• Reference
  • Title
    Photo album of colour and black and white photographs of musical productions.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1962 To: 1966
  • Scope and Content
    Including the following: The Yeoman of the Guard Pg.1 - 4; Margery Webster, Charles Furr, Stella Hawkes, Margaret Slater, Victor Gillett, Leigh Harris, John Ireland, Janice Doone-Ames, David Benham [April 1962] Trial By Jury pg.5 - 9; Jim Gillett, George Thompson, Roger Kentsbeer, Leigh Harris, Hazel Denton, Christopher Whiting, Victor Gillett, Jacky Kitchiner, Charles Furr [Nov 1962] HMS Pinafore Pg.10 - 13; Victor Gillett, Stella Hawkes, Peter Stearn [Nov 1962] The Pirates of Penzance, Pg.14 - 17; Peter Stearn, Margery Webster, David Benham, Margaret Slater, Stanley Webster [Apr 1963] The Gondoliers Pg.19 - 22; Stanley Webster, Bob Day, Stella Hawkes, Shirley Woods, John Ireland, Brian Adams, Margery Webster, Jacky Kitchiner, Leigh Harris, Tom Himsworth [Nov 1963] The Merry Widow Pg.23 - 26; Peter Stearn, Margaret Slater, John Ireland, Leigh Harris, Jim Gillett, David Benham, Frank Doggett, Bob Day [April 1964] The Yeomen of the Guard Pg.27 - 33; Janice Doone-Ames, Victor Gillett, Leigh Harris, Tom Himsworth, Bob Day, Sonia Blake, Stella Hawkes, Jacky Kitchiner, Stanley Webster, John Everett, Gina Shorten, John Gribble, Peter Sawyer, Christopher WHiting, Nicky Ward, Orchestra: M de la Rosa, M Carter, J Harris, A D Bone, John Bryant, D Thompston, E Fuller, K Swain, C R Yuille-Smith, C.Horrell, O Elkins, E. Fuller, G. Protheroe, W Cheshire, M Goodman, K Moore, T Crane, F Gadsden, N Veysey, B Vass [Nov 1964] The Gipsy Baron Pg.35 - 41; Victor Gillett, Leigh Harris, Monica Blythe, Peter Stearn, Janice Doone-Ames, Margery Webster, Jim Gillett, Laura Adams, and the corps de ballet; Sylvia Bebb, Diane Burnage, Lynda Benney, Farzaneh Fakhrai, Pamela Mead, Hanne Pentith, Julie Woolston, Janice Woolston [May 1965] Princess Ida [Pg.42 - 50]; Robert Day, Stanley Webster, Charles Furr, Leigh Harris, Stella Hawkes, Janice Doone-Ames, Margery Webster, Victor Gillett, John Gribble, Jacky Jitchiner, Tom Himsworth, Brian Adams [Nov 1965] St Neots & District Operatic Society: Ruddigore Pg.51 - 62; Patricia James, Kenneth Crowhurst, Edward Osler, Philip Street, Doreen Hunter, David Chambers, Pat James, Dennis James, George Thompson [Feb 1966] Ampthill & District Amateur Operatic Society; Trial By Jury pg.63 - 67; JOhn Gribble, Shirley Woods, David Fussey, John Everitt,Nicky Ward, Stanley Webster, Joan Gillett, Victor Gillett[Apr 1966] The Sorcerer pg.67 - 75; Nicky Ward, Tom Himsworth, Monica Blythe, Stella Hawkes, Victor Gillett, Robert Day, Patricia Almond, Grace Staniforth, Devid Benham, Jim Gillett, Liz Goodwin, Gina Shorten, Janice Eldon.[no date]
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Archival history
    Deposited by George Thompson, music director of the society and photographer at London Brick.
  • Level of description