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    War Diary for December 1915 1 Dec 1915 - Bellerive Billets FERME DU ROI. Bn. left at 10-45 A.M., for billets at BELLERIVE arriving at 12-15 P.M. 2 Dec 1915 - Guarbecque Billets BELLERIVE. Bn. left at 8-45 A.M. for billets at GUARBECQUE arriving about 11.15 A.M. Sick wastage week ending 2-12-15, 9 Other ranks. 3 Dec 1915 Billets GUARBECQUE. 4 Dec 1915 Billets GUARBECQUE, Lieuts. E.S.M.POYNTZ & J.W.H.T.DOUGLAS & 2/Lt A.GROVER joined the Bn., and posted to C.D&B. Coys. respectively. 5 Dec 1915 Billets Guarbecque. Lieut T.E.AMYOT R.A.M.C., rejoined from Hospital, 2/Lt. E.H.GUDGEON also rejoined but was readmitted into Hospital same day. Lieut. B.E.Wright, R.A.M.C., (On Leave) struck off strength on Lt. AMYOT joining, Lieut. G.H.BROUGHTON returned to 21st F.A. 6 Dec 1915 - Fourdrinoy Billets GUARBECQUE. Bn. left at 3.30 A.M., to entrain at LILLERS for FOURDRONOY. Arrived at LILLERS at 5-5 A.M. The whole Bn. with its compliment of Horses & Vehicles entrained in one train, No.8, with the exception of the R.Q.M.S., & 3 Cyclists, who proceeded by N. 7 train. Left Lillers at 6.41 A.M. arriving at SALEUX at 3.15 P.M. where the Bn. detrained and had tea. The Bn. (with transport) left here at 4.15 P.M. and arrived at FOURDRINOY at 8.15 P.M. The Bn. from this, are now on strength of the 13th CORPS. 7 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY, Ref Map AMIENS Sheet 12 1/80000. 2/Lt. R.F.C.BALLARD 28th Bn. London Regt. joined & posted to C.Coy. Bn. Football League & Boxing Competitions arranged. 8 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY 9 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY 10 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY. 20 Other Ranks joined from 3rd Entrenching Battalion. 11 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY. 2/Lts. A.M.B.GAZE & A.YOUNG joined Bn., and posted to D.Coy. Sick wastage week ending 11-12-15: - 12 Other Ranks. 12 Dec 1915 Capt. R.B.Gibson & 11 O.Ranks, proceeded on leave. 13 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY 14 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY 15 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY. Battalion Boxing Competition. MIDDLES, 1st Sgt. Nicholls, 2nd Cpl. Eade. LIGHTS, 1st Pte Pilkington, 2nd L/C Mason. FEATHERS, 1st Pte Golby, 2nd Pte Gorham 6 RDS CONTEST, Pte Coxall beat Sgt. Taylor. 6 RDS. CONTEST Cpl. Eade beat L/C Scrivener 16 Dec 1915 Billets FOURDRINOY. Farewell Message. The following message has been received from Lt.Gen H.P.Gough C.B., Commanding 1st Corps. "Will you please let the 7th Division know how sorry I was to part with them, and not to be there to wish them farewell and good luck, and I do appreciate the great example of gallantry, discipline, and endurance that they always set for which and the the [sic] results which they obtained by it, they have earned the deep gratitude of their Country and their Commander". 17 Dec 1915 BILLETS FOURDRINOY. Lieut. T.E.AMYOT R.A.M.C., proceeded on leave. Lieut. B.E.WRIGHT, R.A.M.C., temporarily attached to Bn. during his absence. Lieut W.WHITE and 2/Lt. A.H.O.Riddell and 10 Other Ranks proceeded on leave. Sick wastage for week ending 17-12-15: - 11 O.Ranks. Extract from London gazette d/13-12-15, Temp.Lt. L.F.BEAL to be Temp. Captain, Sep. 26th 1915. 2/Lt W.Sharpe to be Temp.Lieut. Sept. 18th 1915. Lieut. J.W.H.T.Douglas & Lieut. E.S.M.POYNTZ, to be Captains Sept. 24th 1915. Captain J.W.H.T.DOUGLAS took over command of A.Coy. from captain H.de BURIATTE on 11-12-15. Captain E.S.M.POYNTZ took over command of B.Coy. from Captain R.B.GIBSON on 12-12-15. To be Temporary Lieut. Col., Major H.S.Poyntz, 10-11-1915. Captain R.B.Gibson & Captain H.de Buriatte reverts to 2/Lts. from 11-12-15 & 10-12-15 respectively on relinquishing command ob B & A Coys. respectively. 18 Dec 1915 BILLETS FOURDRINOY. 2/Lt. E.H.Gudgeon Sick, 5-12-15, Transferred to England 9-12-15, and struck off strength of Bn. 19 Dec 1915 BILLETS FOURDRINOY 20 Dec 1915 - Ribeaucourt and Barlette Billets FOURDRINOY. Bn left at 7.30 A.M., for billets at RIBEAUCOURT and from this date is transferred to the 89th Bde., 30th Divn., but remain attached to the 21st Bde. until the 89th Bde. returns from the trenches. The Bn. marched via PICQUIGNY - LA CHAUSSEE - BOIS DU GARD - ST-OUEN - ST-LEGER - DOMART - RIBEAUCOURT - BARLETTE. Arrived at ST LEGEG [sic] at 12.30 P.M., where Bn. had Dinners - left here at 1.25 P.M., Distance of March about 16 miles. D.Coy. billeted in BARLETTE, H.Q., A.B.& C.Coys billeted in RIBEAUCOURT, Ref. Map AMIENS 1/80000 Sheet 12. From this date the whole of the 21st Bde is transferred to 30th Divn. and the 91st Bde. joined the 7th Divn., The 2/Yorks & 2/Wilts. remained with 21st Bde., 2 Bedf.R., to 89th Bde., 2/R.S.F. to 90th Bde., & 1/4 Camerons to 91st Bde. The C.O. congratulated all ranks on their splendid marching. This was also complimented by two General Officers. Special Order Of The Day, by Field Marshal Sir J.D.P.FRENCH G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G., Commander in chief, British Army in the Field. "In relinquishing the Command of the British Army in France I wish to express to the Officers, N.C.Os. & Men, with whom I have been so closely associated during the last sixteen months my heartfelt sorrow in parting with them before the campaign in which we have been so long engaged together, has been brought to a victorious conclusion. I have however, the firmest conviction that such a glorious ending to their splendid and heroic efforts is not far distant, and I shall watch their progress towards this final goal with intense interest, but in the most confident hope. The success so far attained has been due to the indomitable spirit, dogged tenacity which knows no defeat, and the heroic courage so abundantly displayed by the rank and file of the splendid Army which it will ever remain the pride and glory of my life to have commanded during over sixteen months of incessant fighting. Regulars and Territorials, Old Army and New Army have ever shown these magnificent qualities in equal degree. From my heart I thank them. At this sad moment of parting my heart goes out to those who have received life long injury from wounds and think with sorrow of that great and glorious host of my beloved comrades who have made the greatest sacrifice of all by laying down their lives for their Country. In saying good-bye to the British Army in France I ask them once again to accept this expression of my deepest gratitude and heart-felt devotion towards them and my earnest good wishes for the glorious future which I feel to be achieved. J.D.P.French, Field-Marshal, Commanding in Chief, the British Army in France 18th December 1915. Farewell Order In taking leave of the 21st Infantry Brigade the Divisional Commander wishes to express his regret that it should have become necessary, in the interest of the Army, to part with the Brigade with which he has been so long associated. He also wishes to express his admiration for the magnificent services which the battalions of this Brigade have rendered since the 7th Division landed in Belgium, and his confidence that they will continue to maintain the same high standards of gallantry and efficiency in the new formation to which they are going. he wishes them the best of lucj and success in the future". 21 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 22 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 23 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 24 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT. Draft of 25 O.R. joined from 3rd Entrenching Battalion. 25 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT. A Football Match was played in the afternoon between the Officers and Sergeants the Officers winning by 9 goals to 1. 26 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT A Boxing Competition was held during the afternoon. The 89th Brigade returned from the trenches, and we were permanently transferred to them. 2 Lieut F.A.Sloan, Cambridgeshire Regt. joined and was posted to 'C' Coy. 27 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 28 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT. Christmas Message from His Majesty the King The following message has been received. Another Christmas finds all the resources of the Empire still engaged in War and I desire to convey on my own behalf and on behalf of the Queen a heartfelt Christmas greeting and out good wishes for the New Year to all who on Sea and Land are upholding the honour of the British name. In the officers and men of my Navy, on whom the security of the Empire depends, I repose in, common with all my subjects, a trust that is absolute. On the Officers and men of my Armies whether now in France, in the East or in other fields, I rely with an equal faith, confident that their devotion, their valour and their self sacrifice will, under God's guidance lead to Victory and an honourable Peace. There are many of their comrades now, alas, in hospital and to these brave men, also I desire with the Queen, to express our deep gratitude and our current prayers for their recovery. Officers and men of the Navy and Army another year is drawing to a close, as it began, in toil, bloodshed and suffering but I rejoice to know that the goal to which you are striving draws nearer to sight. May God Bless You and all your Undertakings". signed George R.I. The following message has been despatched To - His Majesty The King, Buckingham Palace, London The Army in France under my Command desires to be allowed to express its warmest thanks to Your Majesty and to Her Majesty the Queen for the gracious message received. On behalf of the troops I respectively beg Your Majesties to accept the most heartfelt good wishes of all ranks for Xmas and the New Year and an expression of their firm and lasting determination to prove themselves worthy of the great trust which Your Majesty reposes in us. Christmas Day 1915 From Sir Douglas Haig Message from the Earl of Derby In reply to a message of Good wishes for Christmas and New Year sent to him on behalf of the Division by the G.O.C. the following telegram has been received from the Right Honourable The Earl of Derby K.G., G.C.V.O., C.B. "General Fry, 30th Division B.E.F. Many thanks for Kind telegram. Very heartily reciprocate. Good Wishes. Trust 30th Division will find Xmas at Home next year. I wish all ranks A Happy New Year". 29 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT 30 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT. Inspection of the Battalion by Brigadier General Stanley of the 89th Brigade. Christmas Message from the Duke of Connaught. To General Sir Douglas Haig, Comdg. British Expeditionary Force, France. Accept from me warmest Xmas greetings and New Year wishes to yourself and all serving under you. the following reply was sent To - His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught. 24th December 1915 the Army in France desires to be allowed to return its warmest thanks for Your Royal Highness' good wishes which are most heartily reciprocated by each one of us. From Sir Douglas Haig 31 Dec 1915 Billets RIBEAUCOURT
  • Date free text
    1-31 Dec 1915
  • Production date
    From: 1915 To: 1915
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