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    War Diary for May 1915 1 May 1915 - left of Hill 60 Enemy made sudden attack on trenches to our right with asphyxiating gas & shells, at about 6.30 pm. Our right trenches felt the effects, & all men were violently sick. The enemy did not press home the attack, possibly because some of the fumes blew back towards them. Our casualties were 1 man wounded 1 man died from effects of gas, four other men taken to Dressing Station suffering from gas effects; several others ill but remained in trenches. 2 May 1915 Several men admitted to Hospital suffering from effects of gas yesterday - 22 admitted in all, of whom 2 dead. Other casualties - 3 wounded. 3 May 1915 Quiet day. Major Roche & Lieut Small joined for duty last night. Mouth pads or bandages issued to all officers & men, together with solution of soda a preventative against effects of asphyxiating gas. 4 May 1915 A 'switch' made in our line, during early hours of morning, so as to shorten it. Result was that left of Battn rested on corner of trench line, instead of line being prolonged eastwards for half a mile. Enemy soon noticed withdrawal & advanced: spent most of day enfilading our trenches with artillery. Trenches knocked about in places but casualties very small 5 May 1915 At a little after 8 a.m. enemy attacked with asphyxiating gas laid on from two points opposite our trenches. Battn stuck to its trenches, though a few men killed by gas, & all were badly affected. Troops on right, however, were driven out of trenches & enemy captured Hill 60 & trenches on our immediate right. Our left trenches were then attacked but drove back enemy: our right trenches were attacked all day with bombs, rifles & machine guns. Desperate fight all day enemy & selves in same trench, both sides using hand grenades fiercely. Enemy eventually worked round our right flank & enfiladed our right, but men gallantly maintained their position. A Battery of our own artillery spent the whole day firing into our own right trenches, causing many casualties but in spite of everything right trenches held out. Lt Whittemore alone claims over 50 Germans to his own rifle, & he was seen by Artillery observing officer to shoot seven Germans in a couple of minutes. Our casualties in right trenches were heavy. Lt Hopkins killed, Capt Gledstanes [died of wounds] & Lt Whittemore wounded. Attack made by 13th Inf.Bde to recapture Hill 60 & re establish line not successful 6 May 1915 Situation practically unchanged. Right trenches held out all day, & drove back enemy with hand grenades & rifle fire whenever they attempted to approach. Right trench was cut off from rest of line by enemy's machine guns, so that no relief of men, or water or rations could be brought up & same exhausted garrison had to carry on. After nightfall a sandbag rampart was made so as to defilade the approach to the trench from the left. 7 May 1915 - hutments near Ouderdom Battn relieved by R.I.Rifles about 2 a.m. & marched back to hutments in reserve. Casualties during two previous days about 3 officers & 290 men 8-11 May 1915 Remained in hutments. Large number of men trained in various kinds of hand grenades, & how to throw them. Machine Gun Contingents brought up to strength again. 12 May 1915 - dugouts near Hill 60 [?] Bedfordshire Regt. moved to dugouts nearer the firing line. Lt.Colonel Griffith took over temporary command of 15th Bde. Draft of 30 men arrived & posted to Companies. 14 May 1915 - hutments near Ouderdom Battn relieved & returned to Hutrments near OUDERDOM 16-19 May 1915 - Rosenhil near Reningelst Battn in Hutments at ROSENHIL near Reninghelst. Five officers joined for duty (all 2nd Lieutenants) on 15th. Capt.Ogden (wounded) rejoined for duty on 19th, Capt.Thorn & 2nd Lt.Mayne joined on 20th. Lieut.Jones wounded when visiting Support trenches. 20 May 1915 - support to front line near Hill 60 Battn moved into Support, the Brigade having taken over its usual section of trenches. Lt. Col. Griffith resumed command, the Brigadier having returned to duty. 21 May 1915 Capt.Thorn proceeded to join 2nd Battn Bedf Regt in accordance with instructions received by wire. Battn furnished large working parties by day & night. Casualties - two men. 22 May 1915 Battn still in support. Capt. Tollemache joined Battn. casualties 1 man wounded, 23-31 May 1915 Battn. remained in support, furnishing very large working parties daily & nightly Casualties - 2nd Lieut Cecil wounded Other ranks - 6 killed, 3 died of wounds, 51 wounded Enemy attacked heavily under cover of gas on 24th inst. A few of the Battn affected but not seriously as gas was fairly dispersed before reaching it.
  • Date free text
    1-31 May 1915
  • Production date
    From: 1915 To: 1915
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