• Reference
  • Title
    War Diary for March 1918 1 Mar 1918 - Rotonda Bidasio Battn. in support in neighbourhood of ROTONDA BIDASIO. carrying parties & working parties on communication & support trenches. 2 Mar 1918 As above. 3 Mar 1918 As above. 4 Mar 1918 - Front Line Battn. relieved 16. R.War Regt in Right Subsector. 5 Mar 1918 In front line as above C Coy on right 'A' Coy in centre holding Bridges PONTE PRIULA, B on left - D Coy in support. 6-8 Mar 1918 In line as above. Both artilleries very active. 9 Mar 1918 As above. 2/Lt G.F.W.Perham [sic] severely wounded during heavy bombardment of Front line. 10 Mar 1918 As above. 2/Lt. G.F.W.Perham [sic] died of wounds in Field Ambulance. He was buried in British Military Cemetery at ARCADE. Several officers & men attended funeral. 11 Mar 1918 In line as above - relieved by 16.R.War R. & withdrew to Brigade reserve at ARCADE. Lt-Col.E.I.de S.Thorpe D.S.O. took over command of 15 Inf Bde during absence of Brig Gen R.D.F.Oldman C.M.G. D.S.O. on leave. Major W.Allason D.S.O. took over command of Battn. 12 Mar 1918 In Reserve Billets as above. 2 Coys working parties on Roads, Camouflage work & making dug-outs emplacements etc. 2 Coys Bathing. 13 Mar 1918 As above 14 Mar 1918 As above, area shelled by enemy with large cal. shells, direct hit on H.Q. No casualties. Bn. H.Q. moved to other end of village. 15 Mar 1918 As above. Usual working pts. Artillery very active. 16 Mar 1918 As above. Enemy shelled village in afternoon. 1 casualty. 17 Mar 1918 - Santa Andrea As above. Bn. preparing for move at night. 8 p.m. Reserve line at Arcade evacuated & Bn. marched to S. ANDREA & billeted for the night. 18 Mar 1918 - Castagnola March resumed to CASTAGNOLA & billeted. 19 Mar 1918 In billets as above. Specialist training under Coy arrangements 20-22 Mar 1918 As above. 23 Mar 1918 - Pontocche Marched to PONTOCCHE & billeted. 24 Mar 1918 - Vigodazere resumed march to VIGODAZERE & billeted. 25 Mar 1918 - Creola Resumed march to CREOLA & billeted. 26 Mar 1918 As above. Battn. training carried on under Coy arrangements A & B Coys firing on Range. 27 Mar 1918 As above. Platoon training in attack & defence in morning. Specialist training in afternoon. B Coy on Range. 28 Mar 1918 As above. C Coy on Range. 29 Mar 1918 Good Friday. Church service at 6 p.m. Cricket & Football inter Coy & Platoon matches. 30 Mar 1918 Coy training in morning. Specialist training in afternoon. 31 Mar 1918 Billetted as above. Divine service for C. of E. & R.C's. Rugby match with 16th. R.W.R. in afternoon. OPERATION ORDER no. 126. - Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment. March 4th.1918. 1. Battalion will relieve 16th. R.Warwickshire Regiment in Right Sub-sector to-night 4th./5th. as follows: - "C" Coy. on right in relief of "B" Coy. 16th R.Warwickshire Regt. "A" Coy. in centre in relief of "D" Coy. 16th R.Warwickshire Regt. "B" Coy. on left in relief of "C" Coy. 16th R.Warwickshire Regt. "D" Coy. will remain in Support. 2. Companies will leave present positions at 6 p.m. and proceed to Front line by following routes: - 3 minutes interval between platoons. "C" Coy. by right C.T. "A" Coy. by CAVALIERA C.T. "B" Coy. by C.BREDA C.T. 3. One Officer per Coy. and One N.C.O. per platoon will be sent on in advance to take over all posts, work in progress, stores, etc., Owing to rise in River several of the posts have been altered. 4. On completion of relief O.C. Coy's will send maps showing exact dispositions and work taken over. 5. Lists of stores take over to reach Battalion Headquarters by 9 a.m. on the 5th inst. 6. Rations will be taken to Front line Coy. Ration Dumps. 7. Each Coy. will detail one N.C.O. per platoon to hand over present lines to 16th. R.Warwickshire Regt. These N.C.O's. will rejoin their Coy's. on completion of relief. 8. Relief complete will be reported by Fuller using code word as under: - "A" Coy. - No. 2764 Pte. Smith. "B" Coy. - Send Sandbags. "C" Coy. - Rations correct. OPERATION ORDER No. 127 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. March 11th. 1918. 1. Battalion will be relieved by the 16th. R.Warwickshire Regt. to-night, and will withdraw to Brigade Reserve at ARCADE. C.Q.M.Sgts. have been instructed to take over accommodation. 2. GUIDES. One guide per Company Headquarters and one per platoon will meet the incoming Companies of the 16th. R.Warwickshire Regt. as under: - "B" Coy. ay ROTUNDA at 8 p.m. "A" and "D" Coy. at Battalion Headquarters at 8 p.m. The Warwicks will not require guides for right Coy. 3. WORK. All work in progress is to be handed over. List of all British Stores, such as Explosives, S.A.A. Tools, etc., which are to be withdrawn in due course, will be handed over to relieving Coy. and a duplicate list sent to Battalion Headquarters. 4. RELIEF COMPLETE will be reported by wire, using code word "Shelling". OPERATION ORDER No. 128. 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Reference Map - BRENTA PIAVE, 1/100,000. March 16th. 1918. MOVE. "A". On the 17th/18th. inst. the Battalion will withdraw to billets in S.ANDREA. "B" On the 18th. inst. the Battalion will march to CASTAGNOLA. "A". 17th/18th. inst. 1. Order of march: - H.Q. to pass a point 500 yards South of Church ARCADE, at 7 p.m. "A" Coy. to pass a point 500 yards South of Church ARCADE, at 7.2 p.m. "C" Coy. to pass a point 500 yards South of Church ARCADE, at 7.5 p.m. "D" Coy. to pass a point 500 yards South of Church ARCADE, at 7.8 p.m. "B" Coy. to pass a point 500 yards South of Church ARCADE, at 7.11 p.m. 50 yards distance will be observed between Platoons. 2. Lewis Gun Limbers and one Pack animal to carry Lewis Gun will march in rear of each Coy. 3. Transport, Q.M's. Stores and Drums will move independently to S.ANDREA on 17th. inst. and take over Billets. 4. Watches will be synchronised with the Adjutant at 5 p.m. "B". 18th. inst. 1. Battalion will parade ready to move off at 10.30 a.m. in S.ANDREA. 2. Order of march will be notified later. 3. Following intervals will be observed: - 50 yards between Companies. 50 yards between each group of 6 vehicles. Drums will march in front of leading Coy. until first halt, and then with each Coy. in turn. 4. Dinners will be served on line of march at a convenient point after Battalion has crossed the S.GUISSEPPE - ISTRANA Railway. 5. Watches will be synchronised with the Adjutant at 9 a.m. on the 18th. inst. BILLETS. "A". for night of 17th/18th. Following party will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 8 a.m. to-morrow on bicycles: - Lieut. J.P.Kingdon. C.Q.M.Sgt. and one O.R. per Coy. 1 N.C.O. for Headquarters and Interpreter. they will proceed to S.ANDREA to take over billets. The area will be occupied by Italians on night 16th/17th. "B" for night of 18th/19th. 1. On completing the billeting at S.ANDREA on the 17th. inst. Lieut.Kingdon will proceed to CASTAGNOLA the same day to take over billets from the 14th. R.Warwickshire Regt. The same billeting party will proceed to CASTAGNOLA early on morning of 18th. inst. under senior C.Q.M.Sgt. They will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 7.30 a.m. at S.ANDREA. 2. Blankets will be rolled ready for loading at Q.M's. Stores at 7.30 a.m. on the 18th. inst. Officers Kits will be ready for loading at Coy. H.Q. at 8.30 a.m. also Officers Mess Kits. PROTECTION against Hostile Aircraft. During the dinner halt all Coy's will mount one Lewis Gun for Anti-Aircraft. OPERATION ORDER No. 129 1st. Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment. Map Ref. - BRENTA PIAVE 1/100,000. March 22nd. 1918. 1. On the 23rd. inst. the Battalion will proceed to LE PITOCCHE. Battalion Starting point - Alle Statute 300 metres S.W. of C in CASTAGNOLA. Order of march: - H.Q. to pass starting point at 8.40 a.m. "C" Coy.. to pass starting point at 8.42 a.m. "D" Coy. to pass starting point at 8.44 a.m. "A" Coy. to pass starting point at 8.46 a.m. "B" Coy. to pass starting point at 8.48 a.m. Transport to pass starting point at 8.50 a.m. Following intervals will be observed from Brigade starting point: - 50 yards between Companies. 50 yards between each group of 6 vehicles. Drums will march in front of leading Coy. until first halt, after passing Brigade Starting point, and then with each Coy. in turn. Dinners will be served on line of march at a point after passing TREBASELECHE. 2. BILLETS. Following party will parade at Battalion Headquarters at 8 a.m. to-morrow on bicycles: - Lieut. G.Mc.M.Betty. C.Q.M.Sgt. and one O.R. per Coy. One N.C.O. for H.Q. and Interpreter. They will proceed to LE PITOCCHE and take over billets. 3. BLANKETS. Blankets will be rolled in bundles of 10, and be at Coy. H.Q. at 6 a.m. ready for collection. Officers Kits, Mess Kits and Cooks Kit remaining will be at Coy. and Battalion Headquarters ready for collection at 7.15 a.m. 4. DRESS. Special attention will be paid to packs, which must be high, mess tins to be inside packs. The Brakesmen per vehicle will carry rifle and pack. Two Cooks will march in rear of each Cooker as brakesmen, packs to be placed in Cooks Wagon and not on the Cookers. When cooking, chimneys must remain up,, They will be down when not cooking. 5. PROTECTION against Hostile Aircraft. During dinner halt, all Companies will mount one Lewis Gun for Anti-Aircraft work. Operation Order No. 130. 1st Bn Bedfordshire Regt. 23-3-18. Ref. Maps Brenta Piave - 1/100,000 Padova 1/100,000 1. The Bn will march to VIGODAZERE on the 24th inst. 2. Starting Point Road Junction on RUSTEGA - GUIZZE road, 300 metres S. of Bn. H.Q. 3. ORDER OF MARCH. Hq.Qrs. will pass starting point at 8.15 a.m. B Coy. will pass starting Pt at 8.16 a.m. A Coy. will pass starting Pt. at 8.17 a.m. C Coy will pass starting Pt at 8.18 a.m. D Coy will pass starting Pt at 8.19 a.m. Transport will pass starting Pt at 8.20 a.m. 4. The same billeting party as to-day will report to Lt.G.M.Mc.Betty [sic] at Bn. H.Q. at 7.30 a.m. 5. B & D Coys will provide one team & L.G. with pans to report to T.O. for A.A.Duty with transport. Nos 1 & 2 only will parade. 6. OFFICERS KITS must be ready for collection at 6.15 a.m. Mess Kits at 7.15 a.m. Blankets must be rolled in bundles of 10 & ready for collection by 5.45 a.m. Operation Order No. 131 1st. Bn. Bedfordshire Regt. 24.3.18. Ref Map PADOVA - 1/100,000. 1. The Battn. will move to CREOLA on 25th inst. 2. Order of March. H.Q. C. Coy D Coy A Coy B Coy Transport Interval 50 yds as for to-day. 3. Bn will parade in mass in front of billet at 9.10 a.m. Drums & Markers at 9-0 a.m. 4. The same billeting party will parade at Orderly Room at 9 a.m. under Lt.G.M.Mc.Betty [sic]. 5. Blankets will be rolled in bundles of 10, & taken to Q.M. Stores by 7-30 a.m. Officers Kits & Mess Kits will be taken to Transport ready for loading by 8.30 a.m. 6. A & C Coys reserved L.G. with nos 1 & 2 of team will report to T.O. for duty with Transport for A.A.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Mar 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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