Arrival at Corbie. Conference for C.O. & Adjt. At 8pm at Bde.H.Q.
C.O. Adjt. & Coy Commanders visited trench which it is proposed we are taking over - A Sector
C.O. & Adjt. Conf. At Bde. 11am
Fitting Clothing and Route Marches under company arrangements. Weather very cold and windy - frequent sleet & snow.
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.
4th March 1916
1. INTENTION. The 7th Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. will relieve the Regiment in A.2. Sector Trenches on 6th March, 1916 The distribution of the Battalion on taking over will be as follows: - Right Sub.Sec. A Coy. Centre Sub.Sec. B Coy. Left Sub.Sec. D Coy. C Coy. in Bn. Reserve at CARNOY. The line will be held by 3 platoons of each company in the fire trench, and 1 platoon of each company in support.
2. RATIONS. Supporting platoon of each company will be responsible for the drawing and carrying up of rations for their respective companies, from CARNOY. All cooking is done at CARNOY. Hot meals can only be taken up at night time. Water is brought to CARNOY in watercarts and each company must send down 12 men every night after dark with 12 empty petrol tins to bring up 12 tins of water. It is essential that as many empty tins as possible be taken down as full tins will only be issued in exchange for empty ones.
3. BILLETS. Billeting accommodation is bad, so kits should be reduced to a minimum.
4. RELIEFS. The Battalion will probably be relieved by the 6th Battn. Northants Regts. every 5 or 6 days. rest billets are at BRONFAY Farm.
5. VICKERS M.G. Coy. 1 Section of the Vickers M.G. Coy. will be lent to the Battalion by the 54th Brigade Machine Gun Coy.
6. EXTENT OF LINE. The Battalion frontage consists of trenches 45 to 54
inclusive. Right Sub.Sec. 45-48 inclusive. Centre Sub.Sec. 49-50 inclusive, Left Sub.Sec. 51-54 inclusive.
7. FROSTBITE. The usual precautions are to be taken for the prevention of Frostbite and Trench Feet. As there is a shortage of Gum Boots rigid supervision is essential as regards the changing to socks, etc.
8. ROUTE OF RELIEF. The Battn. will relieve via CARNOY AVENUE, LA
GUERRE WOOD, and BERWICK AVENUE. O.C.Companies, O.C.Snipers, M.G.Officer and Battn.Bombing Officer will proceed to the trenches by 9a.m. on morning of 6th inst., to take over their respective sectors, &c. Trench stores Lists to be forwarded to Battn. Headquarters by 12 noon Monday, or earlier if possible.
(signed) P.R.Meautys, Capt. & Adjutant 7th Bn, Bedf. R.
Issued at 12 noon 4.3.16 by Trench Runner
Copy No.1 File
2 54th Brigade
3 War Diary
4 War Diary
5 O.C. "A" Coy.
6 O.C. "B" Coy.
7 O.C. "C" Coy.
8 O.C. "D" Coy.
9 Transport Officer & Qr.Mr.
10 Battn.Bombing Officer
11 Battn.Sniping Officer
12 6th Northants
13 Machine Gun Officer
14 Regtl.Sergt.Major
15 Spare
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.
4th March 1916
1. Intention. The 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. will move from CORBIE to BRAY (L.9.C) on 5th march, 1916 via the CORBIE-BRAY Road. Billeting party, consisting of Billeting Officer, Interpreter, 4 Coy. M.Sgts. and 3 Regimental police will eport to the Town Major BRAY at 2 p.m. on 5th Inst.
2. PARADE. The Battalion will parade in full marching order outside Battalion Headquarters, facing east, at 3.30p.m. tomorrow. Hd.Qr. Company, B Coy., C Coy., Drums, D Coy., A Coy., M.G.Detachment, Transport. An advance party - 1 platoon of A Company will parade at Battn. Headquarters at 1.30 p.m. tomorrow. On arrival of the Battalion at BRAY the Battalion will come under the command of G.O.C. 21st.Bde. and will remain under his command until the G.O.C. 54th Brigade assumes command of "A" Sector. All Trench Stores will be taken over from 21st Brigade. Qr.Mr.Stores and Transport will be in BRAY. Brigade Headquarters will move to BRAY on 7th March, 1916. Company Commanders are eminded that billets are to be left scrupulously clean. Kits to be kept as low as possible.
(signed) P.R.Meautys
Captain & Adjutant.
7th Bn.Bedf.Regt.
Marched from Corbie to BRAY-SUR-SOMME. G.O.C. 54th Brigade and G.O.C. 18th Div. Both inspected the battalion while on the march and expressed their approval of march discipline and general appearance of troops. March orders attached herewith.
Carnoy Trenches
Relieved 2nd Yorkshire Regt. In Sector A.2. Relief Completed 9.30pm. Relief Orders attached herewith. 12th Middx on right 22nd manchesters on left.
Night very quiet. Sharp Frost which made trenches very sticky. Work commenced on Dug out at H.Qrs. and cleaning of communication trenches. General Maxse visited the sector.
Morning Tactical Report. At 5.20pm enemy sent over some heavy shells towards BRAY and fired several rifle grenades, most of which fell short near 50 trench. Situation otherwise calm. Wind N.N.E. Br.Gen.Shoubridge visited sector 10am.
Evening Tactical Report. Enemy sent over one or two rifle grenades which fell short of 48 trench. We dispersed a working party by our Artillery Fire at A2D8152. At 2pm enemy whizzbanged Centre Coy. And Montauban Road but were silenced by our guns. Enemy aircraft was driven back over its own lines by one of our aeroplanes. Wind E.N.E. Situation quiet.
Day fine but dull and cold. C Coy. relieved B Coy. in centre subsector. 11th R.Fus. relieved 12th Middx on our right and 22nd Manchesters relieved 21st Manchesters on our left last night. G.O.C. 54th Brigade inspected our trenche with O.C. R.E. Enemy very quiet except for an occasional rifle Grenade into centre subsector
Day fine but dull. Considerable fall of snow which made trenches very muddy. Battn. conference over Defence scheme at H.Qrs. 2 pm. Enemy very quiet all day and night. Heavy bombardment has been going on tonight N. of Albert.
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.10th March 1916
1. Intention. The 7th Bn.Bedf.Regt. will be reieved by 6th Bn.Northants Regt. in Sector A.2. on Saturday, 11th inst. The relief will take place after dark.
2. Information. The leading company of the 6th Northants will leave BRONFAY at 6.30 pm Guides will be provided by companies as laid down in 3rd.Army Trench Standing Orders, and will be at Bronfay Farm by6.15 p.m. Northants Companies will leave BRONFAY FARM at hours intervals.
3. Order of Relief. Companies of Bedfords will be relieved in the following order: - Centre Coy., R.Coy., Left Coy., Reserve Company & Hd.Qr.Coy.
4. Trench Stores. As much as possible, private and public, should be handed over, to avoid overloading the transport. Steel helmets, being battn. property will be taken out of the trenches by the men.Duplicate Trench Store Lists will be forwarded to Orderly Room by 3 p.m. 11th.
5. Billeting party. The Billeting Officer, Provost Sergeant, and 1 representative per platoonwill rendezvous at Bn.H.Qrs. at 11 a.m. tomorrow in order to proceed to BRAY to take over billets. These representatives must meet their respective platoons at the Level Crossing L.15 b.5.9. when they come out of trenches, and must guide them straight to their billets.
6. Taking over party. Company Commanders, the Battn.Bombing Officer, battn.Sniping Officer and the Regimental Sergeant Major of 6th Northants will arrive in A.2. on morning of 11th inst. to take over trench stores.
7. Guards. The following guards will be supplied by "B" Company and will be taken over at 1 p.m. tomorrow.
(1) 1 N.C.O. & 3 men, Guard level Crossing (This guard mounts at 5.30 p.m.)
(2) 1 N.C.O. & 5 men Cappy Road Guard Town Guard
(3) 1 N.C.O. & 3 men Rue CAPPY well & pump
(4) 1 N.C.O. & 3 men Crucific corner of BRAY-CORBIE and BRAY-ETINEHEM RD.
(5) 1 N.C.O. & 5 men Brigade Headquarters
All the above guards, except No.1 mount at 9 a.m. daily. No.1 mounts at 5.30 p.m. daily
Day fine. Fus. relieved by 12 Middx in A.1. We relieved by 6 N.hants. Reief complete 10.45 pm. Operation Orders attached herewith.
Nothing to report. Fine Day.
Nothing to report. Fine day.
Day fine. Adjutant and Brigadier Visited trenches together. A Bosch aeroplane dropped 2 bombs at the end of Bray 9pm. 53rd Brigade moved into 30th Div.
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.
14th March 1916
1. Intention. The 7th Bn.Bedf.Regt. will relieve the 6th battalionNorthants.Regt. in Sector A.2.Trenches, tomorrow, 15th instant. The relief will take place after dark. Time of departure from BRAY will be notified later.
2. Trench Stores. Company Commanders, the Bn.Bombing and Bn.Sniping Officer and the Regimental Sergeant major will proceed to the trenches on the morning of the 15th inst. To take over Trench Stores. Duplicate copies of Trench Store Lists will be submitted to the Adjutant as soon as possible handing over stores is completed.
3. Transport. The Bedford Transport will bring back the kit and stores of the Northants from A.2. Kit and stores should be kept down to a minumum.
4. Distribution of Companies. D Company will take over the Left Sector
A Company will take over the Right Sector, B Company will take over the Centre Sector. C Company will be the Company in Reserve.
5. Personnel to be left in BRAY. The following men will be left in BRAY, under the supervision of the Quartermaster. 4 Drummers, and 1 N.C.O. in charge. 1/2 the pioneer Section. Shoemakers & Tailors. The Armourer Sergeant will proceed to the trenches with the Headquarter Company.
6. Steel Helmets. Until the Battalion is fully equipped with Steel Helmets the Company which is in reserve will hand over their steel helmets to the Centre Sector Company.
7. Spare Kit. All spare kit not being taken to the trenches will be handed over to the Quartermaster before 4 p.m. and must be stacked in the places selected for the respective companies.
8. Kit for Trenches. All stores and kits which are for the Trenches must be ready for loading on the limbers by 5 p.m. at latest. The Regimental Provost Sergeant will personally supervise the loading up of Headquarters Stores & Kit. He will also march Headquarter Company to the trenches
(signed) P.R.MEAUTYS
Capt. & Adjutant.
7th Bn.Bedf.Regt.
Note. The usual precautions regarding the intervals between platoons and the strength of parties proceeding to the trenches must be observed.
Relieved 6th Northants in A2. Relief completed 10.40pm. Operation Orders attached. part of 53rd Brigade moves as per March Table.
Trenches A2
Sniping fairly vigorous on part of enemy. 1 Cpl. Sniped in B Coy (in Saps) otherwise enemy quiet. Fine, but dull day, slight rain about 4 pm. 55th Brigade move to Corbie. Vide March table.
Day fine. More than usual aerial and artillery activity.
Day fine & quiet. Nothing to report.
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.
18th March 1916
1. Intention. The 7th Battn,Bedfordshire Regt. Will be relieved by the 6th Bn.Northants Regt. In Sector A.2 Trenches tomorrow, 19th instant. The relief will take place after dark. The time of relief will be notified later.
2. Information.The leading Coy. Of the Nortants will leave BRAY at - p.m. Northants Coys. Will leave BRONFAY FARM at intervals of 1/4 hour.
3. Order of Relief. Companies of the Bedfords will be relieved in the following order: - Left Sub.Sector, Centre Sub.Sector, Right Sub.Sector, Reserve Coy. & Bn.H.Q.Coy.
4. Trench Stores. In addition to the usual trench stores, the following Battalion property will be handed over, under the separate heading of "BATTALION TRENCH STORES"
Trench Stretchers 8
1 1/2" Very Guns 4 (All Bedfords)
Periscopes All
Signalling lamps, visual 4 (All Bedfords)
Stands for same 4 (all Bedfords)
Telescopes 2 (all Bedfords)
Stands for same 2 (all Bedfords)
Discs 12 (all Bedfords)
12 way Commutator 1 (Northants)
Magazines 324 (216 N'Hants & 108 Bedfords)
Tripods - 4 (2 Bedfords, 2 N'Hants)
Panniers 16 (All Northants)
Boilers, complete 8 per company = total 32
Camp Kettles - 2 per company = total 8
Camp Kettles - 10 Bn.H.Qrs
Fryers 4 per company = total 16
Special attention must be paid to the handing over of Battn. Property on this occasion in order to avoid any possibility of confusion or doubt arising later on.
Steel Helmets will not be handed over, but taken out of the trenches by the men. The DUPLICATE Trench Store List (1 copy only is required) will be forwarded to Orderly Room by 3 p.m. 19th inst.
TAKING OVER PARTY. Company Commanders, Bn.Bombing Officer, Battn.Sniping Officer and the Regimental Sergeant Major 6th N'Hants will arrive in A.2. on the morning of the 19th to take over Trench Stores.
5. Transport. Transport of the 6th Northants will take to BRONFAY FARM the kits etc. of the 7th Bedfords. The Regimental Provost Sergeant will personally supervise the loading of the kits, etc. and will march H.Q.Coy. to BRONFAY FARM.
6. Distribution of Companies. Battn.H.Qrs. and "C" Company will take over BRONFAY FARM; A, B & D Companies will take over BILLON WOOD. 1 Officer per Coy., Coy.Q.M.Sgts., and 1 N.C.O. per platoon, with 1 Pioneer from Bn.H.Q. willparade after dinner tomorrow to take over their respective company dugouts.
7. Details. Police & Stretcher Bearers at present with their companies will remain with their companies. Company Quartermaster Sergeants and Storemen at present in BRAY will rejoin their companies tomorrow night. The Drummers at present in trenches will proceed under an N.C.O. to BRONFAY FARM by 10am tomorrow, 19th inst., to unload Bn.transport on arrival of limbers, and take charge of baggage until Battalion Headquarters arrives. They will report to Bn.H.Qrs. at 9.30am for orders
(signed) E.W.Benson, Lieut.
7th Bn.Bedford Regt.
Bedfords relieved by 6th Northants. 12th Middx vacated Bronfay for A.1. & 7th Beds took over Bronfay. Relief complete at 10.5 pm.
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.
19th March 1916
1. Information. The leading company of 6th Northants will not leave BRAY Level Crossing until 7.30 p.m. tonight.
2. Order of Relief. Centre: Left: Right: Reser Coy. & Bn.H.Q.
3. Machine Guns & Signallers will relieve independently
4. Taking over party. Will not arrive in trenches before 3.00 p.m.
5. Completion of Reliefs will be reported as usual to Orderly Room.
6. Route. Companies in the front line will relieve via BERWICK AVENUE and then by road. Parties must be not more than 25 men and at intervals of not less than 300 yards.
(signed) E.W.BENSON, Lieut.
7th Bn.Bedf.R.
Nothing to report.
Morning Quiet. Intermittant Shelling during Afternoon. fatigues all day.
Fine Day. Nothing to Report.
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.
22nd March 1916
1. Intention. The 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. Will relieve the 6th Bn. Northants Regt in Sector A.2. Trenches tomorrow 23rd inst. On completion of relief, 6th Northants will take over BRONFAY FARM and BILLON WOOD.
2. Order of Relief. Centre: Left: Right: Reserve Co & Bn.H.Qrs. Distribution of Coys. - A Coy Right, D Coy. Left, C Coy.Reserve, B Coy. Centre sector.
3. Route to be Taken. Centre Coy. Via SHEFFIELD AVENUE. Right Coy. Via SHEFFIELD AVENUE. Left Coy. Via CARNOY AVENUE. Reserve Co. & Bn.H.Qrs. via CARNOY AVENUE. Relief will commence from BILLON WOOD at 6.30 p.m. in above order, at intervals of 1/4 hour.
4. Machine Gunners & Signallers will relieve independently.
5. Trench Stores. The Bn.Bombing and Bn.Sniping Officers, the Regtl.Sergeant Major and the Company Sergeant Majors will proceed to the trenches at 2 p.m. tomorrow for the purpose of taking over Trench Stores. The duplicate list, signed by both parties, will be submitted to the Adjutant as soon as possible after handing over is completed.
6. Transport.The Bedford Transport will bring back the kit and stores of the 6th Northants from A.2. Sector.
7. Kit, etc. All Kit, Blankets and Stores (Brooms & brushes especially) to be returned to BRAY must be dumped by Companies in BRONFAY FARM yard by 9.30 a.m. tomorrow at latest. All kit for transport to trenches will be stacked ready for loading on transport at 5.00 p.m. in BRONFAY FARM and BILLON WOOD. Kit in BILLON WOOD is to be stacked at road end of wood.
8. Interval. Companies will proceed to the trenches in parties of not more than a platoon at a time, and at intervals of 300 yards.
9. Guards."C" Company will take over the following guards in A.2. Sector at 5.30 p.m. 23rd. inst.
1 N.C.O.& 4 men CARNOY KEEP Guard
1 N.C.O. & 3 men Guard over MANCHESTER Reserve water.
1 N.C.O. & 3 men BRICK AVENUE Guard.
10. Taking over. All items in trench store list under headings "GRENADES" and "WEST GUNS" will be taken over by the Btn.Bombing Officer. Those under heading "LEWIS GUN" by the Bn.M.G.Officer, those under heading of "COOKING UTENSILS" by the Master Cook, those under the heading of "SIGNAL EQUIPMENT" by the Signal Sergeant.
11. Details. Shoemakers and Tailors will return to BRAY tomorrow, at 10 a.m. Bicycles will be returned to Q.M. in BRAY by 3 p.m.
HANDING OVER. Handing over will be carried out in the same manner as is done in the trenches. Triplicate copies Wilden be made, one copy being sent to Hd.Qrs., one handed to incoming unit, and 1 copy retained. All three lists will be signed by both parties. Sergeant TEW will hand over at both places.
MAPS. Maps of BILLON WOOD and BRONFAY FARM Defences will be handed over on signature to incoming battalion.
GUARDS. The three existing Guards will be taken over by the 6th Northants at 5.30 p.m.
(signed) E.W.BENSON, Lieut.
7th Bn.Bedf.R.
Nothing to Report. G.O.C. Div. & Corps visited Bronfay & A2 Sector. Morning Wet.
Nothing to report.
A2 Sector
Relieved 6th Northants in A2 - relief completed 9.15 pm. 11th Fusiliers on right.
Quiet Day. Cold. No movement at all.
by Major G.P.Mills,
Commanding 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt.
26th March 1916
1. Intention. The 7th Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. Will be relieved by the 6th Northamptonshire Regiment in Sector A.2. trenches tomorrow, 27th inst. On completion of relief the 7th Bedfords will occupy the billets vacated by the 12th Middx. Regt. In BRAY.
2. Order of relief. Companies will be relieved in the following order: - Centre Company. Right Company. Left Company. Reserve Company. The first company of the 6th Northants will leave BRONFAY FARM at 6.00 p.m.
3. Machine Gunners & Signallers will relieve independently.
4. Trench Stores.The Bn.Bombing and Bn.Sniping Officers, the Regimental Sergeant Major and the 4 Coy.C.S.M.'s of the 6th Nortants will arrive in the trenches to take over Trench Stores, at 2 p.m. Three Trench Store Lists are issued herewith. One will be retained by the Officer or N.C.O. who hands over, one will be handed to the Officer or N.C.O. of the 6th Northants who takes over, and the third will be submitted to the Adjutant, not later than 5 p.m. tomorrow.
5. Transport. The Northants Transport will take back to BRAY the kit and stores of the 7th Bedfords from A.2. Sector. Kit etc. will be dumped at CARNOY end of BRICK ALLEY by 9 p.m. The Regimental Provost Sergeant will personally supervise the loading of kit, etc. and will march the Hd.Qr.Company to BRAY.
6. Billeting party. The Billeting Officer, Pioneer Sergt. And 1 representative per platoon will rendezvous at Bn.H.Qrs. at 11 a.m. tomorrow in order to proceed to BRAY to take over Billets. These representatives must meet their respective platoons at the level crossing L.15 B.5.0 when they come out of trenches, and must guide them straight to their billets.
7. Steel Helmets. Steel Helmets will be taken out of the trenches by the men.
8. Mining Fatigues. The 6.30 p.m. and 12.30 a.m. Mining Fatigues tomorrow night will be found by the 6th Northants.
9. Guards. The following Guards will be found by "B" Company and will be taken over at 1 p.m. tomorrow.
1 N.C.O. & 3 men Guard at level crossing (this Guard mounts at 5.30 p.m.)
1 N.C.O. & 5 men Cappy Road Guard. Town Guard.
2 N.C.O.'s and 6 men Rue Cappy well & pump, & Bde.Hd.Qrs.
1 N.C.O. & 3 men Crucifix corner of BRAY-CORBIE and BRAY-ETINEHEM Road.
2 N.C.O.'s and 6 men Divisional Reserve Rations at FROISY LOCK
(signed) E.W.BENSON, Lieut.
7th Bn.Bedf.R.
Relieved 6th Northants & went to Bray. Fusiliers relieved by 12th Middx.
Very quiet day. Much Finer. Fatigues & training carried on.
Attempted to Snow in morning, afternoon quiet. Nothing to report.
Nothing to report. Day Quiet
Nothing to report. Day Quiet & Fine.