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    War Diary for April 1917 1 Apr 1917 - Allouagne In Billets at ALLOUAGNE - continued Coy training. Lt.Col.P.R.WORRALL M.C. DEVONSHIRE Regt. assumed command of the Battalion. 2 Apr 1917 Coy training 3 Apr 1917 Bn training 4 Apr 1917 Bn took part in Bde scheme over Flagged course see O.O. No.01 dated April 3.17 5 Apr 1917 Bn Training 6 Apr 1917 Bn Training 7 Apr 1917 - Bruay la Buissiere Bn moved to BRUAY (O.O. No.65 dated 5th). Move being postponed from 6th to 7th 8 Apr 1917 - Cambligneul Moved to CAMBLIGNEUIL O.O. No.66 dated 7th. 5th Division in reserve to CANADIAN CORPS. Bn ordered to be ready to move at one hours notice Major R.LE HUQUET joined Bn & assumed duties of 2nd in command 9 Apr 1917 In Billets at CAMBLIGNEUL blankets & Haversacks dumped at Bde H.Q. 10 Apr 1917 Orders received for an officer to reconnoitre positions round GIVENCHY & THE PIMPLE at 2 a.m. 1 hours notice to move increased to 4 hours. Bn resumed training Bn Scouts under 2/Lt Finedon & Lt.Millais 11 Apr 1917 C.O. & Adjt. reconnoitred line from MONT ST ELOY. Coy Training. Weather very bad. 12 Apr 1917 CAMBLIGNEUL. Training continued 13 Apr 1917 Bn moved to VILLERS au BOIS see O.O. No.67 dated 13.4.17. C.O. Adjt. Coy Cmdrs & C.S.Ms reconnoitred VIMY Ridge, GIVENCHY-en-GOHELLE. Lt.P.F.Hart 2/Lts F.Hague & B.Williams joined for duty 14 Apr 1917 - Zouave Valley At 2 a.m. Bn was ordered to move forward into close reserve in ZOUAVE VALLEY see O.O. No.68 dated 14.4.17. Bn at once commenced make a mule track from TOTTENHAM TUNNEL to GIVENCHY known as "HOOD" TRACK. 2/Lt Hood was killed, 2/Lt.Dolman wounded also 1 O.R. Killed & 4 O.Rs wounded. 15 Apr 1917 Bn carried on road making very bad weather 1 O.R. wounded 16 Apr 1917 As above. Hostile shelling increased 2 O.R.s Killed. 4 O.Rs wounded 17 Apr 1917 - Front Line, Cyril Section Road making as above. 6 p.m. Bn relieved 1/Norfolk Regt & detachment of 43 Canadian Bn in Cyril Section see O.O. No.69 dated 14.4.17 Preliminary Orders dated 15.4.17 O.O. No.70 dated 17.4.17. Relief complete 2.30 a.m. Bn dug in & connected up shell holes in a position from 200 yds to 500 yds from Enemy. 1 O.R. Killed 1 O.R. wounded. 18 Apr 1917 DEFENCE Scheme drawn up 19 Apr 1917 - Bois de la Folie As above. Heavy enemy shelling of communication Routes 2 O.R.s Killed & 6 O.Rs wounded also 5 pack animals Killed & one wounded (Ration party) Bn relieved by 1/Cheshire Regt & 16 R.War.R. in Front line. Withdrew to BOIS de la FOLIE see O.O. No.71 dated 19.4.17 20 Apr 1917 - Zouave Valley Bn relieved by 15 R.War.R. (13th Bde) & withdrew to ZOUAVE VALLEY dug outs see O.O. No.72 dated 20.4.17. 2/Lt TROTTER joined for duty. 21 Apr 1917 In position as above. Preliminary orders received for capture of LA COULOTTE 22 Apr 1917 Bn proceeded to take up oosition for attack see O.O. 73 & Timetable attached [not attached] 23 Apr 1917 - la Coulotte/Berthonval Bn. attacked LA COULOTTE see C.O.'s report attached [not attached]. casualties Killed Capt C.A.S.MORRIS, 2/Lt.T.M.K.FLETCHER & 2/Lt.V.E.CURRY. Missing (believed killed) 2/Lt.T.AKROYD [sic]. Wounded & Missing 2/Lt.F.R.D.ILLINGWORTH. Wounded P.F.Hart, 2/Lt.A.F.Woodford, J.M.Stantan, A.J.Fyson, F.Hague & H.A.Deacon. Other Ranks 320 Relieved by 13th Inf.Bde. & withdrew to camp at BERTHONVAL stayed night & moved on 24 Apr 1917 - Cambligneul To Billets at CAMBLIGNEUL 25 Apr 1917 In billets as above, day devoted to cleaning up & re-fitting. 26 Apr 1917 Visited & inspected by Maj. Gen. R.B.Stevens C.M.G. G.O.C. 5th Division. Bn inspected. 27 Apr 1917 - Gouy Servins Specialist training. Bn marched to GOUY SERVINS met 1st Bn. Devonshire Regt at Football & won 2-1 goals. 28 Apr 1917 Specialist training. Two Coys bathed at CAMBLAIN L'ABBE. 2/Lts C.O.WHITFIELD & H.H.REYNOLDS joined the Bn. 29 Apr 1917 In billets as above. Church parade (Brigade). The Corps Commander (CANADIAN) Lt.Gen.Sir Julian Byng K.C.B. K.C.M.G. M.V.O. & G.O.C. 5th Division attended. Capt.E.G.FANNING M.C. joined the Bn. 30 Apr 1917 In billets CAMBLIGNEUL. Training proceeded with.
  • Date free text
    1-30 Apr 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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