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  • Title
    War Diary for June 1918 1 Jun 1918 - Front Line Battalion in front line 2/Lt. F.Hughes was wounded 2 O.R.s Killed, 2 wounded. 2 Jun 1918 Battalion in line (front). There was considerable gas shelling - but no casualties. 3 Jun 1918 As above. Lt. H.J.Everett, M.C. slightly wounded 5 O.R.'s Killed & 4 O.R's were wounded. The Warwicks make a raid on our left. 4 Jun 1918 - Steenbecque Battalion was relieved by R.W.Kent Rgt. & withdrew to billets at STEENBECQUE. We had no casualties. 5 Jun 1918 Battn. in billets, rest & clean up. 6 Jun 1918 Training under Coy arrangements, baths are allowed at ARCADE, postponed [sic] early in afternoon owing to hostile shelling 7 Jun 1918 An attack scheme by the Battalion. Baths are allotted at NEUFRE. Cpl: Conolly promoted to 2nd Lt. & posted to this Battalion. 8 Jun 1918 Battalion training, companies practice the attack. 9 Jun 1916 Church service for all denominations. A draft of 21 O.R's joined & were inspected. 10 Jun 1918 Battn. training under company arrangements. 11 Jun 1918 The Battn. practises the attack. 14 O.R's join from Re-inforcement Camp. Warning Order & operation order received for move next day. 12 Jun 1918 - Support Line The Battn. moves to support line & relieves the 1st Bn. D.C.L.I. Rgt: no casualties. 13 Jun 1918 Battn. in support, frequent hostile shelling on the support line. 11 O.R.s wounded. 14 Jun 1918 As above. The line is shelled again. The Battn. is employed on improving their positions. 15 Jun 1918 Battn. in same position - the shelling is heavier - retaliation is asked for which neutralised this shelling. 1 O.R. Killed & 5 O.R's wounded. 16 Jun 1918 Battn. in same position. Enemy planes active. The position is again shelled from 10 p.m. to 12 mid-night. Companies carry & work for R.E's. A test "Stand to" took place at 3 a.m. 2 O.R's wounded. 17 Jun 1918 Battn. in same position. Our planes very active over Enemy lines. Gas cloud reported coming from S. between 5 to 6 p.m. but did not reach the Battn. A draft of 40 O.R's joined. 2/Lt.C.G.Wilkins wounded at Duty & 2 O.R's wounded. 18 Jun 1918 As above. Enemy planes again active over our position. Major H.Courtenay, M.C. joined Battalion. 19 Jun 1918 - Front Line Battalion relieved 1st Bn. Cheshire Rgt. in front line. Situation normal. 5 O.Rs wounded. 20 Jun 1918 As above. Situation quiet. 1 O.R. wounded by Sniper. Our patrol reports enemy M.G. emplacement. 21 Jun 1918 Battalion improves trenches, wiring & digging a C.T. 2nd Lt.Sheldrake & 2ndLt.Blakney joined Battalion in front line. 22 Jun 1918 Usual working party for R.E. 1 O.R. wounded. Lt.Kinsey R.A.M.C. joined for duty, Cpt.McKay to Base for duty. 23 Jun 1918 Our patrol went out in search of enemy L.G. post & claim direct hit by bomb. 6 O.R's wounded, all returned. 24 Jun 1916 - Villorba Camp Battalion relieved by 1st Bn. Cheshire Rgt. Enemy shelled Bde H.Q. bear Villorba Camp where we withdrew to. The B.G.C. & Staff Captain were gassed. 25 Jun 1918 Baths are allotted at ARCADE cleaning camp etc. 10 O.R's to Hospital effects of gas. 26 Jun 1918 Training under Company arrangements. Enemy active shelling rounds near to the Camp. 27 Jun 1918 Lt.Kingdon joined Battalion from Senior Officers course. 1 O.R. Killed with R.F.A. on liaison. 2 Officers 7 50 O.R. employed with 13 Bde as stretcher bearers. 28 Jun 1918 Company training - usual working party situation quiet. Enemy shelled TANNAY. C.O's horse badly wounded near VILLORBA CAMP. 29 Jun 1918 Draft of 39 O.R's join the Battalion. Battalion trains under company arrangements. 30 Jun 1918 - Front Line, le Sart Sector Battalion relieved 1st Bn. Cheshire Rgt. in the front line. OPERATION ORDER No.145. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Map - Reference 36.A. 1/40,000 June 12th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will relieve the 1st Bn. D.C.L.I. to-day. 2. Order of march - H.Q., "B", "C", "D" and "A" Coy's. 5 minutes between each Coy. 200 yards between each platoon. Head of Headquarters to cross pontoon bridge at D.7.c.4.5. at 2.15 p.m. 3. ROUTE - Pontoon bridge, (D.7.c.4.5.) along canal to D.8.a.7.9. - Main ST.VENANT Road to l'Epinette, from thence along inside edge of wood, and along VIA ROMA. 4. GUIDES - Guides at the rate of one per platoon will meet Companies at the house by old Dressing Station, E.13.a.8.4. 5. O.C. Coy's. will render to Orderly Room before marching off, certificates that billets vacated by them have been left clean and free from S.A.A. and that Gas appliances are correct. 6. Administrative arrangements as in Battalion Orders dated 11/6/18. 7. Relief complete will be reported by Runner. 8. Necessary precautions will be taken in case of enemy Aircraft. OPERATION ORDER No. 146 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. June 18th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will relieve the 1st. Battalion Cheshire Regiment in left Sub-sector on the night 18th/19th. June. 2. DISPOSITION. Front line - "C" Coy. On the left - On [sic] "A" Coy on the right. Support - "B" Coy on the left. "D" Coy on the right. Companies will relieve as follows: - "C" Coy. Bedfords relieve "D" Coy Cheshires. "A" Coy. Bedfords relieve "A" Coy Cheshires. "B" Coy. Bedfords relieve "C" Coy Cheshires. "D" Coy. Bedfords relieve "B" Coy Cheshires. 3. GUIDES. One guide per platoon and one for Coy. Headquarters will be ready to meet Companies at 10 p.m. at the following places: - "C" Coy. at junction of broad guage [sic] railway and support line at K.20.b.6.4. "A" and "D" Coy's. at end of light railway K.20.a.9.0. "B" Coy at point where light railway crosses main MERVILLE Road about K.14.b.3.3. 4. Companies will proceed in the following order: - "C", "A", "D". 200 yards interval between platoons, five minutes between Companies. Head of "C" Coy. leaving Camp at 9.30 p.m. ROUTE - Along light railway running from K.14.c.25.60. to K.20.a.9.0. "B" Coy. will proceed independently along brach line from K.14.c.15.85. to K.14.b.3.3. Headquarters move independently at 9.15 p.m. to Cheshire H.Q. at K.13.b.9.4. 5. RECONNAISANCE. One Officer per Company will reconnoitre their Coy. front to-night. One N.C.O. per platoon and one for Coy. Headquarters will proceed to the line at 1 a.m. on the 18th. to take over trench stores, remaining in the line until the arrival of their Companies. 6. All mens packs and surplus Coy. kit not required in the line will be dumped at the junction of light railway and VIA ROMA, (K.13.a.7.5.) by 7.30 p.m. One man per Coy. will look after this kit until the arrival of the ration train, when it will be handed over to Coy. Q.M.Sgts. 7. RATIONS. Rations will be issued before the Battalion moves off, each man carrying his own rations up to the line. 8. List of stores taken over to reach Battalion Headquarters before dawn. 9. Completion of relief will be reported by name of C.S.M., by wire and confirmed by runner. OPERATION ORDER No. 147. 1st. Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. Date. 21/6/18. 1. The Battalion frontage will be shortened on the night of the 21st/22nd. from the present position on the right to the MERVILLE - LA MOTTE Road exclusive at K.21.a.99.90. This readjustment will take place in both front line and support south of the MERVILLE Road. 2. The dispositions of the Battalion will then be as follows: - Front line. "A" Coy. from their present position on the right at VERTBOIS to the junction of the C.T. and fire trench at K.20.d.7.9. "C" Coy. from K.20.d.7.9. to the MERVILLE - LA MOTTE Road. "C" Coy's. H.Q. will move ro Slit trench at K.21.a.15.45. "A" Coy's. H.Q. remaining in present position. Support line. "D" Coy from their present position on the right to point where support line crosses stream at K.20.d.25.95. "B" Coy. from the stream at K.20.d.25.95. to the MERVILLE - LA MOTTE Road. "D" Coy's. H.Q. will remain in present position. "B" Coy's. H.Q. will move to Slit trench at K.20.b.45.50. 3. Details of guides, time etc., will be arranged between Coy. Commanders concerned in both Battalions. 4. Coy. Commanders will arrange to reconnoitre their new area. 5. A sketch map shewing position of Lewis Guns and Platoons to be sent to Battalion Headquarters as soon as possible after completion of re-adjustments. 6. Completion of readjustment of line will [be] reported by the names of C.S.M's. by wire and also by runner. OPERATION ORDER No.148. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Ref. Map France 36.A. N.E. 1/20,000 Ed.7. June 23rd. 1918. 1. The Battalion will be relieved by the 1st. Bn. Cheshire Regt. on the night 24th./25th. June 1918. 2. On relief Companies will proceed by platoons into Brigade Reserve at VILLORBA Camp at J.15.d. 3. ROUTE - Along light railway from K.20.a.9.0. to K.13.b.7.9. and then along VIA ROMA and ROTTEN ROW to l'Epinette, where they will be met by guides. 4. GUIDES - Companies will provide guides at the rate of one per platoon, and one for Coy. Headquarters to guide the incoming unit, to be K.20.a.9.0. and 10.30 p.m. 5. All trench stores, defence schemes, aeroplane photographs and work in progress will be handed over and receipt obtained by Coy's. 6. Machine Gun Limbers will meet the Companies at K.13.b.7.9. 7. T.O. will arrange to have Officers kits, Cookers etc., taken to VILLORBA Camp. 8. Instructions regarding Cooks utensils, Signallers kit, etc., will be issued later. 9. Q.M. will arrange to take over huts at VILLORBA Camp to-morrow morning, and see that guides are at l'Epinette at 11.30 p.m. to guide platoons in. 10. Q.M. will arrange for a hot meal to be given to the troops on arrival at VILLORBA Camp. 11. Completion of relief to be reported by the word "STRAFE". by wire and also by runner. On arrival at billets, Coy's. will report present to Battalion H.Q. OPERATION ORDER No. 149. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference: Map, France 36.A. N.E. 1/20,000, Ed. 7. June 30th. 1918. 1. The Battalion will relieve the 1st. Battalion The Cheshire Regiment in left sub-sector of the LE SART sector of the front on the night of the 30th. June and 1st. July. 1918. 2. DISPOSITIONS. "B" Coy. Left Front Line. "D" Coy. - Right Front Line "C" Coy. Left Support. "A" Coy. - Right Support. 3. Companies will move off in the following order: - "B", "D", "C", and "A". 100 yards between platoon, and five minutes between Companies, Head of "B" Coy leaving Camp at 9 p.m. 4. ROUTE AND GUIDES. Will be notified later. 5. All mens packs, Officers valises and surplus kit not wanted up the line, will be collected at the entrance to Camp by 5 p.m. Mess Boxes and Officers kits for the line will be at the same place by 8 p.m. One servant per Coy. will accompany these. 6. LEWIS GUN Limbers will take the guns as far as K.13.b.45.80. where they will be unloaded and picked up by Companies as they pass. One N.C.O. per Coy. will proceed with these limbers. 7. RATIONS. Rations will be issued before moving off. Hot tea will be issued during the night. Time to be notified later. 8. LIST OF STORES taken over will reach Orderly Room by 6 a.m. 9. COMPLETION of relief will [be] reported by the word "JIMMY", both by wire and runner.
  • Date free text
    1-30 Jun 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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