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    War Diary for January 1916 1 Jan 1916 - Ribeaucourt Billets RIBEAUCOURT. The Battalion played the 17th Kings Liverpool Regt at Football and lost 2 - 0. In the last minute of the game 2/LT.A.GROVER met with an unfortunate accident breaking his leg in two places. 2 Jan 1916 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 3 Jan 1916 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 4 Jan 1916 Capt R.O.WYNNE proceeded on leave. 5 Jan 1916 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 6 Jan 1916 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 2/Lieut.R.J.SAUNDERS admitted to Hospital Sick. 7 Jan 1916 - Naours Billets RIBEAUCOURT. The Battalion left at 9.15 am for NAOURS en-route for the Trenches arriving at NAOURS at 1.15 PM. 8 Jan 1916 - Pont-Noyelles The Battalion left NAOURS at 9.15 am for PONT-NOYELLES arriving at 2 P.M. On this date the 30th Division were attached to the 10th Corps and the Battalion came under the Command of the 90th Infy Brigade. Capt LF BEAL proceeded on leave. 9 Jan 1916 - Chipilly and Etinehem The Battalion left PONT-NOYELLES at 9.15 am for CHIPILLY and ETINEHEM, arriving at CHIPILLY at 2 P.M. where "A" and "C" Coys billeted. H.Q. & B & D Coys moved on to ETINEHEM arriving at 2.50 PM. 10 Jan 1916 Billets at CHIPILLY and ETINEHEM. NCO's & Men were given permission to visit the 1st Battalion which was at BRAY. 11 Jan 1916 - Suzanne Billets at CHIPILLY and ETINEHEM. The Battalion left at 5.PM for SUZANNE arriving at 7.15 PM. 12 Jan 1916 - trenches near Maricourt Billets SUZANNE. 2/Lieut L K LAWRENCE appointed Battalion Intelligence Officer. the Battalion left SUZANNE at 5 P.M. to relieve the 2/Royal Scots Fusiliers in the trenches Sector A.2. relief completed by 9 P.M. Disposition of Battalion B.Co. Front Line LEFT C.Co. Front Line RIGHT. D.Co. Support A.Co. Reserve. The Trenches are Situated S.E. of MARICOURT. The Battalion held the line from A.29.a.7.2. to A.23.a.5.2. (Ref. MARICOURT 1/10000 62CN.W.I.). The 19th Bn. MANCHESTER Regt being on our left Flank and the 17th Bn MANCHESTER Regt on our Right Flank. 13 Jan 1916 Trenches MARICOURT. 2 Other Ranks Wounded. 2Lieut F.A.SLOAN proceeded on leave. 25 Other Ranks of Battalion joined from 3rd Entrenching Battalion. ENEMY Artillery very active 14 Jan 1916 Trenches MARICOURT. Heavy shelling by Enemy with Light and Heavy Guns. 1 Other Rank Killed 4 Other Ranks Wounded 1 Other Rank died from MENINGITIS. Sick Wastage 5 Other Ranks 15 Jan 1916 Trenches MARICOURT Enemy Artillery again active. 1 Other Rank Killed. 2 Other Ranks Wounded. A.Co moved from Reserve to Front Line "D" Co from Support to Front Line "C" to Support "B" Co to Reserve. 16 Jan 1916 - Suzanne Trenches MARICOURT. 2 Other Ranks Wounded. Enemy Artillery again active. The Battalion were relieved by 2/R.S.F. and returned to billets in SUZANNE - Relief completed by 7.40 PM. 17 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. Enemy put 6 Shells into the Village. 2Lieut W RUSSEL-SMITH admitted to Hospital sick. 18 Jan 1916 Lieut and Adjutant J.W. HURRELL rejoined the Battalion from England. 19 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. 20 Jan 1916 - front line near MARICOURT Relieved 2 Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers in trenches by MARICOURT, taking up the same position as on the 12th Jan 16 in A.2. Subsector. The 17th Bn Manchester Regt. on our left. Relief completed 7 p.m. Very quiet. 1 O.R. Wounded. 21 Jan 1916 Trenches MARICOURT. Enemy shell Bn. H.Q. with 77m.m. guns, about 40 rounds being fired. Our communication trenches also shelled. 2Lieut Oldfield proceeded on leave. Casualties NIL. Sick Wastage 2 O.R. 22 Jan 1916 Trenches MARICOURT. Enemy fired a few 77m.m. shells & rifle grenades, otherwise quiet. Casualties 1.O.R. killed 2 wounded. 23 Jan 1916 Trenches MARICOURT. Very quiet. 1 man wounded. 24 Jan 1916 - Suzanne Bn. relieved by 2 Royal Scots Fusiliers. Relief completed 8 p.m. Returned into billets in SUZANNE. Major Onslow joined the Bn. from England. 25 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. Most of the Bn. employed on working parties in the trenches. Major C.C. Onslow C.M.G. took over command of the Bn. from Major H.S.Poyntz. Lieut R.E.Oakley proceeded on leave. 26 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. Working Parties in trenches. Helmet Test by 30th Div. 27 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE 28 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. About 9 a.m. Enemy commenced shelling our billets with H.E. Shrapnel and lachrymatory shells, this bombardment lasted systematically throughout the day. The effect of this bombardment on the Bn. was one man wounded. Relief of 2 Royal Scots Fusiliers suspended. Order received at 12.55 p.m. Considerable enemy activity during this day in the neighbourhood of FRISE MAP. REF. VAUX 1/10000 G.18.d. and high ground S. of that village. During this night Germans took FRISE and advanced their line about 800 yards on a front of 500 yards. Capt P.C. Cavan and 2Lieut L.K.Lawrence admitted to hospital sick. Shelling ceased about 4.40 p.m. Sick wastage for the week NIL 29 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. The enemy continue to shell SUZANNE heavily commencing about 4 a.m. Heavy bombardment of French position on high ground just South of FRISE, which was not followed by an infantry attack. Lieut-Col C.C. Onslow C.M.G. receives orders to take over command of the 1st Bn. Bedford Regt. At 1 p.m. orders received to send one Machine GUN to assist the French in the neighbourhood of ECLUSIER (VAUX G.22.a.) 6 p.m. received orders to send another gun to ROYAL DRAGOONS - VAUX G.6.a.b. 8.35 pm received orders to send two platoons to battle dug-outs in VAUX WOOD. Lieut W.White and two platoons A.Coy. 10.30 p.m. A Coy, 1st Bn.Norfolk Regiment arrive from BRAY and attached to the Bn. Casualties 9 O.R. wounded. 30 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. Lieut-Col C.C. Onslow C.M.G. left at 6.30 a.m. to command 1st Bn. Bedf. R. Enemy continue to shell SUZANNE but not so violently. Practically ceases at 10 a.m. Major H.S. Poyntz assumes command of the battalion. Lieut H.A. Deacon proceeds on leave. Casualties 2 O.R. wounded. 31 Jan 1916 Billets SUZANNE. At 5.30 p.m. two platoons of "A" Coy under Lieut WHITE move from BATTLE DUG-OUTS to VAUX WOOD. SUZANNE was not shelled on this day. Total Casualties in the regiment during shelling of SUZANNE 12 O.R. wounded a remarkably small number considering the very bad fortifications found in this village.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Jan 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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