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    War Diary for March 1916 1 Mar 1916 - Warluzel Bn marched to billets in WARLUZEL. 15 1/2 m. 2 Mar 1916 Billets as above. Party of 7 officers (C.O. 2nd i/c, Coy Comdrs & Int.O) to ARRAS by bus to see trenches. Owing to reliefs taking place the party returned to DAINVILLE and viewed portions of 2nd line system of defence. 3 Mar 1916 - Dainville Bn. marched to DAINVILLE (2 miles W of ARRAS) about 14 miles, roads bad, cold wind with rain & sleet, good billets. 4 Mar 1916 Billets as above. Snow on ground & snowing most of day. C.O., Adj & Capt LAWDER inspected some of 2nd line system of defence. 5 Mar 1916 Billets as above. C.O. & other officers reconnoitred 2nd life of defence 6 Mar 1916 Billets as above. 5 Officers to view trenches held by 1st CHESHIRE 7 Mar 1916 Billets as above. C.O., Adjt. & 3 Officers to view trenches held by 1st CHESHIRE 8 Mar 1916 Billets as above. 5 Officers to view trenches held by 1st CHESHIRE 9 Mar 1916 - trenches at St-Laurent-Blagny Took over trenches (Sub Sector S.A1) from 1st Cheshire, on N. bank of R.la SCARPE 1 m N.E. of ARRAS (Right of Subsector R.la SCARPE to about 1000 yds due N of DOUAI Road). On DOUAI road in village of BLANGY [sic] advanced post in ruins of houses about 10 yards from enemy advanced post. Detached post on river in marsh on bank of river, consisting of 2 LEWIS Guns & 8 O.R. Front line trenches pretty good, but no supporting line & communications bad. 1st Norfolk Regt on out left, & 7th K.R.R. of 14th Div. on our right over river. A good deal of work required in the sector, improving communication trenches & draining chiefly. Relief completed about 10.30. Quiet night, with considerable snow. 10 Mar 1916 Trenches. Quiet day. Some snow. 11 Mar 1916 Trenches. Quiet day. During night, 2nd Lt.O.A.R.BEALE & one man slightly wounded, when out on our wire by Bosch patrol who threw bomb. 2nd Lt.BEALE remained at duty. During day 2nd Lt. C.A.COOK shot through head by sniper, killed instantly. 12 Mar 1916 Trenches. Quiet day 13-14 Mar 1916 Trenches. Quiet. Snipers rather busy. Capt. NOTTIDGE returned from 3rd Army School. 15 Mar 1916- Arras and Huilerie support trenches Relieved by 1st Cheshire Regt. relief complete at 8.30 p.m. H.Q., 'A' & 'B' Coys to ARRAS. 'C' & 'D' Coys remain in support Trenches. Total casualties of tour Killed 1 officer, 1 O.R. Wounded 1 Officer, 10 O.R. 16 Mar 1916 H.Q. & 'A' & 'B' Coys billets in ARRAS. 'C' & 'D' Coys in support trenches (HUILERIE) 17 Mar 1916 In ARRAS & support trenches. 18 Mar 1916 'A' & 'B' Coys relieved 'C' & 'D' Coys in support Trenches. 'C' & 'D' Coys withdrew to ARRAS. 19-20 Mar 1916 In ARRAS & support trenches. C.O. & Adjt. inspected trenches ok K2 subsector 21 Mar 1916 - Agnez-les-Duisans Bn. relieved by 1/E.Surey Rgt. Withdrew to AGNEZ (6 miles W. of ARRAS). Lt.Col.Onslow C.M.G. took over temporary command of 15th Infantry Bde. vice Br.Gen. M.N.Turner C.B. (on leave). Major N.W.Lawder (1/Bedf.R.) took over temp. command of Bn. 22-24 Mar 1916 In Billets. AGNEZ. Fairly good Billets. 25-26 Mar 1916 In Billets. Parties of officers inspected trenches of K.2. subsector each day. 27 Mar 1916 - Trenches near Arras Marched to Trenches & took over K.2. (N.E. of ARRAS) from 15th R.Warwickshire Rt. Relief complete 1 A.M. 1/Norfolks on right. 4th Gordons (51st Division) on left. 28 Mar 1916 In trenches. In different Trenches owing to shallowness of Trenches & consequent exposure to view of enemy. Much work required to render them safe. Enemy active with aerial Torpedos [sic] & trench Mortars. 29 Mar 1916 In trenches. Lt.Whittemore, on patrol with Sgt. QUINCE & Pte. WINCH, A Coy, mortally wounded on patrol. In spite of efforts by these men to bring back the body under Rifle & Grenade fire, it was impossible to recover the body. 30 Mar 1916 Search party for body of Lt.Whittemore proved futile. Enemy active with Trench Mortars. Retaliation by our Trench Mortars bad, owing to insufficient supply of ammunition. 31 Mar 1916 - Roclincourt and Arras Relieved by 1/Cheshire Rgt. & withdrew - H.Q. & 2 coys to ROCLINCOURT defences, 2 coys to ARRAS. Casualties during tour Killed 1 Officer, 3 O.R. Wounded 1 Officer* 4 O.R. * 2nd Lt.P.VYVYAN 3rd R.W.S.(Queens) Regt attached, on night of 30/31 March.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Mar 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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