• Reference
  • Title
    War Diary for October 1916 1 Oct 1916 - Les Loges, Bethune Entrained at LONGPRE & trained to FOURUEREUIL [sic], a western suburb of BETHUNE, whence marched to Billets at LES LOGES. Came into XI Corps, First Army 2-4 Oct 1916 Battalion remained in Billets as above. Weather very wet. Capt.& Adjutant H.WILLANS returned to Battalion. Lt.Colonel W.ALLASON, D.S.O. proceeded on leave & Major M.W.HALFORD (2/Gloucestershire att 1/Bedf.R.) took over temporary command. 5 Oct 1916 - near La Couture Battalion moved to Billets 500 yds East of LA COUTURE. H.Q. & 2 Coys in SENESCHALL FARM. 2 coys in KINGS Road (just off RUE du BOIS) 6-9 Oct 1916 In Billets as above. C.O., Adjt. & parties of Officers reconnoitred the Line opposite FESTUBERT. Capt.J.J.MOYSE (Bedf.R.Reg.) joined for duty 9th inst. Owing to heavy casualties during the recent fighting & the consequent shortage of trained Lewis Gunners & Bombers, a school was started today in conjunction with O.C. 16/Royal Warwickshire Rgt. for the rapid training of sufficient of these men to hold the Line. (orders attached) 10 Oct 1916 - Ferme du Bois Took over FERME du BOIS (RIGHT subsection) from 1/Royal West Kent Rgt. Relief took place in daylight. Battalion H.Q. situated in Old British Line - 100 yds in front of INDIAN VILLAGE. Ref. sheet RICHEBOURG 1/10,000. Subsection extends from pt.38. on QUINQUE RUE S.22.c.20/35 to LOTHIAN Road. S.27.d.2/4 & consists of a connected Breatswork from QUINQUE RUE to pt.30A. S.28.a.45/60. thence a series of Island posts disconnected & inaccessible by day, supported by a connected Breatswork called "COVER Trench". 2 coys in front. 1 in support. 1 in Reserve (O.B.L.) Communication Trenches & COVER Trench very wet. Old British Line ("O.B.L.") is a Breatswork in good condition. 11-15 Oct 1916 Trenches as above. Enemy inactive, except for desultory sniping. Working parties from 1/6 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Pioneer Bttn.) working on Communication Trenches. Party of 50 nightly from 16/Royal Warwicks (Bde. Reserve) wiring in front of Trenches. 16 Oct 1916 - La Couture Relieved during morning by 16/Royal Warwickshire Rgt. Withdrew into Brigade Reserve into same Billets as above - H.Q., A. & B. Coys. SENESCHALL FARM. C. & D. Coys KINGS ROAD. 17-19 Oct 1916 In Billets as above. Weather generally wet. Working on road in neighbourhood of Billets. Supply 50 men nightly for wiring in front line Trenches. 20 Oct 1916 - Ferme du Bois Relieved 16/R.Warwick R. during morning 21-23 Oct 1916 Quiet period in Trenches. Enemy inactive. Work of wiring, drainage, &c. continued. 24 Oct 1916 - La Couture Battn. relieved by 16/R.Warwicks & withdrew to same billets as above, (daylight). 25-27 Oct 1916 Battalion in Billets. Work on road, &c. continued Battn allotted & all men bathed. New type of Box Respirator issued to & fitted on every Officer & man on 26th in "Gas House" at ESSARS. All ranks went through a Chamber full of gas wearing the Helmet. Practice carried out for forthcoming raid. 28 Oct 1916 - Front Line Relieved 16/R.Warwick R. during the morning & occupied line as follows: - A.Coy. in right of firing line. C Coy. in support (RICHMOND Terrace). Composite Coy. under Capt.MORRIS in O.B.L. consisting of all men who are to take part in forthcoming raid. [about 80 men of B.& D.Coys.] Composite Coy. in Left of firing line consisting of all men of B. & D. Coys. who are not going to take part in the forthcoming raid. Line quiet except for some Sniping. 29 Oct 1916 In Trenches as above. Quiet day. Work continued as before. 30 Oct 1916 'C' Coy. relieved A.Coy during the morning. A Coy. withdrew to RICHMOND Terrace. Preparations for Raid tomorrow. In this subsection 1/Norfolk Rgt. are always on our left & a Battalion of 13th Infantry Brigade on our right. 31 Oct 1916 Quiet day. Party under Capt.C.A.S.Morris raided Enemy's Trenches about 8 p.m. Killing 5 & capturing 3 Germans. [REPORT ATTACHED] OPERATION ORDER No.25 Ist Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment 9th October, 1916 1. The Battalion will relieve the Ist R.W.Kents in FESTUBERT left sector tomorrow. 2. "A" Coy. will relieve the right firing line Coy. and will march off from their present billets at I p.m. "B" Coy. will relieve the left firing line Coy. and will march off from their billets at 1-30 p.m. "C" Coy. will relieve Support Coy. in RICHMOND TRENCH, and will march off from their present billets at 2 p.m. "D" Coy. will relieve the Reserve Coy. in the O.B.L. (Old British Line) and will march off from their present billets 2-30 p.m. Platoons will march at 200 yards interval. This interval will be rigidly adhered to. 3 (A). Signallers will parade under the signalling officer and will march off from their present billets 9 a.m. They will take over all stations immediately on arrival in the trenches. (b) Lewis Guns will be allotted as follows "A" Coy. 3, "B" Coy. 2, "C" Coy. 3. L.G.O. will arrange to allot these guns to these companies tomorrow morning. Guns and Teams will march off to the Coys. to which they are attached (c) The remainder of H.Q. will march off under the R.S.M. leaving their present billets at 3 p.m. 4. Guides 4 Guides per Coy., 2 Guides per H.Q. will be at the corner of the Rue d' BOIS and the Rue L,EPPINETTE in S.13.d.1/5 at 2 p.m. These guides will take Coys. in by the following routes, "A" Coy. PIONEER St. "B" Coy. ROPE St., "C" Coy. SHETLAND St., "D" Coy.& H.Q., O.B.L. 5. The following advance party will leave their present billets 12 noon, and proceed and take over all trench stores etc. 1 Officer & 2 O.R. per Coy. Intelligence Officer & 2 O.R., H.Q. (to be detailed by the R.S.M.) 6. Posts. The posts at present garrisoned by "D" Coy. will be handed over as follows, S.VAAST, LORETTO & CROIX BARBEE to a Battalion of the 183rd Brigade, the remainder to a Coy. of the 16th R.W.R. O.C. "D" Coy. will arrange to leave 2 caretakers in each post and to withdraw the remainder of the company tomorrow morning. The caretakers left should be responsible men who can hand over the ammunition and stores in the posts. An N.C.O. will be left to bring this party on after the post has been handed over. In the case of posts such as GROTTO & ANGLE which are very close together only one post will be handed over, i.e. the post which is the better condition of the two. 7. O.C. "D" Coy. will forward to H.Q. at 12 noon tomorrow a list of his stores to be handed over. O.C.Coys will forward a list of stores they have taken over as soon as possible after arrival in the trenches. 8. (a) Handcarts are allotted as follows, 1 per Coy. 1 to H.Q. & 1 to Orderly Room. These can proceed in daylight as far as KING'S CROSS at X.18.o.5/2 (R.E.Dump), whence the contents can be conveyed by light railway after dark, the handcarts can be left at KING'S CROSS. (b) Transport Officer will get into communication with his opposite number and will make arrangements about sending up rations. Limbers to carry cook utensils and Orderly Room boxes, and the Officer's Mess cart will be at H.Q. 12 noon, these vehicles will leave H.Q. at 2 p.m. for KING'S CROSS where they will be unloaded. Coy. Cooks & Officers Mess Employ will march with these wagons and remain at KING'S CROSS till dark. 9. Officer's valises will be packed ready for loading by 12 noon, Officer's Trench Kits will be ready for loading at I p.m. 10. Completion of the relief will be reported to Battalion H.Q. by Orderly SECRET 1. It will not be possible to re-organise the Line in accordance with the new Defence Scheme to-day therefore "C" Coy. will relieve "A" Coy. in the firing line; "D" Coy. will relieve "B" Coy. 2. "A" Coy. will withdraw to Richmond Terrace, "B" Coy. will withdraw to O.B.L. 3. These reliefs will commence at once and will be completed in daylight, with the exception of the few men in the Posts, who will be relieved as soon as it is dark. 4. Companies will hand over exact list of Stores to each other. 5. The completion of relief will be reported by Orderly. 13-10-16 OPERATION ORDER No. 26 1ST BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 15-10-16 1. - Battalion will be relieved by the 16/Royal Warwickshire Regiment to-morrow 2. - - "C" Coy. will be relieved in the right of the firing line and will have 5 guides at KING'S Cross 10 a.m., who will conduct relieving Coy. via the O.B.L. SHETLAND ROAD and RICHMOND TERRACE. "D" Coy. will be relieved in the left of the firing line and will have 5 guides at KING'S CROSS 10.30 a.m., who will conduct relieving Coy. via ROPE STREET. "A" Coy. will be relieved in RICHMOND TERRACE and will have 5 guides at KING'S CROSS 11 a.m., who will guide relieving Coy. in via O.B.L. and SHETLAND ROAD. "B" Coy. will be relieved in the O.B.L. and will have 5 guides at KING'S CROSS 11.30 a.m. who will conduct relieving Coy. via O.B.L. 3 guides for Headquarters will be at KING'S CROSS at 9.30 a.m. 3. - - O.C. "B" Coy. will detail an Officer to be at KING'S CROSS to supervise all the guides. 4. - - On relief, Coys. will withdraw independently to the same billets as occupied last time, marching by platoons at 200 yds. interval. Those posts which cannot be relieved by daylight will be relieved as soon as it is dark. O.C. "D" Coy. will leave an Officer behind to bring this party on. 5. POSTS. - - "C" Coy. will take over the Posts at present held by the 16/Royal Warwickshire Regt. Each Post will be garrisoned by 2 caretakers only. 6. - - A list of the Stores handed over will be forwarded to Bn. Headquarters by 8 a.m. to-morrow without fail. 7. - - Handcarts are allotted as follows; - - 1 per Coy.; 1 to H.Q.; 1 to Orderly Room. Transport Officer will arrange for limbers to come as far as KING'S CROSS as soon as it is dark. A fatigue party will accompany these limbers and will go up to H.Qrs. and push Office kits, etc., down the railway and load them on to the limbers. Kits, etc., that cannot be carried will be left at H.Qrs. till it is dark enough for trucks to come up the railway. R.S.M. will arrange to leave 1 man with these kits. 8. - - Completion of relief will be reported to Bn.H.Qrs. by Orderly OPERATION ORDER No.27 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 19-10-16 1. The Battalion will relieve 16/R.Warwickshire Regiment in the trenches to-morrow. 2. Reliefs. "A" Coy. will relieve right firing line Coy. The leading platoon will pass KING'S CROSS at 10.30 a.m. Coys. will march by platoons at 200 yds. interval. "B" Coy. will follow "A" and will relieve left firing line Coy. "C" Coy. will follow "B" and will relieve the Coy. in support at RICHMOND TERRACE. "D" Coy. will follow "C" and will proceed to the OLD BRITISH LINE. H.Qrs. will follow "D" Coy. 3. Posts which cannot be relieved in daylight will be relieved as soon as it is dark. 4. Feet O.C.Coys will see that all the men's feet are rubbed with oil before proceeding to the trenches, and a certificate to this effect will be rendered to the Orderly Room. 5. Stores. A list of Stores that have been taken over will be sent to Bn.H.Qrs. as soon as possible after relief. 6. The men of "C" Coy. will rejoin their Coy. as soon as relieved on detached post. 7. Transport Officer will make arrangements for fetching Officer's mess stores and kit from billets. he will also arrange for Officer's trench Stores to be taken to KING'S CROSS. OPERATION ORDER No.28 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 21-10-16 1. Reliefs To-morrow, 22nd inst., "D" Coy. will relieve "B" Coy. in the left firing line, and "B" Coy. will withdraw to OLD BRITISH LINE. "C" Coy. will relieve "A" Coy. in the right firing line and "A" Coy. will withdraw to RICHMOND TERRACE. The times of these reliefs will be arranged by the Company Commanders concerned, but it should take place as soon as possible after breakfast, and by small parties of men at a time. OPERATION ORDER No.29 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 23-10-16 1. The Bn. will be relieved by the 16/R.Warwickshire Rgt. to-morrow, commencing about 11 a.m. 2. Coys. will proceed to their usual billets. 3. Posts which cannot be relieved by daylight will be relieved as soon as it is dark. 4. O.C. "C" Coy. will leave an Officer to conduct these reliefs back. 5. Gum boots will be left at Stores, S.19.b.1/6. All gum boots will be left there and receipts obtained by Coys. for same. 6. ROUTE Coys. will use PIONEER ROAD to RUE L'EPPINETTE. the junction of these two roads is close to gum boot store. Care must be taken that only sections move at a time. 7. Stores. A list of Stores to be handed over will reach Bn.H.Qrs. by 8.0 a.m. at latest. 8. Transport Transport Officer will make all necessary arrangements OPERATION ORDER No. 29a 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 27-10-16 1. The Battalion will relieve 16/R.Warwickshire Regiment in the trenches to-morrow. 2. Reliefs "A" Coy. will relieve the right firing line Coy. The leading platoon will pass KING'S CROSS at 10.30 a.m. Coys. will march by sections at 200 yds. interval. "C" Coy. will follow "A" and will relieve Coy. in support at RICHMOND TERRACE. The left of the firing line will be relieved by a composite Coy. under Lt.Beale. This Coy. will consist of those men from "B" and "D" Coy. who are not going to take part in the forthcoming operations. The Coy. in the O.B.L. will be relieved by a composite Coy. under Capt.Morris, consisting of men who are going to take part in the forthcoming operations. Lt.Beale's Coy. will follow "C" Coy Capt.Morris' Coy. will follow Lt.Beale. H.Qrs. will follow Capt.Morris' Coy. All the necessary arrangements with reference to the two composite Coys. will be made by Capt.Morris and Lt.Beale. 3. Posts which cannot be relieved in daylight will be relieved as soon as it is dark. 4. Feet. O.C. Coys. will be see that all the men's feet are rubbed with oil before proceeding to the trenches, and a certificate to this effect will be rendered to the Orderly Room. 5. Stores. A list of Stores that have been taken over will be sent to Bn.Hqrs. as soon as possible after relief. 6. The men of "C" Coy. will rejoin their Coy. as soon as relieved on detached post. [this is all struck through in the original] 7. Transport Officer will make arrangements for fetching Officers' mess stores and kit from billets. He will also arrange for Officer' trench stores to be taken to KING'S CROSS OPERATION ORDER No.30 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 27th Oct., 1916 1. GENERAL IDEA. To enter enemy's trenches, bomb his dug-outs, kill as many Germans and do as much damage as possible. 2. SPECIAL IDEA. To enter at points S.22.c.6/6 and S.22.c.8.4 as silently as possible with 4 parties. The leading party will endeavour to out wire and enter trench following line of ditch. A Bangalore torpedo [sic] detachment will accompany each party, in the event of the wire proving too thick. On entering the trench a stop will be formed and the remainder of the party will attack inwards, using the bayonet and bombing their way, if strongly opposed. The rear parties following on the same line and close on the heels of the leading party will continue along the line of the ditch until reaching support trench S.22.c.99/50 and S.22.c.7/6 respectively. On reaching these points they will form a block and attack inwards. 3. COMPOSITION OF PARTIES. Each party will consist of a Officer and four groups of 1 N.C.O. and 4 men each. No.1 group will consist of Bombers and Wire Cutters; No.2 group will be a Lewis Gun Detachment. Nos.3 and 4 groups will be Bayonet men and Bombers. The Lewis Gun Detachment of the leading parties will get in position about S.22.c.7/3 and S.22.c.5/4 and remain there until the entry has been effected, with a view to covering a retirement, should this prove necessary. On the entry being effected they will advance with the second parties to the point of entry into the German trench where they will take up a position to cover the flanks. The second parties will leave their Lewis Gun detachments in the position vacated by the other guns and remain there until the operations are concluded. The remainder, accompanied by two men bearing STOKES Mortars will proceed to German support line and act as above ordered. 4. DEMONSTRATION. A party of I Officer and 6 other ranks will make a demonstration towards Mound in S.23.a.3/2 cutting wire. A Lewis Gun Detachment will take post near the lone tree at S.22.a.7/8 and sweep enemy trench. 5. COVERING FIRE. 2 M.G. from our front line trench about S.22.c.5/3 will sweep enemy's parapet from left point of entry and enfilade his line towards MOULIN D'EAU. two other M.G. about S.23.a.5/9 will sweep enemy's parapet from point of entry to S.22.c.9/0. 6. ARTILLERY CO-OPERATION. Mortars will fire on MOULIN D'EAU, and the Field Artillery will open on ADELBERT ALLEY, EITEL ALLEY SOUTH AND DOVE TRENCH between S.27.b.5/3 and S.26.b.1/9. This will be done to deceive the enemy as to point of attack and to prevent reinforcements coming up. The Howitzer Battery will be prepared to open on the Minenwerfer emplacement. Fire will be controlled by the F.O.O. who will be with the Officer directing operations in the front trench. Fire will not be opened until the attack is in full swing. 7. DRESS. The leader of each group will carry a torch. Faces will be blacked. Bayonets will be dulled with soot and oil. Each man will carry 2 bombs in each pocket and there will be a wire-cutter to every 2 men. To avoid rattling, oil bottles will not be carried in the rifles. equipment will not be worn. 1 bandolier of ammunition will be carried. Magazines will be charged, but men must understand that this is only in case of emergency. Men are reminded that they should not give any information if captured, beyond that of their number, name and Regiment. No letters or Diaries will be carried by anyone. 8. RETIREMENT ARRANGEMENTS. When the mission has been completed the groups in the German support trench will move back, first reporting to the Officer in charge at the point they entered the trench, who will return last, picking up L.G. on flanks. The word "retire" will not be used. 9. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Each group of 1 N.C.O. and 4 men will act as a distinct unit and keep a short distance from units in front or rear. Floorboards will be carried by each of the rear groups. Cords with 100, and 150 and 200 yards markings will be taken by the leading group of each party. In the event of little opposition being encountered on the left 3 flares will be lit as a signal to the M.G. on that flank to cease firing. The enemy trenches will be held for two hours and as much damage done as possible. 10. WOUNDED. Stretcher cases over QUINQUE RUE. Walking cases by SHETLAND Road. Aid Post will be in O.B.L. OPERATION ORDER No.30/1 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 29th Oct., '16 1. Ref. O.O. 30, the date will be Tuesday, 31st October, 1916 2. Zero hour will be 7.0 p.m. 3. Explanatory Sketch Map is attached. 4. The Bangalore Torpedoe [sic] men and the 4 men of 15 T.M.B. will report to O.C. 1st Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment on 30th October OPERATION ORDER No.30/2 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 29th Oct., 1916 The following in continuation of O.O.30 and O.O.30/1 1. An Officer of 15/1 Trench Mortar Battery will be with F.O.O. and will arrange with Trench Mortars to open and cease fire the same time as the Artillery. 2. On requiring Artillery support, whether rapid or slow fire, Capt.Morris will send the word "rapid" or "slow" as the case may be, through the telephone which he is taking forward with him, back to the telephone which is being erected in the new dug-out near Pt.32, where the F.O.O. and Trench Mortar Officer will be. 3. Officers in charge of parties will ensure that the pins of bombs used are well greased, and that all ranks know how to pull the pins out rapidly when required. 4. If it should happen that any man in the course of the raid goes down an enemy dug-out, 1 or more men must remain at the top of the dug-out in such a case. 5. Watches will be synchronised at the H.Qrs. of O.C. "D" Coy. at 6.0 p.m. 6. In the event of failure the men taking part in the raid will on no account open fire. Covering fire will be left to the supporting Lewis Guns which are being arranged for by Lieut.Kingdon. OPERATION ORDER No.31 1st BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE BATTALION 31-10-16 1. The Bn. will be relieved by the 16/R.Warwickshire Regt. to-morrow, commencing about 10 a.m. 2. Coys. will proceed to their usual billets. 3. Posts which cannot be relieved by daylight will be relieved as soon as it is dark. 4. O.C. "A" Coy. will leave an Officer to conduct these reliefs back. 5. Gum Boots will be left at Stores, S.19.b.1/6. All Gum Boots will be left there and receipts obtained by Coys. for same. 6. Route. Coys. will use PIONEER ROAD to RUE L'EPPINETTE. the junction of these two roads is close to the Gum Boot Store. Care must be taken that only sections move at a time. 7. Stores. A list of stores to be handed over will reach Bn. H.Qrs. by 8 a.m. at the latest. 8. Transport Officer will make all necessary arrangements. OPERATION ORDER 30/3 1st BN. BEDFORDSHIRE REGT. 31st Oct. '16 The following in continuation of O.O. 30, O.O. 30/1 and O.O. 30/2 1. DEMONSTRATION. 2/Lieut.Sullivan will be in charge of a Demonstration against the enemy listening post about S.28.a.3/1. He will go out at dusk into No MAN'S LAND and will wait until he is satisfied that the operations on the left have begun, when he will attack the above listening post with bombs, after which he and his party will return. Arrangements for the above will be made by O.C. "A" Company. INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF AN ADVANCE FOR BATTALION IN RESERVE, FERME DU BOIS RIGHT SECTION 1. A temporary unit dump will be formed at Transport Lines at S.10.c.2.6. 2. It will consist of all surplus kit and stores that cannot be carried forward with the troops. Ordnance material and private kit will be piled in separate heaps. 3. The men left in charge of dump will be: - No.8117 Pte.A.Chapman "A" Coy. (in charge). 14590 Pte.J.Hughs "B" Coy. 13613 Pte.J.Burgin "C" Coy. 8309 Pte.J.Bacon "D" Coy. 4. On receipt of orders these men will immediately report to the Quartermaster, who will see that the stores and kit are properly dumped and that the men in charge understand their duties. 5. On receipt of orders the transport officer will immediately collect all surplus kit and stores and convey them to the dump. 6. All kit and stores will be clearly labelled. 7. Lists will be sent to Orderly Room in triplicate of everything that is dumped. 1 copy will be retained 2 will be handed to the man in charge of the dump, who will hand one to O.C. Divisional Salvage Company, when the dump is taken over by them. The other, he will get receipted by O.C. Divisional Salvage Company and hand it into Orderly Room on return to to [sic] his unit. 8. If at the time of receipt of orders for advance, the Battalion is in the line, the Quartermaster will see that paras. 4, 6 & 7 are complied with.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Oct 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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