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    War Diary for February 1917 1 Feb 1917 - Beaurepaire Billets BEAUREPAIRE. Whole of Battalion employed on construction of Railway. 2nd Lieut.R.E.Oakley granted Acting Rank of Captain whilst Commanding a Company. 2 Feb 1917 Billets BEAUREPAIRE. Whole of Battalion employed on construction of Railway. 2nd Lieut.D.D.Warren rejoined from Leave to England. Sick Wastage week ending 2.2.17 - Eleven O.R. 3 Feb 1917 Billets BEAUREPAIRE. Whole of Battalion employed on Working Parties. Captain R.Hopkins proceeded on leave. 4 Feb 1917 Billets BEAUREPAIRE. Battalion employed on working parties. 5 Feb 1917 - Warluzel Billets BEAUREPAIRE. At 10.30 a.m. the Battalion left for Billets in WARLUZEL arriving at 1.30 p.m. Lt.Colonel H.S.Poyntz, D.S.O., took over command of 89th Brigade, during the absence of Brigadier General Stanley, D.S.O. 2nd Lieut.G.A.Anstee, M.C., admitted to Hospital sick. 6 Feb 1917 - Monchiet Billets WARLUZEL. At 10.15 a.m. the Battalion left for billets in MONCHIET arriving at 1.30 p.m. and became Divisional Reserve. 7 Feb 1917 Billets MONCHIET. Captain R.E.Oakley proceeded to 3rd Army School. Lieutenant L.L.L.Fink, M.C., took over command of "C" Company. 8 Feb 1917 Billets MONCHIET 2nd Lieut.I.T.M.Collins rejoined from Leave. Battalion employed on working parties. 9 Feb 1917 Billets MONCHIET. 2nd Lieut.C.H.Shaw proceeded on leave to England. Battalion employed on Working Parties. Sick wastage week ending 9.2.17. Eleven Other Ranks. 10 Feb 1917 Billets MONCHIET. Battalion employed on working parties. 11 Feb 1917 - Monchiet and reserve trenches at Agny Billets MONCHIET. At 8 a.m. "C" and "D" Coys under Lieut.L.A.L.Fink, M.C. and 2nd Lieutenant J.P.Pitts, proceeded to Agny to relieve 2 Companies of 20th Bn.Kings Liverpool Regiment in Reserve Trenches 12 Feb 1917 - reserve trenches at Agny Billets MONCHIET. At 10 a.m. Headquarters, "A" & "B" Companies left to relieve the remainder of 20th Bn.Kings Liverpool Regt in Trenches (LEFT BATTALION G.1 Subsector) at AGNY. Relief complete by 4 p.m. The Bn. held line from M.14.d.58/60 to M.15.a.92/52. Ref.Map NEUVILLE VITASSE, 51.b. S.W. 1., 1/10,000, with 18th Liverpools on our left and 17th Liverpools on our Right. Dispositions of the Bn., as under: - "D" Company LEFT COMPANY "C" Company RIGHT COMPANY "A" Company RESERVE Coy. "B" Company AGNY DEFENCES and GOAT POST. Headquarters - AGNY. A quiet night. Casualties NIL. Lt. Col. H.S.POYNTZ, D.S.O., rejoined the Bn. 13 Feb 1917 Trenches AGNY. A quiet day and night. Casualties NIL. Lt. Col. H.S.POYNTZ, D.S.O., proceeded on leave to England. 14 Feb 1916 Trenches AGNY. Quiet. Casualties, Nil. 15 Feb 1916 Trenches AGNY. Quiet, Casualties, Nil. 16 Feb 1916 Trenches AGNY. A quiet day and night. Casualties NIL. Sick wastage week ending 16-2-17, Six Other Ranks. 17 Feb 1917 Trenches AGNY. A quiet day and night. Casualties NIL. 18 Feb 1917 - Arras Trenches AGNY. At 10 a.m., the 19th Liverpools commenced to relieve the Bn., Relief complete by 12.15 p.m., The Bn. then withdrew to ARRAS and became Bde. Reserve. Casualties NIL. Captain R.HOPKINS rejoined from leave. The following Officers joined the Bn., and posted to Companies as stated. Lieut. H.HARGREAVES "B" Coy. Lieut. W.E.HART, "C" Coy. 2/Lt. G.LENTON "B" Coy. 2/Lt. E.J.WRAY "C" Coy. 19 Feb 1917 Billets ARRAS. Bn. employed on Working Parties in AGNY. 20 Feb 1917 Billets ARRAS. Bn. employed on Working Parties in AGNY. Lieut.J.W.HURRELL appointed 2nd in Command of 19th Bn. Kings Liverpool Regiment 2/Lt. G.A.ANSTEE, M.C., appointed Acting Adjutant of the Bn. Lieut. H.HARGREAVES appointed Lewis Gun Officer of the BN. 21 Feb 1917 Billets ARRAS. Bn. employed on Working Parties in AGNY. 22 Feb 1917 Billets ARRAS. 9 Other Ranks joined Battalion from Base. Whole of Battalion employed on working parties in AGNY. 23 Feb 1917 Billets ARRAS. Whole of Battalion employed on working parties in AGNY. Sick wastage week ending 23/2/17 - Ten Other Ranks. Casualties - Sgt.Wilson wounded. 24 Feb 1917 - trenches at Agny Billets ARRAS. At 7.30 a.m. the Battalion left to relieve the 17th Bn.Kings Liverpool Regiment in Trenches (RIGHT Battalion G.1 Subsector) AGNY. Relief complete by 11.20 a.m. The Battalion held the line from M.19.b.95/55 to M.14.d.58/60., with 1/7th West Riding Regiment on Right and 20th Bn.Kings Liverpool Regiment on our Left. Disposition of Battalion was as follows: - "A" Company LEFT Coy. "B" Company RIGHT Coy. "C" Company RESERVE Coy. "D" Company SUNKEN RD and MILL POST. Headquarters - GEORGE St. A quiet night. Casualties Nil. 25 Feb 1917 trenches AGNY. A quiet day. Information received that we are pushing forward fast down South and enemy were abandoning their positions. Division on our Right given orders to send out Strong Patrols to see what was happening on their front. We also sent out patrols for the same object. Casualties Nil. 26 Feb 1917 Trenches AGNY. A quiet day. Casualties Nil. Between 8 p.m. and midnight our Artillery was active on enemys communications. 2nd Lieutenant C.H.SHAW rejoined from leave. 27 Feb 1917 Trenches AGNY. Our Artillery active throughout the day on enemys works. A quiet night. Casualties Nil. 2nd Lieutenant E.E.BATH joined and posted to "D" Company. Lt.Colonel H.S.Poyntz, D.S.O., rejoined from Leave. 28 Feb 1917 Trenches AGNY. A quiet day and night. casualties Nil. Defence Scheme for Left Battalion G.1. Subsector 1. The Subsector extends from GIRL STREET (inclusive) to Sap G.16.a., and is held by 2 Companies in the front line, one Company in Support, and one Company in Reserve in AGNY. 2. The Front Companies are disposed as under: - RIGHT COMPANY 2 Platoons in front line from GIRL STREET (inclusive) to Trench G.13 (inclusive), with 2 Platoons in the Support Line. Right Company Headquarters at M.14.b.1/3 in GIRL STREET. LEFT COMPANY. 2 Platoons in front line from G.14 (inclusive) to Sap G.16.a. (inclusive) with 1 Platoon in support line on the West side of the Railway and one platoon in support line on the east side of Railway. Left Company Headquarters at M.15.a.Central under the railway. SUPPORT COMPANY. Disposed as under: - 1 Platoon in a dug out in GIRL STREET about M.14.b.1/4. This Platoon is at the immediate disposal of O.C. Right Company without further reference. 1 Platoon in dug outs in the Reserve Line where it crosses the Railway Line about M.9.c.5/2. This Platoon is at the immediate disposal of the O.C. Left coys without further reference. 2 Platoons under the O.C. Support Company in the dug outs in CHEMIN CREUX. RESERVE COMPANY - as under. 1 Company in the village of AGNY, with 1 Section and 1 Lewis Gun in GOAT POST; these will be increased to 1 Platoon in case of alarm. The remaining 3 Platoons will at once garrison the defences of AGNY until the arrival of the Pioneer Company who will take over and be in charge of the Defences. The 3 Platoons of the Reserve Company will be then withdrawn and reinforced by one Platoon of the Right Battalion, will be at the disposal of the O.C. Battalion for use as the situation requires. 3. ACTION IN CASE OF ATTACK. IN case of attack the front line will be held at all costs. If the enemy succeeds in penetrating our line, O.C.Companies will take immediate steps to eject him by counterattacks. Support Platoons will always be held in immediate readiness and properly organised to counterattack before the enemy has time to settle down. The Support Platoons of Support Company may be immediately called upon by O.C.Companies to assist. Runners will be immediately sent to report the situation to Battalion Headquarters. GAS ATTACK. In case of attack, helmets to be at once put on, Strombos Horns to be sounded by Gas Guards, a slow rate of fire to be opened, all ranks to at once quit dug outs. MUTUAL SUPPORT. If the Sector on the flanks of the Battalion is attacked, O.C. Flank Companies will assist as much as possible with Lewis Gun and rifle fire. O.C.Companies are responsible that all their Officers and N.C.O's get to thoroughly know all trenches in the Subsector and the shortest route to assist the Companies they are supporting. 4. O.C.Companies will prepare a scheme to be acted upon at once in case of Attack or a Riad [sic] on their Company Front. This is to be made known to all ranks, so that everyone knows at once what to do. A copy of Scheme to be forwarded to Headquarters. 5. "S.O.S" Signal is 3 Green Rockets. 6. REPORTS. Immediate reports on the situation must be frequently sent by Runner as the telephone will probably be broken. 13.2.17. J.W.Hurrell Lieutenant & Adjutant for Lt.Colonel Commanding 2nd Bn.Bedfordshire Regiment DEFENCE SCHEME FOR RIGHT BATTALION "G" 1 SUBSECTOR 1. BOUNDARIES. GAME ST. inclusive on the right, GIRL ST exclusive on the left. 2. DISTRIBUTION OF TROOPS. Right Company. Boundaries - GAME ST. inclusive to GEORGE St. exclusive. Two Platoons in the Front Line. two Platoons in Support. Company Headquarters. GATE ST. M.14.c.2/2. Left Company. Boundaries - GEORGE ST. inclusive to GIRL ST. exclusive. Two Platoons in the Front Line. Two Platoons in Support. Company Headquarters. Support Line. M.14.c.2/8. Support Company. In the Reserve Line. Company Headquarters. Near GEORGE ST. M.14.c.3/8. Platoons disposed as under. One Platoon - Dugouts in GAME ST. One Platoon dugouts in GATE ST. One Platoon - 2 Sections near GATE ST. 2 Sections dugouts near GEORGE ST. One Platoon Dug-out in SEM ST. Reserve Company. Dugouts in SUNKEN ROAD. Company Headquarters about M.13.d.3/8. One Section of this Company - permanent garrison of MILL POST. 3. ACTION IN CASE OF ATTACK. (a) The Front Line will be held. If the enemy succeeds in entering our Front Line Officers Commanding Front Line Companies will take immediate steps to eject him by counter-attack. Support Platoons will always be held in readiness, and properly organized to counter-attack on a pre-arranged plan. (b) SUPPORT COMPANY. the Support Company will stand to in the Reserve Line. Platoons will be grouped by the four main communication trenches, and NOT scattered along the line. Any two Platoons may be used by O.C. Support Company for purpose of immediate counter-attack without reference to Battn H.Q. He will immediately advise Battn H.Q. of such action.. The remaining two Platoons are at the disposal of the Bn.Commander. (c) RESERVE COMPANY. O.C.Reserve Company will immediately increase garrison at MILL POST to one Platoon. One Platoon is at the disposal of O.C. Left Subsector for the defence of AGNY, until the defences of the Village are taken over by the Pioneer Company. The Platoon will then return to the SUNKEN ROAD. Immediately on coming into Reserve the Commander of this Platoon will report to O.C. Left Sub-Sector for orders in case of attack. The remaining two Platoons are in Battalion Reserve and will stand to in their dug-outs. O.C. Reserve Company will report personally to Battn H.Q. (d) MACHINE GUNS AND TRENCH MORTARS. Machine Guns - V.1 in Support Line of Right Company, enfilading No Man's Land in front of Left Company. V.4., V.5., V.6., in Reserve Line. Only available for the defence of this line. Stokes Guns. Two in Support Line of Right Company. Stokes Guns and V.1 Machine Guns will open barrage fire. (e) GAS ATTACK. Gas Helmets will be immediately put on and Gas Alarms sounded by Gas Sentries. The parapet will be manned and a slow rate of fire opened. (f) MUTUAL SUPPORT. If Sector on Right or Left of Battalion is attacked, the Company on that flank will render assistance with rifle and Lewis Gun fire. 4. S.O.S. SIGNAL will be three Green Rockets. 5. GENERAL O.C.Companies will draw up scheme to meet probable forms of attack and will forward same to Orderly Room. Sd. G.A.Anstee, 2/Lieut. Acting Adjutant, 2nd Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. 25/2/17 Defence Scheme for Right Company Left Battalion G.1. Subsector 1. The Sub.cont.sector extends from GIRL STEEET (inclusive) to G.13 (220 bay) and is held by 2 platoons in the front line, 2 platoons in the support line and 1 platoon of the Support Company in GIRL STREET about M.14.b.1/4. 2. Dispositions Front Line. Will estend from GIRL STREET (inclusive) to G.13 (220 bay) with 3 Lewis Guns at the top of GIRL STREET, front line opposite GOAT STREET and the sap in G.12.a. Support Line Right support platoon situated behind front line near GIRL STREET. Left platoon support near GOAT STREET. Support Platoon, Support Company. 1 Platoon in a dug out in GIRL STREET at M.14.b.1/4. 3. Action in case of Attack In case of attack the front line will be held at all costs. If the enemy succeeds in penetrating the line immediate steps will be taken to eject him and Support platoons will be held in immediate readiness to counterattack at once. The Support platoon if Support Company will be immediately called upon to come up in support. Reports will be sent immediately to Bn.H.Q. If the enemy succeeds in partially penetrating the line, flank platoon or sections will at once be organised to bomb him out. Support platoons will move forward up GIRL ST, GINGER ST or GOAT ST. with bombing sections and establish blocks at all communication trenches & bar excess [sic] to the rear. In every case Lewis Guns will support with flanking fire. 4. Gas Attack In case of attack helmets to be put on at once. Stombos Horns to be sounded by Gas Guards, a slow rate of fire to be opened and all ranks to quit dug outs immediately. 5. Mutual Support. Flanked sectors attacked will be assisted with enfilade fire from Lewis Guns and rifles. L.Fink Lt. OC 'C' Coy. Platoon Comdrs & Sgts Please note the following rules will be rigidly complied with in trenches. I). An officer on duty will inspect front line & support dug outs. At night time no one except Platoon Sergeants will remain in front line dug outs. II). Attention is drawn to DIV TRENCH ORDERS. All men will wash 7 shave each day & present a clean appearance as possible. III). Sergeants on duty will report to Officers on duty 10 minutes before time. IV). "Stand to" and "Stand down" will be passed down to Coy H.Q. by the officer on duty. V). Platoon Comdrs & Sergts please note that non-compliance with any orders with reference to discipline in the trenches falls on them & severe disciplinary action will be taken as well as all indulgences stopped, such as leave etc. Please initial L.Fink, Lt. OC 'C' Coy. A.Rowley LSgt No.9 12 A Thorogood A/Sgt. 11 JGS Sgt. 10. G.C.Batcher Sgt. Plumpton Segt L.E.
  • Date free text
    1-28 Feb 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
  • Level of description