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    War Diary for October 1918 1 Oct 1918 - Neuville-Bourjonval Battalion withdrew to huts at NEUVILLE. "A" Line Transport heavily shelled. Casualties 1 O.R. Killed 1 O.R. wounded 3 horses Killed & 3 horses wounded. Capt. F.W.Ballance, Lts A.J.Fyson & B.L.Pavey & 2Lts F.Flavell & W.H.T.Cothill joined Battalion for duty. 2 Oct 1918 In huts as above. Day devoted to bathing & cleaning up 3 Oct 1918 As above. Training carried on. 4-5 Oct 1918 Training carried on as above. 6 Oct 1918 Church services for all denominations. Capt.J.W.Campion, Lt.R.Caudwell Cook & 2/Lt W.R.Hope joined Battalion. 7 Oct 1918 Training carried on as above. 2Lts Hollingshead, Collins & C.O.Fowler joined Battalion for duty. 8 Oct 1918 Training as above. Lt.Holborow & 2Lts Roberts, Walker, Davis & Foote joined Battalion. 9 0ct 1918 - la Vacquerie Battalion marched to LA VACQUERIE. 10 Oct 1918 - south of Esnes Battalion marched to just S. of ESNES. 11 Oct 1918 - Ligny-en-Cambrsis Battalion marched to LIGNY en CAMBRESIS & Billetted in houses. 12 Oct 1918 - Caudry Battalion marched to CAUDRY. Town occupied by a large number of civilians. Troops billeted in houses. 13 Oct 1918 Church Services for all denominations 14 Oct 1918 Billetted as above. Training carried on. Concert in evening. Lt.Col.C.E.G.Shearman DSO. M.C. joined Battalion & assumed Command. 15-18 Oct 1918 Billetted as above & training carried on. 19 Oct 1918 - Bethencourt and Caudry Ceremonial Parade Corps Commander presents Medal Ribbons to those awarded decorations in August & September. Battalion (less Dumped Personnel) moved to BETHENCOURT. Dumped Personnel remained in CAUDRY. 20 Oct 1918 - Quarry near River Selle Battalion moved at 04.30 hours to Quarry near River SELLE afterwards crossing the river about 100 yards from the Quarry & dug in by railway line. Situation normal. 21 Oct 1918 In position as above. 22 Oct 1918 - near Beaurain Moved up from above position at night to assembly positions about E.22.c.7/8 to E.16.c.2.1. Enemy put down a barrage on the position (Counter preparation) 23 Oct 1918 - Caudry At 03.20 hours Bedfords & Cheshires went over the top to the attack but were held up on the right by M.G. Fire. Made good later on capturing the village of BEAURAIN. relieved during the day & returned to Billets in CAUDRY. Casualties 2Lts W.H.T.Cothill & C.O.Fowler Killed. Lt.Col.C.E.G.Shearman D.S.O., M.C. Capt.F.W.Ballance, 2Lts H.Traske, S.G.Fisher, J.Hollingshead, A.L.Walker & Rev.J.B.Mayal wounded. 2Lt B.L.Pavey sick 14 O.R.s Killed, 105 Wounded. 5 O.R.s missing. 24 Oct 1918 In Billets as above resting & cleaning up 25 Oct 1918 As above. Reorganisation of companies. 26 Oct 1918 As above. Battalion allotted baths. Other parades under Coy. arrangements. 27 Oct 1918 As above. Church Services for all denominations. 28 Oct 1918 As above. Battalion Training carried on. 29-30 Oct 1918 As above, training as above. 31 Oct 1918 As above. Training as above. OPERATION ORDER No. 168. 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Ref. Map Sheet 57.c. 1/20,000 (S.E.) Oct. 9th. 1918 1. The Battalion will move to-day to area North of GOUZEAUCOURT - MASNIERES Road in Squares R.16. R.17. and R.22.a. 2. ROUTE and TIME. The Head of the Battalion will pass the cross roads at P.29.a.5.7. at 13.00 hours, and proceed via METZ Road to Brigade starting point at METZ Cross Roads, thence to GOUZEAUCOURT, and along main GOUZEAUCOURT - CAMBRAI Road, until met by guides of billeting party. 3. ORDER of MARCH. H.Q., Drums. "A", "B", "C", and "D" Coy. Transport. Drums will fall back to Companies in turn at each halt. 200 yards interval will be kept between Companies. Strict march discipline will be observed. 4. DRESS. Full marching order. Leather Jerkins will be carried on the tops of packs. Steel Helmets strapped on back. 5. Officers Valises will be ready for loading outside Coy. H.Q. at 11.00 hours. Orderly Room Boxes and canteen Boxes will be ready at the same hour 6. Mess Boxes will be ready at 12.00 hours. 7. Lewis Guns will be loaded at Transport Lines at 10.30 hours. Sgt. Faulder will superintend loading. Lewis Gun Limbers will march in rear of their Companies. 8. Dinners at 11.45 hours. Teas on arrival. 9. Marching out states will be handled to Adjutant before marching off. On arrival in new area, Companies and R.S.M. will report present or otherwise to Battalion Headquarters. OPERATION ORDER No. 169. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Map Ref. Sheet 57.B. and 57.C. Oct. 10th. 1918 The Battalion will move to-day to Area in Square N.3. (57.B) 2. ROUTE. Lieut. B.L.Pavey will meet Bde. Intelligence Officer to reconnoitre route at M.16.a.8.9. at 09.00 hours 3. TIME. Head of Battalion will pass Battalion Headquarters at 10.35 hours, and will proceed via main CAMBRAI Road and pass Bde. Starting point at M.15.b.6.2. at 11.47 hours. 4. ORDER OF MARCH. H.Q., Drums, "B", "C", "D" and "A" Coy's. Drums will fall back one Coy. at each halt. 5. Billeting Party the same as yesterday will meet the Staff Captain at N.1.b.2.4. at 09.30 hours. 6. All surplus baggage and kit will be dumped, probably at LESDAIN. Location will be notified later. 7. Dinners on arrival in new area. 8. Blankets, rolled in bundles of 10, will be dumped on the road, at the same place as drawn from yesterday, by 09.00 hours. OPERATION ORDER No. 170. 1st. Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment. Map Ref. 57.B. 1/40,000. Oct. 11th. 1918. 1. The Battalion mill move to-day to LIGNY en CAMBRESIS, and will probably move on to CAUDRY during the afternoon. 2. ROUTE and TIME. Route via Cross Country tracks to be reconnoitred by Lt. J.C.Noble. Battalion will move cross country at 08.35 hours and will pass Bde. Starting point at N.5.c.8.8. at 09.07 hours. 3. ORDER of MARCH. H.Q., Drums, "C", "D" "A" and "B". Drums will fall back one Coy. at each halt. 4. On arrival, Battalion will concentrate about O.3.d.3.7. and will await orders. 5. Billeting party, same as detailed yesterday, will hold itself in readiness to meet the Staff Captain when the Battalion arrives at O.3.d.3.7. 6. Officers Valises, Mess Boxes etc. to be ready for loading at Q.M. Stores by 07.30 hours. Blankets, rolled in bundles of 10 to be at the Q.M. Stores by 07.00 hours. 7. "B" Echelon and Dumped personnel will move with the Battalion. 8. Dinners will be eaten at O.3.d.3.7. OPERATION ORDER No. 171. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Oct. 12th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will move to CAUDRY this afternoon, and will take over billets from the 1st. Devonshire Regt. 2. ROUTE and TIME. Head of Battalion will pass Cross Roads at O.3.b.90.25. at 14.35 hours and will be clear of outskirts of LIGNY at I.38.s.2.5. by 15.00 hours. Troops will be kept off main roads as much as possible, tracks beside the roads being made use of. 3. ORDER OF MARCH. Headquarters, Drums, "D", "A", "B" and "C" Coy's. Drums will fall back one Company at each halt. 500 yards will be observed between Units, and 100 yards between Companies. 4. Battalion will be met outside CAUDRY and guided to billets by billeting party previously detailed. 5. Billeting certificates will be rendered to Orderly Room two hours after arrival. Blankets, Mess Boxes, Orderly Room Boxes and Officers Kits as previously detailed. OPERATION ORDER No. 172. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Oct. 19th. 1918. 1. MOVE. The Battalion will move to BETHENCOURT on night of 19th/20th. 1918. 2. ROUTE and TIME. Battalion will parade opposite Billets ready to march off at 21.40 hours, and the head of the column will cross the CAMBRAI - LE CATEAU Road at 22.00 hours. 3. ORDER of MARCH. Headquarters, "A", "D", "C" and "B" Coy's. Intervals of 200 yards between Companies and 100 yards between each group of 6 vehicles. 4. BLANKETS. Will be rolled in bundles of 10, clearly labelled and dumped for collection by Transport Officer at 15.00 hours. Officers Kits at about 16.00 hours, and Coy. Mess Boxes will be ready for collection at 20.00 hours 5. DRESS. Full Marching Order. 6. GUIDES. Companies will be met before entering BETHENCOURT, by Coy. Guides. 7. DUMPED PERSONNEL. will remain at CAUDRY with the exception of Drums, who will accompany the Battalion to BETHENCOURT, and will collect blankets and any other Dumped kit, in the event of a sudden move. Drums will report to Rear Battn. H.Q., CAUDRY, in the event of a further move. All Transport will move with the Battalion, and will remain with Unit until further orders. On arrival at BETHENCOURT, 5 men of "C" Coy. will report immediately to 15th. T.M.Battery, to act as carriers. They will be rationed to 20th. inst. inclusive. 2/Lieut. E.W.P.Robinson, will report to 15th. Infy. Bde. H.Q. at 22.00 hours on the 19th. Oct. for synchronization of watches. OPERATION ORDER No. 173 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Map, Sheet 57.B. N.E., 1/20,000. Oct. 22nd. 1918. 1. The advance will be resumed on the 23rd. Oct. 1918. 2. The 5th. Division will attack on the right of the IV Corps and the 42nd. Division on the left. The 21st. Division (V Corps) will attack on the right of the 5th. Division. 3. The 95th. Infantry Brigade will continue to hold the line. The 15th. Infantry Brigade will assemble in rear of the present front line and will pass through the 95th. Infantry Brigade, and capture the high ground east of BEAURAIN Village. 4. PLAN OF ATTACK. The 1st. Bedfordshire Regiment will attack on the right of the 15th. Infantry Brigade. The 1st. Cheshire Regiment on the left. The 1st. Norfolk Regiment will be in support, remaining in readiness about E.21.a. and c. The Battalion will attack on a two Company front as follows: - "A" Coy. on the right. "B" Coy. on the left. Up to the GREEN Line. Both Companies on a four platoon front. "C" and "D" Companies each on a three platoon front with one platoon in support of "A" and "B" Coy's. respectively. "C" and "D" Coy's. will pass through "A" and "B" Coy's. on the GREEN Line, and advance and capture the RED Line. "A" and "B" Coy's. will each detail two platoons to follow in close support of "C" and "D" Coy's. for mopping up as follows: - "A" Coy. up to and including line of SUNKEN Road from E.12.c.8.0. to E.12.c.0.6. "B" Coy. BEAURAIN Village south of Left Battalion boundary. Subsequent to mopping up these platoons will consolidate and hold a line running approximately 100 yards East of Road E.12.c.8.0. to E.11.b.7.3. Two Tanks will co-operate in the attack and have been allotted the task of assisting in mopping up of the SUNKEN Road E.16.a. to E.10.d. and Village of BEAURAIN. At a time to be notified later a Brigade of 37th. Division will pass through the 15th. Infantry Brigade on the RED Line and continue the pursuit. 5. BOUNDARIES. Right Battalion Boundary - E.22.d.0.5. to E.17.d.0.5. to E.12.c.8.0. to F.7.a.0.5. Left Battalion Boundary - E.16.c.0.0. to E.17.a.0.8. to E.11.c.7.6. to E.11.b.4.0. to E.11.b.6.3. to E.6.c.5.1. Inter Company Boundary - E.22.a.5.3. to E.16.d.7.5. to E.11.d.5.0. to E.12.c.0.6. to E.12.b.0.4. 6. ASSEMBLY. The Battalion will leave present positions at 21.00 hours on night of 22nd./23rd. Oct. 1918, and will assemble on the line E.22.c.7.8. to E.16.c.2.1. (Junction with 1st. Cheshires) Companies will move in the order A, B, C, D, and H.Q. and will form up as per diagram attached [not attached]. Route from present positions to assembly will be notified later. Marking Officers of 1st. Bedfords and 1st. Cheshires with 8 markers and two guides per Battalion will meet the Brigade Major at Brigade Advanced Report Centre at E.21.b.6.2. at 21.00 hours 22nd Oct. 1st. Bedfords will be clear of the Cross Roads at E.19.a.99.10. by 22.00 hours. 7. MACHINE GUNS. Subsequent to capture of RED Line, two Sections of "C" Coy. 5th. M.G.Battalion will take up positions approximately as follows: - 1 Sect. - E.12.d.2.8. 1 Sect. - E.12.c. central. These sections will move forward independent of the Battalion. 8. ARTILLERY. The attack will be carried out under a creeping barrage of Field Artillery. Details as to rate of advance will be issued later. A M.G. barrage is also being arranged which will be furnished by two Companies of 5th. M.G. Battalion. 9. LIGHT T.M's. 2 Guns will assemble in rear of the Battalion. These will move forward by bounds at a considerable distance in rear of the Battalion, and be carried by Pack animals. O's.C. leading Companies will send back for one gun per Company if and when required. 10. HEADQUARTERS. Battalion Headquarters will be at approximately E.21.b. central Advanced report Centre will be established about E.17.b.1.6. as soon as all Companies pass this point. Upon capture of objectives, Coy. Headquarters will be established as follows: - "A" Coy. about E.17.b.8.8. "B" Coy. about E.11.d.0.4. "C" Coy. about E.12.central. "D" Coy. about E.12.a.5.4. 11. DRESS. Battle order. 1 Rifle Grenade per man. 1 Round V.P.A. per man. 1 Days rations. 1 Iron Ration. 12. SIGNALS. White Very Lights will be fired on the capture of each objective. 13. SYNCHRONIZATION. An Officer from Battalion Headquarters will visit Companies for purpose of synchronizing watches during the early hours of the 23rd. inst. 14. ZERO HOUR. Zero hour will be notified later. 1st. Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment. Addendum to Operation Order No. 173, dated 22/10/18. 1. Ref. para. 1. 7th. Leciesters will attack on night [sic] of this Battalion. 8th. Leicesters will pass through them on RED Line. 2. Ref. para. 4 (Plan of Attack) The two platoons of "A" Coy. detailed for mopping up behind "C" Coy. will consolidate a line running approximately E.12.c.3.8. to E.18.a.3.5. The support platoon of "C" Coy. will consolidate a line running E.12.d.2.4. to E.12.d.2.8. Support platoons of "C" and "D" Coy's. will move in rear of the right leading platoons of these Companies and will be prepared to defend the right flank of their Companies should the situation so demand. The 111th. Brigade (37th.Divn) are due to pass through 15th. Infy. Bde. on RED Line at 08.40 hours. 3. Ref. para. 8. (Artillery) The barrage will dwell for 6 minutes on the initial line (E.22.b.2.2. to E.16.a.0.6.) and then move forward at the rate of 100 yards in six minutes. A dwell of 12 minutes will be made on the GREEN Line. 4. Ref. para. 9. (Light T.M's.) Light T,M's. will not move forward from about E.20. central till dawn. 5. Four Tanks will assist in mopping up BEAURAIN. 6. Contact Planes will call for flares at 07.00 hours. 7. Zero hour will be 03.20 hours on 23rd. Oct. 1918. 8. Compass Bearing for all Companies is 48 degrees. (True).
  • Date free text
    1-31 Oct 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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