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    War Diary for February 1915 1 Feb 1915 - Bailleul Heavy outbursts of firing at about 5.15 a.m. & 6.15 a.m. mostly to the left of our section of trenches. Remainder of day unusually peaceful. No.7 trench was shelled for a short time by small quickfiring gun from direction of Messines. One shell fell right into the trench, causing 4 casualties. The Battn. (& Brigade) were relieved by 13th Bde. in the evening, & retired into Divisional Reserve in billets at BAILLEUL arriving there about 11.30 pm. 2 Feb 1915 In billets 3 Feb 1915 Inspection of companies, route march, hand-grenade classes, etc. 4-7 Feb 1915 In billets 4 Feb 1915 Major Allason rejoined from England. 8 Feb 1915 Capt.Edwards rejoined the Battn together with Draft of 60 men. 9 Feb 1915 - Bus Farm, Cooker Farm etc., Wulvergem Brigade returns to trenches. Hd.Qrs. & two companies of the Battn to 'Bus Farm' near Lindenhoek Cross Roads, two remaining companies in support to 1st Cheshires in Cooker Farm & Farms near Dressing Station, respectively. 10-12 Feb 1915 Remained as above. 13 Feb 1915 Took over 'D' Sector Trenches from 1st Cheshire Regt. Quiet day, a little desultory shelling. 14 Feb 1915 No casualties. Heavy Artillery & Infantry fire to Northwards during night. Baling & pumping carried on all night in order to reduce water in trenches. 15 Feb 1915 Quiet except for sniping during the day: heavy artillery & rifle fire to North during the night. Baling & pumping in trenches all night. Casualties - Lt.Landon (attached) killed, 4 wounded. 16 Feb 1915 Nothing special. Casualties 2 killed, & 3 wounded. 17 Feb 1915 Orders for relief by 13th Brigade cancelled. Casualties - 2 killed. 2 bombs fired at enemy who at once replied with eight. 18 Feb 1915 Orders for relief issued, but cancelled shortly afterwards, 2 companies 1/Dorset Regt. took over firing line in section, the 2 Bedford Companies relieved going into Section Reserve. Casualties 1 killed, 1 wounded. 19 Feb 1915 Lieut.Pottle and draft of 90 men joined Battn. in trenches. Two Dorset Companies relieved by Bedfords in firing line, & went into support. 2 bombs from mortar fired into German trenches: latter at once replied with 8 bombs. Didn't know they had mortars in that section of their trenches previously. Dorset casualties 1 killed, 2 wounded during day. 20 Feb 1915 - Dranouter Battn. moved into Brigade Reserve near Dranoutre: relieved in trenches by 1st Cheshire Regt. - Casualties 2 killed. 21-22 Feb 1915 In Brigade reserve at Dranoutre. 23 Feb 1915 Draft of 20 men joined the Battalion. Battn returned to trenches (Section D) relieving 1st Battn. Cheshire Regt. 1 man wounded during the relief. 24 Feb 1915 In conjunction with Norfolk Regt., the Battn fired bombs from mortar, also rifle grenades from 12 trench at German works on WYTSCHAETE road near 13 trench. Mortar in Norfolks trench burst, damaging R.E. officer & 1 man & killing another. Most of our bombs were short, but 1 or 2 appeared to reach enemy's trench. Germans replied with heavier bombs. Our Casualties 2 men wounded. 25 Feb 1915 Enemy dropped 2 heavy howitzer shells close to Battn.Hd.Qrs. No damage done, also fired shrapnel at 11 trench - no damage. Casualties - Capt.Ratcliffe wounded, in 13 trench, and 3 men. 26 Feb 1915 Quiet day. Casualties 2 killed & 1 wounded. 27 Feb 1915 - Bailleul Message received that lamp message signalled from German lines stated enemy intended attacking at 12 noon. Precautions taken; but no attack took place. Casualties - 1 killed, 2 wounded. Brigade relieved by 84th Brigade (28 Div.) 28 Feb 1915 In billets at Bailleul.
  • Date free text
    1-28 Feb 1915
  • Production date
    From: 1915 To: 1915
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