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    STEENBECQUE 1-4-17 Church Parade. Inspection of Billets Commanding Officer. 2-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Battalion Route March. Observers used. March discipline. Correct distance & use of water and correct method of carrying pack. 2.30 pm Foot Inspection. 3.30 pm Conference. 6 pm Concert. 3-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Ceremonial Guards with Band. 10.30 Company extending to Artillery formation from column of route, subsequently to form waves. The method of scouting ground immediately in front. 12 pm Specialist classes. Lewis Gunners, Bombers, Scouts. 2.30 pm Games, Football. Every man taking part. 6 pm Battalion Conference. Capt.W.H.BULL rejoined Battalion for duty. Draft of 7 N.C.Os. & 31 men joined. 4-4-17 7 am Physical Training. remainder of day devoted to Battalion Bathing. Draft of 1 man joined Battn. 5-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Battalion Parade. List of Co Organisation 10.30 Competition in ceremonial Guard mounting. Winners C Company. 2.30 Football & Physical Games. Draft of 1 man joined Battn. 6-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Ceremonial Guards with Band. Company Drill. 10.30 Specialists Training. Lewis Gunners, Scouts, Bombers. 12 pm Extended Order drill. 2.30 pm Football. Games. Draft of 2 men joined Battn. 7-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Ceremonial Guards with Band. Co. Drill. 10.30 Companies advancing in open formation with scouts in front carried out in form of a drill. 12 pm Specialists training. Lewis Gunners, Scouts, Bombers. 2.30 Inter Co. Football. 5.30 pm Battalion Conference. 8-4-17 10.30am Inspection of Billets by Commanding Officer. 11.30am Church Parade. 2.30 pm Brigade Transport Competition. The Battn awarded 1st in Pack Ponies class & 2nd in Limbers, Cookers & Water Cart. 3rd Medical Officers Cart. 9-4-17 7 am Physical training. 9.30 am Company Drill. 10.30 Musketry. 11.30 Specialists Training. 3 pm Games. Capt.G.L.M.Nutwyche reported for duty. Divisional Transport Competition. 2nd prize in G.S. Limber, Wagons. 10-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Platoon Company Organisation. 2.30 Divisional 5 mile cross country race, C/SM Duffin finished 5th out of field of 50. 11-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 Musketry. Inter Co Lewis Gun Competition in general Turn Out, Changing Points, Tactical Handling & Companies were placed as follows D, C, B, A. 3 pm Football, Games etc. 6 pm Conference. Draft of 2 N.C.Os. & 4 other ranks joined. 12-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Companies were paraded for inspection by Brigadier, owing to bad weather postponed till following day & company training continued. 2 pm Conference Co. Commanders. 3 pm Football etc. The Battn won the final in Brigade Competition beating 80th Field Co. R.E. by 6 to nil. 13-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am The Commanding officer inspected each Co. paying particular attention to Platoon organisation. 2.30 Inspection of Battn by Brigadier & he congratulated the C.O. in the good smart appearance of the men. 6 pm Company Conference. 14-4-17 7 am Physical Training. 9.30 am Extended Order drill. 10.30 Platoon Drill. 11.15 Company Outpost Scheme. Major A.E.Percival rejoined Battn for duty. 15-4-17 Church parade. Inspectionof Billets by Major Percival. Major E.Clegg rejoined Battn for duty. 16-4-17 7 am Company Training. Wet day. 2.30 pm Rugby match. Rt half Batt v. left half Batt. Result Left half 2 tries (6 pts) Right half Nil. 3.30 pm Soccer match. battn v. 54th M.G.Coy. Result 54th M.G.Coy. 2 goals, Beds 1 goal (Ballburst 10 minutes before time). 17-4-17 Brigade Training postponed on account of weather. Company training. 6 pm Captain C.C.Stewart arrived from 55th F.Ambulance to take over M.O. vice Capt.J.W.Turner. 18-4-17 Company training. Wet day. 2.30 pm Capt.J.W.Turner left for England. 19-4-17 9 am Route March. Inspection of Transport by Col. Commdg 18th Div. Train & Brig. 54th Inf. Bd. 20-4-17 8.30 am - 2 p.m. Batt. under Bde orders formed a line of Outposts N.W. of STEENBECQUE. 21-4-17 9 am Batt. left STEENBECQUE & marched to LA PIERRIERE (Map. ref. P19A centre sheet 36a) where it billeted at 12 noon). LA PIERRIERE 22-4-17 10 am Church parade. 23-4-17 9 am to 6.45 pm BrigadeTraining. Outpost scheme. 24-4-17 Company Training. 25-4-17 Company Training. 26-4-17 12.45pm Left LA PIERRIERE, marched to BAILLEUL les PERNES arrived 6.30 pm & billeted there for night. 7th (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 26-4-17 Order No 4 1. INTENTION The Battalion will proceed by Route March to PERNES after 1 p.m. to-day. Starting Point will be notified later. Starting Time will be notified later. 2. ORDER OF MARCH Headquarters "A" "B" Drums "C" "D". Transport will move in rear of the Battalion. 3. DRESS Full Marching Order, Steel helmets will be carried in the usual manner. i.e. on the packs. 4. MEALS DINNERS 12 noon. TEA on arrival innew area. 5. BAGGAGE All Blankets, Officers valises, Company Stores, Shops, Signalling Kit, Orderly Room Boxes etc, will be dumped at Battalion and Company Headquarters by 12-30 p.m. ready for loading. Pioneers will load the Lorries. 6. RATIONS Rations for 27th, will as far as possible be carried on the Cookers, the remainder will be dumped for conveyance on lorries. 7. BILLETS Billets, Regimental Lines to be left clean. Latrines to be disinfected, refuse removed. Certificates to this effect willbe rendered before marching off. 8. SICK The Medical Officer will make arrangements for those unable to march. (Sgd) W.J.W.COLLEY CAPT AND ADJT. 7TH (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT. 7TH (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT LENS II SCALE 1/100000. 26-4-17 Order No 5 1. INTENTION The Battalion less Transport will entrain at PERNES tomorrow at 10.35 a.m. (27-4-17). STARTING POINT. Cross Roads between bailleul les Pernes - Aumerval. Starting Time 8-50 a.m. 2. ORDER OF MARCH Headquarters "A" "B" Drums "C" and "D" 3. DRESS Full Marching Order. Steel Helmets will be carried in the usual manner. 4. REVEILLE Reveille 6 a.m. 5. MEALS Breakfast 6.30 a.m. The unconsumed portion of the days ration will be carried on the man. 6. TRANSPORT The Transport will proceed by road under Capt.West Comdg 152nd Coy A.S.C. Order of March 54th Bde H.Q. 11th Roy Fusiliers 7th Bedfords. 6th Northants Regt Etc. Starting Time 10 a.m. Starting Point Cross Roads in centre of VALHUON (3 miles S.S.W. of PERNES). Route La Thieuloye-Tincques-Arras. Baggage Lorries for blankets have been asked for on the usual scale. Refilling Point Brigade Refilling Point for 27-4-17 will be Road junction immediately W of P in PERNES at 9 a.m. 7. BAGGAGE Officers Valises Blankets, Company Stores, Shops Signalling Kit, Orderly Room Boxes etc to be dumped at same place as collected from, at 7 a.m. prompt. 8. LEWIS GUNS Lewis Gun Handcarts will accompany the Battn. 9. BILLETS Certificates to the effect that all billets, lines etc are left clean will be handed to the R.S.M. before leaving. 10. SICK PARADE Sick Parade will be at 7.30 a.m. 11. BILLETING Private W.Wall with bicycle will remain at the Mairie until the 55th Bde Advance Party arrives. He will shew them the billets and will then rejoin the Battalion. He will obtain all particulars in regard to the billets before the Battalion moves. (signed) W.J.W.COLLEY CAPT AND ADJT. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT. BAILLEUL les PERNES 27-4-17 8.30 am Marched out by Road & entrained at BOURS at 2.30 pm for ARRAS (The Batt. should have entrained at Pernes but the train was de railed thus making the march 7 miles longer). 10.30pm Arrived ARRAS & marched to billets. NEUVILLE 28-4-17 1.30 am Arrived at NEUVILLE VITASSE (S.E. ARRAS 5 miles) billeted in Hun Trenches (N.20 A 99 map 51 B, S.W. France) 8.45 pm Took over Trenches front line (N.W. CHRISY Map ref. O 25 D. Sheet 51 B. S.W) from 17th and 20th King's Liverpool Regt. 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 28-4-17 Order No 6. 1. INTENTION 54th infantry Brigade will relieve the 21st Infantry Brigade on the night of the 28/29th inst. 2. GUIDES Guides will report to Companies on the scale of one per platoon, company and Battalion headquarters. 3. FRONTAGE Particulars regarding the fronts to be taken over will be explained at the conference. 4. STARTING POINT Starting Point. 54th Infantry Brigade Headquarters, N 20.a.1.5. Starting Time 8.45 p.m. 5. ROUTE Infantry Track "A" Platoons to move at 100 yards interval. 6. ORDER OF MARCH Battalion Headquarters. "A" "B" "C" and "D" Companies 7. DRESS Battle Order with one blanket per man. Box Respirators will be worn in the "ALERT" Position. 8. PACKS Packs will be dumped by the cookers by 8.30 p.m. "A" Company will supply one N.C.O and "C" Company 2 men to take charge of dump. These men will have their rations issued to them by Companies. 9. CARRYING PARTY The Drummers will draw the water and having completed delivering them [sic] to Battalion Headquarters will return to Quartermaster's Stores. (SIGNED) W.J.W.COLLEY. CAPT AND ADJT. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT relief completed to be reported by Code "SUN". TRENCHES 29-4-17 8.45 pm Relieved in trenches by 7th (Queens) W.Surreys returned to NEUVILLE VITASSE. NEUVILLE 30-4-17 Billets in village.
  • Date free text
    Apr 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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