- ReferenceWL1000/1/AMP1/2
- TitleAttested copy release and conveyance to suffer a recovery Parties: (i) Ruth Brown of Ampthill, widow and devisee of William Brown [see WL1000/1/AMP1/1]; Joshua Wheeler of Hitchin [Hertfordshire], mealman and Elizabeth, his wife [daughter of William Brown]; (ii) George Croke, citizen and goldsmith of London; (iii) William Croke of St.Andrew, Holborn [Middlesex], gentleman Operative Part: - in order to dock entail Joshua and Elizabeth Wheeler released (a)-(gp), devised to them in will of William Brown, to (ii) for 10/-; - Ruth Brown released (gk) to (ii) for 5/- Property: (a) farmhouse in Denel End, Flitwick formerly in occupation of Robert Syre; (b) Home Close (formerly three closes called Home and Grove Close) of 11 acres adjoining (a); (c) Pease or Peasly Close of pasture of three acres near (b); (d) lammas lying in a meadow called Little Stanyards and containing 3a 1r 0p with land of George Poyner Bisse, esquire E, land of Ann Fisher W and abutting N on the brook; (e) lammas in Little Stanyards of 1 rood with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and Decimus Reynolds W abutting N on the brook; (f) one rood in Little Stanyards with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Thomas Hollingworth W abutting (g) N; (g) meadow in Little Stanyards shooting through two furlongs and of half an acre with land of Cook E and Edward Farey W abutting N on the brook; (h) lammas in Little Stanyards of 17a 3r 0p with land of Edward Farey E and Elizabeth Sheldon and others W abutting S on Gastly Green and N on brook; (i) lammas shooting through two furlongs in Great Stanyards on 1 acre with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Ann Fisher and others W abutting N on brook; (j) lammas in Upper Furlong of Great Stanyards of half an acre with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E, Charity Land W and abutting N on Gastly Piece; (k) one rood in Upper Furlong with land of Thomas Farrer E and W and abutting S on land of Thomas Bushby called Gasley Piece; (l) one rood in Lower Furlong with land of Thomas Farrar E and Thomas Henson W abutting N on the brook; (m) land in Upper Furlong shooting through three shots containing three roods, land of Thomas Farrer W and abutting N on brook; (n) land in Upper Furlong shooting through three shots and containing 1.5 acres with land of George Poyner Bisse E and Ann Fisher and others W, abutting N on brook; (o) piece in Upper Furlong shooting through two shots and containing one acre with land of John Henson E and Elizabeth Sheldon W abutting N on brook; (p) piece in Upper Furlong called Turf Close containing 4a 1r 0p with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and Edward Farey W abutting N on brook; (q) meadow in Great Stanyards of 1 rood with (p) E and land of Decimus Reynolds W abutting N on brook; (r) one acre of meadow with land of Elizabeth Sheldon W and George Biss E abutting N on brook; (s) piece of one acre in The Hundred Acres meadow with land of Elizabeth Sheldon S and brook N; (t) lammas in East End Meadow in Jacksons Close of half an acre with land of Elizabeth Sheldon N and S abutting E on parish ditch and W on "common platt"; (u) lammas in Upper Meadows of half an acre with land of George Poyner Biss N and Elizabeth Sheldon S abutting E on parish ditch and N on brook; (v) close of "every years arable" called Stockings containing four acres with land of Ann Fisher N and Cook S abutting W on land of Ann Fisher and others and E on land of W; (w) arable of one acre in Hincksley Common Field with land of Martha White E and Elizabeth Sheldon W abutting N on brook; (x) one rood in Hincksley Common Field with land of George Poyner Bisse E and John Howson W abutting N on brook; (y) two roods in Hincksley Common Field with land of George Poyner Bisse E and John Howson W abutting N on brook; (z) one rood in Hincksley Common Field with land of Ann Fisher E and Decimus Reynolds W abutting N on brook; (aa) 1.5 acres in Hincksley Common Field with land of Matthew Deacon E and Decimus Reynolds W abutting N on brook; (ab) 2a 3r 0p in Hincksley Common Field with land of Decimus Reynolds and Ann Fisher W abutting N on brook; (ac) one rood in Blakelands Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and Decimus Reynolds W abutting S on Blakelands Piece; (ad) three roods in Blakelands Furlong with Charity Land E and land of Matthew Deacon W abutting S on Blakelands Piece; (ae) two roods in Blakelands Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds E and W abutting S on Blakelands; (af) 1.5 acres in Blakelands Furlong called with land of George Poyner Bisse E and W and abutting Non land of Ann Fisher called Brook Furlong Close; (ag) 1.5 acres in Blakelands Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds E and George Poyner Bisse W abutting N on land of Ann Fisher called Brook Furlong Close; (ah) 1a 1r 0p in How Green Middle Furlong with land of Mary Gunnis E and Elizabeth Sheldon W abutting N on land of Ann Fisher; (ai) one rood in How Green Middle Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Thomas Farrer W abutting N on land of Ann Fisher (aj) one acre in How Green Middle Furlong with land of Thomas Farrer E and Matthew Deacon W abutting N on land of Ann Fisher; (ak) five acres in Slade Furlong with land of Ann Fisher E and Charity Land W abutting N on land of Ann Fisher; (al) half an acre in Jellysies Furlong with highway N and land of Elizabeth Sheldon S abutting W on highway; (an) Farrers Close of five acres in Jellysies Furlong with land of Ann Fisher N, common S abutting W on highway and E land of William Burridge; (ao) one acre in Broadmore Furlong with land of Thomas Bushby W and Decimus Reynolds E abutting S on common; (ap) half an acre in Broadmore Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds W and Thomas Farrer E abutting S on common; (aq) three roods in Broadmore Furlong with land of John Howson W and Charity Land E abutting S on common; (ar) two roods in Broadmore Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon W and Mary Gunnis E abutting S on common; (as) one acre at The Pen in Broadmore Furlong with land of Mary Gunnis W and Elizabeth Sheldon E abutting S on common; (at) five acres in Broadmore Furlong in Blakelands Close with Charity Land N and land of Edward Farey S abutting W on land of Edward Farey called The Pen and E on "the awfield"; (au) half an acre in Thinnings Furlong, Woodfield with land of Mary Gunnis N and S and abutting E on Denel End; (av) one acre of arable in Coney Burrow Furlong with land of Matthew Deacon E and George Poyner Bisse W abutting N on common; (az) half an acre in Furzen Close Furlong on half an acre with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and William Burridge W abutting N on common; (ba) eight acres in Furzen Close Furlong with land of William Burridge E and highway W abutting N on common; (bb) half an acre in Upper Furzen Close with land of Mary Gunnis E and W and abutting S on land of Ann fisher called Furzen Close; (bc) one acre in Wood Baulk Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and Ann Fisher W abutting N on Wood Close; (bd) half an acre in Lower Sutton Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds W, Charity Land E and abutting S on Hare Headland; (be) two acres in Lower Sutton Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and W and abutting S on Hare Headland; (bf) half an acre in Lower Sutton Furlong with land of Thomas Farrer W, Cook E and abutting S on Hare Headland; (bg) Lower Sutton Piece of two acres with land of Cook W and Mary Gunnis E abutting N on highway and S on Hare Headland; (bh) one acre in Lower Sutton Furlong with land of Mary Gunnis W and Cook E abutting N on land of Decimus Reynolds; (bi) half an acre in Lower Sutton Furlong with land of Cook W and Elizabeth Sheldon E and abutting N on land of Decimus Reynolds; (bj) 1.5 acres in Lower Sutton Furlong with land of Edward Farey W and Elizabeth Sheldon and others E abutting S on Hare Headland; (bk) two roods in Upper Acre Hedge abutting on Hare Headland with land of Cook called Hare Headland N and Ann Fisher S abutting W on highway to Steppingley; (bl) half an acre in Lower Sutton Furlong with land of Ann Fisher N and Thomas Farrer S abutting W on highway; (bm) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with lands of Thomas Farrer N and Matthew Deacon S abutting E on highway to Denel End; (bn) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds N and Matthew Deacon S abutting E on highway to Denel End; (bo) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with land of Matthew Deacon N and George Poyner Bisse S and abutting E on highway to Denel End; (bp) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with land of George Poyner Biss N and S and abutting E on highway; (bq) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with land of John Howson N and abutting E on highway to Denel End; (br) Eleven Piece of five acres in Town Common Field with land of Cook S and Matthew Deacon N abutting W on highway to Church End; (bs) half an acre in Lamb Pit Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds S and N and abutting E on land of Thomas Farrer called Home Close; (bt) half an acre in Eleven Piece with land of George Poyner Biss S and abutting East End; (bu) one acre in Jervices Lane Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon S and Decimus Reynolds N abutting E on land of Cook and W on land of Gunnis; (bv) half an acre in Pound Piece Furlong with land of Mary Gunnis E and Decimus Reynolds W abutting S on land of George Poyner Biss and N on Jervices Lane; (bw) half an acre of arable in Sheep Cott Hill Furlong, East End Field aka Moore Field with land of George Poyner Biss S and Elizabeth Sheldon N abutting S on highway; (bx) half an acre in Sheep Cott Hill Furlong with land of George Poyner Biss W and Cook E abutting N on land of Ann Fisher called Fourteen Acres Piece; (by) three acres in Fourteen Acres Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds S and Elizabeth Sheldon N abutting W on Cook's headland in Shepcott Hill Furlong; (bz) 3.5 acres in Rowditch Furlong with land of Edward Farey and others W and John Howson E abutting S on Row Ditches and N on Fourteen Acres Piece; (ca) 2a 2r 0p under Fourteen Acres Hedge with Fourteen Acre Piece W and land of Mary Gunnis E abutting S on land of John Howson and others and N on land of Edward Farey; (cb) 3.5 acres in bottom of Fourteen Acre Piece with land of Elizabeth Sheldon W and Decimus Reynolds E abutting S on land of Edward Farey and N on land of George Poyner Biss; (cc) one acre in Oakway Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon S and Cook N abutting W on land of Ann Fisher; (cd) one acre in Oakway Furlong with land of Cook Sand Elizabeth Sheldon N abutting W on land of Ann Fisher and E on land of Decimus Reynolds; (ce) half an acre near Oakway Furlong with land of Ann Fisher E and George Poyner Biss W abutting N on land of Biss and S on land of Mary Gunnis; (cf) half an acre of arable in Ridgeway Common Field aka East Field with Charity Land E and land of Decimus Reynolds W abutting N on land of Mary Gunnis and S on land of Cook; (cg) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon and others E and George Poyner Biss W and abutting N on land of Ann Fisher called Twenty Acre Piece; (ch) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with land of Biss E and Cook W abutting N on Twenty Acre Piece; (ci) one acre headland on side of Twenty Acre Piece with land of Ann Fisher and others E and Edward Farey W abutting N on land of John Howson; (cj) half an acre in Gravel Pit Furlong with land of Mary Gunnis W and Edward Farey E abutting N on land of Biss called Home Close; (ck) Furzen Close in Gravel Pit Furlong of six acres with land of Edward Farey W and Ann Fisher E abutting N on Home Close; (cl) one acre in Gravel Pit Furlong with land of Ann Fisher W and Elizabeth Sheldon E abutting S on land of Edward Farey and N on the Ridgeway; (cm) 1.5 acres in Gravel Pit Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon W and John Howson E abutting S on land of Edward Farey and N on the Ridgeway; (cn) one acre in Gravel Pit Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds E and W, abutting S on land of Elizabeth Sheldon and N on land of William Burridge and others; (co) two acres in Ridgeway Furlong with land of Ann Fisher W and Decimus Reynolds E abutting N on Ridgeway; (cp) half an acre in Thorn Furlong with land of George Poyner Biss W and Charity Land E abutting N on land of Edward Farey and others and S on Stream Pits; (cq) half an acre in Thorn Furlong with land of Matthew Deacon E and W, abutting N on land of Matthew Deacon and S on Stream Pits; (cr) half an acre in Thorn Furlong with land of Matthew Deacon E and W abutting N on land of Biss and S on Stream Pits; (cs) one acre in Thorn Furlong with land of Matthew Deacon W and Charity Land E abutting N on land of Biss and S on Stream Pits; (ct) two acres in Thorn Furlong with land of Ann Fisher W, The Baulk E and abutting N on Ridgeway; (cu) two acres in Upper Smallands Furlong with Gasly Piece E and land of Decimus Reynolds W abutting S on Charity Land and Ridgeway and N on land of Biss and others; (cv) one acre in Smalland Furlong with land of Cook E and Howson W abutting S on Charity Land; (cw) 1.5 acres in Smalland Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and Cook W abutting S on Ridgeway and N on Dead Hedge Piece; (cx) one acre in Upper Awfield Furlong with land of Ann Fisher E and Thomas Farrer W and abutting S on land of Decimus Reynolds, N on land of John Howson and others; (cy) one acre in Awfield Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and Decimus Reynolds W, abutting N on Awfield Piece; (cz) one rood in Awfield Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Ann Fisher W and abutting N on Awfield Piece; (da) one acre in Awfield Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and Biss W and abutting N on Awfield; (db) one rood in Awfield Furlong with land of Biss E and Elizabeth Sheldon W and abutting N on land of Biss; (dc) half an acre of Awfield Furlong with land of Biss E and Mary Gunnis W abutting on land of Biss N; (dd) 1.5 acres in Awfield Furlong with land of Mary Gunnis E and John Howson W and abutting N on land of Edward Farey called Home Close; (de) two roods in Awfield Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Matthew Deacon W abutting N on Home Close; (df) half an acre in Awfield Furlong with land of Matthew Deacon E and Charity land W abutting N on Home Close; (dg) 1a 1r 0p in Awfield Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and W and abutting N on Home Close; (de) five acres in Lower Awfield Furlong with parish land W and land of Elizabeth Sheldon E and abutting N on Blakelands Close; (df) half an acre in Lower Awfield Furlong with lands of Decimus Reynolds W and Ann Fisher E and abutting N on Bulkins Piece; (dg) half an acre in Lower Awfield Furlong with land of Edward Farey E and abutting N on Bulkins Grove; (dh) Hunger Hill Piece of six acres with lands of Edward Farey W and Rye Mead E and abutting N on Honeymead; (di) half an acre in Smalland Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds W and Biss E and abutting N on Rye Mead; (dj) two roods in Smalland Furlong with land of Biss W and Thomas Farrer E abutting N on Rye Mead; (dk) one rood in Smalland Furlong with land of Mary Gunnis E and Thomas Farrer W abutting N on Rye Mead; (dl) 3.5 acres in Dead Hedge Piece, Smalland Furlong with Charity Land W and land of Ann Fisher E abutting W on Great Stanfords Meadow; (dm) half an acre in Smalland Furlong with land of Thomas Farrer W and Elizabeth Sheldon E and abutting N on Rye Meadow; (dn) half an acre in Smalland Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon W and Decimus Reynolds E and abutting N on Stanford Meadow; (do) half an acre in Smalland Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds W and Elizabeth Sheldon E abutting N on Stanyards Meadow; (dp) two roods in Smalland Furlong with land of Ann Fisher W and Biss E abutting N on Stanyards Meadow; (dq) one acre in Smalland Furlong with land of Cook W and Thomas Bushby E abutting N on Stanyards Meadow; (a)-(dq) were purchased by William Brown from Edward Farey of Flitwick by Conveyance by Lease & Release of 15-16 Jun 1769 (dr) 1.5 acres of arable in Row Ditch Furlong, East Field with land of George Poyner Biss, esquire S and William Brown N and abutting W on close on Elizabeth Sheldon; (ds) half an acre of arable in Shepcoll Hill Furlong with land of Biss S and Thomas Farrer N abutting W on headland of Elizabeth Sheldon; (dt) one acre of arable in Lampitts Furlong, Town Field with land of Biss N and S abutting E on pightle of Elizabeth Sheldon; (du) half an acre of arable with land of Ann Fisher E and W and abutting S on land of Decimus Reynolds called Ten Acres Piece; (dv) half an acre of headland in Crab Tree Furlong, Wood Field with land of Elizabeth Sheldon W and a furlong shooting to highway E and abutting on highway leading to Flitwick church; (dw) half an acre in Acre Hedge Furlong with land of Ann Fisher N and land of William Brown S and abutting E on highway; (dx) half an acre on Crabtree Lane Furlong with land of Ann Fisher N and Elizabeth Sheldon S and abutting E on highway leading to Steppingley; (dy) three roods in Holloway Furlong with land of Biss W and Decimus Reynolds E abutting S on land of Ann Fisher; (dz) half an acre in Broadmore Furlong, Hinckley Field with Charity Land S and Elizabeth Sheldon N abutting W in common; (ea) one rood in Blackland Furlong with Charity land E and W and abutting S on land of William Brown called Blackland Piece; (eb) two half acres in Acre Hedge Furlong, East or Ridgeway Field with land of Cook W and Biss E abutting N on land of Ann Fisher called Twenty Acres Piece; (ec) one rood in Stony Hill Furlong with land of Elizabeth Sheldon N and S abutting E and W on land of Mary Gunnis; (ed) half an acre in Home Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds W and land of Biss E abutting S on land of Ann Fisher; (ee) half an acre in Home Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds W and Biss E abutting N on Ridgeway; (ef) one roof in Home Furlong with land of Ann Fisher W and Decimus Reynolds E abutting N on Ridgeway; (eg) one rood in Upper Smalland Furlong with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Ann Fisher W abutting N on land of Ann Fisher and S on Charity Land; (eh) one rood in Lower Awfield with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Elizabeth Sheldon W abutting N on land of William Brown called Blackland; (ei) one rood in Upper Awfield with land of Decimus Reynolds E and Ann Fisher W abutting S on Ridgeway; (ej) one rood in Upper Awfield with land of William Brown E and Decimus Reynolds W abutting N on land of William Brown called Home Close (dr)-(ej) purchased by William Brown from Thomas Read and others by Conveyance by Lease & Release of 17-18 Feb 1869 (ek) half an acre in Upper Sutton Furlong, West Field with King's land N and land formerly of Thomas Barnwell alias Cripsit and now Ann Fisher S abutting W on Broadmore Furlong; (el) half an acre in Woodham Furlong with King's land S and land in occupation of Robert Cattyne now of Ann Fisher N abutting E on headland extending from Holloway Bush to wood; (em) a third of an acre in East Field on a furlong on E and King's land W with land formerly in occupation of John Bevan E and abutting S on Highway leading to mill; (en) a third part of an acre in East Field with land formerly in occupation of John Bevan W and land formerly in occupation of Andrew Sibley E abutting on (em); (eo) a third part of an acre in East Field with land formerly in occupation of Andrew Sibley W and land in occupation of John Mead E abutting on (en); (ep) two acres in East Field in Small Land Furlong with land formerly of Lord, then William Brown E and land formerly of Thomas Davey, then Ann Sheldon W abutting N on Small Land Furlong and S on Ridgeway and land formerly in occupation of Renold Collop, gentleman, now Ann Fisher; (eq) 1a 2r 0p in East End Field lying between (em)-(eo) both sides abutting S on land leading to watermill; (er) four roods lying together in East End Field on Slade Mead Furlong abutting on Slade Mead E and headland formerly of Edward Collop, gentleman, now Decimus Reynolds W and of land formerly of Edward Collop, now Decimus Reynolds S and land formerly of George Stole, now Cook N; (es) one rood on Slonghill Furlong, East End Field with land formerly of William Farey, now George Poyner Bisse, esquire on N and land formerly of George Bernard and Elizabeth Sheldon S abutting E on headland formerly of Thomas Davey now Mary Gunnis and W on an acre of Edward Blofield, gentleman called Jane Acre; (et) one rood in Woodham called the Wood Furlong with land of Edward Blofield, now Ann Fisher W and of Thomas Davey, now Cook E abutting N on Flitwick Wood and S on Woodham Furlong; (eu) 2.5 acres at the gravel pits between land formerly of Edward Farey, now Edmund Farey W and formerly of Henry Collop now Decimus Reynolds E abutting on Ridgeway N; (ev) one rood near Rye Field Gate between land formerly of William Farey now George Poyner Biss W and land formerly of John Farmer now Mary Gunnis E; (ew) half an acre on Pepper Hill with land formerly of Peter Honeywood, esquire now called Charity Land S and land formerly of Edward Collop now Decimus Reynolds N abutting W on Craft Hedge; (ex) half an acre on Overwoodham with land formerly of George Sole now Thomas Farrer E and abutting N on Flitwick Wood; (ey) half an acre in Over Holloway between land formerly of Peter Honeywood now called Charity Land on both sides and abutting M on headland formerly of Samuel Rhodes, gentleman now of Ann Fisher; (ez) one rood in Neither Sutton between land formerly of Henry Collop now Decimus Reynolds W and land formerly of William Sibley now Edward Farey E; (fa) half an acre in Broadmore Furlong with land of William Brown S and abutting W on common; (fb) three roods of meadow in two pieces in Great Stanyate otherwise Stanyards one next to land of William Brown E abutting N on brook and the two roods shooting through two furlongs lying next to land of William Brown W and abutting N on brook (ek)-(fb) purchased by William Brown, deceased from John Howson of Flitwick, yeoman by Conveyance by Lease & Release of 25-26 Jul 1769 (fc) messuage in Denel End, Flitwick in occupation of John Walduck between messuage of George Poiner Biss S and Edward Farey, now William Brown N abutting W on highway; (fd) two acres in Wood Field in a furlong across the end of the wood with land late of Thomas Webb W and land late of Thomas Baker E; (fe) two roods in the furlong across the end of the wood with land late of John Collop W and land late of Thomas Baker E; (ff) two roods in the furlong across the end of the wood with land late of Thomas Baker W and land late of Thomas Cotton, esquire E; (fg) one acre in the furlong across the end of the wood with land late of Thomas Cotton W and land late of George Poiner Bisse E; (fh) one acre in the furlong across the end of the wood with land late of George Poiner Bisse W and common E; (fi) half acre headland on Long Sutton with land late of Henry Collop W and land late of Matthew Deacon and others E; (fj) three roods in East Field in a furlong abutting the highway leading by the close of George Poiner Biss with land of Thomas Webb W and land late of Thomas Baker E; (fk) two roods in East Field with land of Thomas Webb E; (fl) one rood on Ridgeway Furlong with land late of Thomas Cotton W; (fm) half an acre on Ridgeway Furlong with land of Thomas Baker W and E; (fn) one rood in Thorne Furlong with land of George Poiner Biss W and land of Henry Collop E; (fo) 3 roods lying together in Rye Field with one rood shooting down to Greenway and abutting on land late of Foster Green and half an acre shooting to Twenty Acres Piece late of Humphrey Dell, esquire now Ann Fisher with land late of Edward Farey now William Brown N; (fp) one acre on Long Sutton, Wood Field, with land of Henry Collop E and common highway W abutting S on Church Path; (fq) half acre headland in Moor Field with land of Humphrey Dell W and abutting N on Greenway; (fr) half acre headland at East End Lane's End abutting N on highway; (fs) one acre between land formerly of John Farrer, late John Brydale, now Mary Gunnis on both sides; (ft) half an acre with land formerly of John Seabrook, now Mary Gunnis W and land late of Henry Collop E; (fu) half acre of ley ground in Hinckley Way with land formerly of George Stoughton and Rebecca, his wife W and land of Peter Honeywood E; (fv) half an acre in Rye Field next to Denel End with land late of John Seabrook now Mary Gunnis W; (fw) half an acre under Croft Hedge with land formerly of Coles N; (fx) three half acres lying together at gravel pits with land formerly of John Seabrook now Mary Gunnis E and W; (fy) one acre in Ridgeway Furlong with land late of Peter Honeywood E and land of John Neal W; (fz) half an acre of meadow in Little Stanyards with meadow late of Mary Cook, widow S and abutting SW on Castle Green; (ga) one swarth of meadow in the Reed with meadow formerly in occupation of George Barnards alias Crispey W and abutting on Rye Mead Hedge; (gb) cottage in Denel End with five acre close of pasture adjoining; (gc) 16.5 acres of arable dispersed in the fields of Flitwick (fc)-(gc) purchased by William Brown, deceased from Mary Gunnis of Saffron Walden [Essex] by Conveyance by Lease & Release of 1-2 Sep 1775 (gd) two acres of meadow going through two furlongs in Great Stanyards with meadow formerly of Michael Arnold both sides, now Edward Farey, William Freeson and John Howson E; (ge) half an acre of meadow in Great Stanyards going through two furlongs with meadow formerly of Edward Farey N and meadow formerly of Francis Howsey alias MiIlway, esquire now Lady Cotton S; (gf) half an acre of meadow in Great Stanyards between meadow of Samuel Rhodes now Lady Cotten N; (gg) half an acre of meadow In Great Stanyards between meadow of Samuel Rhodes, now Hesse S; (gh) half an acre of meadow in Great Stanyards between meadow of Hesse N and Thomas Hollingworth S (gd)-(gh) purchased by William Brown, deceased, from Thomas Farrer by Conveyance by Lease & Release of 28-29 Mar 1770 (gi) messuage at Hall End , Maulden with orchard, home pightles and several closes adjoining containing nine acres; (gj) 40 acres of arable, meadow, pasture, wood and hempland dispersed in fields of Maulden; (gk) messuage, formerly an inn called Queens Head, in Ampthill formerly in occupation of Thomas Lancaster now Ruth Brown with close of pasture behind; (gl) messuage adjoining (gk) with malting; (gm) messuage called the Workhouse in Slutts End, Ampthill with piece of ground adjoining called the Hempland; (gn) two cottages in Slutts End, Ampthill; (go) three cottages in Ampthill; (gp) forty acres of arable, ley, meadow, pasture and garden dispersed in fields of Ampthill Habendum - to (ii) to use of (ii) so he became a tenant to suffer a common recovery, (a)-(gp) to be described as 12 messuages, 260 acres of land, 140 acres of meadow, 140 acres of pasture, 5 acres of wood and common of pasture for all manner of cattle with appurtenances in Flitwick, Ampthill and Maulden Witnesses: - William Croke junior; - Thomas Croke; - Samuel Davis Certified a true copy on 7 Jan 1809 by Samuel Davis and Charles Austin
- Date free text2 May 1783
- Production dateFrom: 1783 To: 1809
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordBrown, Ruth,
Brown, William,
Wheeler, Joshua,
Wheeler, Elizabeth,
Brown, Elizabeth,
Croke, George,
Croke, William,
Syre, Robert,
Bisse, George Poyner,
Fisher, Ann,
Sheldon, Elizabeth,
Reynolds, Decimus,
Hollingworth, Thomas,
Farey, Edward,
Farrer, Thomas,
Bushby, Thomas,
Henson, Thomas,
Henson, John,
White, Martha,
Howson, John,
Deacon, Matthew,
Gunnis, Mary,
Burridge, William,
Brown, William,
Read, Thomas,
Barnwell, Thomas,
Cripsit, Thomas,
Cattyne, Robert,
Bevan, John,
Sibley, Andrew,
Mead, John,
Davey, Thomas,
Collop, Renold,
Collop, Edward,
Stole, George,
Farey, William,
Blofield, Edward,
Collop, Henry,
Farmer, John,
Honeywood, Peter,
Sole, George,
Rhodes, Samuel,
Sibley, William,
Walduck, John,
Webb, Thomas,
Baker, Thomas,
Cotton, Thomas,
Collop, John,
Dell, Humphrey,
Brydale, John,
Seabrook, John,
Stoughton, George,
Stoughton, Rebecca,
Neal, John,
Barnards, George,
Crispey, George,
Arnold, Michael,
Freeson, William,
Howsey, Francis,
Millway, Francis,
Lancaster, Thomas,
Croke, Thomas,
Davis, Samuel,
Farey, Edmund - Keywordswidow, mealman, Parish Workhouses, goldsmith, Samuel Davis, ditching, words, commons, town & local roads, Flitwick farms, gravel, Ampthill Queens Head, FLITWICK, AMPTHILL, MAULDEN, Flitwick fields, Flitwick Denel End, Flitwick Church End, Flitwick East End, Flitwick Hinkley Way, Flitwick Castle Green, Maulden Hall End, Ampthill Slutts End, Ampthill Woburn Street
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