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    SECRET Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Every unit reporting the passage of a hostile airship should furnish also the following information: - (a) Name of individual who saw the airship. (b) Its general appearance. (c) Its estimated height and speed. (d) Whether any noise of engines was heard. (e) Whether any signal lights were fired. The telegraphic report is not to be delayed for inclusion of this information, which should be transmitted by letter to the nearest Squadron R.F.C. with least possible delay. GEORGE CROSS [sic], Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade 1st August 1915 1st Corps The following extract from the translation of a memorandum by the French General Headquarters is forwarded for your information: - "During a recent attack the Germans created three 'barrages' on a front of about 3 kilometres by means of asphyxiating fumes from shells. 1st on front line. 2nd about the line of Battn. 'Command Posts'. 3rd on the reserves. These 'barrages' were maintained by a systematic fire. the enemy organised the 'barrages' so as to leave lanes free, through which his own troops could attack. The results of the bombardment were as follows: - (a) Destruction of telephone lines and consequent prevention of the exercise of command. (b) Impossibility of maintaining communication by liaison agents, as they could not cross the 'barrages'. (c) The effect produced by the action of the gas" R.BUTLER, Major General, General Staff, 1st Army. 2nd August 1915 SECRET D.G.M.S. G.H.Q. No.1 280/2(a) 4.8.15. 1st Army No.1324/21/A.Q. 1st Army In continuation of my D.G. 280/2/A of 16th July, 1915, on the subject of special helmets. Experiments have now proved these to be satisfactory and they will be issued to supplement the present smoke helmets as supplies become available. As the rate of production is restricted, the earliest issues will be to machine gunners only, on indent through Divisional Ordnance Officers, but all troops will be supplied when the output is sufficiently increased, so as to enable each man to have one of the present and one of the new type of helmet available on his person. Indents should, for the present, however, be strictly confined to the requirements of machine gunners. B.W.CHILDS, Colonel A.A.G. for Adjutant General 3/8/15. SECRET Headquarters 21st Infantry Brigade Now that we know what to expect we should be able to guard against this type of bombardment: - (a) By digging in and laddering our wires. (b) By ascertaining by observation, the position of the lanes (c) By use of gas helmets and respirators F.GATHORNE HARDY, Lt.Colonel, General Staff, 7th Division. 4th August, 1915 SECRET A.G's No.D/9. Headquarters First Army With reference to my circular letter No. D/5 dated 21.7.15, Major Norton-Griffiths will visit various units which have submitted names of men desirous of being transferred to Tunnelling Companies in order to select the most suitable men. I should be glad if every facility could be given to Major Norton-Griffiths to carry out this duty. B.H.COOKE, Colonel, A.A.G. for Adjutant General, British Army in the Field 5.8.15. 1st Army No.C/247 Headquarters 1st Corps Forwarded with reference to my No.C/247 dated 23rd July 1915. Every facility should be afforded to Major Norton-Griffiths to carry out the above duty. P.E.F.HOBBS, Major general, D.A. & Q.M.G. First Army 6.8.15. 7th Division The following instructions are issued in order that the training of troops in reserve may be impeded as little as possible, and in order to define more clearly what is required when troops are detailed to be in readiness to move within a given period of notice. 2. The essential point to be remembered is that a portion at any rate of the troops in question must be ready to march off within the period named, & that the remainder are to follow at the earliest possible opportunity. For example a brigade is detailed as divisional or Corps reserve and ordered to be in readiness to move at two hours notice. One Battalion of the Brigade should be "On Duty", of which one Company should be kept at a greater degree of readiness than the remainder. The company should be ready to march off very soon after being called upon. The remainder of the Battalion should be ready to take the road well within the two hours allotted. the remainder of the brigade will not be kept back from its training or usual routine, in order to move exactly within the period of notice laid down, but must, when preparing its daily programme, pay due regard to the length of that period and be prepared to assemble and follow the battalion on duty without delay. If necessary, parties will be left behind to pack the baggage wagons and bring them after the units to which they belong. 3. When the period of notice is in minutes only, training will, if necessary, be suspended & the men kept within a radius which will allow of the unit marching off before the expiration of the period laid down. 4. The expression "Short Notice" means that the wagons are to be packed, horses harnessed but not hooked on, and the men assembled in their billets ready to put on their equipment and fall in at once. At night blanket wagons may be unpacked unless otherwise ordered, parties to pack them being detailed beforehand as in para.2 and horses will be unharnessed. 5. When the troops in reserve are billeted in depth or in scattered billets, and orders are received for the to turn out and to proceed to a given rendezvous, Battalions & even companies should be directed to move off independently to the rendezvous named, an officer being sent ahead to organise the formation or unit as the troops arrive. S.E.HOLLAND, Major for Brig.Genl. General Staff, 1st Corps. Brigade in Reserve has one Bn. on duty of wh. one Coy. will be at "Short Notice". SECRET Bedfords The Secret Service report that in a certain number of British units, boys and young men, below military age, who pretend to be refugees are being fed and are allowed to remain in the billets of the unit. It is reported from other sources that in certain cases these children are German Agents. Please submit a list of all children or youths under military age who are with your unit and detain them until they have been examined by Secret Service Agents. R.S.RYAN, Captain, for Lieut.Colonel, General Staff, 7th Division 9th August, 1915 There is a family consisting of an elderly couple and their daughter (about 20) who say they are refugees from Neuve Chapelle. J... O.C. "D" Coy. Can you now inform me if there are any of these in your billets, please. J.W.HURRELL, Capt. Adjt. 2/Bedf.R. 10.8.15 To the Adjutant In No.10 platoon billets there is one young about 18 & one old man who are refugees. T.V.[sic]PEARSON, 2nd Lieut. O.C. 9 Platoon. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER NO. 70 14th August 1915. Reference 1:40,000 Map, BETHUNE. 1. During the night of August 16th/17th the 21st Infantry Brigade will relieve the 26th Infantry Brigade in C Section of the Trench Line. Battalions will move in accordance with March Table attached. 2. The 2nd Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers will relieve the 8th Black watch in C.1. The 1/4th Cameron Highlanders will relieve the 8th Gordon Highlanders in C.2. The 2nd Bn. Yorkshire Regiment will relieve the 7th Seaforth Highlanders in C.3. The 2nd Bn. Wiltshire Regiment will relieve the 5th Cameron Highlanders in Brigade reserve. The 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment will be in reserve at ESTAMINET CORNER. 3. Guides will meet Battalions as follows: - Royal Scots Fusiliers. Battalion guide at West End of Tuning Fork F.4.b.4.2. at 7.50 p.m. and platoon guides at ESTAMINET CORNER F.6.c.3.9 at 8.10 p.m. 1/4th Cameron Highrs. Platoon guides at CROSS ROADS S.25.d.3.5. at 8.10 p.m. 2nd Yorkshire Regiment. Platoon guides at Road Junction S.25.b.6.8 at 8.15 p.m. 2nd Wiltshire Regiment. Platoon guides at X.24.a.9.5. at 8.30 p.m. 4. Machine Guns will be relieved under arrangements to be made direct between Brigade Machine Gun Officers. 5. Details of relief will be arranged direct between Commanding Officers. 6. All trench stores will be taken over. 7. Completion of relief will be reported to Brigade Headquarters which will be at X.28.a.4.8. after 2 p.m. August 16th. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st. Infantry Brigade. Issued to Signal Section at 11.45 a.m. 15/8/15. MARCH TABLE TO REST AREAS [unit - starting point - time - route] 2nd Royal Scots Fus. - W.1.a.5.6. - 8 a.m. - HINGES - PONT LEVIS - W.11.a. - Road Junction W.6.d. to LOCON - PONT TOURNANT road X.7.d. 2nd Yorkshire Regt. - GONNEHEM V.18.a.3.7. - 8 a.m. - LANNOY - HINGES - AVELETTE to road running S.E. through X.13.a and b and canoed X.13.c. 1/4th Cameron Highrs. - BUSNETTES - 8 a.m. - GONNEHEM - HINGES - AVELETTE to road running S.E. through X.13.c. 2nd Bedfordshire Regt. - Road Junction W.14.b.2.7. - 9 a.m. - HINGES - AVELETTE to E. bank of Canal W.17.b.3.1. to W.17.d.3.1. 2nd Wiltshire Regt. - Road Junction W.8.d.8.2. - 9.30 a.m. - HINGES - PONT LEVIS W.11.a. to E. Bank of Canal X.11.c. and d. Grenade School - Billets - 9.30 a.m. - HINGES to E Bank of Canal North of PONT LEVIS W.11.a. NOTES 1. All roads near Rest Areas will [be] kept clear. 14th August 1915 GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. SECRET. To: 2nd Bedfordshire Regt. Sender's Number. S.C.311 Day of Month. 14th When Seventh Division goes into action the positions of Artillery Brigade Ammunition Columns will be as under 14th Bde. R.H.A. X.14.c.6.3. Supplies Infantry Brigade holding right of 7th Div. front. 22nd Bde. R.F.A. R.32.d.3.3. Supplies Infantry Brigade holding left of 7th Div. front. 35th Bde. R.F.A. X.8.a.9.2. Supplies Infantry Brigade in reserve. 37th Bde. R.F.A. X.14.a. Does not carry S.A.A. 7th Div. Amm. Col. RIEZ-du-VINAGE carries &[sic] grenades and bombs and will on demand send up Grenades and bombs to artillery Bde. Ammn. Cols. whence they can be drawn by units, but no artillery transport is available for these articles. From: 21st Brigade H.F. CHADS, Captain, S.C. 21st Infy. Bde. AFTER OPERATION ORDER NO. 70 15th August, 1915. The Battalion in Brigade reserve will find the following garrisons: - LE PLANTIN E. 1 Platoon. FESTUBERT E. 1 Platoon. LE CAILLOUX Posts. (When constructed) 1 Platoon. The Battalion at ESTAMINET CORNER will find the following posts in the "Village Line". LE PLANTIN 40 men. FESTUBERT 40 men. RUE DE CAILLOUX 20 men. These posts will be occupied on the night of August 16th/17th and a report rendered on 17th by noon as to their condition and whether they have reserve ammunition, rations, water, etc. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. ATTACHMENT. The 8th Bn. Devonshire Regiment will be attached to the Brigade as follows: - 16th August. One Company to Royal Scots Fusiliers. To be met at LOCON Cross Roads at 11 a.m. 17th August. Battalion Signallers (1 Officer & 17 Other ranks) will reach Brigade Headquarters at 2 p.m. and will be distributed amongst Battalions by the Brigade Signal Officer. M.G. Officers (5) and 34 Machine Gunners reach Brigade Headquarters at 8 p.m. and will be distributed amongst Battalions by the Brigade Machine Gun Officer. 18th August. One Company will reach Brigade Headquarters at 8 p.m. and will be attached to the 2nd Yorkshire Regiment who will send guides to meet it. Battalion Scouts (1 Officer and 17 men) reach Brigade Headquarters 8 p.m. and will be attached to Royal Scots Fusiliers. 20th August. One Company will reach Brigade Headquarters at 8 p.m. and be attached to Royal Scots Fusiliers. 21st August. One Company will reach Brigade Headquarters at 8 p.m. and be attached to 2nd Yorkshire Regiment. NOTES 1. All parties will remain in the Trenches 48 hours. 2. The Brigadier does not wish Companies employed as whole units. He wishes them split up by platoons and sections. 3. Every effort is to be made to afford as much instruction as possible while parties are in the trenches. 4. The necessary guides will be sent to Brigade Headquarters to meet all parties at the hours named. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 15th August, 1915. PART 2 ORDERS. 1. TRANSPORT. Bedfords. GORRE CHATEAU Wilts. Weeds to be kept clear. Yorks. Take over from 8th Gordons at LE HAMEL. R.S.F. Camerons. In field vacated by 60th R.E. at LE HAMEL 2. MEDICAL. Dressing Station at MARAIS, near FESTUBERT CH. and LE PLANTIN. Indian Village. 3. AMMN. Col. 14th Bde. R.H.A. X.14.c.6.3. 7th Div. Amm. Col. at RIEZ du VINAGE carries bombs and grenades and will on demand send them to Arty. Bde. Amm. Col. whence they can be drawn by units, but no Artillery transport is available for these. H.F. CHADS, Captain, Staff Captain, 21st Infantry Brigade. 15/8/15. URGENT To: Bedfords. Sender's Number. B.M. 50 Day of Month. AAA The Brigade will move at 8 a.m. 16th inst and bivouac in vicinity of LES CHOQUAUX taking over trenches from 26th Brigade that night AAA You will (No troops in occupation) be in ESTAMINET CORNER AAA Guides to meet Commanding Officers will be at 26th Bde H.Q. X 28 a 4.7 at 9.30 a.m. 16th Inst and to meet Company officers at 2 p.m. Same date AAA Some machine guns will be in reserve. Please acknowledge. Estaminet Corner is at F 6 c 3.8 From: 21st Bde. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Capt. B.M. 2/Bedf. R. Operation Order No. 24. Ref. Map BETHUNE 1/40,000 15th August 1915 OPERATION. 1. the battalion will march into reserve trenches to-morrow the 16th inst at ESTAMINET CORNER F.6.c.3.8. ORDER OF MARCH. 2. A, B, C, D. companies. The head of A Company to be at the starting point road junction W.7.c. at 8.20 a.m. ROUTE. 3. LANNOY road junction W.14.b.2.7. - HINGES - AVELETTE to E. bank of Canal W.17.b.3.1. - LES CHOQUAUX - LES GLATIGNIES - LE HAMEL - GORRE - ESTAMINET CORNER. The Battalion will halt about 10 a.m. on the canal bank W.17.b.3.1. moving off again at 7.45 p.m. Dinners and teas will be had during this halt. TRANSPORT. 4. The transport will follow in rear of the battalion. Officers kit will be ready by 7 a.m. J.W.HURRELL, Captain, A/Adjutant 2/Bedf. R. TO: O.C. Companies The 2 Bedf. R. is "On Duty" to-day, B Coy. is detailed as the Company "On Duty" in the battalion. This Company, therefore, will not leave the battalion billeting area to-day. J.W. HURRELL, Capt. A/Adjt. 2/Bedf.R. SECRET Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. The following are being used as alarm signals by Indian and 4th Corps. Indian Corps: - (I) "Enemy's Infantry attacking" - Green rocket followed immediately by white, repeated once after half minute interval. (II) "Heavy artillery or Trench Mortar bombardment of our trenches" - Green rocket followed immediately by red - repeated as above. 4th Corps: - On the defensive no rockets or flare signals will be used. Occasionally, however, they may be fired solely with the object of misleading the enemy. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 16th August, 1915. SECRET 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE DEFENCE SCHEME. The following instructions are issued as a temporary measure. 1. The front line will be held at all costs. 2. If the front of the Brigade is attacked the Battalion in Brigade Reserve will at once occupy the trench from S.21.c.9.6 to S.27.a.6.9 with two Companies who will be available to counter attack any where on the left. This Battalion will also occupy SHETLAND Road, with one Coy. 3. The two Companies in Reserve in C.2 will be prepared to counter attack or reinforce as required. 4. The Battalion in C.1 will at once increase the garrison of GOLDNEYS Keep to one Platoon and occupy BARNETON Road from the reserve Company. 5. If the enemy effects a lodgement in any part of our line he will be bombed out at once by bombers working in from both flanks. GEORGE CROSSMAN, captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade 17th August 1915 19th August, 1915 2/Bedf. R. Operation Order No. 25 Ref. Map BETHUNE 1/40,000 [marked "CANCELLED"] OPERATION. 1. The Battalion will take up new dispositions as follows: - "D" Company will evacuate TUNING FORK E. and hold FESTUBERT E. (1/2 Company less, 2 sections), LE PLANTIN (1 Platoon), LE PLANTINE (1 Platoon), CAILLOUX POST (2 Sections). the above posts with the exception of LE PLANTIN will be taken over from the 2nd Wiltshire Regiment at 7.30 p.m. to-night. "C" Company will relieve "D" Company's Post (1 N.C.O. 6 men) at cross-roads GORRE at 5.30 p.m. and the Guard at WELSH CHAPEL at 6.30 p.m. A and B Companies and the remainder of C. will march independently into billets on the TUNING FORK, F.4.b. F.5.a.b. at 7.45 p.m. to-night. TRANSPORT. 2. One wagon to be at Bn. Hd.Wrs. F.6.b. at 7.30 p.m. to-night. TRENCH STORES. Trench Stores, bombs, ammunition, etc. will remain on charge of battalion, and guards left over them J.W.HURRELL, Capt. A/Adjt. 2/Bedf. R. Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. herewith 2 copies of "Tracing of enemy works recently noticed" and mentioned in 1st Corps Intelligence Summary dated 11th August 1915. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade 19th August, 1915. DEFENCE SCHEME FOR SECTION "Y" 1. Section "Y" is divided into four sub-sections each of which is normally held by one Battalion: - "Y.1" From Point "A.1" (inclusive) to Vermelles - Hulluch Road (exclusive). "Y.2" From Hulluch Road (inclusive) to Boyau 18 (inclusive). "Y.3" From Boyau 17 (exclusive) to Boyau L.1. (exclusive) "Y.4" From Boyau L.1 (inclusive) to Boyau N.1 (inclusive). 2. One reserve Battalion is in Vermelles and one in Noyelles. 3. The front line is to be held at all costs. If any part of the line should be temporarily captured, the remainder will hold on and will assist in its recapture by bombing down trenches and the local reserves will at once counter-attack. A counter-attack made instantly even with a small force is likely to be easier than a much stronger attack made later when the enemy has had time to establish himself. 4. The signal message sent out to signify that the enemy is attacking will be "S.O.S.Y" or "S.O.S.Y.1" (Y.2. Y.3. or Y.4.). 5. In case of attack: - (i) Artillery fire on the enemy's trences will be at once asked for by Company and Battalion Commanders by the signal "S.O.S" &c. (ii) The O.C. Vermelles reserve Battalion will send: - One Company to the dug-outs just short of Le Rutoire Farm. One Company to "Y.2" Headquarters near the Chapel de Consolation. One Company to sidings on North side of Hulluch Alley near where it cuts the reserve trench. One Company to central Keep. these Companies will at once get into touch with the commanders of Y.1. Y.2. Y.3. and Y.4. respectively and will be available under the orders of these commanders for counter-attack or any action that may be necessary. (iii) The Noyelles reserve Battalion will get under arms and be ready to move to Vermelles when ordered. 6. In case of attack on Section "X" (the section on the right of "Y") the O.C. Vermelles Reserve Battalion will send one company to the dug-outs just short of Le Rutoire Farm to act under the orders of the Officer Commanding "Y.1". 7. In case of attack on Section "Z" (the section on the left of "Y") the O.C. Vermelles reserve Battalion will send one company to the Central Keep to act under the orders of the Officer Commanding "Y.4.". 8. In the event of an attack on any portion of "Y" Section. the London Scottish will at once move their Reserve Company from Vermelles up to Battalion Headquarters. S.T.LUCEY, Captain, Brigade Major, 1st Guards Brigade. H.Q. 1st Gds.Bde. 20th August 1915. 6/Royal Scots Fusiliers 1. The whole of Section "Y" will be temporarily reorganised tomorrow as under: - There will be four sub-sections instead of three: - Y.1. No change Garrison 1 Battalion. Y.2. From present right of Y.2. to Boyau 18 (inclusive). Garrison 1 Battalion. Y.3. From Boyau 18 (exclusive) to Boyau N.1 (inclusive). Garrison 1 Battalion. Y.4. From Boyau L.1. (inclusive) to Boyau N.1 (inclusive) Garrison 1 Battalion. Headquarters of Y.4 will be in the Quarry. Section Z is divided into three Sub-sections Z.C. Z.1. Z.2. 2. Reliefs. The following reliefs will take place to-morrow: - Black watch will relieve Scots Guards in Y.1. Leading Platoon of Black Watch will arrive at LE RUTOIRE Fm at 5 p.m. Black Watch will move up in parties not larger than 2 Sections at 200 yards interval via Cross Roads in L.18.c.9.7 - VERMELLES - RUTOIRE ALLEY. Further arrangements for relief will be made between Commanding Officers. Scots Guards will billet in NOYELLES. 6th Bn. Royal Scots Fusiliers will move in Y.2. (new) via CHAPEL ALLEY at about 9 p.m. Platoon Guides for this Battalion will be furnished by London Scottish who will meet the Royal Scots Fusiliers Platoons at cross roads in L.11.c.8.3. at 8 p.m. The relief will be from right to left. When the whole of the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers have taken over trenches in Y.2. the London Scottish and Cameron Highlanders will close into their left and occupy the two new Sub-sections Y.3 and Y.4 respectively. Officers Commanding these two Sub-sections will reconnoitre their two new frontages and make any necessary arrangements regarding the re-adjustment. Transport of the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers will billet at Sailly Labourse. After the night of 21st/22nd all reference on reports &c. will be made in accordance with the new re-organisation of the line. The 10th Gloucesters will remain in the trenches to-morrow night, with the Battalions to which they are already attached, except in the case of the Scots Guards. This company will be attached to the Black Watch. The following moves will take place on the 22nd. Detailed instructions will be issued to-morrow: - 1 Battalion of the 2nd Brigade will relieve the Coldstream Guards in VERMELLES. 1st Coldstream Guards to billets in 2nd Brigade area. 8th Berks from BETHUNE to relieve the Scots Guards in NOYELLES. Scots Guards to BETHUNE. 10th Gloucesters will leave the trenches and billets in BETHUNE. S.T. LUCEY, Captain, Brigade Major, 1st Infantry Brigade. 20th August 1915 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE OPERATION ORDER NO. 71 20th August, 1915. 1. During the night of August 21st/22nd the following reliefs will take place: - The Bedfords will relieve the R.S.F. in C.1 and part of C.2. The Wilts will relieve the Yorks in C.3 and part of C.2. The Camerons will relieve their two trench Companies by the two Companies in reserve. 2. All details will be arranged direct between Commanding Officers concerned. 3. Relief set to commence before 8 p.m. 4. Completion of relief to be reported. 5. Working parties will be detailed from the Battalions being relieved GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade Officer Commanding, 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment. The tracings forwarded yesterday showing new German trenches, refer to the new trench map that will shortly be issued. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade 20th August, 1915 Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. The following points which were noticed by the Brigadier on going round the trenches this morning require the attention of Commanding Officers. 1. Men in the front line were often without their equipment on. Equipment is to be worn always by men in the front line. 2. The top of the parapet is to be made irregular. 3. The sides of the trenches are on no account to be scraped to provide dry earth to cover up muddy places. 4. The hours of 11-11.30 a.m. and 1.45-2.15 a.m. are to be "hush" times. 5. Sections of Bombers must be ready equipped with bags for bombers, shovel, etc. so that they can turn out quickly when required. 6. All bits of equipment, old rifles, etc., which may be found must be collected at Battalion Headquarters from where it will be removed as opportunity offers. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 20th August, 1915. SEVENTH DIVISIONAL ARTILLERY RETALIATION SCHEME 1. If the front C.1. is shelled. Code word "Retaliate C.1" (a) "F" Battery R.H.A. retaliates immediately on trenches opposite. (b) 1 section 58th Battery R.F.A. enfilades RUE D'OUVERT and trenches West of it S.27.c.9.5. - A.3.b.3.6. 2. If the front C.2. is shelled. Code word "Retaliate C.2" (a) "T" Battery R.H.A. retaliated as in 1 (a). (b) 1 section "F" Battery R.H.A. enfilades enemy's trenches in S.27.b. 3. If the South front of C.3. is shelled. Code word "Retaliate C.3. South" (a) 12th or 25th Battery R.F.A. retaliates as in 1(a). (b) 1 section "F" Battery R.H.A. fires as in 2(b). 4. If the East front of C.3. is shelled. Code word "Retaliate C.3. East" (a) 25th or 58th Battery R.F.A. retaliates as in 1(a). (b) 1 section 105th Battery R.F.A. enfilades front trench S.22.a.0.3. - S.22.c.3.8. 5. If the front D.1. is shelled. Code word "Retaliate D.1". (a) 106th or 104th Battery R.F.A. retaliates as in 1(a). (b) 1 section "F" Battery R.H.A. enfilades front trench S.22.a.0.3. - S.22.a.2.6. 6. If the front D.2. is shelled. Code word "Retaliate D.2". (a) 104th or 105th Battery retaliates as in 1(a). (b) 1 section 25th or 58th Battery R.F.A. opens fire on Fe DU BOIS. 7. Action of 7th Siege Brigade (a) 7th Siege Brigade is, or will be, connected by wire to Headquarters of both Infantry Brigades holding the front. (b) If the intervention of Siege Batteries is considered necessary, requests for such fire will be made direct from Headquarters of Infantry Brigades to Headquarters 7th Siege Brigade. (c) If the Orchard in S.21.d. is shelled from the direction of the DISTILLERY in S.17. on receipt of a message "retaliate DISTILLERY" one Siege Battery will shell the DISTILLERY and another Battery will enfilade the enemy's trenches in S.27.b. (d) If any other case where our trenches are being shelled, every effort should be made to report the nature of shell; direction from which they are coming; time between burst of shell and flashes of guns, if visible. One Siege Battery will then retaliate on the enemy's trenches opposite the point of bombardment and another Battery will engage the hostile guns, if they can be located. (e) If the enemy's guns cannot be located, a Siege Battery will retaliate on the enemy's trenches opposite the point of bombardment. 59th Siege Battery zone - from Right of 7th Div. to ORCHARD. 81st Siege Battery zone - ORCHARD to Left of 7th Div. 8. SPECIAL TASKS. I addition to the foregoing, arrangements can be made with No.1 Group H.A.R. through Headquarters 7th Divisional Artillery for further retaliation when required; and with No.1 Group H.A.R. of 7th Siege Brigade or 37th (How.) Brigade R.F.A. for deliberate attack by fire on any strong points, observing stations &c. within the enemy's defences. SECRET Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. The attached diagrams show the work that it is expected will be done by the dates mentioned. Where the earth cannot be taken from in front of the parapet owing to the proximity of the enemy, it must be taken from a burrow-pit in rear. As it is quite impossible to supply R.E. supervision for this work, Commanding Officers will be responsible that it is carried on systematically. It will be impossible to hold our present line in the winter unless it is above ground and as we are already behind our schedule time for this work the Brigadier relies on Commanding Officers to push the work with the utmost energy. Battalions in the trenches will not be called upon for working parties, and it should be quite possible to keep parties of men continuously working on the front parapet during the night, in addition to the necessary fatigues for wiring and repairs. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain. Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 21st August, 1915. 1st Relief - Thickening parapet from borrow pit in front - To be completed by 15th August. 2nd Relief - Raise parapet 1 ft place wooden firing step and floor boards - To be completed by 30th August. 3rd Relief - Raise parapet 1 ft. and raise wooden firing step and floor boards wire front borrow pit - To be completed by 15th September. 4th Relief - Raise parapet and parados 1 ft. and complete drainage to existing Trenches to the rear borrow pit - To be completed by 15th October. 5th Relief - Raise parapet and parados 1ft. ditton No.2 Relief - To be completed by 31st October. 6th Relief - Completing parados by 10th November and subsequently forming an inspection or command path with second parados revetted with hurdles The planks and corrugated iron must be placed in position before the earthing up of the 3rd Relief. The brick course must be added before the earthing up of the 4th Relief. When suitable the existing communication trenches will be converted. Passing places and fire recesses to be provided. Commencing August 10th 100 yards of each communication trench should be completed each week. Communication Trench between the support and fire line to be sandbagged and revetted and raised gradually at the same time as the firing and support trenches. Fire recesses should be formed by making banquettes for small parties of men here and there in the trench and on each side alternately. The trench should be widened as little as possible at these firing places. A good plan is if necessary to cut a shallow recess in the trench wall to hold 4 or 5 men and to place in the recess, as a banquette, a wooden bench. SECRET Headquarters 1st Army Reference G.H.Q. O.A.2/2.E. of 17th June It has been noticed that some of the Chemical Experts, attached to Armies in connection with the investigation of gases employed by the Germans, have been given or have assumed the title "Gas Adviser.Army". As their functions are quite distinct from those defined for the Gas Adviser appointed at General Headquarters, the assumption of this title is apt to lead to confusion. Moreover, for reasons of secrecy, it is essential that the word "Gas" should be eliminated as far as possible from routine correspondence and from the official titles of individuals or units. the following designations have therefore been decided on, and are to be strictly adhered to: - (a) Gas Adviser at G.H.Q." Lieutenant Cllonel C.H.Foulkes D.S.O., R.E. attached G.S., G.H.Q. (b) "Chemical Adviser" the Chemical Experts attached to Headquarters of Armies. (c) "Special Companies R.E" Companies specially formed in connection with the use of gas. R.WHIGHAM, Brigadier-General, Sub-Chief, general Staff 21st August 1915. 2/Bedf. R. Operation Order 24. Ref. Map BETHUNE 1/40,000. 21 Aug 1915. Intention. 1. The Battalion will be relieved tonight by 8th Devon Regt & 1 Coy of 9th Devons. Billets. 2. After relief Companies will march independently via ESTAMINET CORNER to Billets. A & D Coys will march to LE TOURET and B & C Coys to GORRE. Bn H.Q. will be at GORRE. Guides. 3. 1 Guide from each Platoon of A B & D Coys to be at ESTAMINET Corner at 8-20 P M 1 Guide from "C" Coy to report to OC Coy 4/Camerons in Trench on its left. O C D Coy R S F will also send 1 Guide per Platoon to ESTAMINET Corner at 8-20 P M. O C B Coy will detail an officer to marshall [sic] the Guides at ESTAMINET Corner who will call for instructions at Bn. H.Q. & will report to O.C. 9/Devons when they arrive. Relief 4. Reliefs from [blank] will move via BARNTON Coy. & reserve will move up via WILLOW Road. On Relief Companies will move out by following Routes: - A and B Coys via BARNTON Road C and D Coys via LOTHIAN Road D Coy R.S.F. via WILLOW Road Trench Stores. 5. O.C. Coys will make their own arrangements for handing over Posts, Stores, etc. Receipts for stores to be made out in triplicate. One to be handed to relieving Coy. One to be retained by O C Coy. One to be sent to Adjutant by 9 am tomorrow. Report. 6. O.C. Coys will report to Bn H.Q. when relief is completed as they pass the reserve Trench "C" & "D" Coys by orderly when leaving present position. Transport 7. Ammunition Carts will be at F.4.b. Posts. 8. O.C. Companies will arrange for rations to be sent to their posts. Position of these posts is being communicated separately. Issued by Orderly at 3.30 p.m. J.McM. MILLING Capt. Adjt. 2/Bedf. R. O.C. Coys Please note where your posts are located. Rations will be sent to them from their Companies. SECRET The following posts will be relieved tomorrow morning or early afternoon by 21st Infantry Brigade: - CARETAKERS. "B" 2nd Battalion Gordon Highdrs. - TUNING FORK WEST F.4.b.5.5. 2 Works in GORRE Wood F.3.b. - 1 N.C.O. and 3 men each "A" 2nd Battalion Gordon Highrs - MESPLAUX. North. X.9.a.0.5., MESPLAUX East X.15.b.2.3., MESPLAUX West X.14.a.7.5. - 1 N.C.O. and 2 men each "D" 2nd Battalion Border Regt. LE TOURET Central X.16.central, LE TOURET East X.17.c.5.8., LE TOURET N.E. 22nd I.Bde finds this, LE TOURET North X.10.b.4.4. - 1 N.C.O. and 3 men each "C" Coy. - TUNING FORK East X.30.c.3.3., ROUTE "A" X.29.b.8.8. RUE L'EPINETTE West X.24.a.3.6. - 1 N.C.O. and 3 men each SECRET Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. 1. The Gunners wish the Infantry to understand that except when great necessity exists, they do not retaliate when hostile aircraft are up. The battery is located, has to move and retaliation then becomes impossible until it has registered. Retaliation is also avoided at dark when possible. At such time gun flashes are very visible and as surrounding landmarks are also visible batteries can be fairly accurately located. 2. Arrangements have been made with the Artillery to have some guns laid on the German trenches at night. Should the Germans open fire on our working parties these guns will at once fire on the enemy without any request from the Infantry. Only a few rounds will be fired until the enemy's rifle fire stops. All men should be warned off this arrangement. 3. A careful watch should be kept on the German wire to see if it is ever moved in such a way as to suggest preparation for an attack. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 22nd August 1915. SECRET With a view to ascertaining whether the Germans are flying our machines with the Allied markings, the right hand wing tip of the MORANE [sic] aeroplane will be painted black for a distance of 1 metre from the tip. This marking will be kept on for a certain number of days and will then be removed. Will you please report whenever a MORANE machine with Allied markings is observed, stating whether it is with, or without, the black marking on the wing tip, place where seen, time and direction of flight. The MORANE aeroplane is a monoplane with wings shaped as in the figure below. F.GATHORNE HARDY Lt.Col. General Staff, 7th Division. 1st May 1915 Officer Commanding 2 Bedf. Regt. Reports have been received from the 2nd Army suggesting that German aeroplanes are now marked with red or blue crosses of the shape given below in place of the ordinary black Maltese cross. Will you please report when any hostile aeroplanes with this marking are seen in the Section under your command. Any confirmation of this suggestion should be reported immediately. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 23rd August 1915 SECRET Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. Herewith scheme for defence for "C" Section. This cancels all previous orders. Subsection Commanders will prepare and forward a short scheme for their Subsections, by noon 25th inst. A "Situation" will be sent out shortly and a practice occupation of the trenches held. On receipt of the "Situation" Commanders will carry on without further orders. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain. Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade. 24th August, 1915. 21st INFANTRY BRIGADE DEFENCE SCHEME "C" SECTION Brigade Headquarters RUE DU CAILLOUX S.20.c.6.2. Consists of line 2,400 yards long divided into C.1. C.2. C.3. Subsections. It is held by 2 1/2 Battalions in the line, with 1 1/2 Battalions in Brigade Reserve in the OLD BRITISH TRENCH. One Battalion (less 1 Coy.) is further back in TUNING FORK BRANCH. This Battalion has one Company holding certain posts. Approximate Strength. In the trenches 1,700 Rifles. Behind the trenches 1,700 Rifles. Total 3,400 Rifles. C.1. SUBSECTION. Headquarters in OLD BRITISH TRENCH close to LOTHIAN ROAD. Garrison 1 Battalion (Holds portion of C.2. Subsection) 6 Machine Guns 1 Trench Mortar. Communication Forward by BARNETON ROAD Rearward by LOTHIAN ROAD until new trench is constructed. Dispositions. 3 Companies in Front and Support Trenches. 1 Company in reserve in OLD BRITISH TRENCH. 2 Sections in GOLDNEYS KEEP. C.2. SUBSECTION. Headquarters in OLD BRITISH TRENCH, 300 yards South of PIONEER ROAD. Garrison. 1 Battalion 6 Machine Guns Communication. Forward by PIONEER ROAD. Rearward by LOTHIAN ROAD. Dispositions. 2 Companies in Front and Support Trenches. 2 Companies reserve in OLD BRITISH TRENCH. 1 Platoon will be posted in two keeps, one on either side of PIONEER ROAD (When constructed) C.3. SUBSECTION. Headquarters. In old BRITSH TRENCH close to SHETLAND ROAD. Garrison. 1 Battalion (Holds a portion of C.2. Subsection) 6 Machine Guns. 2 Trench Mortars Communication Forward by SHETLAND ROAD. Rearward by ARGYLL ROAD Dispositions. 3 Companies in Front and Support Trenches. 1 Company in reserve in Southern end of RICHMOND ROAD. 1 Platoon will occupy two keeps on South side of SHETLAND ROAD when constructed. BRIGADE RESERVE. Headquarters. On OLD BRITISH TRENCH, just South of ARGYLL ROAD. Troops. 1 Battalion TUNING FORK BRANCH. Headquarters. F.6.c.7.3. Troops. 1 Battalion 2 Machine Guns. Dispositions. 2 Companies in INTERMEDIATE LINE. 3 Platoons in Billets F.5.b. 1 Platoon, FESTUBERT E REDOUBT. 1 Platoon RUE DU CAILLOUX. 1 Platoon FESTUBERT KEEP. 1 Platoon LE PLANTIN KEEP. 1 Platoon RUE DU CAILLOUX Posts (when constructed). RESERVE AMMUNITION AND BOMBS. Stores at each Battalion Headquarters in OLD BRITISH LINE. Brigade Reserve Store at WELSH CHAPEL. MEDICAL Collecting Stations. (a) Near LE TOURET E. (b) Lower TUNING FORK ROAD. Dressing Stations (a) INDIAN VILLAGE. (b) LE PLANTIN (c) FESTUBERT. ACTION WHEN ATTACKED. 1. The first line system of Trenches will be held at all costs. Troops will not fall back because their flanks are threatened. 2. If the enemy captures any portion of our trenches the nearest troops will make a counter attack at once. For this purpose Battalion Commanders will move their reserve Companies up to their supporting line immediately a hostile attack commences so as to have sufficient men at hand to do so. Flank attacks by Bombers will be made at once along the captured trench. 3. Sections of Bombers will Support and Reserve Companies are available to counter attack up communication trenches on any enemy who may have penetrated our lines. For this purpose Sections of Bombers are posted near communication trenches. 4. The TUNING FORK BRANCH Battalion (less 1 Company holding posts) will move into the OLD BRITISH LINE and replace the Reserve Company of the Battalion in C.1 and will be prepared to counter attack or form a defensive flank as required. On an attack starting or becoming imminent this Battalion will increase the garrison of FESTUBERT E to 2 Platoons. Three Houses in LE PLANTIN will be occupied as keeps. No.1 20 men. No.8 10 men. No.12 20 men. 5. The Brigade Reserve Battalion in the OLD BRITISH TRENCH will be prepared to counter attack, form a defensive flank or reinforce as required. 6. Should the enemy penetrate the line on either flank of the Brigade the Battalion on the flank threatened will occupy its outer communication trench and form a defensive flank. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain, Brigade Major 21st Infantry Brigade. 24th August 1915 SECRET Officer Commanding 2nd Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. 1. The Divisional General directs that Artillery fire is only to be asked for to reply to hostile Artillery fire which is doing damage and not to counteract the German Bombers and Mine throwers who should be repaid in their own coin. 2. In order to minimise, as far as possible, the chance of our own pigeons being shot, shot guns will only be used in the front and support trenches. When our own pigeons are being liberated the "Guns" in that locality will be notified. GEORGE CROSSMAN, Captain Brigade Major, 21st Infantry Brigade 24th August, 1915
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