- ReferenceAQ8/12/2G
- TitleVolume containing Nos. 42-49 All issues contain the following: - Retirements (brief details some with photo - Visits (less detail than in previous years), - Appointments - Apprentices', Students' and Pupils' Activities, - Actitivities at the works - Reports on sporting events and other activities such as drama, - Recent Contracts - Atlas Works, Pershore FOR FULL ANNOTATED LIST OF CONTENTS TO EACH VOLUME SEE ATTACHED WORD DOCUMENT OR .PDF
- Date free text1958-1960
- Production dateFrom: 1958 To: 1960
- External document
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordAkinrele, M O,
Alder, R H,
Allen, Charles W G,
Allen, David,
Allen, Denis W M,
Allen, Derek,
Allen, G,
Allen, Harold Norman Gwynne,
Allen, Kenneth,
Allen, Harold Gwynne,
Allen, Richard,
Allen, Rupert,
Anderson, David James,
Anderson, Stanley,
Andrews, F A B,
Annis, Tony,
Armour, Jim,
Armstrong, George,
Armstrong, P,
Ashford, George Albert,
Ashpole, Harry,
Atkinson, Thomas,
Attwood, Searl Knight,
Aylett, Ernest,
Baker, Stanley William,
Ball, H F,
Baller, Edmund Robert,
Barker, J A,
Barnes, Frederick Arthur,
Bass, George,
Batchelor, Jim,
Bates, Raymond Jim,
Berridge, J M,
Billington, James,
Bishop, Ernie,
Bishop, F T,
Bitchener, B,
Blackman, Rodney,
Blaiklock, P M,
Blunt, Eric,
Boddy, J W,
Bowler, D,
Bowyer, Oliver William,
Boyce, H F,
Brame, S,
Bright, Arthur Henry,
Britton, R B,
Bromham, R J,
Brotherton, C A H,
Brown, Joseph,
Brown, Percy George,
Buck, R,
Buck, W,
Buck, Walter Horace,
Buck, William,
Bullock, G,
Burnage, Rosemary,
Butcher, Harold Walter,
Cambata, K S,
Cambers, Alec Thomas,
Cambers, Arthur James,
Campbell, G A,
Campbell, M,
Cannon, Frederick Mortimer,
Cant, Arthur,
Carron, W J,
Carter, F.,
Carter, N.,
Cartlidge, C H,
Chambers, C J,
Chandler, George Frederick,
Chandler, George Guy,
Chapman, Brian,
Chapman, F T,
Cherry, F W,
Childs, W A H,
Church, Jim,
Clancy, John,
Claridge, Thomas Edward,
Claridge, Tom,
Clark, Nobby,
Clark, John,
Clark, Robert Harold,
Clarke, Henry George Charles,
Clarke, Harold Henry,
Clarke, W H,
Coates, C W,
Cockerell, S C,
Collington, L J,
Constant, John,
Constant, W A,
Cooke, Robert Edward,
Cooling, John,
Coppenhall, E J,
Copperwheat, Ernest Thomas,
Copperwheat, Roger,
Cordon, H,
Cornell, Bernard Harry,
Cosnett, Lesley,
Coughlan, Edith May,
Course, W J,
Cox, Brian William,
Craig, Alec,
Crane, Raymond,
Crawford, J,
Crawley, E F,
Crawley, Robert Holden,
Cullip, Nesta,
Curtis, Elsie May,
Dalton, C R,
Damon, William Bert,
Davey, Peter Frank,
Davidson, Percy,
Davis, Robin,
Deacon, A J,
Dean, H J,
Delahay, Reg,
Deller, A V G,
Denton, Ernest Joseph,
Derrick, Cyril Edward,
Desmond, Peter,
Devereux, Amos Jonathan,
Devonshire, R W,
Dickens, Ernest William,
Digby, D H,
Dinsdale, E E,
Dinsdale, Ted,
Dunkley, Joseph,
Dunstan, E,
Dunstan, E J,
Edmondson-Jones, Wilfrid Edmondson,
Edwards, Harry,
Edwards, Stanley John,
Ellis, Robert,
Emery, A B C,
Emmerson, T W,
Evitt, Berisford,
Farrar, James William,
Farrar, Leonard,
Fiegehen, Edith Florence,
Finch, Peter,
Finnigan, J,
Fordham, Ruth,
Fowler, Percy Edgar,
Francis, William Stanley,
Freedland, Michael,
Freeman, J,
French, H J,
Freshwater, Archie Harold,
Frost, Horace,
Fuller, A,
Gallagher, Thomas,
Gambriel, Janet,
Gardiner, Alfred Howard,
Garlick, Harry Walter,
Garrett, Arthur John,
Gaunt, George Arthur,
Gaunt, S,
Gilbert, C A,
Gilbert, Cyril Sidney William,
Giles, John Alfred,
Gilgrass, A,
Gillings, David,
Glynn, Martin,
Golding, Colin,
Goodman, Horace Frederick,
Gough, Albert Edward,
Gould, Margaret Mary,
Grace, M A,
Green, Frank,
Greenaway, Frank Arthur,
Greenland, P E,
Griggs, A W T,
Grimmer, Albert Robert,
Grindley, Alan,
Grindley, Ivy May,
Gudgin, Bert,
Gwilliam, B,
Hailstone, Alec,
Haines, Alfred James,
Hall, Peter Norman,
Hanscombe, James,
Hardy, F,
Harell, Mick,
Harper, Richard,
Harris, Henry George,
Harris, R G C,
Harris, S.G.,
Harrison, J R,
Harrison, N J,
Hart, Pat,
Hartman, Aat,
Hayes, C W,
Head, Alfred Charles,
Healy, P S,
Hearn, Ray,
Heathcote, David Orrock,
Hicks, R A,
Higgs, Thomas,
Hoar, Keith,
Hoare, D,
Hobbs, Francis,
Hollister, John,
Hollister, S,
Holmes, B M,
Hooke, Arthur Holman,
Hornsby, S,
Housden, Arthur,
Houston, M W C,
Howe, Joseph,
Howe, William,
Howes, Norman G G,
Huckle, Sidney Richard,
Hughes, J K,
Hull, Arthur Percy,
Hutchins, Bernard,
Hutchins, George Richard,
Hutton, Graham,
Hutty, William Desmond,
Hyde, James,
Hyndes, John,
Izzard, George,
Jackman, William Alfred,
Jackson, Henry William,
Jeffries, W A,
Jennings, S B,
Jobborn, R L,
Joels, D,
Johnson, Mick,
Johnson, S.,
Jones, Evan John,
Jones, George,
Jones, George Oliver,
Jones, N F,
Jones, Norman,
Jones, Reginald John,
Jones, T C,
Jones, T P,
Joyce, Vivian,
Kapp, John,
Keech, Samuel Pridmore,
Keens, W,
Kenworthy, E C,
Kimble, T,
King, Barry,
King, Walter,
Kirby, Roy,
Knight, Gordon,
Knott, Edward John,
Laird, A H,
Laird, Sandy,
Lancaster, Bert,
Lancaster, H J,
Lane, Donald, F R,
Law, John D,
Lawson, William Henry,
Lazenby, J,
Lea, Tony,
Leach, George Arthur,
Lee, H G,
Lewis, J,
Leicester, Robert,
Lilley, Joseph Arthur,
Lindsay, Jasper,
Lithfield, A,
Lloyd, Cecil Robert,
Lucas, Tich,
Luff, Margaret,
Lynch, Jerry,
Mabbott, William,
Maltby, R W,
Mander, Frederick,
Manning, Albert Edward,
Manning, Keith Edmund,
Manning, Kenneth James,
Marks, D A,
Marsh, Ernest Hurham,
Martin, D J,
Martin, R G,
Mason, Harry John,
Mathers, Benjamin,
Matthews, George H,
Matthews, Jack,
Matthews, John,
Maxted, R J,
McKinley, Peter,
Middleton, Charles Alfred,
Miles, T S,
Miller, M P,
Mingey, Horace,
Moody, Tony,
Moore, Archdale,
Morgan, P F,
Morris, Charles F,
Morris, David Thomas,
Morton, F,
Moss, Bernard,
Munday, H.,
Nash, R,
Neaverson, P G,
Nicholls, Ken,
Norledge, Tom,
Norris, James,
Nutting, B E,
O'Neill, D C,
Odd, Herbert Edgar,
Orr, A G,
Owen, Richard Frederick,
Page, Alfred Charles,
Parker, F,
Parkes, Bertie,
Parrot, Harry Madison,
Parsley, Alfred Percival,
Partridge, Kenneth William,
Paton, Michael,
Payne, A M,
Payne, Claude Swanson,
Pearce, D H,
Peel, John,
Perry, Edmund Alfred,
Perry, Sidney James William,
Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh,
Pilgrim, Edward Arthur,
Pitt, Bernice,
Pledger, T R S,
Pomroy, Henry George Barnabus,
Poole, E J,
Poole, George Edward,
Pooler, Brian,
Pope, A W,
Poulter, Roy,
Price, C R,
Prigmore, Brian,
Quartermaine, Barry,
Radcliffe, Frederick John,
Raiders, J M,
Rainbow, Edward George,
Raker, Ernest,
Raper, John,
Read, W.,
Reavell, K C,
Reid, John,
Reynolds, Frank Arthur,
Riddy, John Timson,
Rigg, D W,
Roberts, Edward George,
Robinson, Brenda,
Robinson, George,
Robinson, Trevor,
Rolfe, Robert Thatcher,
Room, Arthur,
Rootham, David,
Routledge, Thomas Smithson,
Russell, David Edward,
Rutter, Michael,
Ryall, Charles Robert,
Sabey, Gill,
Saltmarsh, P C,
Salvasingham, D,
Schroeder, A G,
Scott, James Frederick,
Seamark, William John,
Sell, John,
Semery, P L,
Shadrake, Leonard Herbert,
Shaigi, El,
Sharman, George Frederick,
Shaw, John,
Sheldrake, Eric,
Shepherd, G,
Short, Reginald Jack,
Shortland, J,
Sills, Charles George,
Simms, Bill,
Simms, Fred,
Simpson, M C,
Simpson, Mary,
Single, Colin,
Skevington, H,
Smith, Albert William,
Smith, B,
Smith, F.C.,
Smith, Florence Blanche,
Smith, J.P.,
Smith, Jack,
Smith, Jesse,
Smith, Joe,
Smith, L,
Smith, R,
Smout, Bob,
Spenser, Arthur Thomas,
Stamp, T,
Starkey, Derek,
Stevens, R E,
Stevenson, Dora,
Stubbs, May Vivian,
Syme, A F,
Tagg, K A,
Tatman, George William,
Taylor, Arthur,
Taylor, Johnny,
Taylor, Vincent Joseph,
Tench, Ronald,
Thompson, J J,
Thompson, William,
Tildesley, Frederick Joseph,
Timperley, D,
Toombes, Francis William,
Townsend, B H,
Townsend, Richard,
Tucker, Arthur Lewis,
Tyrrell, Emily,
Valentine, A.C.,
Vaughan, D J,
Vernon, Frank,
Wade, Jim,
Walker, Albert,
Walker, Arthur,
Walker, Bert,
Walker, John,
Walker, M J,
Walker, Phil,
Ward, Daisy Elizabeth,
Watts, Archibald,
Webb, Alan,
Webb, C J O,
Wellavise, Percy W,
Wells, Peter,
Wheating, J R,
Wheeler, Frederick,
Whitbread, Les,
White, Joe,
White, Laurie,
Whiting, Alfred,
Whiting, William Percy,
Whitmore, Percy Edwin,
Whitmore, Sidney,
Whittaker, Den,
Wilkins, Barbara,
Willey, Ann,
Willey, Pat,
Williams, John G,
Williams, K R G,
Williams, Reggie,
Williams, Sidney,
Williamson, C,
Willianson, G D,
Willis, R M W,
Willows, A E,
Wilsher, J C E,
Wilson, Eleanor Winifred,
Winter, Mary,
Wise, Wendy,
Wooding, J,
Wooding, E C,
Wooding, James,
Woods, Ernest Alfred,
Woolston, Frederic Clive,
Wootton, L F W,
Worsley, Charles William,
Wright, P F W,
Wright, R.,
Yassin, Sayed,
Young, Brigham,
Young, James,
Young, Kathleen,
Young, Reg,
Central Council for Physical Recreation,
Gwynne Pumps Ltd - KeywordsOlympics, general railways, service personnel post 1945, whist, bowls, horticulture, DRAMA, hockey, angling, rounders, football, rugby, archery, travel, trade & industry fairs, Boots Chemists, employment of children, badminton, cricket, tennis, printing, industrial relations, church furnishings, trade and industry overseas, tuberculosis, private fire brigades, darts, shooting, golf, civil ships, naval ships, films, apprenticeship, compositor, service personnel, overseas (WW2), water provision, Pershore, West Indies, Australia, Canada, Bedford All Saints, Cyprus, Paris, BROMHAM, Peckforton, Bedford Queens Engineering Works, New Zealand, Bedford Pyghtle Works, Nottingham, Rome, East Africa
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