• Reference
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    WAR DIARY FOR OCTOBER 1917 1 Oct 1917 - Ourton Major G.P.NUNELEY, M.C. and 2nd Lt.A.L.GORDON to C.C.S. 2 Oct 1917 - Ligny-St-Flochel Left OURTON at 11 p.m. and marched to LIGNY ST FLOCHEL where Batt. entrained for North. 3 Oct 1917 - Zermezeele Arrived CASSEL at 12.30 p.m. and marched to ZERMEZEELE, Coys much scattered. transferred from XIII to XVIII Corps. 5th Army. 4 Oct 1917 Training. 5 Oct 1917 Major F.W.F.LATHOM joined. 7 Oct 1917 - Houtkerque Marched to HOUTKERQUE arrived 3 p.m. very wet. Coys scattered. 8 Oct 1917 Training. Draft of 6 signallers joined. 9-20 Oct 1917 Coy & Batt. training for Pill Box attack weather wet. 21 Oct 1917 15 officers and 90 O.R. to XVIII Corps Reinforcement Camp, 2nd Lt. T.R.G. COOKE struck off strength on transfer to R.F.C. 22-23 Oct 1917 Final preparations for Active Operations. 24 Oct 1917 Embus at 11.30 a.m. and proceed to DANBURY CAMP, POTTENHOOK, arrive 3 p.m. under canvas, very wet night. 25 Oct 1917 - Canal Bank near Ieper Brigade march to CANAL BANK, about 1 mile N. of YPRES the Battn billetted in dug outs on E.Canal Bank. 27 Oct 1917 - Cheddar Villa Batt. marched from CANAL BANK to an old trench near CHEDDAR VILLA. 29 Oct 1917 - front line near Poelkapelle Batt marched at 4.30 p.m. to the front line about 1 miles S.E. of POELCHAPPELLE [sic] and took up a position for attack at dawn on a front of about 600 yds. 30 Oct 1917 Batt. attacked at 5.50 a.m. 7th R.F. on left, Artists Rifles on right. CANADIAN CORPS on Right of Artists. CANADIAN attack was successful, but our attack was held up by very heavy and boggy ground surrounding the PADDEBEEK and a total advance of about 150-200 yards only was made. CASUALTIES - OFFICERS KILLED. Capt. L.C.T.GATE. 2nd Lt. A.E.TEE - WOUNDED. Capt.J.SCOTT Lt.C.H.WAREING, Lt.K.V.R.GOLD. 2nd Lt. S.A. GLOSSOP. 2nd Lt. V. BORNET. 2nd Lt. IVEY, 2nd Lt. RADWELL, O.R. KILLED. 52. WOUNDED 150. MISSING 23. 31 Oct 1917 - Irish Farm Batt. relieved by NELSON BATT. at 7 p.m. and marched out to IRISH FARM. Lt.Col. COLLINGS-WELLS, D.S.O. Capt & Adjt. J.H.BLACKWELL, Lt. E.ELLIS. 2nd Lt. R.C.FYNN. Capt. F.T.SPICER, M.C. 2nd Lt.J.W.TACCHI. Capt. P.F.WATTS came out with the Battn.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Oct 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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