• Reference
  • Title
    Quitclaim by Matthew Homwod, late of Wootton, addressed to Thomas Carter of Ridgmont ('Rygemond''), of all his right and claim in: (a) 1 messuage in Wootton Botte Ende, between the messuage of Richard Freman and the messuage of ?Thomas (or ?Katherine; MS has thin sliver torn out here and is rubbed, '..h[o]me'/'...t'ine') Rowle, with 1 close adjoining and 9 acs. of arable land lying separately ('divisim') in the fields of Wootton and Kempston whereof 1 ac. of land (?simul, MS 'Sml'')... lies in le Longcroft next to land of Richard Freman and abuts chiefly ('ex capite') eastwards ('oriental'') upon the King's Highway leading towards ('ducent' versus') Bedford; which land descsnded to MH lawfully by inheritance after the death of his mother Margaret Homwod. Warranty clause: standard ('contra omnes gentes'). Witnesses: John Abbe.dolorp' (?: name(s) superscript and very faded), John Cawdryk, vicar of Segenhoe, John Chapell of Ridgmont, John Rolf of Husborne Crawley, Richard Freman and Reginald Crawle of Wootton and many others. Dated at Wootton, 20 Sep 3 Edw. IV. Seal and tag missing. Document in poor condition.
  • Date free text
    20 September 1463
  • Production date
    From: 1463 To: 1463
  • Level of description