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    War Diary for August 1914 5 Aug - 13 Aug 1914 - Mullingar [Ireland] Battalion mobilized at Mullingar. Everything proceeded smoothly. Mobilization completed according to schedule; but did not move as early as expected. Capt Le Huquet, Lt Hatch & 2 Lt Buch sent to Depot to train new units. 14-15 Aug 1914 - en route to le Havre Entrained at Mullingar about 2 a.m. Embarked at Belfast on S.S. 'ORONSA' aboyt 2 pm sailed for HAVRE, arriving there night of 15th 16 Aug 1914 - le Havre Disembarked at HAVRE. Marched to rest camp (very muddy) on top of hill 17 Aug 1914 Marched to station late at night, arriving there about 12 midnight 18 Aug 1914 - Pommereuil Left Havre by train about 6 a.m. arriving at Le Cateau about 10 pm. Detrained & marched to POMMEREUIL arriving about midnight 19 Aug 1914 Billeted POMMEREUIL. Remained there awaiting arrival of remainder of 5th Division & 2nd Army Corps. 20 Aug 1914 Started advance to MONS by march route 21 Aug 1914 - Gomminies Billeted GOMMINIES 22 Aug 1914 - Bois Boussu Billeted at BOIS BOUSSU (Belgium) about 6 miles S.W. of MONS 23 Aug 1914 - Wasmes/Paturage About midday ordered to go with 1/2 Battn to WASMES to select & dig trenches. No immediate fighting expected. Started trenches. Men unexpectedly shelled; enemy attacked in afternoon & we had a few casualties. C.O. Recalled personally & sent with remainder of Battn to take up line between Dorsets & next Division near PATURAGE. 1/2 Bn at WASMES to join Hd Qrs of Bn. Reached Paturage after dark. No trace of Division on right. Enemy reported by inhabitants approaching in force on road on right flank. Sent out officers patrol & located enemy temporarily halted; next Division's left found nearly 2 miles to right rear. Reported situation by breaking into railway Station & using telegraph & telephone. Gen Haking sent up with 3 Battns to fill up gap on our right. Also gap between Dorsets on our left, & ourselves: this gap eventually lightly held by parties from each of the two Regts., 2 Companies Bedfords at WASMES were unable to disengage from enemy until after dark, when they moved to join Hd Quarters at PATURAGE, arriving there before daybreak. Enemy attacked soon after daylight, 'C' Company holding houses & bridges on railway line first to be engaged, eventually driven back slowly as houses knocked down by shells. 24 Aug 1914 - 2 miles west of Bavay Enemy attacked strongly on our right which rested on high heap of slag (this mound was occupied by other units under Gen.Haking), which shut out all view to that flank. Found about 11 a.m. that the Battns under Gen Haking had either withdrawn or retired leaving our right in the air, with enemy in close proximity. Reported situation to Brigadier 15th Bde. Battn commenced retirement westward in 3 columns, covered by small rear guard. then moved S.W. to .. A considerable portion of the Battn detached in action not yet rejoined. Our casualties Capt Millery, Lt Shearman wounded about 66 other ranks killed, wounded & missing On arrival at ATHIS with rather more than half Battn (men very tired & footsore) at once called upon as escort to Artillery moved about 2 miles with guns preceded by Cavalry towards wood. Extended men over open cornfields. Guns at once moved; again moved men. R.A. officer galloped up & said guns unable to remain as cavalry had passed. Left in air without orders. Retired slowly & formed up under cover. Proceeded towards Bavay & found rest of Battn holding road. Moved south & rejoined remainder of 15th Brigade 2 miles W. of BAVAY. Left bivouac about 3.30 a.m. 25 Aug 1914 - le Cateau Retired to Le Cateau: troops very tired. On arrival Battn set to work to improve existing trenches. Brigade with main body & out of touch with enemy 26 Aug 1914 - Estres Battle of Le Cateau. Battn mostly in good trenches. Supports & 1st line transport & water carts in hollow lane, which though protected from front, would be badly enfiladed if enemy's artillery or machine guns advanced a short distance on the right. Supports dug into side bank of road, so as to be well traversed. Troops on right eventually driven back leaving right exposed. Battn suffered little owing to good trenches but had eventually to retire: remained long enough to cover retirement of guns in rear, which suffered considerably. Withdrawal difficult from trenches as country flat & open: fortunately enemy's fire rather wild. Our Casualties Lt. Wagstaff & about 30 men. All ranks rather mixed during retirement. Main road very crowded with troops converged on it. Very slow progress units gradually sorted. Reached Estres about midnight. No orders. Billeted in empty barns 1 a.m. 27.8.14. Road much congested in the dark. Transmission of orders very difficult. Dark, damp night. Brigade got separated about midnight. 27 Aug 1914 - Eaucourt Left Estres at 4 a.m. & continued march. Reached St.Quentin about 11.30 a.m. & passed through to join remainder of Brigade & Division. Found them on arrival on far side of St.Quentin at 11.55 a.m. Men absolutely tired out & hungry. Received instructions to push on another 13 miles to Eaucourt at 12.15 p.m. Reached Eaucourt billet around 5 pm. Battn put on outposts. 28 Aug 1914 - Pontoise-les-Noyon Retired to Pontoise, through Le Noyon 29 Aug 1914 - Cardepont Retired to Cardepont, marching at night. 30 Aug 1914 - Croutoy Retired to Croutoy, starting at night. 31 Aug 1914 - Crepy-en-Valois Retired to Crepy. Enemy discovered in close proximity. Battn put on outpost duty.
  • Date free text
    Aug 1914
  • Production date
    From: 1914 To: 1914
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