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    Domvast 1-1-17 Training carried on in vicinity of billets and Training Area. 2-1-17 Training carried on in vicinity of billets and Training Area. Boxing Tournament was held in the evening in a Barn used as a Recreation Room. The preliminaries had previously been contested, these being the finals some good Boxing was witnessed. 3-1-17 Training programme continued, most of the Corps were employed [in] intensive digging. 4-1-17 Training as above. Bn.Hd.Quarter Coy. was formed of all details and specialists. Major J.H.Bridcutt was appointed O.C. all Specialist Officers being i/charge of their respective detachments such as Signallers, Lewis Gunners, Snippers [sic], Scouts etc. etc. This organisation was started to keep under proper control men who were always away from their own Coys. Coys. continued to pay these men but all other administration was carried on independent of their Coys. 5-1-17 Training continued. Every man having been recently supplied with the new Box Respirators was passed thro. a "GASS" [sic] Chamber. the Chamber was improvised by the fitting up of a little out building of a French Cottage in the village of DOMVAST. 6-1-17 Coy. Training & Specialists Training pushed forward. 2/Lts Trewman & Kydd, Corpl.Mears, L/Cpl.Morris, L.Cpl.Hersted qualified as Bombing Instructors at 54th Bde.Bombing School. 7-1-17 Divine Service held in a field near billets. 8-1-17 Training continued. 9-1-17 Training continued. A draft of 10 men re-joined the Bn. after being away a short time suffering from slight wounds etc. they were re-posted to their former Coys. 10-1-17 Making all arrangements for moving forward to-morrow. Line of March 11-1-17 Bn. left Domvast & march to PROUVILLE. Line of March 12-1-17 Bn. marched from PROUVILLE to CANDAS. Line of March 13-1-17 Bn. rested in Billets at Candas. Line of March 14-1-17 Bn. marched to Rubempr Area. Advance parties sent forward to visit Trenches. OPERATION ORDERS by LT.COL.G.P.MILLS COMMANDING 7TH (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 1. MOVE The Battalion will move into the line and occupy the Left Sub Sector of the 54th Bde front relieving the 2/6th Royal Warwickshire Regiment on the night of 15/16 January 1917. 2.DISPOSITION OF COMPANIES Disposition of Companies in the Line. "A" Coy Left of Front Line "D" Coy Right of Front Line "B" Coy Left Support "C" Coy Right Support 3. RELIEF The relief will be carried out by Platoons at 5 minutes interval. The leading Platoon not to pass the junction of Pozieres-Ovillers Road before 4 p.m. 4. BUSES Companies will be taken as far as Aveluy by buses time to parade to embus will be A Co. 8.5 AM, B Co. 8.10 AM, C Coy 8.15 AM, D Coy 8.20 AM, Bn.H.Q. 8.25 pm. 5. COOKING All cooking will be done in the line at a spot known as the Gravel Pits. 6. GUIDES Guides will meet the Companies at the junction of Nab Valley and the Pozieres Road at time to be notified later. 7. TRENCH STORE LISTS Trench Store Lists will be made out on taking over, one copy to be sent to Adjutant at Battn Headquarters in Zollern Redoubt. 8. RATIONS "B" and "C" Companies will each furnish one platoon to be accommodated at the Gravel Pits for carrying food etc. to the front line Companies (only). Companies in support do their own carrying. 9. GUM BOOTS The two Companies holding the front line (A. & D) will draw a pair of Gum Boots per N.C.O. and man at Crucifix Corner any Gum Boots remaining after A & D have been supplied will be drawn by "B" and "C" Companies. These boots will be carried over the shoulder into the trenches and then taken into rear. 10. FEET CARE OF O.C. Companies will ensure that every man changes his socks once every 24 hours and that the feet are well rubbed with whale oil at least once every day. 11. WATER BOTTLES Water is a difficulty and care should be taken to see that every man arrives in the trenches with a full waterbottle. 12. LEWIS GUNS Lewis Guns will be attached to Companies in accordance with instructions issued direct to the Company Comdrs and Lewis Gun Officer. 13. MEALS Midday meal will be served to the men when they get out of the buses at AVELUY, food for 16th must be carried by every man. 14. TRANSPORT Two limbers will proceed to Aveluy to carry up Lewis Guns and Cooking Utensils from the buses forward. 15. MESS BOXES OFFICERS Officers Mess Boxes required for the trenches should be sent by the cookers to Aveluy in the morning. (Signed) J.H.Bridcutt, Major and A/Adjt 7th (S) Bn Bedfordshire Regiment Trenches 15-1-17 to 19-1-17 Bn. relieved the 2/6th Royal Warwick Regt. in the trenches Copy of Operation Orders attached. 20-1-17 Bn. quartered in Warwick Huts with detachments at THIEPVAL (in Support) the whole Bn. were employed on R.E. duties in the 54th Br. Sector. 21-1-17 Cleaning up during the day, trench digging at night. 22-1-17 to 23-1-17 Bn. was billeted in Warwick Huts with a detachment (C Coy.) at THIEPVAL, the Bn. was in Support & carried out R.E. fatigues every night. OPERATION ORDERS by LT.COL.G.P.MILLS COMMANDING 7TH (S) BN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 1. MOVE The Battalion will move into trenches and occupy the Left Sub Sector of the 54th Bde front relieving the 12th Middlesex on the night 24/25 Jany 1917. 2. DISPOSITION OF COMPANIES "B" COMPANY Left of Front Line "C" COMPANY Right of Front Line "A" COMPANY Reserve Company "D" COMPANY Counter Attack Company 3. RELIEF The relief will be carried out by Platoons at 5 Minutes interval, the first Company (C) passing NAB junction R 32 b 87 at 4.30 p.m. "B" Company at 4.45 p.m. "D" Company at 5.0 p.m. "A" Company at 5.15 p.m. and thence via Gravel Pit. North of NAB junction companies will move with 150 yards between platoons. 4. COOKING All Cooking will be done at the Gravel Pit. 5. TRENCH STORES Trench Store Lists will be made out on taking over and one copy sent to Adjutant in Zollern Redoubt H.Q. on completion of relief. 6. Rations "A" Company will furnish 2 platoons to be accommodated in Gravel Pit for carrying food etc. to the front line Companies (only). Companies in Support do their own carrying. 7. CARE OF FEET O.C. Companies will ensure that every man changes his socks at least once every day and that the feet are well rubbed with whale oil at least once every day also that his feet are well oiled before leaving for the trenches. 8. Water Water is a difficulty and care must be taken to see that every man arrives in trenches with a full water bottle. Men are to be warned that under no circumstances is water from shell holes to be drunk. 9. LEWIS GUNS 2 Bn Hd Qr Lewis Guns will be attached to "C" Coy and 2 to "B" Company. Company Commanders are held responsible that the Lewis Guns for each post move up with platoon detailed for the post. 10. TRANSPORT The Qr Mr has already issued instructions direct to C.Q.M.S. regarding Kits and Blankets. 11. PACKS Packs with exception of Lewis Gunners will not be taken into trenches. W.P.Sheets and greatcoats will be worn "en banderole". 12. POSTS Men going out to relieve posts in Desire Trench must prove ready to fight at any moment, bayonets fixed, magazines charged, breech covers off etc and will be proceeded by an Advance Guard of 2 men. 13. GUIDES Platoon Guides will meet each platoon at the junction of NAB VALLEY and the Pozieres Road. 14. GUM BOOTS 500 pairs Gum Boots will be collected by Quarter Master and kept by him in case they are required in trenches. 15. ADVANCE PARTY Advance Party of Coy Sergt Majors 1 N.C.O. per platoon Lewis Gun Officer. Signal Officer and battalion Sergt Major will report to 12th Middlesex Bn Hd Qrs in Zollern Redoubt at 2 p.m. 24-1-17. 16. SIGNALS Signal Section will relieve independently under orders of Signal Officer. (signed) E.W.BENSON. LIEUT AND ADJT 7th (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 24-1-17 to 27-1-17 Relieved 12th Middx. in Trenches where the Bn. remained until night of 27th. Copy of orders attd. 28-1-17 to 31-1-17 Bn. quartered in Huts in MARTINSART Wood, furnishing working parties for R.E. work, with one Coy. digging Communication Trenches near front Line, this Coy. is billeted in Support Line (Sleeping in Tents) working during the night, in spite of the intense Cold, frost & Snow the men appear very fit and are changed over (i.e. relieved by another Coy. every 3rd day). Every opportunity is taken to improve backward men. Classes for Drill, Musketry, Snipping [sic], Scouting, Signalling, also for N.C.Os & young Officers who require extra tuition are kept going daily except when the Bn. is actually in trenches. Casualty List for the month attached. 7th (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT CASUALTIES DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1917 15270 Corpl Reynolds A "C" Wounded 20-1-17 30070 Pte Dear B "D" Wounded 20-1-17 13672 Sergt Forde J "D" Missing 20-1-17 15571 Pte Major L "D" Missing 20-1-17 29700 Pte Cannell A "D" Missing 20-1-17 31345 Pte Allen W "D" Missing 20-1-17
  • Date free text
    Jan 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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