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  • Title
    Letter from Jn. Haine, constable of Shoreditch. Jos. Bletsoe died two days after receiving a letter from St. Pauls parish officers. "he has left a Widdow & Six Children four of which are Young & incapable of doing anything for themselves were they in health....on the Contrary the widdow & all the Children are so weak not able to walk about the room without being Supported & ...almost in a Starveing Condition....I have known him almost 20 Years...I am sure he has not gain'd any Settlemt. with us. I think you will do well to order some friend here in London to see the Condition the family are in ....I Leave it to your own Consideration whether you had not better relieve them here with some small matter weekly then to have the whole family to keep in the Country, here if they were in health the widdow could earn something & could do with a triffle with what she could do in a Country place..."
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1741 To: 1741
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