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    Deposition: Thomas Brancklyn, servant to Ric. Robinson, mason. More evidence of false money, Wm. Robinson and the salthouse man. Richard Allen, Bedford, collarmaker. Knows nothing of false money. Val.Hollowfeild and wife are staying at his house; Wm.Robinson has been drinking in their company. Sarah Allen w. of Richard. The 2 false ½ crowns she got from 2 men for drink. Does not know what the use of the wooden shoe mould is. Hollowfield said he made balsam and green salze in his room. Katherine Hollowfield, w. of Valentine. Knows nothing of husband coinin money, or making buttons. Edward Saunders, Bedford, metalman. Saw pots at the fire in Ric. Allen's house, Heard V. Hollowfield bought block tin from w. of Jn. Hancocke. The Informacion of Thomas Brancklyn servant to Richard Robinson of the towne of Bedford Mason taken upon oath This Informant saieth that Wm. Robinson his Masters son had severall new halfe Crownes in his hands which this Informant saw at severall tymes, and hee observed him to rubb them with some stuffe, but with what, hee knoweth not. And this Informant saieth that the said Wm. Robinson gave this Informant one of the halfe Crownes on Christmas Even, and promised to give this Informant a shilling if hee put it away And that the said William Robinson often went to the Peacocke, where the saltstone man lay, and said to his Informant that the Saltstone man was a cunning man, and would learne him a tricke with a new halfe Crowne. And this Informant further saieth, that hee saw William Robinson give a new shilling to one Mathew Smithes (Apprentice to Richard Robinson) and bid him goe to Edward Cawnes shop (a grocer in Bedford) and buy with it a pound of fouer penny sugar, and bring Eight pence againe. And this Informant did suspect the said shilling to bee nought, and heard that it proved so, for the Grocer to whom it was sent did refuse it: and that his Master Richard Robinson was knowing to his, and said that hee beleived his sonn William Robinson and the saltstone Man, did drive a fine trade together, and that the saltstone man deserved to bee whipt out of towne. And this Informant saieth that hee heard William Robinson say, that the saltstone Man told him that hee would have a greate deale of such new money at London, for eighteene pence the halfe corwne, or three shillings the Crowne. And this Informant saieth that when William Robinson laie at his Master Richard Robinson's howse (which was at Michaelmas tyme and after) hee the said William was very idle, and came home usually at late houres when all were in bed; and this Informant going one tyme to Edward Saunders of Bedford, a tinkers howse, the said Saunders did aske this Informant what man that was that lay at the Peacocke (meaning as this Informant supposes the Saltsone Man) and the said Saunders said hee believed hee used some other mettall besides saltstones, and this informant asking him what mettalls, Saunders replyed I believe hee makes halfe Crownes and shillings The Marke of X Thomas Branklyn The Examinacion of Richard Allen of the Towne of Bedford Collar-maker taken the xxix th day of December anno domini 1679 This Examinant saieth That hee knoweth not of any Counterfitt Coyne in his house nor ever vended or saw any, But hee saieth that one Valentine Hollofeild and his wife came to his house upon Thursday last was sevennight and there continued ever since And that William Robinson hath hin after drinking in Valentine Hollowfeild company in this Examinant's house it being a publicke Alehouse The Examinacion of Sarah Allen wife of Richard Allen of the towne of Bedford Coller-maker taken the xxix th day of December A.D. 1679 This Examinant being charged with vending two Counterfeit halfe Crownes one to Phillip Patemen and the other to William Stratton Butcher saith that one of the said halfe Crownes which shee gave to Phillip Pateman shee tocke of a Countrey-man on Saturday last and th'other halfe Crowne which shee gave to William Stratton sheetocke of a man who lives at St. Neotes on Saturday last for drinke they had at her house, But the names of the said Countrey men shee knowes not. And being shewed a woodden Mould shee saieth shee knoweth not what use it is for, but saieth that Hollowfield told her hee made above in his Chamber at her house Balsom and Greene Salve. The Examinacion of Katherine Hollofeild wife of Valentine Hollofeild taken the xxix th day of December 1679 This Examinant saieth that shee knoweth nothing of her husbands Coyning money, or having or vending any Counterfitt Money And shee further saieth that shee never saw her Husband make Buttons in her lifetyme. The Information of Edward Saunders of the towne of Bedford Mettal man taken upon oath the xxix th day of December A.D. 1679 This Informant saieth that hee was in company at Richard Allens house of Bedford with Valentine Hollofeild and there was two earthen pots at the fire but what was in them this Examinant knoweth not And this Examinant further saieth that hee saw at another time severall other pots of a lesser size then the two former att the fire but what was in them hee knoweth [not] And hee saieth that Mrs. Hancocke wife of John Hancocke of Bedford Brasier told this Informant that the said Hollofeild bought Block tin of her But what the said Hollowfeild did with it this Examinant knoweth not And this Informant further saieth that Mrs. Hancocke told him that Hollofeild said hee did not by the said Blocke tyn for humself but another. The marke of Edward E Saunders
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    From: 1679 To: 1680
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