir Thomas Cycell [Cicill] on the S. side. Total: 10 acs. Memorandum 'that this delyvered Into the Towne Chest the 25 day of Aprill 1623 by me' signed H. [?F] Clerke.
  • Date free text
    27 May 1586
  • Production date
    From: 1586 To: 1586
  • Level of description