• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of trustees under will of Elizabeth Lightfoot, deceased to hereditaments in Market Street, Caddington [Hertfordshire], copyhold of Manor of Markyate ["Lot 6"] [partially water damaged by enemy action at Lawrance, Messer & Company, 16 Coleman Street, London on 29 Dec 1940] (I) Release & Covenant of 27 Jul 1850 Parties: (1) William Mead, formerly of Luton, relieving officer, now of Market Street [Hertfordshire], manufacturer; (2) Elizabeth Lightfoot of Market Street, widow Reciting: - admission of Richard Lightfoot [see WB/Parsons4/1/Mark1/1]; - will of Richard Lightfoot 23 Jan 1844 appointing William Mead and Robert Lewis of Flamstead [Hertfordshire], farmer as executors and trustees, devising and bequeathing to them all his real and personal estate upon trust for sale, the proceeds, after payment of debts, expenses and legacies to be invested; - codicil to will of Richard Lightfoot of 9 Apr 1844 making a devise to his wife, Elizabeth Lightfoot; - codicil to will of Richard Lightfoot of 20 Apr 1844 bequeathing 1,000 to Elizabeth Lightfoot and a specific legacy of 200 upon mortgage to her also; - death of Richard Lightfoot on 9 May 1844 and proof of his will and codicils in PCC on 19 Aug 1844 by William Mead; - deed of 16 Oct 1844 by Robert Lewis renouncing executorship and trusteeship of will of Richard Lightfoot; - admission of William Mead, as trustee, to copyhold premises formerly of Richard Lightfoot at Markyate Manor Court on 16 May 1845; - death of Robert Lewis; - Chancery decree of 5 Nov 1844 in case in which William Mead was plaintiff and Elizabeth Lightfoot and other defendants referring, amongst other things, to Taxing Master of court to take an account of debts, expenses and legacies of Richard Lightfoot and compute interest thereon; - Samuel Duckworth, Taxing Master, in Lightfoot case and another in which William Mead was plaintiff and John Neal and others defendants, made report of 10 Dec 1846 stating that claim by Frederick Day on an alleged promisory note for 5,000 on estate of Richard Lightfoot had been compromised by Day to 1,000 to which Elizabeth Lightfoot, who was entitled to income of Richard Lightfoot's estate, had agreed but other defendants had not and wished to oppose any claim; he also found that Elizabeth Lightfoot was still owed 1,000 legacy from her husband's will interest on which, after Property tax, now stood at 61/12/- - Order in Chancery of 12 Feb 1847 by which sums amounting to 200 were paid by Accountant General on account of 1,000 legacy to Elizabeth Lightfoot; - Order in Chancery of 18 Dec 1846 that Master to consider whether, if the case of Frederick Day's claim, if all adult parties agreed it might be in the interests of all parties for agreement of minors to be presumed; - mortgage of 23 Jun 1847 between (1) William Mead; (2) Elizabeth Lightfoot; (3) George Powell, gentleman reciting that on 26 May 1847 (3) lent 1,000 to (1) and that (1) applied this to paying Frederick Day's promisory note, following Order of 23 Apr 1847 and witnessing that (1) and (2) released to (3), subject to proviso for redemption, premises conveyed to Richard Lightfoot on 10/11 Jul 1838, 6/7 Jul 1832 and all other freehold property he held at the time of his death, amongst other things, with covenant by (1) to surrender copyhold premises to (3); - William Mead had not surrendered copyhold premises to George Powell; - Order of 11 May 1848 that all real estate of Richard Lightfoot, except that specifically devised to Elizabeth Lightfoot, should be sold at auction and purchase monies paid into a Chancery account; - Frederick Chinnock subsequently auctioned the real estate; - report of Master of 6 Nov 1848 that Frederick Chinnock had presented the list of bids showing that Uriah Lane of Brighton [Sussex] had purchased Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 as follows - Lot 5 290, Lot 6 105, Lot 7 250 and Lot 8 365 making together 1,010; - Lots 1 and 4 (copyhold) were bought in at reserve bids fixed by the Master; - Uriah Lane never paid his purchase money into Chancery; - agreement of 21 Jun 1849 between (1) Elizabeth Lightfoot; (2) Uriah Lane; (3) William Mead reciting that (1) claimed the balance of her legacy amounting to 781/12/- from the sale monies and witnessing that (1) agreed with (3) to purchase Lots 1 and 4 at reserved sums of 315 and 310 and to purchase Lots 5-8 in place of (2) for 1,010, the sum of her legacy being allowed as part payment; - Order of 22 Jun 1849 allowing Elizabeth Lightfoot to purchase Lots 1 and 4-8 for a total of 1,635, actually paying 853/8/-, her legacy of 781/12/- being retained by Court to make up the balance; - Release of 23 Nov 1849 (1) George Powell; (2) Elizabeth Lightfoot; (3) William Mead reciting: Order of Chancery of 9 Nov 1849 that on (1) executing a reconveyance of unsold portions of estate of Richard Lightfoot to William Mead 1,024/5/3 (1,000 mortgage plus half year's interest) be paid to him; witnessing that (1) remised, released and quitclaimed to (3) the copyhold premises held of Manor of Caddington freed from mortgage debt; - Accountant General paid 1,024/5/5 to George Powell on 29 Nov 1849 out of 1,167/15/8 held in bank to the credit of the cause; - Elizabeth Lightfoot paid 653/8/- on 26 Jul 1850 into Bank of England; - it was agreed that 290 would be considered as purchase money for the freehold, 315 for the copyhold land of Caddington Manor and 1,030 for copyhold land of Markyate Manor Operative Part: - (i) released freehold and covenanted to surrender copyhold premises to (ii) Property: - included copyhold messuage held of Manor of Markyate in Markyate Street, Caddington [Hertfordshire], yard and workshop behind with large walled garden formerly in occupation of William Warre, watchmaker, now of Mrs.Webb, straw plait manufacturer at annual rent of 16, abutting: premises of Widow Idell N; premises of Hickson's representatives S; Wesleyan Chapel E; Markyate Street W, formerly Lot 7 at auction sale (II) Appointment by way of mortgage of 29 Jul 1850 [see 15/12] Parties: (1) William Mead; (2) Elizabeth Lightfoot; (3) Edward Thompson of Barnsbury Terrace, Liverpool Road, Islington, gentleman Reciting: - will and codicils etc. of Richard Lightfoot and admission of William Mead of 16 May 1845 as in (I); - indenture of 27 Jul 1850 as in (I) Operative Part: - (3) lent 750 to (2) on security of copyhold premises of (2) [this was to enable Elizabeth Lightfoot to purchase the auctioned properties of Richard Lightfoot as above] (III) Further Advance of 2 Dec 1851of 600 from Edward Thompson to Elizabeth Lightfoot (making a total of 1,350 at 5% interest) secured on copyhold premises (IV) Admission at court of Markyate Manor of 2 Dec 1851 of Daniel Mead of Enfield [Middlesex], baker by Alfred Groom of 3 Raymond Buildings, Grays Inn [Middlesex] his attorney, on death of William Mead, to copyhold messuage held of Manor of Markyate in Markyate Street, Caddington [Hertfordshire], yard and workshop behind with large walled garden formerly in occupation of William Warre, watchmaker, now of Mrs.Webb, straw plait manufacturer at annual rent of 16, abutting: premises of Widow Idell N; premises of Hickson's representatives S; Wesleyan Chapel E; Markyate Street W (V) Conditional surrender, Manyor of Markyate of 31 Dec 1852 by William Mead, at request of Elizabeth Lightfoot, to Edward Thompson in consideration of 750 lent to Elizabeth Lightfoot on 29 Jul 1850 and 600 lent to her on 2 Dec 1851 of a number of premises including messuage in Markyate Street, Caddington [Hertfordshire] and yard behind, workshop and other buildings and large walled garden formerly in occupation of William Warre, watchmaker, then Mrs.Webb, straw plait manufacturer at 16 rent abutting on premises of Widow Idell N, Hickson's representatives S, Wesleyan Chapel E and Market Street W (VI) Will of Elizabeth Lightfoot of 11 Nov 1851 appointing Richard Stevens of Markyate Street [Bedfordshire], surgeon and Daniel Gutteridge of Markyate Street [Hertfordshire], farmer as executors and trustees, reciting her mortgage to Edward Thompson, that William Mead had died on 22 Feb 1851 intestate as regards estates vested in him in trust and devising her real estate to her trustees to mortgage them to pay debts, expenses and legacies; will proved in PCC on 7 Dec 1853
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1816 To: 1853
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