Copy Instrument of Foundation enrolled in Central Office of Supreme Court of Judicature 8 Dec 1916
(i) Rev.Edwin Sutton of Eaton Bray;
(ii) William Edmund Wallace, nurseryman; Frederick George Pratt, farmer; Edwin Brown, blacksmith; Jabez Thorne, butcher; Ernest Gray, nurseryman; Joseph Hebbs, ex-police constable; William Henry Wallace, nurseryman; Albert Bunker, miller; Vicar of Eaton Bray [if not already a trustee]; Chairman of Eaton Bray Parish Council [if not already a trustee]
Operative Part:
- (i) conveyed (a) to (ii) in trust to use as a reading room and club for men of all classes and inhabitants of the village
(a) two pieces of land in High Street, Eatron Bray purchase from Solomon Gurney and Gabriel Woodham with Reading Room, Coffee Tavern, cottage in occupation of Thurgood, cottage in occupation of Fountain; bounded: E by High Street with frontage of 84 feet; N by Church Lane with frontage of 38 feet; W by property of formerly of John Groom, now of Jeffrey Sharrett; S by property of Frank Gurney
Covenants including:
- management vested in trustees;
- trustees to select suitable persons to fill any vacancies among their number;
- trustees to live in or near Eaton Bray;
- trustees able to resign office and could be called upon to resign;
- trustees able to lease cottages, sitting rooms and bedrooms being part of (a);
- trustees enabled to allow reading room and coffee tavern to be used for meetings etc. for a charge;
- trustees able to replace furniture etc.
- annual trustees meetings to be held and special meetings may be called at any time;
- Vicar to be Chairman when available;
- four to be a quorum with chairman having casting vote;
- minutes of meetings to be kept;
- power to form subcommittees;
- power for trustees to alter rules;
- trustees able to apply to Board of Charity Commissioners for an order vesting legal estate in Official Trustee of Charity Lands in trust
Date free text
1 Nov 1916
Production date
From: 1916 To: 1916
Level of description