• Reference
  • Title
    Stepney, Berlin to Grantham (No. 2, Copy) Stepney's first audience with Prussian King. On being told Stepney had been employed in Saxony, the Prussian King asserted that Stepney had attempted to negotiate for a body of troops to serve in America. Stepney denied this. Prussian king then spoke of Britain's East Indian possessions, the protection of which he considered to be of the highest importance. Mentioned a report he had heard of Madras having fallen into the hands of Hyder Ally. Stepney assured the King that the French Fleet had abandoned the Coast of Coromandel. Prussian king against withdrawing troops in America. Independence ought to be withheld until it became a necessary condition in the conclusion of a general peace. Felt the American Union could not exist for long in its present form. Spoke of the necessity of General Carlton's acting with "circumspection and mildness". Prussian King showed "great curiosity" regarding Gibraltar. He expected an opposition from the combined fleet and hinted at Britain giving Gibraltar up. He thought that the troubles in the Crimea would end in a war between Russia and the Porte. This might make France think of peace as she would want to interfere which she could not do while she is engaged in the present negotiations. He considered that peace was highly desirable for Britain and that it might be obtained on honorable terms. The audience was conducted on a "most affable & easy footing".
  • Date free text
    22 Oct 1782
  • Production date
    From: 1782 To: 1782
  • Level of description