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    1-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). [not all training appendices included] 2-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). TRAINING PROGRAMME 3-11-17 "A" COMPANY Will fire on the range. each platoon will perform muscle exercises and receive aiming instruction before firing. "B" COMPANY Company Drill. Infantry training sections 85, 86. Drums will be attached for this training. Specialists. Lewis Gun mechanism. Rifle Grenade Sect. Bombing Sect. throwing. Rifle Section Musketry. i. aiming position, ii. muscle exercises, iii. manipulation of bolt in rapid fire. Extended Order drill. Infantry training secs 93, 94, 95, 96. "C" COMPANY Specialist training. Lewis Gun mechanism. Rifle Grenade Sect. Bombing Sect. throwing. Rifle Section Musketry. i. aiming position, ii. muscle exercises, iii. manipulation of bolt in rapid fire. Company Drill. Infantry training sects 86, 87, 88, 89. Drums will attend. Bayonet fighting under Brigade Syllabus. "D" COMPANY Bayonet fighting. Brigade Syllabus will be followed as supplied to the company officer attending the Brigade course. Platoon drill. Infantry training sects 78, 79, 80. Specialist training. Lewis Gun mechanism. Rifle Grenade Sect. Bombing Sect. throwing. Rifle Section Musketry. SCOUTS will parade under Lieut Davies. SIGNALLERS will parade under Lieut Partridge. DRUMS will attend. STRETCHER BEARERS will attend under L/Cpl.Webb. R.E.PLATOON will be inspected at 10.30 A.M. Drill order. 3-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). 4-11-17 The Battalion moved to Ondank - Box Camp, entraining at 1 p.m. at PROVEN. Box Camp 5-11-17 Spent in organising camp, clearing drains, putting up Bomb protection round huts and tents etc. 7th (S) BN BEDFORSHIRE REGT. TRAINING PROGRAMME 6-11-17 to 11-11-17 NOTES ON TRAINING I. A CONFERENCE MUST BE HELD ON THE NEXT DAYS WORK DURING THE PROCEEDING [sic] EVENING. II. MEN MUST BE TAUGHT TO CARE FOR THEIR EQUIPMENT ON EVERY POSSIBLE OCCASION. III. PLATOON OFFICERS MUST BE IN CLOSE TOUCH WITH THEIR MEN. IV. ON ARRIVAL IN CAMP OR BILLETS, NO OFFICER SHOULD LEAVE HIS PLATOON UNTIL IT IS COMFORTABLE, THIS MAY TAKE A QUARTER OF AN HOUR OR SEVERAL HOURS. V. IN VIEW OF HOLDING THE LINE FREQUENT COMPANY AND PLATOON LECTURES AND CONFERENCES SHOULD BE HELD ON THE SUBJECT AND METHOD GENERALLY USED IN THIS BATTALION (SGD) W.J.W.COLLEY CAPT & ADJUTANT 7TH (s) BN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 6.11.17 7 A.M. REVEILLE 7.30 A.M. CAMP ORGANISATION 8 A.M. BREAKFAST 9.30 A.M. SPECIALISTS TRAINING i. INSTRUCTION IN THE CARE OF THE GAS MASK AND LECTURES ON THE BRIGADE NOTES ON GAS AND ITS PREVENTION. ii. DISCIPLINE IN RELATION TO THE USE OF THE MASK. iii. MORAL RELATION TO THE OF THE MASK [sic] 2. LEWIS GUN MECHANISM. BOMBING. MUSKETRY. (SECTNS 3. GAMES. 4. COMPANIES WILL BE AT THE DISPOSAL OF O.C.COMPANIES. 7.11.17 EXERCISES FOR THE SECTION COMMANDER CAREFUL SUPERVISION BY OFFICERS IS HOWEVER NECESSARY 7.30 A.M. - 8 A.M. RUNNING BY SECTIONS UNDER SECTION COMMANDERS. PLATOON OFFICERS WILL ATTEND THE PA...[too faint to read] 9.30 A.M. - 10.30 A.M. UNFANTRY TRAINING - SECTIONS (6 MINUTES SHOULD BE DEVOTED TO EACH SUBJECT). 10.30 A.M. - 11.30 A.M. INFANTRY TRAINING - SECTIONS (6 MINUTES SHOULD BE DEVOTED TO EACH SUBJECT). 11.30 A.M. - 12 NOON BREAK. 12 NOON - 1 P.M. INFANTRY TRAINING - SECTIONS (A FEW MINUTES ONLY TO BE SPENT ON EACH SUBJECT). 8.11.17 SPECIALISTS TRAINING - MUSKETRY - BOMBING - LEWIS GUNS - RIFLE GRENADES. 7.30 A.M. - 8 A.M. RUNNING BY PLATOONS UNDER PLATOON OFFICERS. 9.30 A.M. - 10.30 A.M. MUSKETRY REGULATIONS - SECTIONS (EACH SUBJECT SHOULD TAKE TEN MINUTES) 10.30 A.M. - 11.30 A.M. BOMBING (SHORT INTERESTING LECTURES SHOULD BE A PORTION OF THIS TRAINING) (i) GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE MILLS' RIFLE AND HAND BOMB AND RIFLE SMOKE BOMB. (ii) THROWING AND FIRING OF BOMBS. 11.30 A.M. - 12.30 P.M. BAYONET FIGHTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SYLLABUS ISSUED TO ALL. NOTE LEWIS GUN SECTIONS WILL RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS IN THEIR GUNS FROM 10.30 A.M. - 12.30 P.M. BUT WILL FOLLOW THE PROGRAMME FOR MUSKETRY. 9.11.17 PLATOON TRAINING IT IS AS IMPORTANT FOR PLATOON COMMANDERS TO [sic] THEIR PLATOONS AS IT IS FOR SECTION COMMANDERS TO HANDLE THEIR SECTIONS 7.30 A.M. - 8 A.M. RUNNING UNDER PLATOON OFFICERS. 9.30 A.M. - 10.30 A.M. INFANTRY TRAINING SECTIONS 78.79.80. (CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO SEE THAT ALL DETAILS ARE CAREFULLY CARRIED OUT PARTICULAR CARE MUST BE GIVEN TO THE SLOPE OF ARMS). 10.30 A.M. - 11.30 A.M. INFANTRY TRAINING SECTIONS 11.30 A.M. - 12.30 P.M. INFANTRY TRAINING SECTIONS (O.C. COMPANIES MUST CAREFULLY SUPERVISE THIS TRAINING AND ACTUAL EXPERIENCE MUST BE INTRODUCED). 10.11.17 SPECIALISTS TRAINING. 7.30 A.M. - 8 A.M.RUNNING UNDER PLATOON OFFICERS. 9.30 A.M. - 10.30 A.M. THE USE OF THE GAS MASK - WHEN TO PUT IT ON - WHAT TO DO IN CASES OF CASUALTIES - DISCIPLINARY ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN CASE OF FOOLISH CASUALTIES. 10.30 - 11.30 A.M. MUSKETRY - MUSKETRY REGULATIONS SECTIONS (INFINITE CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO SEE THAT THESE EXERCISES ARE CORRECTLY CARRIED OUT. A FEW WORDS SHOULD DE ADDRESSES TO THE MEN ON THE CARE AND VALUE OF THEIR RIFLES ALSO THE SEVERE PENALTY ATTENDING THE LOSS OF A RIFLE). 11.20 A.M. - 12.30 P.M. BAYONET FIGHTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH BRIGADE SYLLABUS. 11.11.17 SUNDAY 6-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). 7-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). 8-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). 9-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). 10-11-17 The Battalion relieved the 6th Royal Berks Regt. in Baboon Camp, BOEZINGE, and took over the duties of support Battn to the 11th Royal Fusiliers who were in the line. Baboon Camp 11-11-17 - 13-11-17 Working Parties were found by day and night for carrying up R.E. material to the Front Line. On the evening of the 13th the Battalion relieved the 11th Royal Fusiliers in the Front Line - Houthulst Forest, the boundaries being SANCTUARY ROAD on the right and FAIDHERBE ROAD on the left, in conjunction with the 43rd French Regiment. PROGRAMME OF TRAINING NOV 12TH ROYAL FUSILIERS 9 AM - 10 AM GUARD MOUNTING 10 AM - 11 AM SALUTING 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM BAYONET FIGHTING UNDER SGT.BUMPSTEAD 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL BEDFORDS 9 AM - 12.30 PM BAYONET FIGHTING UNDER SGT.BUMPSTEAD 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL NORTHANTS 9 AM - 12.30 PM ROUTE MARCH 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MIDDLESEX 9 AM - 10 AM RIFLE EXERCISES 10 AM - 11 AM GUARD MOUNTING 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM SALUTING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY 9 AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MACHINE GUN COMPANY 9 AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL NOV 13TH ROYAL FUSILIERS 9 AM - 12.30 PM ROUTE MARCH 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL BEDFORDS 9 AM - 10 AM GUARD MOUNTING 10AM - 11 AM SALUTING 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM RIFLE EXERCISES 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL NORTHANTS 9 AM - 10 AM GUARD MOUNTING 10 AM - 11 AM SALUTING 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM RIFLE EXERCISES 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MIDDLESEX 9 AM - 12.30 PM BAYONET FIGHTING UNDER SGT.BUMPSTEAD 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY 9AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MACHINE GUN COMPANY 9 AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL NOV 14TH ROYAL FUSILIERS 9 AM - 12.30 PM BAYONET FIGHTING UNDER SGT.BUMPSTEAD 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL BEDFORDS 9 AM - 12.30 PM ROUTE MARCH 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL NORTHANTS 9 AM - 10 AM EXTENDED ORDER DRILL 10 AM - 11 AM RIFLE EXERCISES 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM SALUTING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MIDDLESEX 9 AM - 10 AM EXTENDED ORDER DRILL 10 AM - 11 AM RIFLE EXERCISES 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM SALUTING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY 9 AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MACHINE GUN COMPANY 9 AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL NOV 15TH ROYAL FUSILIERS 9 AM - 10 AM EXTENDED ORDER DRILL 10 AM - 11 AM RIFLE EXERCISES 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM SALUTING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL BEDFORDS 9 AM - 10 AM EXTENDED ORDER DRILL 10 AM - 11 AM RIFLE EXERCISES 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM SALUTING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MIDDLESEX 9 AM - 12.30 PM ROUTE MATCH 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY 9 AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL MACHINE GUN COMPANY 9 AM - 10 AM SQUAD DRILL 10 AM - 12.30 PM SPECIALIST TRAINING 12.30 PM - 1 PM BOX RESPIRATOR DRILL NOTES BREAKS FROM 11 AM TO 11.30 AM [rest too faint to properly read] Front Line 14-11-17 No particular incident. 15-11-17 At 4.45 pm the Bosche delivered an attack on the junction of the French and British Armies but was repulsed with heavy losses. Colonel Carot commanding the 43rd Regiment personally congratulated the 54th Brigade and in particular the Bedfordshire Regiment on their keeness and dashing manner in repelling the German attack. 16-11-17 No particular incident occurred. Midnight The Battn was relieved by the 6th Royal Berks. Throughout the relief the enemy indulged in severe Gas shelling, which somewhat hindered the relief but on the morning of the 17th at 2 am the relief was complete. Box Camp 17-11-17 The Battn moved down from the Line by train from BOEZINGE, detraining at Ondank Siding, and moved into Box Camp, and spent the remainder of the day resting. 18-11-17 The Battn refitted and sick were attended to and Coys reorganised for training. 19-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). [not all training appendices have been included] 20-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). 21-11-17 Training as per programme (see appendix I). 22-11-17 The Battn relieved the 6th Royal Berks in Canal Bank Camp, Boezinge entraining at Ondank Siding at 1 pm and detrainingat Boezinge at 1.45 pm. In the evening working parties were found. Canal Bank 23-11-17 The usual Working Parties were found and a systematic programme of improving the camp was carried out. 24-11-17 Working parties were found for the line and camp improvement programme was continued 7TH (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGT Order No.182 24-11-17 1. INTENTION The Battalion will relieve the 11th ROYAL FUSILIERS in the left sector of the front line on night 25th 26th November. 2. METHOD OF HOLDING LINE "C" COY right sub-sector. "D" COY left sub-sector. "A" COY support (MAIN LINE OF RESISTANCE). "B" COY reserve. 3. ORDER OFMARCH "C" "D" "A" "B" Bn.H.Q. 4. STARTING POINT BN. H.Q. CANAL BANK. 5. STARTING TIME 10 P.M. 6. ROUTE CANAL BANK - CORDUROY TRACK - CLARGES STREET. 7. GUIDES 2 for BN.H.Q. 1 each COY H.Q. and 1 per platoon will meet the Battalion at the junction LANGEMARK - BIKSCHOTE ROAD with CLARGES STREET at 11 P.M. 8. DRESS Full marching order - less haversacks - steel helmets will be worn BOX RESPIRATORS at the "ALERT". 9. PACKS These will contain two days rations, 3 pairs socks, Gum boots and Jerkin. Packs to be carried by supporting straps. Companies on arrival and taking over the front line will change their boots for waders and put on a clean pair of socks, boots to be placed in the pack. 10. TOMMY COOKERS ETC. There will be an issue of one Tommy Cooker per man. Rifle oil tin to be filled with whale oil. 11. WATER Each man will carry two water bottles filled. B COY will carry 20 empty petrol tins and will send on Monday night to SUPPORT COY H.Q. 8 tins filled and 8 full tins to BN H.Q. 12. SANDBAGS Each man will be issued with three sandbags - two for tying round his legs - the third to be clearly marked with his REGTL NO. NAME and COY and will contain the following: - CAP - GREATCOAT - PUTTEES - IRON RATIONS and HAVERSACK, the latter to contain the mans personal kit. 13. BAGGAGE ETC. All kit - Officers rations - blankets (in bundles of 10) - Sandbags containing men's greatcoat etcto be umped by BN.H.Q. by 2 P.M. Cookers will return to Q'master stores after the Battn has left CANAL BANK. Mess Cart to report to BN.H.Q. at 9.30 p.m. 14. RELIEFS After the first 24 hours in the line the two front Coys will carry out platoon relief. After 48 hours an inter-Coy relief will take place. 15. DUTIES O.C. B COY will take over from 11th ROYAL FUSILIERS - S.O.S. RELAY POST at VEE BEND - 1 N.C.O. & 3 men on Coy. relief. Signalling Officer will detail two runners for LIASON POST at LASALIE FARM. Dump Guards already provided ny "A" COY will not be relieved. 16. TRENCH STORES All stores, maps etc. will be carefully taken over and checked and a list of articles taken over to be sent to BN.H.Q. by 6 A.M. 26th inst. 17. COMPLETION OF RELIEF Will be reported by code word "STAR". (SGD) S.TABOR. CAPTAIN A/ADJUTANT 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGT. 25-11-17 Work on camp was continued. 26-11-17 On the evening and early morning of 25/26 the Battn relieved the Royal Fusiliers in the line as per Operation Orders No.182 (see App.II). The relief was complete at 12.30 am. No particular incident occurring. Front Line No particular incident to report during the day. 27-11-17 The Battn held the Front Line without incident. 28-11-17 The Battn held the Front Line without incident. Operation Order No.183 1. The Battn will be relieved by the 6th R.BERKS REGT. on the night of the 28th/29th Nov. 2. Guides at the scale of 2 per BHQ 1 per Coy HQ and 1 per platoon will report to 2ND LT ASHTON at BHQ at 7.30 P.M. 2nd Lt.ASHTON with the guides will meet the incoming unit at the junction of CLARGES STREET with the LANGEMARK - BIKSCHOTE RD at 10 PM. 3. 2nd LT.DAVIES will meet an Officer of the 6th BATTN R.BERKS REGT. at BOEZINGE at 2 pm to arrange details of relief. 4. On completion of relief the BN will march out VIA HUNTER ST to BOEZINGE where the BN will entrain for J CAMP INTERNATIONAL CORNER train waits till 4 am if required. 5. SOS & relay posts will berelieved by 53rd BDE during the afternoon and will proceed to J CAMP by train from BOEZINGE at 11 pm. 6. All Trench strores aerolpane maps etc will be handed over a receipt obtained which will be handed in to Orderly Room. 7. All gum Boots, the extra water bottles and pair of socks are to be brought out of the line NO man is to march out with his gum boots on. O.C. Coys will see that this is carried out and that the boots are placed in the pack. 8. 12 Lewis Gun drums filled will be handed over per gun. These must be thoroughly cleaned before handing over. 9. Completion of relief will be reported to BN. HQ by the word BONE. 10. All food containers to be dumped at COY HQ and handed over. 11. Acknowledge. 29-11-17 During the night of 28/29 the Battn was relieved by the 6th Royal Berks. The relief was complete at 12.30 am and the Battn entrained at BOEZINGE, detraining at International Corner and proceeded to "J" Camp, spending the remainder of the day resting (see Operation Order No.183, appendix 2) "J" Camp 30-11-17 The Battn spent the day refitting.
  • Date free text
    Nov 1917
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    From: 1917 To: 1917
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