• Reference
  • Title
    War Diary for November 1918 1-2 Nov 1918 Battalion billeted in CAUDRY 3 Nov 1918 - Neuville-en-Avesnois Billetted as above, Battalion moved to NEUVILLE VIA BETHENCOURT, BRIASTRE, SOLESMES & BEAURAIN. Dumped personnel & 'B' Echelon remained at BEAURAIN. 4 Nov 1918 - Louvignies-Quesnoy Battalion moved from NEUVILLE between 15.00 & 16.00 hours & marched to LOUVIGNES [sic]. 5 Nov 1918 - in action near Jolimetz Battalion moved from LOUVIGNES at 02.00 hours & marched to JOLIMETZ Passed through 1/Battalion Norfolk Regt at 06.00 hours & captured Black Line without opposition. Advanced towards Yellow Line, considerable Machine Gun Fire Casualties 7 O.R.s Battalion attacked at 15.15 hours & gained objectives. Headquarters at LA CABINE 6 Nov 1918 - la Poyquerie Battalion advanced to LA POYQUERIE, shelled out of the village in the morning & again at dusk. Casualties 13 O.R.s. During above operations Battalion captured 6" naval gun. 7 Nov 1918 Battalion billeted in village of LA POYQUERIE. No enemy shelling 8-9 Nov 1918 As above 10 Nov 1918 - Jolimetz Battalion marched to JOLIMETZ & billeted. 11 Nov 1918 - Louvignies-Quesnoy Armistice declared everything quiet. Battalion marched to LOUVIGNES & billeted. 12 Nov 1918 Battalion billeted as above. 13 Nov 1918 - Ramponeau Battalion marched to RAMPONEAU VIA LE QUESNOY & billeted. 14-15 Nov 1918 Battalion insoected by Brigadier General Commdg. Battalion billeted in RAMPONEAU. Battalion smartening up in readiness for proposed move to Germany. 16-18 Nov 1918 Billetted as above. 19 Nov 1918 As above Lt. Col.C.E.G.Shearman D.S.O. M.C. rejoined from Casualty Clearing Station. 20 Nov 1918 Battalion moved to billets in LE QUESNOY 21 Nov 1918 As above Capt J.C.A.Birch rejoined from sick leave Lt J.C.Meade & 2/Lt K.W.J.Harvey from Field Ambulance 22 Nov 1918 Billetted as above. Battalion working on Demobilisation Scheme, i.e. Educational, Recreational & Ordinary Training. 23-28 Nov 1918 Billetted as above. Training as above. Capt.H.W.Wright Lts.J.Kelk, A.Young, M.E.A.Fatt, C.M.Taylor, R.Hall & 2/Lt.E.C.Herberg joined for duty. 29 Nov 1918 Billetted as above Brigade Route March 30 Nov 1918 Billetted as above, usual training carried on. OPERATION ORDER No. 174 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment Nov. 3rd. 1918. 1. the Battalion will move to BEAURAIN to-day Nov. 3rd. 1918. 2. Route - Via BETHENCOURT - VIESLY - BRIASTRE - MAROU - BEAURAIN. 3. Time. Battalion will be formed up in Column of route, in Square, (I.24.a.9.8.) clear of traffic, ready to move at 16.45 hours. 4. Order of March. H.Q., "A", "B", "C" and "D" Coy's. Intervals of 500 yards between Units and 100 yards between Companies and sections of Transport will be maintained. 5. Officers Kits and Orderly Room Boxes will be ready for collection by Transport Officer at 14.30 hours. Mess Boxes as previously arranged. 6. Damage Certificates will be rendered to Orderly Room by 16.00 hours. In cases of occupied billets, from owners, and unoccupied billets, from Town Major. 7. Guides from Billeting party will meet Battalion at BEAURAIN Church. 8. Lewis Gun Limbers and Cookers will move immediately behind their respective Coy's. 9. Teas will be at 15.15 hours. Hot food will be served on arrival. OPERATION ORDER No. 175 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Map Ref. Sheet 51. S.W. 1/20,000. Nov. 10th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will move at once to JOLIMETZ, via LA GRANDE CARRIERE. 2. TIME. Head of Battalion will pass EMBU FARM ("D" Voy's. H.Q.) at U.8.b. at 13.45 hours. 3. ORDER OF MARCH. Headquarters, "D", "A", "B", and "C" Coy's. and Transport. Interval of 100 yards will be observed between Companies. 4. On arrival, Battalion will be met by guides outside village. OPERATION ORDER No. 176. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Nov. 13th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will march to RAMPONEAU (M.20.a.) to-day Nov. 13th. 1918. 2. ROUTE. Via Cross Roads at M.26.c. - Cross Roads at M.21.c. - Cross Roads at M.19. Head of Column will pass Cross Roads at S.1.d.4.6. at 14.30 hours. Interval of 50 yards will be observed between Companies. 3. ORDER of MARCH. H.Q., "A", "B", "C" and "D" Coy's. Drums will march with each Coy. in turn. 4. Officers Kits will be sent to Quartermasters. Stores at once.
  • Date free text
    1-30 Nov 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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