• Reference
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    War Diary for October 1917 1 Oct 1917 - Thieushouck Battn in billets at THIEUSHOUCK 2 Oct 1917 - Westoutre Moved forward & spent night at WESTOUTRE under canvas. See OO No.109 2/Lt.A.E.OXLEY joined the Battn. 3 Oct 1917 - ridge between Tor Top and Stirling Castle Moved to RIDGE WOOD had dinners there, dumped haversacks & moved forward to SANCTUARY WOOD less dumped Personnel O.O. No.110. C.O. Adjt & 4 Coy Cmdrs went on to reconnoitre xsite [opposite?] trenches. Major Halford brought Battn on at dusk. All ranks dug in on Ridge between TOR TOP & STIRLING CASTLE. Battn in reserve to 13th Inf Bde. Heavy shelling 4 Oct 1917 13th Bde attacked N. of YPRES MENIN Rd on a Front of 1500 yds to include POLDERHOEK CHATEAU. Attack commenced at dawn 1/R.W.Kent took their objective on Right but 2nd K.O.S.B. were held up in Front of POLDERHOEK CHATEAU. 7 p.m. Cmdg Officer was called to Bde H.Q. & Battn was ordered to move forward & dig in N. of YPRES-MENIN Rd towards VELDERHOEK [sic] & be in close support to 1/R.W.Kents. This was completed by Dawn. 5 Oct 1917 - Front Line near Veldhoek Battn relieved 1/R.W.Kents in Front line from J.21.d.8.9 on Road to junction of THICK COPSE & the SCHERRIABEEK 6-8 Oct 1917 A defensive system was made & a continuous Front line dug with Supports. C & B coys were in Front line with A & D in reserve in O.B.L. Communication trenches were dug back from Front line to O.B.L. Battn H.Q. situated in Buildings & PILLBOXES at J.21.d.05.30. 9 Oct 1917 15th Bde attacked POLDERHOEK CHATEAU with 1/Norfolks & 16/R.War R. The attack failed & they withdrew to their jumping off positions about 250 yds W. of CHATEAU 10 Oct 1917 - Ridge Wood Battn was relieved by 7th Bttn K.R.R.Corps relief complete by 11.30 pm Battn withdrew to RIDGE WOOD. From the 4th to 10th The Battn was subjected to Heavy shelling. Total casualties 4 officers Killed 6 wounded 35 [ORs] Killed 97 wounded 4 missing. Officers Casualties were 2/Lts. H.H.Reynolds H.W.Fleming, J.Cotchin, P.N.J.Christie Killed. Capt H.A.W.Pearse, 2/Lts Laughton, E.F.K.Graham, F.Flavell, S.Norrish, E.I.F.Nailer wounded. A/R.S.M. N.Freer wounded. The Battn captured 4 M.Gs. & Killed over 100 Germans by sniping & Rifle Grenades. Map Reference for above GHELUVELT 1/10,000. 11 Oct 1917 - Brooke Camp, Westoutre The morning was spent in cleaning up. In the afternoon Bn. moved to BROOKE CAMP WESTOUTRE for one night. See O.O. 111 12 Oct 1917 - Meteren Bn. continued to march to METERIN [sic] Area & billeted, billets included Farm & tents. 13 Oct 1917 Cots were reorganised, Kit & equipment etc was completed. 14 Oct 1917 In billets as above, work + sports as attached programme 15 Oct 1917 Draft of 45 O.R's joined from Base Depot. Specialists training, Lecture by C.O. on "Part Played by the Bn in recent operations", Bn inspected by Commanding Officer. 16 Oct 1917 Specialist training & Battn drill. War game for officers & Sergts "The taking of Polderhoek Chateau". A Concert was given in Hq billet in the evening. 17 Oct 1917 Practised the Battn in the attack with special reference to Pill Boxes, Barrages, Counter attack, communication, sectional advances, rapid consolidation, Fire control, Bayonet, Lewis Gun, Rifle grenades & smoke. Afterwards the Commanding Officer gave a lecture on the subject. In the afternoon the 2nd in C. took all officers in Map Reading. 18 Oct 1917 Battn gave demonstration of a modern attack to Batt Commanders & Adjutants in the Brigade. Rugger match in afternoon Officers v Other Ranks. Officers won 9 points nil. 19 Oct 1917 Specialist training, Lt.Col.Lord Ampthill visited the Battn. 20 Oct 1917 Lt. Col. Lord Ampthill inspected Battn on parade 21 Oct 1917 - Micmac Camp, Dickebusch Battn moved from the area to DICKEBUISCH area, and stayed one night in MICMAC Camp 22 Oct 1917 - Ridge Wood Camp Battn moved to RIDGE WOOD Camp and stayed 1 night. See O.O. 113 23-24 Oct 1917 - Stirling Castle and Wiltshire Camp Battn less dumped personnel moved up to STIRLING CASTLE. LT.J.C.A.BIRCH joined Battn. Dumped Personnel in WILTSHIRE Camp 25 Oct 1917 Battn in STIRLING CASTLE, heavily shelled at Intervals. Carrying parties were supplied for 1/Cheshire Regt also parties to bring cable near FITZCLARENCE Fm. 2/Lt.A.E.CROOKEWIT was severely wounded and died the following day. 2/Lt.L.J.Hobson wounded. 26 Oct 1917 - Front Line between Reutelbeek and Scherriabeek 13th Bde attacked POLDERHOEK CHATEAU & lines between REUTELBEEK & SCHERRIABEEK. Zero 5.40 a.m. 10 a.m. message received saying all objectives taken. 12 noon message received saying 14 & 15 Warwicks had withdrawn to their jumping off positions & evacuated CHATEAU. In consequence the 2/K.O.S.Bs were ordered to re-inforce all three attacking Battns of 13th Bde. 1.30 pm Orders received from 15th Bde for 1/Bedf R. to support the 2/K.O.S.Bs. Coy Cmdrs called together & Battn moved to TOWER & dug in 700 yds EAST of this point by 4.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. Battn ordered to take over Front line between REUTELBEEK & SCHERRIABEEK & relieve all troops of 13th Bde in this line - relief complete by 1.15 a.m. 27th 27 Oct 1917 Complete system of Front & support line trenches dug - also communication trenches. 5 Lewis Guns & 20 Rifles were salved & 30 stretcher cases of attacking units were evacuated. 28 Oct 1917 In Front line as above. 4 p.m. Orders received that Battn would be relieved by 1/Devonshire Regt. Our guides met 1/Devons at TOR TOP near OBSERVATORY RIDGE at 4.45 p.m. Relief complete by 7.30 p.m. Casualties during [time] Battn was in line 2 Officers Wounded 101 O.R. Killed & Wounded. Map Ref for above ZILLEBEKE 1/10000 29 Oct 1917 - Ridge Wood Battn in tents & dug-outs in RIDGE WOOD 30-31 Oct 1917 Battn in RIDGE WOOD OPERATION ORDER No.109 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Reference: - HAZEBROUCK 1/100,000 October 1st. 1917 1. The 5th. Division will relieve the 23rd. Division in line on 1/2nd. and 2/3rd inst. 15th. Brigade will be in reserve. 2. Battalion will move to WESTOUTRE to-morrow, the 2nd. inst. Battalion starting point - Road Junction by Battalion and Brigade H.Q. 3. Order of march: - 1. Drums. Headquarters. "B" Coy. 2. "C" Coy. 3. "D" Coy. 4. "A" Coy. Pack Animals 5. Transport. Q.M's. employ. Intervals of 100 yards between above groups will be observed. Head of column will pass starting point at 9 a.m. 4. Billeting party consisting of: - 4 C.Q.M.Sgts. 2 N.C.O's. for Headquarters. 2 O.R's. for Transport. will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 6 a.m. Further orders will be issued by Asst. Adjt. 5. Officers Kits and Mess Kits will be loaded by 7-30 a.m. 6. Forward party. All men who Company Commanders genuinely consider unable to march with the Battalion, will parade at Battalion Headquarters under 2/Lieut.F.A.Garwood, so as to move off at 6 a.m. In view of the short march, it should not be necessary to send on more than 4 per Company. OPERATION ORDER no. 110. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference Map - France and Belgium Sheet 28. October 2nd. 1917. 1. (a) On the 3rd. inst. Battalion will move to their new position. (b) Battalion will parade opposite Battalion Headquarters in Mass at 8 a.m. Order of march: - Drums. Headquarters. "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "A" Coy. "D" Coy. 100 yards interval between Companies. (c) All Officers and Platoon Sergts going into action with Battalion will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 7-30 a.m. and proceed to MILLE KRUIZ, where a plan of operations has been made. (d) *Dumped personnel, (less Officers) will march in rear of Battalion as a Company. Dumped Officers will march with their Companies. 2. (a) Transport will be at N.4.d. (b) Dumped personnel will remain in RIDGE WOOD, N.5 central. (c) Officers valises and Mess kits will be packed at 7 a.m. Steel helmets will be worn. 3. There will be a halt near DICKEBUSCH LAKE for dinner and tea. At an hour to be notified later, the Battalion (less dumped personnel) will proceed to forward area. 4. The following Transport will accompany them:- 1. Sufficient limbers to carry cooking dixies, etc., 2. L.G. Limbers to convey all guns and necessary ammunition. 3.One limber to carry Officers light kits and Mess boxes. 4. 2 Water Carts full Q.M. will arrange sufficient Transport for Battalion rations. Water bottles must be filled before marching off after tea. All explosives, S.A.A., Sandbags etc., will be drawn from forward positions. 5. Watches will be synchronized early tomorrow morning. 6. All Officers going into action to wear Privates uniform. * Under 2/Lt. A.W.Rope OPERATION ORDER NO. 111 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Reference Map - HAZEBROUCK 5a. 1/100,000 October 11th. 1917 1. Battalion will move to the METEREN Area to-morrow the 12th. inst. 2. Battalion will parade on ground in front of Battalion Headquarters, ready to move off at 2 p.m. Markers and Drums at 1-45 p.m. Order of march: Drums Headquarters "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "D" Coy. "A" Coy. Transport. 3. BILLETING. The following will meet the Asst. Adjt. at the Area Commandants Office, METEREN, at 10 a.m. to-morrow: - 2/Lieut. J.P.Kingdon All Pioneers with Handcarts and tools. 4 C.Q.M.Sgts. and 1 O.R. for Headquarters. Sgt. Howlett and 1 O.R. for Headquarters. 2 O.R. for Quartermaster's Stores and Transport. The above party will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 7-30 a.m. sharp. 4. Officers kits and mens blankets will be loaded on G.S.Wagons by 11 a.m. Officers mess kit will be loaded on Mess Cart by 1-30 p.m. 5. All men whom Company Commanders consider unfot [sic] to march with the Battalion, (length of march under 7 miles) will parade under 2/Lieut.H.J.Snapshall and will proceed under arrangements to be notified by the 2nd. in Command. All men will be clear of their lines by 1 p.m. Company Commanders, Q.M., T.O., and R.S.M. will render certificates to the Adjutant before moving off, that lines are left absolutely clean. 6. GUIDES. Signalling Officer will arrange to reconnoitre the route to-morrow morning, so that he can report to the adjutant by 1 p.m. and guide the Battalion. 7. SICK PARADE to-morrow - 9 a.m. To-morrow morning men will spend in cleaning up. All men with long hair will have same cut. All ranks must be correctly dressed. THURSDAY Oct. 18th. MORNING 8-30 a.m. to 11-30 a.m. Company Commanders will impress on their Companies the points learnt on previous day of "Battalion in the attack". (NOTE- 15 minutes break, and half an hour gas drill.) 11-30 a.m. to 12-30 a.m. Battalion Drill AFTERNOON. 2-15 p.m. War Game on large model near Battalion Headquarters. "The capture of GHELUVELT". Foe [For?] all Officers and Sergeants. 3-30 p.m. GUGBY [sic] Match. Officers v Other Ranks. FRIDAY Oct. 10th. MORNING 8-30 a.m. to 11 a.m. As Wednesday. "Battalion in the attack". 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Lecture by Commanding Officer. 12 noon to 12-30 p.m. Gas Drill. AFTERNOON. Battalion Sports. Programme to be issued later. Company Commanders to take N.C.O's in one hours Map Reading. SATURDAY Oct. 20th. MORNING. 8-30 a.m. to 9-30 a.m. Battalion Drill. 9-30 a.m. to 12-30 p.m. SMOKE TACTICS and tactical exercise for as many Officers and N.C.O's. as possible. Remainder of Battalion doing P.T. Bayonet Fighting. AFTERNOON. 2-15 p.m. Cross Country Run. 5 p.m. to 7-30 p.m. Concert ----------------------------------------------------- Reference above. 1. Company Training will be done on grounds allotted to Companies by Asst. Adjt. 2. Place of Commanding Officer's parade will be notified in Battalion Orders. 3. Dress for Training - Stripped belts and bayonets, Caps, Waterproof sheets to be slung. Also rifles and P.H. Helmets. 4. In addition to above programme, all ranks, except Lewis Gunners, will do half an hours Musketry in the afternoon. Lewis Gunners will do half an hours training with the gun daily. 5. Drums will beat Retreat at 5-30 p.m. each night. 6. Signalling Officer will arrange details of Recreation and Games. 7. Asst. Adjt. will arrange for explosives and smoke bombs. OPERATION ORDER No. 112 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference Maps - Sheets 27 and 28. October 20th, 1917. 1. Battalion will move to MICMAC Camp, H.34.c and d (near DICKEBUSH Lake) to-morrow 21st. Inst. Order of march: - Drums Headquarters. "D" Coy. "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "A" Coy. Transport. Q.M's. employ. Head of column to pass Q.M's. Stores at 10-30 a.m. Distance between Companies - 100 yards. 2. FORWARD Party consisting of the following will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 8 a.m. (a) BILLETING. 4 C.Q.M.Sgt's. 1 N.C.O. for Headquarters. 2 O.R's. for Transport and Q.M's. employ. under Captain F.Hague. (b) CROCKS. All men who Company Commanders consider unable to march with the Battalion under 2/Lieut. W.A.Jackson, and Sgt's. Howlett, Peacock and Allison. This party to carry cold dinners. 2/Lieut. W.A.Jackson to report to the Adjutant before moving off. 3. DRAFTS will march with their Companies. This cancels previous order. 4. DINNERS on line of march about 1 p.m. in a convenient place. TEAS on arrival. WATER CARTS to be full. 5. EXPLOSIVES to be carried on the man will be drawn at MICMAC Camp, on same scale as when Battalion last went into action on the YPRES-MENIN Road, with the following addition: 1 Smoke Rifle Grenade per Rifle Grenadier. 6. Officers kits will be ready for loading by 9 a.m. and collected by Transport Officer. Mess Kits will be sent to and loaded on Transport by 9 a.m. 7. Officers must arrange to carry rations, etc., for lunch on Lewis Gun Limbers. 8. Blankets to be rolled and ready for loading at Q.M. Stores by 8-30 a.m. OPERATION ORDER BO. 113. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Oct. 22nd 1917. 1. The Battalion will move forward to RIDGE WOOD to-day. Head of column will leave Camp at 2 p.m. Order of March: - Drums. Headquarters, "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "D" Coy. "A" Coy. Transport. 100 yards distance between Companies. 2. Forward party consisting of: - (a) BILLETING. 4 C.Q.M.Sgts. 1 N.C.O. for H.Q. 1 N.C.O. for Transport. (b) 2/Lieut. W.A.Jackson, and all men who fell out on the line of march besides the advance party of yesterday, will parade at Battalion Headquarters, ready to move off at 10 a.m. Captain F.Hague and billeting party will meet Staff Captain at N.5. central at 2 p.m. 3. Blankets and Officers Kits will be rolled and ready for loading by 10-30 a.m. Also Lewis Guns, with the exception of those on Anti-Aircraft duties. Officers Mess Kits to be loaded by 1 p.m. 4. Dinners at 12 noon. 5. On the 23rd. The Battalion will move forward to STIRLING CASTLE, and be in support to 1st. Cheshire Regiment in the line. (This order to be read out to all ranks to-day.) 6. On arrival at RIDGE WOOD, Transport Officer will send to BEDFORD HOUSE and draw explosives and tools to be carried on the man. Companies will at once draw these, and have same detonated by their Company Bombers, taking necessary precautions. 7. Advance party of One Officer for the Battalion and one N.C.O. per Company will report to H.Q. 43rd. Brigade, at Stirling Castle, at 8 a.m. on the 23rd. Further orders will be issued later. OPERATION ORDER No. 114 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Reference Map - ZILLEBEKE 1/10,000. Oct. 23rd. 1917 1. Battalion will relieve 6th. Bn. K.O.Y.L.I. in Brigade support to-day as follows: - "A" Coy. Bedfords relieves X Coy. K.O.Y.L.I. in vicinity of CAMERON HOUSE, J.16.a. "B" Coy. Bedfords relieves W Coy. K.O.Y.L.I. in vicinity of CAMERON HOUSE, J.16.a. "C" Coy. Bedfords relieves Y Coy. K.O.Y.L.I. in vicinity of CAMERON HOUSE, J.16.a. "D" Coy. Bedfords relieves Z Coy. K.O.Y.L.I. in Stirling Castle. 2. GUIDES of K.O.Y.L.I. will meet Companies at Point where trench board track meets CORDUROY track in SANCTUARY WOOD at 4 p.m. 3 Guides per Coy. and one for Battalion Headquarters. 3. Order of March: - H.Q. "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "D" Coy. "A" Coy. Head of column to leave Camp at 2 p.m. 100 yards distance between platoons. 4. MAPS. All Maps of ZILLEBEKE and GHELUVELT to be taken up, also Message maps. In addition, all maps of K.O.Y.L.I. shewing dispositions must be taken over, also Tools, S.A.A. explosives, etc., 5. RELIEF COMPLETE will be reported by runner. "A" Coy. will send 4 runners for this purpose, two of whom will be retained at Headquarters to act as guides. 6. LEWIS GUNS will be taken as far as SANCTUARY WOOD on pack animals, also MAGAZINES etc., They will march with their Companies. Battalion reserve Lewis Guns will join Headquarters at SANCTUARY WOOD. 7. RATIONS if arriving in time, will be issued to Battalion before moving. BARRAGE Rations and WATER will come up on Transport to-night. WATER BOTTLES must be filled just before starting. 8. "A" Coy. will carry up an issue of Solidified Alcohol. Q.M., will arrange to send up Company Cooks and CAMP KETTLES for H.Q., "B", "C" and "D" Coy's. OPERATION ORDER NO. 115 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. October, 31st. 1917 1. The Battalion will relieve the 1st. Devonshire Regiment in Brigade Reserve at STIRLING CASTLE and TOR TOP to-morrow. 2. Battalion Headquarters and "A" and "C" Companies will go to TOR TOP, and "B" and "D" Companies will go to STIRLING CASTLE. 3. Order of march: - Headquarters. "A" Coy. "C" Coy. via OBSERVATORY RIDGE to TOR TOP "B" Coy. "D" Coy. via ZILLEBEKE CHURCH and duck-board track to STIRLING CASTLE Head of column to pass "D" Company's Headquarters at 5 p.m. Companies must parade on the road in time to move off, and must keep touch. 4. ADVANCE PARTY consisting of the following, will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 12 noon: - (1) 2/Lieut. S.H.Draper. 2 N.C.O's. for Headquarters, Cpl. Sapsford and 3 Snipers. 2 N.C.O's. per platoon of "A" and "C". (2) 2/Lieut. V.E.Farr. 2 N.C.O's per platoon for "B" and "D". This party will take over all accommodation, work, stores, explosives, etc., and meet their platoons as they come in at 7-30 p.m. as under: - H.Q., "A" and "C" - at OBSERVATORY DUMP. "B" and "D". - where duck board track leaves CORDUROY track in SANCTUARY WOOD. 5. LEWIS GUNS to be loaded on limbers by 2 p.m. One limber for "B" and "D" and one for "A" and "C" and H.Q. Officers Mess Kits will also be put on these limbers. Also Signalling Kit. These limbers will move off at 4-30 p.m. in advance of Battalion, and will go by same route as rations are taken up. All Lewis Gunners will accompany them, under Sgt. Faulder. Also Officers servants. 6 RELIEF COMPLETE will be reported to Battalion Headquarters at TOR TOP by Runner. "B" and "D" Companies will send 4 Runners each with these messages, two of whom will be retained at Battalion Headquarters. 7. 2/Lieut. S.H.Draper will arrange to have one guide per platoon at corner where "B" and "D" Companies turn off to ZILLEBEKE CHURCH. 8. All men are to rub their feet with Whale Oil and change their socks first thing to-morrow morning. Dirty socks to be handed in to Q.M. One clean pair to be put in pack. 9. Transport Officer to arrange to send up as much water as possible in petrol cans. (NOT Regimental) Water Bottles to be filled.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Oct 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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