• Reference
  • Title
    Examinations and depositions: Inf. of George Cooper, Shillington, labr. who was employed by Jn. Dear, a farmer to look after his farmyard at Apsleybury. His wife Eliz. looked after the hens and pigeons. His master having been given certain information asked him to watch. About a quarter to one in the morning he was looking from his bedroom window from which he can see the farmyard and saw Jas. Cherry and Thomas Carter go into Mr. Dear's duckhouse, and then into his henhouse and came out with a sack or bag. Geo. Cooper then spoke to Cherry, saying "Morning to you Kinsman, Do the door up safe again, you are too bad. I know You". Carter had a gun in his hand when they went into the duckhouse but Cherry had it when they came out. When he spoke Cherry turned some fowls out of the bag or sack and about five o'clock that morning he saw a number of fowls huddled together in a corner outside the duckhouse.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1822 To: 1822
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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