• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of devisees in trust under will of James Blake to 2a 2r 15p in Pasture Field, Glinton, copyhold of Manor of Glinton with Peakirk; Lot 3 (I) Admission of 23 May 1779 of James Blake of Great Casterton [Rutland], yeoman on absolute surrender by John Lumby of St.Martin's, Stamford Baron [Northamptonshire] on 23 Feb 1779 of cottage built on piece of waste sometime since granted by Lords of Manor to Adam Reubens, then devised to his son, Benjamin, lately purchased by John Lumby and late in occupation of John Johnson; rent 2d., fine 2d. (II) Admission of 30 Oct 1781 of James Blake of Great Casterton [Rutland], yeoman on absolute surrender by John Hay of Luton, linen draper on 20 Sep 1779 of cottage and 2 acres of arable in Glinton and 3 commons of pasture for cows in occupation of William Hewit; - also presenting presentment at court of 25 Oct 1779 that on 19 Jun 1779 John Fell surrendered piece of inclosed land in West End, Glinton, (late part of estate of Wilcox) which he had purchased from Daniel Webster and in occupation of William of James Hale and bounded: E by part of premises of John Fell; W by road from Peterborough to Lincoln; N by close of town of Glinton; S by premises of James Blake late erected on waste; and James Blake was admitted to this also (III) Will of 2 Jun 1781 of James Blake bequeathing: - to his wife Ann for her life, remainder to their infant son, James, his copyhold cottage in Glinton in his own occupation with one rood of copyhold land called the Pingle contiguous to it; if his wife married again the property to descend immediately to James; - to his wife Ann his copyhold messuage in Glinton in occupation of Sarah Garner, widow with 2 acres of arable until their son James became 21 when it should descend to him (IV) Court of 23 Apr 1787 presenting surrender out of court by James Blake to use of his will (V) Presentment of 28 Oct 1789 that at court of 20 Apr 1789 it was presented that James Blake had died seized of: - cottage and 2 acres of land in Glinton and 3 commons for cows, late Hay's; - dwellinghouse late built on part of Lord's waste, formerly Reuben's; - piece of inclosed land of 1 rood bounded W by road from Peterborough to Lincoln, N by close of town of Glinton, S by tenement of deceased, formerly Reuben's; and his wife Ann was admitted according to his will until their son James became 21 (VI) Inclosure Commissioners on 30 Mar 1820 working on act for inclosing Maxey with Deepingate, Northborough, Glinton with Peakirk, Etton and Helpstone [all Northamptonshire] awarded to Ann Blake, amongst other things, 2a 2r 15p in Pasture Field bounded: E by Lincoln Turnpike; S and part W by allotments to James Gutteridge and Ann Hay; N by ancient homestead of Daniel Webster and Mary, his wife (VII) Admission of James Blake on 19 Oct 1819 on death of his mother, Ann, amongst other things to 2a 2r 15p in Pasture Field, Glinton (VIII) Memorandum of conditional surrender of 11 Apr 1829 by James Blake to William Walcot Squire and Charles Jeffrey, both of Peterborough, merchants and common brewers for £300 at 5% interest (IX) Memorandum of conditional surrender for a further advance of £100 at 5% interest (X) Vacation of conditional surrenders on 12 May 1837 (XI) Conditional surrender of 12 May 1837 by James Blake to John Gates of Peterborough, gentleman, William Nicholls of Yaxley [Huntingdonshire], farmer and grazier and George Dean of Longthorpe [Northamptonshire], farmer for £400 at 5% interest (XII) Will of James Blake of 11 Aug 1831 devising to Christopher Jeffrey and John Webster the elder of Glinton, miller all his real estate in trust for his sister Amy Blake for her life, remainder for sale (XIII) Death of Amy Blake on 1 May 1840 and of James Blake in 1841
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    From: 1779 To: 1841
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