- ReferenceX550/2/5/1709
- TitleWar Diary for September 1917 1 Sep 1917 - Vimy-Lievin Line Working parties as on 29th, 30th, 31st Aug. Draft of 5 casuals joined. 2 Sep 1917 Working party as on 1st. 1 O.R. wounded on wiring party - since died. 3 Sep 1917 Working party as above. Enemy Arty. active on FARBUS. Draft of 4 casuals joined. Played D.15. battery football - result 4-0 against. 4 Sep 1917 - Ecurie Wood Camp Battalion withdrew from Tunnel Dump to ECURIE WOOD CAMP. 5 Sep 1917 - Frevin-Capelle Battalion marched to FREVIN CHAPPELLE. Draft of 38 joined. 6 Sep 1917 - Grande Rullecourt Continued march to GRAND RULLECOURT & billeted there. 7 Sep 1917 Day spent in cleaning up, making up deficiencies etc.; training grounds reconnoitred. B.G.C. congratulates Bn. on work. 8 Sep 1917 Specialist training under Company arrangements. 9 Sep 1917 Parade Service in Chteau grounds with 16th R.Warwick Regt. & M.G.Coy. First of Inter platoon football knockout played. Coy. Officers reconnoitred new billeting area at BEAUDRICOURT. 10 Sep 1917 - Beaudricourt Battalion marched to BEAUDRICOURT, and billeted there. 11 Sep 1917 Battalion was reorganised on a three platoon basis. " Lieut. J.P.KIngdon & 10 O.Rs rejoined from XIII Corps Musketry & Reinforcement Camp 10/9/'17. Lieut. J.B.Spreston & 11 O.Rs arrived from Base Depot 10/9/17. Battalion drill & lecture on Smoke Tactics. In the afternoon, Inter platoon Football. 12 Sep 1917 Battalion Drill & lecture on Smoke Tactics. Practice attack with smoke. Inter platoon Football. 13 Sep 1917 Specialist training under Coy. arrangements till 10.30. Commanding Officer's lecture on Smoke Tactics to visitors (G.O.C 5th Div., B.G's C. 13th, 95th & 15th Bdes. etc.) Demonstration by Battn. of attack & smoke. In the Afternoon, "Bedford Hunt", officers mounted. Visitors for tea & lunch. 14 Sep 1917 Firing on Range at N.12. & specialist training. Inter platoon Football. Night march in box respirators. 15 Sep 1917 Specialist training. Field Firing N.12.a & N.12.c. Inter platoon football. 16 Sep 1917 Parade service. Final of Inter platoon Competition won by D Coy. "Bedford Hunt". 17 Sep 1917 One platoon from each Coy. entered Brigade Inter-platoon competition. No.1 Platoon (2 Lt.H.H.Reynolds) chosen for Divisional Competition. Rest of Battn. specialist training. 18 Sep 1917 Lecture by Major Anderson, 1st Army Suptd of P.T. & B.F. Specialist training. 19 Sep 1917 Specialist training. Battn. passed through Gas Chamber. 95th [?sic].Bde. Musketry Competition; teams entered, & team of Ptes. & Lcpls. was 3rd. Div. Inter platoon Competition; No.1 Platoon was 4th. on Sept. 18th. 20 Sep 1917 Battn. practised scheme. 21 Sep 1917 At 1.0 a.m. marched to Grand Rullecourt; Operations as per O.O.X. Zero hour 5.45 a.m. Breakfast there; marched back at 9 a.m. 22 Sep 1917 Specialist training under Companies. Baths allotted to Coys. Officers & Platoon Sergts. attended demonstration of platoon attack at 3.15.p.m. 2nd Lt.F.A.Garwood reported and posted to D Coy. 23 Sep 1917 Parade service at 11.30. Officers & L.G.N-C.Os attended lecture on L.G.Tactics. 24-25 Sep 1917 - Zudrove Marched to Tincques, entrained there, detrained at St.Omer & marched to ZUDROVE, near SERQUES [sic SETQUES]. See M.O. No.108. 2nd Lts W.W.White & H.Hutchinson joined. 26 Sep 1917 Specialist training under Specialist Officers. Lecture by C.O. in afternoon on "Fire & Movement". 27 Sep 1917 Battn. Parade, lecture & specialist training. 2nd Lts.A.H.Wakefield, A.W.Rope & H.W.Cornelius joined. 28 Sep 1917 - Staple 5th Div. transferred from 5th Army to 2nd Army and posted to X Corps on arrival. Bde. marched to STAPLE, leaving at 9.a.m. Billeted at STAPLE. 29 Sep 1917 - Thieushouck Bde. marched to THIEUSHOUX, leaving at 9.a.m. billeted there. 30 Sep 1917 Battn rested in THIEUSHOUCK. All officers, C.S.Ms & Platoon Sergeants went over taped course for future operations. OPERATION ORDER No.105 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment September 3rd. 1917. 1. The Battalion will withdraw to ECURIE WOOD Camp to-morrow the 4th. inst. commencing at 10 a.m. according to table as under. Companies will leave their present lines at times stated: - "D" Coy. 10 a.m. "C" Coy. 10-10 a.m. "B" Coy. 10-20 a.m. "A" Coy. 10-35 a.m. H.Q. 10-55 a.m. All Companies will withdraw via TOMMY ALLEY and keep 5 minutes interval between platoons. 2. One Officer per Company, and one N.C.O. per platoon, and two for Battalion Headquarters, will meet the Asst. Adjt. at the Orderly Room at 9 a.m. They will proceed to ECURIE to take over Camp. 3. The Transport Officer will arrange for 3 limbers to be at the top of TOMMY ALLEY at 9 a.m. to carry Lewis Guns and Officers Mess Kit. O.C. Coy's will see that Lewis Guns and Officers Mess Kit are at TOMMY ALLEY at 9 a.m. 4. Baths are allotted to Companies as under: - "A" Coy. 3-20 to 4-5 p.m. "B" Coy. 4-5 to 4-50 p.m. "C" Coy. 4-50 to 5-35 p.m. "D" Coy. 5-35 to 6-20 p.m. H.Q. 6-20 to 7 p.m. Every effort is being made to obtain sufficient clean clothing for all. O.C. Coy's will inform Orderly Room by runner, when Companies have moved from present lines. 5. Officers chargers will be at the top of TOMMY ALLEY at 10 a.m. OPERATION ORDER No.106 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Ref. Map LENS Sheet 11, 1/100,000 September. 4th. 1917. 1. (a) On the 5th. inst the Battalion will march to FREVIN CAPELLE, and on the 6th. inst. will continue the march to GRANDE RULLECOURT. (b) On the 5th. Inst. the Battalion will parade on top football ground, in close column of Companies, ready to move off at 2-40 p.m. Head of column will pass ECURIE-ANZIN and ARRAS-SOUCHEZ Cross Roads at 3 p.m. Order of March: - Headquarters "D" Coy. "A" Coy. Drums "B" Coy. "C" Coy. Transport Signalling Officer and 4 Signallers on bicycles will march in front of Battn. and reconnoitre the Roads through villages. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE. "A". ADVANCE PARTIES. (i) FREVIN CAPELLE The following party will meet the Staff Captain at Church, FREVIN CAPELLW, at 11 a.m. on the 5th. inst. They will parade at Battalion Headquarters ready to move off at 8 a.m. 2/Lieut. J.Dalton 1 N.C.O. for Bn. H.Q. 1 N.C.O. for Transport. 1 N.C.O. per platoon. (ii) GRANDE RULLECOURT. The following party will meet the Staff Captain at 5th. Divisional Theatre, ECURIE, on the 5th. inst at 5-45 a.m. They will proceed to GRANDE RULLECOURT by Motor Lorry. Rations for the 5th. and 6th. inst. must be carried. The Asst. Adjt. Servant and Kit. R.Q.M.Sgt. and Pte Bear. 4 C.Q.M.Sgts. 1 N.C.O. for Bn. H.Q. Pioneer Corporal and tools. "B" the orders regarding March Discipline contained in A.189, dated 31/8/17. will be strictly complied with. "C" All men whom Company Commanders consider unable to march with the Battalion, will parade for Medical Inspection at 8 a.m. on the 5th. inst. and 5-30 a.m. on the 6th. inst. Full Marching Order. This party will proceed independently under 2/Lieut. P.J.C.Daniels, leaving ECURIE at 8-30 a.m. on the 5th. inst. leaving FREVIN CAPELLE at 6 a.m. on the 6th. inst. They will march at their own pace and must be kept together. OPERATION ORDER No. 107. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Ref., Map - Sheet 51.c. 1/40,000 September 9th. 1917. 1. (a) On the 10th. inst. The Battalion will move to BEAUDRICOURT. (b) The Battalion will parade at 8-30 a.m. on the Football Ground, at O.3.c.1/1 in Mass, facing the LIENCOURT - GRANDE RULLECOURT Road. Order of March: - Drums. Headquarters. "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "D" Coy. "A" Coy. The Transport will move independently, leaving the present Transport Lines at 8-45 a.m. The Commanding Officer will inspect the Battalion before moving off. ROUTE - GRANDE RULLECOURT - SUS ST.LEGER - BEAUDRICOURT. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE. (a) The Company Officers who reconnoitred the new area will be responsible for guiding Companies to their billets. (b) All Pioneers and One N.C.O. per Company will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 8 a.m. to-morrow, under 2/Lieut.J.T.Dickinson, and proceed to BEAUDRICOURT. 2/Lieut. J.T.Dickinson will see that they carry on with the necessary work in billets, Battalion Officers Mess, etc. (c) KITS. All Officers kits will be packed, and placed outside their respective Company Headquarters by 7-30 a.m. under a guard of One N.C.O. and 2 men. The Transport Officer will be responsible that all kits are collected. Officers Mess Boxes will be ready by 8 a.m. Orderly Room Boxes, etc., will be packed by 8 a.m. also. (d) DISCIPLINE. the orders regarding March Discipline contained in A.189, dated 31/8/17, will be strictly complied with. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES Only. 1st Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment OPERATION ORDER "X" Reference: Sheet 51.c. 1/40,000 and Sketch 1/20,000 September 19th. 1917. 1. General Object 2. The Attack of GREEN Objective. 3. Battalion Reserve. 4. Moppers up. 5. Strong Points. 6. Time Table. 7. Consolidation. 8. Artillery. 9. Machine Guns. 10. Carrying Parties. 11. Prisoners. 12. Signals. 13. Medical Arrangements. 14. Dumps. 15. Supplies. 16. Water. 17. Dress. 18. Tools. 19. Assembly Trenches. 20. Reports. 21. Watches. APPENDIX Sketch Map. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. OPERATION ORDER "X". Reference: Sheet 51.c.1/40,000 and Sketch 1/10,000. September 19th. 1917. 1. GENERAL OBJECT. At zero date and hour, the 15th. Infantry Brigade will attack and capture the German trenches from I.33.c.0/9 to I.33.c.9/6., the GREEN LINE. Right leading Battalion - 1st. Cheshire Regiment, and Left leading Battalion - 1st Norfolk Regiment, will attack and capture the BLACK Line. Right Support Battalion - 16th. R.Warwickshire Regiment, and Left Support Battalion - 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment will capyure and consolidate GREEN Objective. (2) The attack of GREEN Objective. The 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment will be responsible for capturing the GREEN Objective from I.33.c.9/6 to I.33.c.0/9. "A" Company on the right will attack with two platoons, and take the first German line in front of black line from I.33.c.9/2 to I.33.c.45/3. and the other platoon will "leap-frog" and take the 2nd. German line from I.33.c.9/35 to I.33.c.45/48. "B" Company on the left will conform and take from I.33.c.45/3 to I.33.c.0/4, and in 2nd. German line from I.33.c.45/48 to I.33.c.0/6. "C" Company on the right will advance through "A", seize 3rd. German line with two platoons from I.33.c.9/5 to I.33.c.45/7, and its third platoon will push on to GREEN Line, take from I.33.c.9/6 to I.33.c.45/8, and consolidate. "D" Company on the left in like manner to "C", will seize from I.33.c.45/7 to I.33.c.9/8 with the two leading platoons and from I.33.c.45/8 to I.33.c.0/9 with its last platoon. Companies must be self-supporting in the attack for their respective objects, unless the strongest resistance is met with. 3. BATTALION RESERVE. Company Headquarters Lewis Gun Section, will form a Battalion Reserve at Battalion Headquarters 4. MOPPERS UP. Each line will do its own Mopping up, but on each line being jumped, the line so jumped, will send Moppers up along the Communication trench to the trench being attacked. 5. STRONG POINTS. Any met with, will be immediately enveloped in smoke, grenaded, out-flanked and rushed. Action must be sharp and decisive and after capture the line must straighten before advancing, and bearings quickly checked by compass. 6. TIME TABLE. Zero.1st Cheshires and 1st.Norfolks leaving humping off line. Zero plus 10, 1st Cheshires and 1st Norfolks enter German front line. Zero plus 20, 1st Cheshires and 1st Norfolks enter BLACK Line. Zero plus 50, 16th R.Warwicks (right) 1st Bedfordshire Regt. (left) leave Zero plus 53, "A" and "B" seize their 1st. objective Zero plus 56, "A" and "B" seize their 2nd. objective Zero plus 59, "C" and "D" seize their 1st. objective. Zero plus 62, "C" and "D" seize their 2nd. objective. (GREEN Line.) 7. CONSOLIDATION. The first half hour of consolidation is worth 2 later. Line of Resistance - GREEN Objective, to be dug "C" and "D". Immediate Support - Final objective of "A" and "B", (2nd. trench from BLACK Line.) by 1 platoon of same. Communication trenches - from line of resistance to Immediate Support, by 1 platoon of "A" and "B". Reserve Line - (1st. trench after BLACK Line.) Company Headquarter Lewis Gun sections. 8. ARTILLERY. Vide Time Table. FOLLOW the Barrage. 9. MACHINE GUNS. "B" Section, 15th. M.G.C., will co-operate One sub-section will follow last line of "D" (left) Company. O.C. "D" will assist in covering this, while getting into final positions in GREEN objective, with Lewis Guns. 10. CARRYING PARTIES. One platoon of "A" and "B" after the last line has gone over, will carry wire, ammunition and bombs, water and rations to front line Companies. 11. PRIOSONERS. The 1st. Bedfordshire Regiment will find a guard of 1 N.C.O. and 10 men at GRAND RULLECOURT CHURCH. 12. SIGNALS. (i) The Battalion Signalling Officer will arrange communication, (a) From and to Battalion Headquarters at O.9.a.8/4. (b) From advanced Battalion to advanced Brigade Headquarters. Detailed instructions issued separately. (ii) One Very Light will be fired by "C" and "D" only on reaching GREEN objective. (iii) Flares to be lit on being called for by Contact Aeroplane at about half hour to one hour after zero. 13. MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS. Regimental Aid posts at GRAND RULLECOURT, O.9.a. and b. 14. DUMPS. Battalion Dump - close to BLACK Line, (after capture) near centre of Battalion. Double Company Dumps on dividing line on 2nd. objective of each Company. 15. SUPPLIES. Double refill on zero day. Rations on zero day will be preserved rations. 16. WATER. (a) Water bottles to be filled. (b) Water Carts to be in readiness. (c) 4 50-gallon tanks at O.9.b.2/3, but these will not be used unless absolutely necessary. (d) Wells at O.9.d.9/5. and O.9.b.2/2. 17. DRESS. Fighting dress as detailed. 18. TOOLS. IN ratio of 3 shovels to 1 pick. 19. ASSEMBLY TRENCHES. West of a North and South line through GRAND RULLECOURT CHURCH. 20. REPORTS. Combined sketch map and message card issued to all Officers. 21. WATCHES. To be synchronized at a time to be stated when zero hour and day are given. Amendments to Operation Order No. "X", dated 19/9/17. 1st Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Para. 1. This should read: - "from I.33.c.9/6 to I.33.c.0/9. Para. 2. After the words "GREEN Objective" read - I.33.c.9/6 to I.33.c.0/9. Para. 7. This should read - Line of resistance - Green Objective to be dug by "C" and "D". Also, After the words "Reserve line" read - (1st. trench after BLACK Line) Company Headquarter Lewis Gun Sections. Para. 15. The 2nd. sentence should read - rations on zero day will be preserved rations. MARCH ORDER No. 108 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference: Map Sheet 51.c. 1/40,000 and Hazebrouck 5a. September 23rd. 1917 1. (a) On the 24th. September, the Battalion will move to the new area. (b) The Battalion will march off according to March Table, (attached) Parade in Mass (less "A" Company) in Battalion Parade ground, at 2-45 p.m. Order of March: - Drums. Headquarters. "B" Coy. "C" Coy. "D" Coy. The Transport will move behind the Battalion (c) The Battalion will march to TINCQUES, and will entrain there for ST. OMER. (d) 2/Lieut. F.L.Ray will guide the Battalion and report to R.T.O. at TINCQUES 1/4 of an hour before the Battalion arrives. He will be accompanied by a Signaller. They will ride bicycles. 2/Lieut. S.Allport will guide "A" Company. 2. DETRAINING PARTY. O.C. "A" Coy. will detail 2 Officers, 10 N.C.O's. and 90 men at the detraining station. (St. Omer) They will remain on duty till detrainment of all troops arriving at this station is completed. They will report to the R.T.O. immediately upon arrival. For orders for march, see Table. 3. THE "CROCKS". The "Crocks" under 2/Lieut. S.Allport will start with "A" Coy. If they survive march with the Company they will get tea at 16039, if not, they must wait for Battalion at 20-30. No one will be taken on Transport and all "Crocks" will be brought over in a formed body. 4. BILLETING PARTY. 2/Lieut. H.J.Everett, M.C. 4 C.Q.M.Sgts. and Pte. Bear will proceed by the first train, marching with "A" Coy. and on their arrival at St.Omer, will report to the A/Staff Captain, when particulars re billeting will be handed to them. 5. RATIONS. Rations for the 25th. and the unexpended portion of the 24th. for tea, will be carried by the men, and they must not rely upon anything else. A meal will be served when the Battalion reaches TINCQUES. 6. OFFICERS KITS. Officers kits and Mess kits will be at Quartermaster's Stores at 11 a.m. Lewis Guns will also be packed on the limbers by 11 a.m. 7. CERTIFICATES. O.C. Companies will render a certificate to Orderly Room before marching off, certifying that billets are in a clean and sanitary condition. 8. WATER. Water Carts and Water Bottles will be entrained full. Horses will be watered shortly before entrainment. 9.SANITATION. O.C. Companies will be responsible that the rendezvous prior to entrainment is left in a clean and sanitary condition. Temporary latrines will be dug. 10. TRANSPORT. Baggage and Supply Wagons will be entrained with the Units. Supply Wagons will be entrained filled. Breast Ropes for horses must be provided. One breast rope or two head ropes for four horses. 11. ENTRAINMENT Transport will entrain 3 hours before train leaves. The Battalion will entrain 1 hours before train leaves. 12. DISCIPLINE. A.R.O. No. 1374. (a) No man is to travel on the top of, or on the steps of a vehicle. (b) No Officer or man is allowed to travel on the engine, or in the compartment or brake van set apart for the railway staff. (c) No man is allowed to leave the train at any but the authorised stopping places, and only then on the order being given by the O.C. train, (d) No beer, wine or spirits will be allowed on the train. (e) Any man left behind at a station will report at once to the R.T.O. (f) When the train is moving all carriage doors must be kept closed. (g) Iron ration is on no account to be touched. (h) Under no circumstances are rations, (drawn by troops for subsistence during the journey) to be destroyed, thrown away, or given away. (i) All station refreshment rooms, and buffets are out of bounds to all ranks. (j) Bottles and other articles are not to be thrown out of the windows. Any rubbish should be put under the seat. (k) No braziers or fires whatever are allowed in, or hanging from, vehicles occupied by troops. (l) No British Officer, soldier or civilian is allowed to join the train without the authority, in writing, of the R.T.O. (m) In trucks, carrying horses, the door to the right, when facing in the direction the train is moving, must always be kept closed. These orders are to be brought to the notice of all ranks on every occasion before proceeding by train. 13. MARCH DISCIPLINE. The strictest march discipline will be observed. ten minutes half before each hour, except after the third march, when there will be half an hours rest. Leading Company becomes last after each halt, and outside files to change with inside files. No water to be drunk before the third halt. 1ST BATTN. THE BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT MARCH TABLE SEPTEMBER 24th 1917 - A Coy Breakfast 7.30 Dinner 11.0 Parade 12.0 Tea 16.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining 16.30 Time for Entrainment 18.40 Time of Departure 19.40 Train No. 3 March No. T.60 Serial No. 523d Destination Saint Omer for Serques. - Cooker and Team of A Coy. Breakfast 7.30 Dinner 11.0 Parade 12.0 Tea 16.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining 16.30 Time for Entrainment 16.40 Time of Departure 19.40 Train No. 3 March No. T.60 Serial No. 523d Destination Saint Omer for Serques. - The "Crocks" Breakfast 7.30 Dinner 11.0 Parade 12.0 Meal 16.30 or 20.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining ? Time for Entrainment 22.40 Time of Departure 23.40 Train No. 6 March No. T.64 Serial No. 523 Destination Saint Omer for Serques. - H.Q. Breakfast 8.0 Dinner 1.30 Parade 15.0 Tea 20.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining 20.0 Time for Entrainment 22.40 Time of Departure 23.40 Train No. 6 March No. T.64 Serial No. 523 Destination Saint Omer for Serques. for Serques. - B Coy. Breakfast 8.0 Dinner 1.30 Parade 15.0 Tea 20.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining 20.0 Time for Entrainment 22.40 Time of Departure 23.40 Train No. 6 March No. T.64 Serial No. 523 Destination Saint Omer for Serques. for Serques. - C Coy. Breakfast 8.0 Dinner 1.30 Parade 15.0 Tea 20.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining 20.0 Time for Entrainment 22.40 Time of Departure 23.40 Train No. 6 March No. T.64 Serial No. 523 Destination Saint Omer for Serques. for Serques. - D Coy. Breakfast 8.0 Dinner 1.30 Parade 15.0 Tea 20.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining 20.0 Time for Entrainment 22.40 Time of Departure 23.40 Train No. 6 March No. T.64 Serial No. 523 Destination Saint Omer for Serques. for Serques. - Transport Breakfast 8.0 Dinner 1.30 Parade 15.0 Tea 21.30 Approximate Time of Arrival at Rendezvous for Entraining 20.0 Time for Entrainment 20.40 Time of Departure 23.40 Train No. 6 March No. T.64 Serial No. 523 Destination Saint Omer for Serques. for Serques.
- Date free text1-30 Sep 1917
- Production dateFrom: 1917 To: 1917
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, 16th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, trains, football, land weaponry, bicycles, XIII Corps, church services, 5th Division, 15th Infantry Brigade, 95th Infantry Brigade, 13th Infantry Brigade, hunting, 1st Army, town & local roads, water provision, watches, Tommy Alley [Arleux-en-Gohelle], Farbus, Ecurie Wood Camp, Tunnel Dump [Oppy], Frevin-Capelle, Sus-Saint-Leger, Grand-Rullecourt, Beaudricourt, Tincques, Thieushouck, St-Omer, Staple, Serques, Zuid Hove
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