- ReferenceZ41/LB11/1/3
- TitlePhoto album of colour and black and white photographs of musical productions.
- Date free text1962-1966
- Production dateFrom: 1962 To: 1966
- Scope and ContentIncluding the following: The Yeoman of the Guard Pg.1 - 4; Margery Webster, Charles Furr, Stella Hawkes, Margaret Slater, Victor Gillett, Leigh Harris, John Ireland, Janice Doone-Ames, David Benham [April 1962] Trial By Jury pg.5 - 9; Jim Gillett, George Thompson, Roger Kentsbeer, Leigh Harris, Hazel Denton, Christopher Whiting, Victor Gillett, Jacky Kitchiner, Charles Furr [Nov 1962] HMS Pinafore Pg.10 - 13; Victor Gillett, Stella Hawkes, Peter Stearn [Nov 1962] The Pirates of Penzance, Pg.14 - 17; Peter Stearn, Margery Webster, David Benham, Margaret Slater, Stanley Webster [Apr 1963] The Gondoliers Pg.19 - 22; Stanley Webster, Bob Day, Stella Hawkes, Shirley Woods, John Ireland, Brian Adams, Margery Webster, Jacky Kitchiner, Leigh Harris, Tom Himsworth [Nov 1963] The Merry Widow Pg.23 - 26; Peter Stearn, Margaret Slater, John Ireland, Leigh Harris, Jim Gillett, David Benham, Frank Doggett, Bob Day [April 1964] The Yeomen of the Guard Pg.27 - 33; Janice Doone-Ames, Victor Gillett, Leigh Harris, Tom Himsworth, Bob Day, Sonia Blake, Stella Hawkes, Jacky Kitchiner, Stanley Webster, John Everett, Gina Shorten, John Gribble, Peter Sawyer, Christopher WHiting, Nicky Ward, Orchestra: M de la Rosa, M Carter, J Harris, A D Bone, John Bryant, D Thompston, E Fuller, K Swain, C R Yuille-Smith, C.Horrell, O Elkins, E. Fuller, G. Protheroe, W Cheshire, M Goodman, K Moore, T Crane, F Gadsden, N Veysey, B Vass [Nov 1964] The Gipsy Baron Pg.35 - 41; Victor Gillett, Leigh Harris, Monica Blythe, Peter Stearn, Janice Doone-Ames, Margery Webster, Jim Gillett, Laura Adams, and the corps de ballet; Sylvia Bebb, Diane Burnage, Lynda Benney, Farzaneh Fakhrai, Pamela Mead, Hanne Pentith, Julie Woolston, Janice Woolston [May 1965] Princess Ida [Pg.42 - 50]; Robert Day, Stanley Webster, Charles Furr, Leigh Harris, Stella Hawkes, Janice Doone-Ames, Margery Webster, Victor Gillett, John Gribble, Jacky Jitchiner, Tom Himsworth, Brian Adams [Nov 1965] St Neots & District Operatic Society: Ruddigore Pg.51 - 62; Patricia James, Kenneth Crowhurst, Edward Osler, Philip Street, Doreen Hunter, David Chambers, Pat James, Dennis James, George Thompson [Feb 1966] Ampthill & District Amateur Operatic Society; Trial By Jury pg.63 - 67; JOhn Gribble, Shirley Woods, David Fussey, John Everitt,Nicky Ward, Stanley Webster, Joan Gillett, Victor Gillett[Apr 1966] The Sorcerer pg.67 - 75; Nicky Ward, Tom Himsworth, Monica Blythe, Stella Hawkes, Victor Gillett, Robert Day, Patricia Almond, Grace Staniforth, Devid Benham, Jim Gillett, Liz Goodwin, Gina Shorten, Janice Eldon.[no date]
- ExentNo. of pieces: 1
- Archival historyDeposited by George Thompson, music director of the society and photographer at London Brick.
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordThompson, George,
Stewartby Amateur Operatic Society,
Webster, Margery,
Furr, Charles,
Hawkes, Stella,
Slater, Margaret,
Gillett, Victor,
Harris, Leigh,
Ireland, John,
Doone-Ames, Janice,
Benham, David,
Gillett, Jim,
Kentsbeer, Roger,
Denton, Hazel,
Whiting, Christopher,
Kitchiner, Jacky,
Stearn, Peter,
Webster, Stanley,
Day, Bob,
Woods, Shirley,
Adams, Brian,
Himsworth, Tom,
Doggett, Frank,
Blake, Sonia,
Shorten, Gina,
Gribble, John,
Sawyer, Peter,
Ward, Nicky,
de la Rosa, M.,
Carter, M.,
Harris, J.,
Bone, A.D.,
Bryant, John,
Thompson, D.,
Fuller, David,
Swain, K.,
Yuille-Smith, C.R.,
Horrell, C.,
Elkins, O.,
Fuller, E.,
Protheroe, G.,
Cheshire, W.,
Goodman, M,
Moore, K.,
Crane, T.,
Gadsden, F.,
Veysey, N.,
Vass, B.,
Blythe, Monica,
Adams, Laura,
Bebb, Sylvia,
Burnage, Diane,
Benney, Lynda,
Fakhrai, Farzaneh,
Mead, Pamela,
Pentith, Hanne,
Woolston, Julie,
Woolston, Janice,
Ampthill & District Amateur Operatic Society,
St.Neots & District Amateur Operatic Society,
James, Patricia,
Crowhurst, Kenneth,
Osler, Edward,
Street, Philip,
Hunter, Doreen,
Chambers, David,
James, Dennis,
Everitt, John,
Fussey, David,
Gillett, Joan,
Almond, Patricia,
Staniforth, Grace,
Benham, David,
Goodwin, Liz,
Shorten, Gina,
Eldon, Janice - Keywords
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