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    21st Brigade Operation Order No.90. Nov. 2nd 1915 Reference 1:40,000 Map BETHUNE (combined sheet) 1. The Brigade will exchange billets with the 22nd Bde. Tomorrow. (a) The Bedfordshire Regt. With the Royal Welch Fusiliers in BETHUNE arriving there at Noon. (b) The Yorkshire Regt. With "the Queens" at ESSARS arriving there at Noon. (c) The R.S.F. with the Royal Warwickshire Regt. At FERME du ROI and starting at Noon. (d) The Cameron Highlanders with the South Staffordshire Regt. at HINGETTE and starting at Noon. 2. The Wiltshire Regt. will remain at LE PREOL. 3. No.9 Trench Mortar Battery will move and be billeted with the Yorkshire Regt. at ESSARS. 4. Completion of all moves will be reported to 22nd Bde. H.Q. at the HALTE W.30.a.9.9. to which point Bde. H.Q. will move on completion of the relief. George Crossman, Maj. Brigade Major 21st Inf. Brigade. Officer Commanding, 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Operation Order No.90 of today is cancelled. The 2nd Bn. Yorkshire Regiment will move into billets in BETHUNE tomorrow, and on November 4th, will, with the 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regiment take over half the GIVENCHY Section from the 20th Brigade. Further orders will be issued later. George Crossman, Major. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. 2nd November, 1915. 21st Brigade Operation Order No. 91. Nov. 2nd 1915 Reference 1:10,000 trench Map 1. The Yorkshire Regiment will move tomorrow to BETHUNE and take over the Billets of the Royal Welch Fusiliers in ECOLE des FILLES, BETHUNE not to be entered before 2 p.m. 2. The Wiltshire Regiment will tomorrow pass temporarily under the command of the G.O.C. 20th Brigade. 3. These two Bns. will take over the trenches from SHAFTESBURY AVENUE (inclu.) to the CANAL on Nov. 4th. 4. Completion of relief will be reported to Brigade H.Q. 5. No.9 trench Mortar Battery will accompany the Yorks. Regt. George Crossman, Maj. Brigade -Major, 21st Inf.Bde. 2/Bedf. R. Operation Order No.39 Ref. Map BETHUNE 1/40,000 Combined Sheet. 3rd November, 1915. 1. The Battalion will move to BETHUNE tomorrow & take over billets from 2/YORKSHIRE Regt. 2. Companies will form up as follows, H.Q. A. B. C. D. Coys. & M.G. Sections. A Coy. Leading - Head of A. Co. will be at the CRICIFIX at 2.30 p.m. at which time the Bn. will march. 3. Billeting Parties will meet the Q.Mr. at 12 Noon at the Town Majors Office BETHUNE. 4. All Kits etc. to be ready for loading at 1 p.m. Blankets (Rolled in bundles of Ten) will be stacked at "B" Coys. farm by 9.30 a.m. L.F. Beal, Lieut. A/Adjutant, 2/Bed. R. 21st Brigade Operation Order No. 92 Nov. 3rd 1915 Reference 1:40,000 Map BETHUNE. 1:10,000 Trench Map. 1. The following moves will take place tomorrow: - 2. (a) The Yorkshire Regt. will relieve portions of the 8th and 9th Devons in the Trenches from SHAFTESBURY AVENUE (inclu.) to BAKER ST. (exclu.) and Garrison ORCHARD REDOUBT with 1 Platoon. (b) The Wiltshire Regt. will relieve the 8th Devons from BAKER St. (inclu.) to the Canal and Garrison SPOIL BANK and the KEEP of PONT FIXE (North) with one Platoon each. 3. Guides will meet the Wiltshire Regt. at PONT FIXE at 10 a.m. and the Yorkshire Regt. at VAUXHALL Bridge at the same hour. 4. Machine Gun guides will be at VAUXHALL BR at 9 a.m. The guns of the Yorkshire Regt., Wiltshire Regt and 2 guns of the Cameron Highlanders will meet the A/B.M.G.O. there at that hour. 5. The Cameron Highlanders will move to LE PREOL and take over the billets vacated by the Wiltshire Regt. arriving there at noon. They will furnish "house-maiding" parties of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men each for WESTMINSTER BR., MARAIS E and MARAIS S.W. Guides will meet these parties at 22nd Bde. H.Q. F.10.b.2.3. at 10 a.m. 6. The Bedford Regt. will move to BETHUNE and take over the Billets vacated by the Yorkshire Regt., arriving there at 4 p.m. 7. the R.S.F. will remain in their present Billets tomorrow and on the 5th inst. will move to FERME DU ROI starting at 1 p.m. 8. No.9 T.M.Battery will accompany the Yorkshires and be billeted with the Reserve Coy. of that Regt. 9. Completion of all moves will be reported to Brigade H.Q. which at noon tomorrow will move to CHATEAU QUESNOY F.8.b.8.1. George Crossman, Maj. Brigade Maj. 21st Inf. Brigade. SECRET Defence Scheme The line held by the Brigade extends from the Canal to SHAFTESBURY AVENUE. 1. It is divided into CANAL to WILLOW ROAD B.1. WILLOW ROAD to SHAFTESBURY AVENUE B.2.(a). 2. Each subsection is held by 1 Battalion with 2 Coys. in Front and support Trenches. 1 Coy. in support and finding garrisons for "Keeps". 1 Coy. in Reserve. It is essential that each Bn. should have one Company, at least, intact for immediate offensive action. Machine Guns in the line 5. 3. H.Q. of Right Bn. in B.1. are at SPOILBANK. H.Q. of Left Bn. in B.2.(a) are on PONT FIXE Road. Brigade H.Q. at CHATEAU QUESNOY. Advanced H.Q. CANADIAN FM. 4. The Defensive System consists of: - 1. The Front System i.e. Firing line, supporting line and certain supporting points. 2. The Village Line running through PONT FIXE & WINDY CORNER. 3. The LE TOURET LINE. 5. Supporting Points. SPOILBANK 1 Platoon 1 M.G. B.1.seb-section. ORCHARD 1 Platoon 1 M.G. B.sub-section. PONT FIXE 1 Platoon 2 M.G. B.1. sub-section. In these a Reserve of S.A.A., Bombs, and Rations will be maintained. Order Boards and Inventory Boards are in each. The Garrison is never to fall below that stated level. 6. All supporting points will be inspected daily by an officer to ensure maintenance work being carried out and the defences kept in a proper condition. A report will be rendered at 8 p.m. daily that this has been done. 7. The Bn. in B.1. will be responsible for the maintenance of all Trenches between the Canal and BAKER ST. - ORCHARD ROAD inclusive. The Bn. in B.2.(a) is responsible for all trenches thence to WOLFF ROAD (inclusive). The Bn. billeted at LE PREOL will be responsible for the LE TOURET LINE. All trenches will be inspected by an officer once in the forenoon and once in the afternoon and a report rendered at 8 p.m. daily showing the state of all trenches. Permanent maintenance parties will be detailed for repair work. Action in case of Attack. 1. Brigade H.Q. moves to CANADIAN FARM. 2. The BETHUNE Bn. will immediately concentrate at LE QUESNOY, the head of the Bn. being close to PONT LEVIS, as Divisional Reserve. 3. The LEPREOL Bn. will at once send 2 Coys. and 2 Machine Guns to complete the garrison of PONT FIXE, the remaining 2 Coys. will move up and occupy the dugouts close to CANADIAN FARM. 4. The FERME DU ROI Bn. will move via the south bank of the Canal and halt with its head at VAUXHALL Bridge. 5. The Front line will be held at all costs. Should any portion be occupied by the enemy the remainder of the line will be held and local counter attacks made. Local Supports and Reserves will act under subsection Commanders for this purpose. Subsection Commanders will consider plans to meet all eventualities. 6. Troops on the right and left of the lost trenches will assist the counter attacks by pushing Bombing parties down the Trenches on the flanks of the attackers. 7. If more than a local counter attack is required it will be organized by the Brigadier. 8. If the Front System of Trenches is broken through all Redoubts must be held at all costs so as to form pivots to assist the main counter attack. George Crossman, Maj. Brigade Major 21st Brigade. Nov. 3rd 1915. 2/Bedf. R. Operation Order No.40. Ref. Map. Bethune 1/40,000 (Combined Sheet). 5th November, 1915. 1. The Battalion will relieve the 2nd Bn. YORKSHIRE Regt. in the Trenches tomorrow 6th (B.2.a. Section). 2. the Bn. will form up on road facing THEATRE at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Order of March A. D. B. C. Coys. 3. Kits etc. to be ready for loading at 8 a.m. 4. Separate Orders have been issued to Transport Officer. 5. The 2 extra Bandoliers will be issued to N.C.O's. & men at GORRE Bridge. 6. Each Coy. will leave behind one Section to clear up billets. L.F. Beal. 21st Brigade Operation Order No.93. Nov. 5th 1915 Ref. 1:10,000 Trench Map 1. The R.S.F. will relieve the Wilts in B.1. subsection and the Bedfords will relieve the Yorks in B.2. (a) subsection, tomorrow. 2. Guides for the Bedfords will be at VAUXHALL Bdge. at 10.30 a.m. and for the R.S.F. at PONT FIXE at the same time. 3. The M.G's of the R.S.F. and Bedfords and one gun of the Camerons will be at VAUXHALL Bridge at 2 p.m., where a guide from each gun to be relieved will meet them, Lieut. SAMUT will superintend. 4. Transport will remain in its present position. 5. On relief the Yorks will move to Billets in the ECOLE DES JEUNES FILLES in BETHUNE and the Wilts to FERME DU ROI. 6. The line will be held in accordance with the defence scheme issued. 7. No.9 Trench Mortar Battery will remain in its present Billets and be rationed by the Bedfords. 8. Completion of Relief to be reported. George Crossman, Maj. Brigade Major 21st Inf.Bde. 2/Bn. Bedf.R. Operation Order No.41. 7th November. Ref.Map BETHUNE 1/40,000. 1. The Battalion will be relieved tomorrow by the 2/YORKSHIRE REGT. and will return to last billets in BETHUNE. 2. One Guide from each Platoon will be at VAUXHALL BRIDGE by 10.30 a.m. 3. The Battalion will assemble on N. side of CANAL with head at WATERLOO BRIDGE in Order C. B. D. A. Companies. 4. Mens Packs will be collected at a place notified later and taken to billets by Transport. 5. All Kits etc. must be at Bn. H.Q. by 9 a.m. 6. O.C. Coys. will report at Bn. H.Q. when relief is complete. 7. All Trench Stores, Bombs etc. will be handed over & receipts taken, one copy to be sent to Adjutant on arrival in billets. 8. Machine Guns will be relieved at 2 p.m. A Guide from each GUN will be at VAUXHALL BRIDGE at 2 p.m. 9. Drums will meet Battalion at WATERLOO BRIDGE at 11.30 a.m. L.F. Beal, Lieut. A/Adjutant 2/Bedf. R. 21st Brigade Operation Order No.94. Nov. 7th 1915. Reference 1:40,000 and 1;10,000 Maps. 1. The Wiltshire Regt. will relieve the R.S.F. in B.1. and the Yorkshire Regt. the Bedfords in B.2. (a) subsection tomorrow. 2. The Reliefs will commence from PONT FIXE and VAUXHALL BRIDGE respectively at 10.30 a.m. The usual guides will be supplied. 3. machine Guns will be relieved at 2 p.m. The Guns of the Yorkshires, Wilts and 1 Gun of the CAMERONS will report to Lieut. SAMUT at VAUXHALL BRIDGE at that hour. 4. Transport will remain in its present positions. Bns. will arrange to move their own Blankets. 5. The 21st Field Ambulance will arrange for an Ambulance to follow the last Coys. of the R.S.F. and Bedfords from PONT FIXE and VAUXHALL BRIDGE respectively to bring along men unable to march. 6. The line will be held in accordance with the Defence Scheme. 7. No.9 Trench Mortar Battery will remain in its present position and be rationed by the Yorkshire Regt. 8. The Bedfords will be billeted in the ECOLE des JEUNES FILLES, BETHUNE and the R.S.F. in a billet in BETHUNE to be communicated later. 9. The South Bank of the Canal may be used only as far West as WATERLOO BRIDGE. Bns. must then leave the Canal bank and move via LE PREOL and LE QUESNOY. No roads north of the Canal may be used. 10. Completion of Relief will be reported to Brigade H.Q. George Crossman Maj. Brigade Major. 21st Infantry Brigade. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER No.95. November 9th 1915. 1. The 2nd Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers will relieve the 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regiment in B.1. and the 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment the 2nd Bn. Yorkshire Regiment in B.2. (a) at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow. 2. Arrangements for the relief will be as usual. 3. Machine Guns will be relieved at 2 p.m. 4. No.9 Trench Mortar Battery will remain in position and be rationed by the 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. 5. The 21st Field Ambulance will detail an ambulance to follow the last Company of each Battalion. 6. The 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regiment will take over the present Royal Scots Fusiliers' billets in BETHUNE, and the 2nd Bn. Yorkshire Regiment the Bedfordshire Regiment's billets. 7. Completion of relief will be reported to Brigade Headquarters. George Crossman, Major. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Bde. SECRET Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. ORCHARD REDOUBT has now been allotted to B.1. Subsection. Defence Schemes will be amended accordingly. George Crossman, Major. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Bde. 9th November 1915. 21st Brigade Operation Order No.96. Nov. 10th 1915 Reference 1:40,000 BETHUNE Map. 1. The following moves will take place tomorrow. 2. The 2nd Bn. Yorkshire Regt. to HINGETTE and exchange Billets with the Royal Warwickshire Regt. Transport lines W.11.c. central. Head of Bn. to pass Railway E.4.a. at 9.30 a.m. 3. The 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regt. to MT BERNENCHON and exchange Billets with the South Staffordshire Regt. transport lines P.31.d. Head of Bn. to pass Railway E.4.a. at 10 a.m. 4. The Cameron Highlanders will march at 2 p.m. and move into Billets at ANNEZIN. Working parties will follow on completion of their work. 5. Completion of all moves will be reported to Brigade H.Q. George Crossman Major. Brigade Major 21st Brigade. 21st Brigade Operation Order No.97. Nov. 11th 1915. Reference 1:40,000 Map, BETHUNE Sheet. 1;10,000 Trench Map. 1. The following reliefs will be carried out tomorrow: - 2. The 7th Bn. The King's (Liverpool Regt.) will relieve the R.S.F. in B.1. Subsection, including SPOILBANK and PONT FIXE (North). 4 Platoon guides from the front line, 2 Pl. guides from the Support line (flank platoons) and guides for Redoubts will meet the relieving Bn. at PONT FIXE at 10.30 a.m. The 3 Machine Guns in Front line and 1 gun in SPOILBANK will be relieved at 2 p.m. a [sic] which hour a guide from each gun will be at VAUXHALL BRIDGE. The R.S.F. on relief will march to Billets in BETHUNE reporting to the Town Major there for the exact area. 3. The Bedfords will be relieved by the 6th Gordon Highlanders between the two points where WILLOW ROAD cuts northwards to SHAFTESBURY AVENUE. The 6th Gordons will hold ORCHARD REDOUBT. Platoon guides will meet the 6th Gordons at VAUXHALL BRIDGE at 11 a.m. and the 2nd Gordons at WINDY CORNER at the same hour. machine Guns will be relieved at 9 a.m. The Bedfords on relief will be billeted in the AVENUE DE BROUAY in BETHUNE. Transport lines will be communicated to Quartermaster separately. 4. The Cameron Highlanders will move to Billets in BELLERIVE. Move to be complete by 1 p.m. 5. No.9 Trench Mortar Battery will at 10 a.m. be relieved by No. 1 T.M. Battery and will march to BELLERIVE where it will be billeted and rationed by the Cameron Highlanders. Transport will be at VAUXHALL BRIDGE at 11 a.m. 6. Transport for packs will be at PONT FIXE and VAUXHALL Bridge at 12 noon. 7. The 21st Field Ambulance will detail an Ambulance wagon to follow the last Coys. of the R.S.F. and Bedfords from PONT FIXE and VAUXHALL BRIDGE. 8. The South bank of the Canal may be used only as far West as WATERLOO BRIDGE. Bns. must then move via LE PREOL and LE QUESNOY. 9. On Nov. 13th the Bedfords will move to LES HARISOIRS. Move to be completed by 1 p.m. 10. The completion of all moves will be reported to Brigade H.Q. which at 2 p.m. tomorrow will move to the HALTE, W.24.c.9.1. George Crossman, Maj. Brigade Major 21st Inf. Bde. To - BEDFORDS. Sender's Number B.M. 2 Day of Month. 11th. Ref. O.O. No.97 of tonight your machine guns will not be relieved at 9 a.m. as stated aaa One guide each for your two front line and COVENTRY ST. guns will be at GIVENCHY KEEP at 2 p.m. aaa From 21st Bde. AMENDMENT TO OPERATION ORDER NO.97 dated 11th November. 1. Para. 4. the Camerons will move to billets in LES HARISOIRS and not BELLERIVE. 2. Para. 5. No.9 Trench Mortar Battery will move to LES HARISOIRS. 3. Para.9. On November 13th the 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment will move to BELLERIVE and not to LES HARISOIRS. 4. On November 13th the Transport of the 2nd Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers will move to K. lines E.11.b.2.0. George Crossman, Major. Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. Subject: BILLET TABLE Headquarters, Infantry Brigade The following are the billets allotted to Brigades after the reliefs ordered by 7th Divisional Operation Order No.61 of 11th instant are complete. [Brigade - Battalion Billets - Transport Lines] Northern Brigade - le QUESNOY. ESSARS. - A.B.C.D.E. Southern Brigade - le PREOL. Ferme du Roi. F.G.H. SEVELINGUE Farm and a field by Ferme du Roi (Billet in Ferme du Roi.) Reserve Brigade - BELLERIVE. Mt BERNENCHON. Les HARISOIRS. HINGES & HINGETTE. BETHUNE. T.S. RIDDELL-WEBSTER, Captain, D.A.A. & Q.M.G., 7th Division 11th November, 1915. 2/Bn. Bed. R. Operation Order 41. 12/11/15. Ref.Map BETHUNE 1/40,000. 1. The Battalion will be relieved today by the 6th GORDON Highlanders between the teo points where WILLOW ROAD cuts the Front line, and by the 2nd Gordon Highlanders northwards to SHAFTESBURY AVENUE. The 6th Gordons will hold ORCHARD REDOUBT 2. Platoon Guides will meet the 6th GORDONS at VAUXHALL BRIDGE at 11 a.m. and the 2nd GORDONS at WINDY CORNER at the same hour. 3. One Guide for each of the two guns in front line & one for COVENTRY STREET will be at GIVENCHY KEEP at 2 p.m. 4. The Battalion after relief will be billeted in the AVENUE de BROUAY in BETHUNE. 5. Transport for Packs of men will be at VAUXHALL BRIDGE at 12 noon. 6. All Kits etc. to be at Bn. H.Q. ready for loading at 9 a.m. 7. On relief companies will move independently to Billets. 8. The South bank of the Canal may be used only as far West as WATERLOO BRIDGE. Companies must then move via LE PREOL and LE QUESNOY. 9. Completion of relief will be reported to Bn. H.Q. 10. All Trench Stores will be handed over and receipts - Copies of which should reach Adjutant by 9 a.m. tomorrow. 11. On Nov. 13th the Battalion will move to LES HARISOIRS. L.F. BEAL, Capt. A/Adjutant 2/Bed. R. 2/Bed./R. Operation Order No.42 12/11/15 Ref. Map BETHUNE 1/40,000 1. The Battalion will move to billets in BELLERIVE tomorrow. 2. The Bn. will form up in Column of Route in the AVENUE de BROUAY facing N.W. at 10 a.m. in following Order D. C. B. A. M.G.Section, D. Co. leading. 3. Billeting parties will meet the Q.Mr. at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the MAIRE'S HOUSE BELLERIVE. 4. All Kits etc. to be ready for loading at 9.0 a.m. 5. Blankets (rolled in bundles of ten) will be stacked at the MALTERIE at 9 a.m. 6. Each Coy. will leave a party behind to clean billets. L.F.BEAL, Capt. Adjt. 2/Bed./R SECRET MEMORANDUM TO COMMANDING OFFICERS BY THE FIELD-MARSHAL COMMANDING-IN-CHIEF The Officer Commanding 2nd Bedf. R. 1. The Army in France is entering upon a winter campaign in circumstances very different from those of a year ago. Then we were in great inferiority, both as regards numbers and munitions. Our position was necessarily defensive and sometimes precarious. We emerged successfully from a critical period because of the fine fighting qualities of officers and men in the front line, and it was because of the high fighting value of units that the Germans never achieved the moral ascendancy for which they hoped and which seemed warranted by their superiority in resources. The situation as regards resources is now reversed. Whereas the enemy reached high-water mark in the early part of this year and has since been slowly but surely declining, our army has expanded very largely in numbers and the increase in munition supply has been relatively greater still. Final success is therefore assured, and it will come the sooner if we succeed in maintaining the highest standard of efficiency in units. 2. With the expansion of the Army there has been a necessary reduction in the number of experienced officers and men in every unit. The efficiency of units has therefore become more than ever dependant upon the unremitting personal effort of commanding officers. It is because your work is of such paramount importance to our success that I address this Memorandum personally to you, not by way of criticism, but to assure you that the importance of your task is fully understood and to guide you in your future efforts. 3. I wish you to believe that I realise fully the difficulties you have to contend with and the dangers and hardships to which you are often subjected. I know your work is uphill and that its results are often not apparent to you. The material on which you have to work is often uninstructed and inexperienced, but it is young, keen and impressionable. Therefore, if worked on rightly, the best results can be expected. 4. The fighting value of the units is derived from three interdependent sources - training, discipline and moral. As regards training, you have ample data and instructions for guidance, and staffs of formations are available to advise and assist; but as regards discipline and moral you have to rely upon your own personal efforts. Experience has shown that if these are to be maintained at a high level among young officers and soldiers, special attention must be given to the following points: - (i) A proper chain of command must be established and responsibility definitely fixed, so as to develop initiative and power of command. (ii) Discipline must be applied rigorously among officers, slackness and incapacity must never be condoned. (iii) Grumbling and uninformed criticism must be eliminated. (iv) All leaders and particularly company and platoon commanders should be made to understand the vital importance of their duties, and that it is on their leading that success in battle chiefly depends once the attack is launched. It should be explained that, in battle, control is rarely possible and confusion inevitable, and that their initiative, courage and skill largely determine the fortunes of the day. (v) The disastrous consequences of retirements must be insisted on. (vi) The history and traditions of the regiment and the achievements of its members in this and in previous campaigns should be systematically taught. (vii) Every opportunity for fostering a fighting spirit should be taken, the enemy must be harassed and his life made a burden. (viii) The reasons for the war and the cause for which we are fighting must be explained. The Army exists and works with one object and one only, and that is to beat the Germans. All other considerations are subordinate to this. 5. We are undertaking the great task of creating a large Army while fighting a powerful and inscrupulous [sic] enemy. In this task nothing is more important than the practice and inculcation of the highest soldierly qualities. I am confident that I may rely on you to devote yourselves whole-heartedly to the development of these qualities in the splendid troops whom you have the honour to command. J.D.P.FRENCH. 13th November, 1915.
  • Date free text
    2-13 Nov 1915
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