• Reference
  • Title
    Robert Samvell of Clyfton, husbandman, 15 May 1557, pr. 12 Oct. 1557. Soul to almighty God, to Jesus Christ my redeemer, to the blessed virgin Mary mother of our lord Jesus Christ and to all the holy company of heaven, and body to be buried in church yard of Clyfton. To wife Elizebeth Samell his house and land in the town and fields of Blunham for her life time, which his eldest son Thomas Samell and his heirs are to have after death of Elizabeth, and Thomas is to pay £7 to testator’s son John Samell within three years of her death. To wife also 3 beasts, 10 sheep, half his household stuff, and when household goods have been divided, she is to have the choice of which half to have. To Thomas Samell the younger 4 sheep, but if the sheep should die, then he is to have an ox calf. To son’s daughter Elizabeth Samell a bullock. Son John and wife Elizabeth to have the occupying of this farm with all the husbandry as long as they can please Mr. Sainct John and agree together. If they cannot agree then an equal division to be made between them at discretion of executors, and John Samnell to have the whole team of horse or oxen with proper appurtenances as plough and plough gear, cart and cart gear. To each of Thomas Sammell’s children not previously mentioned half a quarter of barley within two years of his death. Residue to son John and he to be executor, with Phelippe Petit the other executor, to whom 3s. 4d.. To each godchild 4d.. Witnesses George Fage the priest there, Robert Acars, Edward Randall, John Godrige, Richard Guddrege, Agnes Therdre with others.
  • Date free text
    15 May 1557 - 12 October 1557
  • Production date
    From: 1557 To: 1557
  • Level of description