- ReferenceX550/6/8/1904
- TitleWar Diary for April 1919 1 Apr 1919 - Helouan Battalion HQ moved to Helouan & established there by 1300. A patrol of 1 officer and 16 OR's marched round town to impress the inhabitants 3 Apr 1919 Hemlets issued 5 Apr 1919 Disturbances expected from information received. However everywhere normal. Drill clothing issued 6 Apr 1919 Under orders received from 31st Inf Bde two barrels of gunpowder were seized & taken into safe custody 7 Apr 1919 Demonstrations in Helouan. No damage was done & the mob dispersed quietly after the procession 8 Apr 1919 All ranks confined to camp. Demonstrations continued 9 Apr 1919 A big demonstration took place at Helouan commencing at 1300. As there was some doubt as to the intentions of the agitators, all available men stood to from 1400 until about 1730 when the demonstration dispersed. The procession was only permitted on condition that no damage was done & that the [unreadable] was allowed to lead it. Many participants came by train from all parts & returned by the 1700 train 10 Apr 1919 All ranks confined to camp 11 Apr 1919 Parts of Cairo were placed in bounds, the order confining troops to camp was cancelled 13 Apr 1919 The guard of the 1/6 Essex Regiment at TURA station was relieved by a guard from this unit. All was normal at Helouan & no demonstration took place 14-15 Apr 1919 Everything normal. No further demonstrations took place 17 Apr 1919 Major General Watson visited Helouan & afterwards proceeded to the Aerodrome. Situation normal 18 Apr 1919 Situation normal 19 Apr 1919 Garrison at EL HAYAT reduced & guard put on at the Observatory 20 Apr 1919 Orders received that all troops were to be confined to camp in consequnce of an expected rising. Situation normal 21-24 Apr 1919 Situation normal. No further disturbances 25-26 Apr 1919 Situation Normal 27 Apr 1919 Battn attended Church Parade at the English Church at 0900 28 Apr 1919 Nothing to report. Situation normal 29 Apr 1919 Warning Order received to the effect that the Battn would shortly move to Abbassia 30 Apr 1919 All trains running at their usual time table owing to strikers resuming duties
- Date free text1-30 Apr 1919
- Production dateFrom: 1919 To: 1919
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
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