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    War Diary for August 1918 1 Aug 1918 - Mejdel Yaba 0035 Relief of 1st Manchesters by this unit complete. Slight shelling of vicinity of KEFR KASIM. Enemy shelling nil. Patrol along MEJDEL YABA - KEFR HATTA track left D1 at 2015. Second patrol left M.25.c.1.9 at 1920 to reconnoitre M.13.central. Returned 2135 reporting sangar 12yds long at M.13.central unoccupied. 2 Aug 1918 0225 First patrol returned reporting double sentry at M.7.a.5.6. Desultory shelling of KEFR KASIM - WADI HATTA etc. 1700-1740. Enemy fired 2 rds HE near C10. & 6 rds shrapnel near C9 & HARAM RIDGE. Patrol left C12 at 1915, retruning 2205. Reported double sentry same place as last night, approach difficult owing to long dry grass. Another patrol left M.26.a.2.6 at 2300 to reconnoitre M.14.a central. 3 Aug 1918 0220 Patrol returned reporting picquets of 8 rifles each in M.20.b.1.4 and M.21.a central, two large sangars in M.14.a & 3 small ones in M.14.b. Usual slight shelling. Enemy shelling nil, Patrol left D2 at 2030 for cross roads in M.7.a, other patrol left 26.a at 2200 to reconnoitre sangars in M.14.a central and distribute propaganda. 4 Aug 1918 0245 Patrol returned reporting sangar capable of holding 20-30 rifles, approach difficult. First patrol returned 0300, 1 off and 4OR remaining out till daylight. Reported picquet of about 10 on cross roads. Several enemy patrols heard. All quiet all day. Epidemic of sandfly started; 9 admitted to hospital. Patrol left Pt.479 at 2230 to reconnoitre sangar in M.7.d.8.8 and distribute propaganda. 5 Aug 1918 0245 Patrol returned reporting large sangar in M.14.a.0.6 manned by 30-40 rifles. Patrol was heavily fired on from here and forced to withdraw 0900. Hostile aeroplane flying low over our lines. Artillery ni, 13 admitted hospital with sandfly. Patrol left M.25.b.7.3 at 2200 to reconnoitre M.7.d.8.8 6 Aug 1918 0315 Patrol returned. Reported enemy sangars on forward slope facing SW about 50yds apart. One enemy patrol seen. Artillery as usual. 23 admitted to hospital. 10th London attempted raid on picquet in M.7.a.central. No prisoners taken, our casualties nil. One Lewis Gun lost. 7 Aug 1918 All 10th London had returned by 0700. CO of 7th Essex visited line having heard he was to take over in about a fortnight. 2 off and 37OR admitted to hospital wit hsandfly fever. Artillery as usual. Patrol left G.30.central to continue reconnaissance of MEJDEL YABA - KEFR HATTA road. Returned 2400. When they reached M.7.c.5.8 had been heavily fired on from right flank by 4 or 5 MG's and 30-40 rifles. Patrol to M.7.d.8.8 came under same fire. 8 Aug 1918 Quiet day. 0930 Enemy plane over our line flying east. 9 Aug 1918 Our artillery registered in M.26.a and M.25.b Enemy shelling near C10 about 1700, one shell doing slight damage to sangar. 10 Aug 1918 - U.1.c.8.3 Quiet day. Battn HQ moved to U.1.c.8.3 owing to number of cases of sandfly fever in old area. patrol patrol [sic] located sentry groups at M.7.d.8.3 and M.7.d.5.8 and distributed propaganda in vicinity. 11 Aug 1918 0800 Two ot three shells fell near Fig Tree Post. 1845 one of our planes fired on sangars in M.7.d and M.8.c & d. Patrol fired on by 2 MG's and about 60 rifles from position in M.7.d.8.8. Also located picquets in M.7.d.8.5 and M.13.b.central. 12 Aug 1918 Two 4.2s fell in MEJDEL YABA 0730; 1730 5 rds 77mm on HARAM RIDGE OP, 1800 10 rds 4.2 on C9. Our artillery generally active in neighbourhood KEFR KASIM 13 Aug 1918 B/272 Bde registered barrages. Enemy artillery quiet. Patrol unable to locate picquet in M.7.a.central. Small picquet seen in M.13.c 14 Aug 1918 0630 One of our planes dropped 2 bombs in KEFR KASIM. 0900 Two hostile planes over our line. Artillery nil. 15 Aug 1918 Quiet day. patrol reconnoitred KEFR HATTA track as far as M.7.a.central. No enemy seen. 16 Aug 1918 Quiet day. List of suspected enemy HQ forwarded to 162 Bde. Patrol to M.13.c saw no enemy. 17 Aug 1918 Quiet day. 1615 5 4.2's on right of line. Orders issued for minor operation, date to be notified later. Patrol to go out and put up pairs of red lights (suspected enemy SOS) in front of enemy position, observers to be posted to register enemy barrages and night lines, if we succeed in drawing them. 18 Aug 1918 0845 22 77mm SW of MEJDEL YABA. 1110 8. 77mm on MEJDEL YABA - MEZEIRAH ROAD. Notified that Z night would be 18/19th and Zero hour would be 0150. Patrol of 3 officers and 40 OIR left C13 at 2320 and proceeded to M13.b.5.2. From this point patrol of 1 officer and 6OR proceeded to M.7.d.0.0. Patrol was fired on by 10 to 20 rfiles. 19 Aug 1918 At 0050 remainder of patrol returned to our line. At 0200 the small patrol fired 2 pairs of red lights. Enemy guns opened fire immediately after second pair. Patrol returned reaching C13 at 0330. Following shells observed in our subsection, 0200 11 4.2's in G.30 Post. 0210 9 4.2's in M.25.a and 6 77mm shrapnel in M.13.d.0.2. Quiet day. Orders issued for relief on night 21st/22nd and move to BEIT NEBALA. Patrol from No.4 Coy 10th London located at K.31.c.0.4 apparently occupied in some force. Patrol to M.14.a.central saw no enemy. 20 Aug 1918 Quiet day. patrol fired on from M.13.B.6.1 and M.14.a.1.7 estimated 1 MG and 16 rifles. Recently built OP was found at M.13.b.5.6. 21 Aug 1918 - Beit Nabala Slight shelling of KEFR KASIM & vicinity 1730-1900. Enemy shelling nil. Relief of 1/7th Essex complete by 2200. battn HQ opened at BEIT NEBALA about 0100 22 Aug 1918 Settling down after move, 5th Essex area not taken over but new area near 10th London occupied. 23 Aug 1918 Routine as follows. Reveille 0600. Breakfast 0700. Dinner 1200. Tea 1800. Lights out 2200. Coys at disposal of Coy Commanders. 24 Aug 1918 Working party of 100 for putting up water tanks, Coy training. Major CR James MC going on leave, Battn taken over by Capt SD Mills MC. 25 Aug 1918 Church Parade 0730, 300yds west of Bde HQ 26 Aug 1918 Working party as for 24th. C Coy on 30yds range, CO returned from commanding 162nd Bde. 27 Aug 1918 Working party as usual. A & B Coys on rifle range. owing to working parties and range, routine altered. Reveille 0500. Breakfast 0600. CO proceeded on leave to Jerusalem. Draft of 2 officers & 50 arrived. 28 Aug 1918 Working party as usual. C & D Coys on 30yds range. Large number of appointments and promotions made to replace sick. A & B Coys paraded for gas training 1700 & 1745. 29 Aug 1918 Working party as usual. A & B Coys on range. C & D Coys gas at 1700. 30 Aug 1918 A & B Coys on 30yds range, C & D Coys went through gas chamber at WILHELMA. 31 Aug 1918 C & D Coys found working party cleaning ground for Bde Tournament. A & B Coys went through gas chamber. Draft of 4 officers & 150 OR arrived. 1.5th BEDFORDSHIRE REIMENT ORDER No.36 Ref.Maps. FEJJA C3.1/40,000 BIDIEH C4.1/40000 17 August 1918 1. From latest Intelligence reports it appears that the enemy's S.O.S. signal is Red lights fired in pairs. 2. In order to simulate an attack on the enemy's trench system South of KEFR KASIM with the object of bringing down and registering his night lines the following operations will be carried out on Z night. 3. Z night and Zero hour will be notified later. 4. Programme as under: - Zero - 150 min. A Strong Patrol as under will move out from this Subsection by moonlight. They will act as though covering a concentration of troops preparatory to attack and wil lendeavour to show themselves to the enemy picquets. CAPT. H.H. SPERLING. 2/Lt. H.E. ROSE 10 O.Rs. from C. Coy. 10 O.Rs. from D. Coy. A similar patrol is being found by each Subsection. Zer0 - 90 min. 3 pairs of M.Gs. (called X, Y and Z batteries) each with 1 Platoon plus 1 L.G.Section as escort will leave teh Section line and take up previously reconnoitred positions as under. The escort for Z Battery will be found by D. Coy. X.Battery. M.29.c.15.15. Y.Battery. M.27.b.0.2. Z.Battery. M.26.a.7.2. Zero - 60 min. The Strong Patrol wil lwithdraw under cover of darkness by a prearranged route to our lines, taking care that the withdrawal is not observed by the enemy. the Strong Patro lwill leave behind it a small patrol of 6 O.Rs under 2/Lieut. H.E.Rose, which will subsequently fore the S.O.S. Signal. Position of this Officers patro lwill be M.7.d.0.0. There will be similar patrols as follows: - In Right Subsection 100 yards South of KH.ED DUWEIR in M.16.d. In CEntre Subsection about M.21.a.9.0. Zero. Artillery group opens on selected targets in accordance with orders to be issued by No.1. R.A. Group Commander. Zero + 5 min. Artillery Group lifts to further barrages. X, Y and Z M.G. Batteries open on targets as under: - X Barrety - KH.KESFA, lifting on to WADI AYUN in M.23.b. and SANGAR 627 in M.17.d. Y Battery - KH.UMM EL BUREID lifting on to WADI RABAH in M.15 and Sangars in M.15.a. and M.8.d. Z Battery - Sangars in M.14.a. M.7.d. and M.8.d. Zero + 10 min. Officers' patrols mentioned above will fire red Very Lights in pairs. If enemy Artillery does not reply they will change to green lights in pairs; Lights to be fired towards our own lines to simulate the enemy's S.O.S. Signal. Artillery group ceases barrage fire and opens on back areas. Zero + 20 min. Artillery group and M.G. Batteries cease fire. Officers' Patrols and M.G. batteries withdraw to our own lines. When all are in code word "KING" will be wired by the Right Front Line Coy to Subsection H.Q. 5. The Intelligence Officer will post Observers to observe the number, calibre and fall of all enemy shells within this Subsection. These will be reported together with any other information to Subsection H.Q. by 0900 on the following day. 6. Watches will be synchronised at 1730 on Z night at Subsection H.Q. 7. ACKNOWLEDGE VERY SECRET 1. Reference 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment Order No.36 of 17th August. para. 3. Z night will be 18/19. Zero Hour will be 0150. 2. ACKNOWLEDGE 1/5th BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT ORDER No. 37 Ref.Map. FEJJA C.3.1/40,000 19th August 1918. 1. On the night 21/22, Units of the 162nd Inf.Bde. will be relieved by Units of 161st Inf.Bde in the Right Centre Sector. 2. 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment will be relieved by 1/7th Essex Regiment. Details of reliefs will be arranged by Coy. Comdrs. concerned. 3. On relief 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment will move via BALLUT ROAD to BEIT NABALA WOODS and take over the area vacated by 1/5th Essex Rgt. 4. This Bn. will take over all work and duties now being performed by 1/5th Essex Regt. 5. Transport will not move during daylight. 6. All Defence Schemes, Log Books, Aeroplane Photos and Area Stores will be handed over and duplicate receipts rendered to Orderly Room by 0800 22nd inst. 7. Administrative instructions will be issued separately. 8. Completion of relief will be wired priority to this H.Q. using code word "JOHN". 9. Bn. H.Q. will close at present site and reopen at BEIT NABALA WOODS on completion of relief. 10.ACKNOWLEDGE DEFENCE SCHEME LEFT SUBSECTION RIGHT CENTRE SECTOR Ref.Maps.FEJJA.C3.& BDIIEH [sic] C4.1/40,000 20th August 1918 I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 1. No trench or portion of a trench at present occupied is to be given up on any account. 2. Should the enemy penetrate or occupy any post or trench immediate counter attack is to be made and the enemy ejected before he has time to consolidate or bring up Machine Guns and Reinforcements. In case the local counter attack does not succeed in doing this, a deliberate counter attack with Artillery support is to be carried out. 3. Rsserves will be kept normally for counter attack, and will not be used to reinforce posts unless absolutely necessary. 4. All Coys will carry out day and night practices in counter attack. each Coy.Comdr. will have written schemes laying down a method to be employed to retake any trench lost. II. BOUNDARIES. The Boundaries of the Subsection are: - Right Boundary. M.8.central. - U.2.central - U.7.central Left Boundary. JILJULIEH - RAS-EL-AIN Road (exclusive) to Right Centre Sector) - G.17.a.00 - G.22.central - South along Railway (exclusive to Right Centre Sector) III. DISPOSITIONS. the Front Line is held by 4 Coys. and 2 Platoons as under: - Right Coy C.12, C.13, C.S.5. Right Centre Coy (plus 1 Platoon) C.14, C.15, C.S.6, C.S.7. Left CEntre Coy (less 1 Platoon) C.16, C.S.8. Left Coy. C.17, C.18, C.12 2 Platoons C.Z.1, C.Z.2. Found by Mobile Support Battn. IV. QUARTERS By day. All troops except Observation Posts, will be in bivouacs. By night. The garrisons will hold their works. The remainder in bivouac. V. WITHDRAWAL to 2nd.LINE SYSTEM. A withdrawal will only take place (a) By order from 21st. Corps as a result of coourrence on another part of the line. (b) Owing to a successful enemy attack in such superior force that counter attacks have been unable to recover the lost ground. For details of withdrawal as in (b) see Appendix 1. VI. RESERVE RATIONS. No reserve rations are to be kept in C. Works. 1 days water and rations for 40 men are stored in each C.S. work as Area Stores. VII. RESERVE AMMUNITION AND BOMBS. 1. in each C.S.Work and in C.Z. 1 and 2 Reserve Ammn. 300 rds per rifle for 40 men 3,000 rds per L.G. 6,000 rds per M.G. in addition to ammunition with the guns Mills Grenades. 4 Boxes. Rifle Grenades (Mills or Hales) 2 Boxes. 2. In each C.Work S.A.A. 120 rds man carried on the man 100 rds man in boxes. L.G's. 2000 rds L.G. M.G's 5000 rds M.G., T.M's 100 rds T.M. Actually sited in or near Front Line Works. This does not include guns in Coy. or Subsection Reserve. The bulk of this is dumped in Front Line Works. the remainder being kept at Coy H.Q. in Front Line. Mills Grenades. 8 Boxes. Rifle Grenades (Mills or Hales). 2 Boxes. 3. The whole of the above, with the exception of 120 rds S.A.A. carried on the man, is in addition to existing establishments, and will be treated as Area Stores and will be handed over on relief. VIII. S.O.S.CALL 1. S.O.S. Red and Green lights fired alternately, these to be repeated until the Artillery Barrage opens. 2. Cease Fire. Green lights fired in threes, then a pause of half a minute, then three more, repeated until the Artillery ceases fire. No other ligh tsignals will be used. 3. The normal method of calling for Artillery fire by night is by telephone to F.O.O. at Subsection H.Q. The S.O.S. Signal will only be fired in the event of telephone communication breaking down or in cases of extreme urgency, and then only by the order of the Coy. Comdr. 4. If it is required to change from "night lines" to "barrage" a further telephone message must be sent to F.O.O. IX. LEWIS GUNS. Area Lewis Guns are maintained as under, and will be handed over on relief: - C.12 1 Gun. C.13 1 Gun. C.14 1 Gun. C.15 1 Gun. C.17 1 Gun. C.18 1 Gun. C.19 1 Gun. X. DETAILS 1. One Section M.G.Coy is allotted to this Subsection and comes under the orders of the Subsection Comdr. 2. One Section L.T.M.Battery is allotted to this Subsection. 3. One 18pder. Battery supports this Subsection. 4. For further details of the following see sketches attached. Dispositions in 1st.Line System. Artillery positions and barrages, 1st.Line System M.G.positions and Night Lines, 1st.Line System L.T.M. positions and Night Lines, 1st.Line System Signal Communications. XI. OBSERVATION. The Battn.Scouts furnish an Observation Post at M.25.C.2.9. XII. REGIMENTAL AID POST. The Regimental Aid Post is situated near Subsection H.Q. XIII. SUBSECTION HEADQUARTERS. Subsection H.Q. is situated at U.1.c.8.3. XIV. ACKNOWLEDGE APPENDIX 1. Arrangements for withdrawal to 2nd.Line System. 1. In order to avoid confusion, it is thought inadvisable to draw up more than one definite scheme for withdrawal to 2nd. Line System. It is considered that the following is the most probable course of events which would precede the withdrawal. (a) The Units in the four Subsections have put up a strong resistance to a hostile attack. (b) In spite of the use of local and Subsection Reserves, and the assistance of the mobile Support Battalion, the enemy has made some progress. (c) Some ro all of the C.S.Works are still holding out. (d) Coys. holding the Front Line System have suffered such casualties or become otherwise disorganised to the extent that they would for the moment be incapable of occupying the 2nd. Line System. (e) Owing to additional enemy Reserves coming up, it is thought desirable, before attempting a delierate counter attack, to give our troopps the opportunity to reorganise. 2. The code word "BLUE" will be sent out from Sector H.Q. as an order to commence withdrawal. In no case will a withdrawal take place until this is received. 3. On receipt of the code word the following will be brought into operation; - (a) The Battalion in Section Reserve with 1 Section M.G.C. and 1 Section L.T.M.Bty. will man the C.R.Line. (b) Garrisons of original 1st.Line System with their local and Subsection Reserves, continue to hold out as long as possible, under cover of which the Batteries in WADI BALLUT withdraw to 2nd.Line Positions. (c) When batteries have withdrawn garrisons of 1st.Line System with local Subsection reserves withdraw by bounds. garrisons which were holding C. Works withdraw first, their withdrawal being covered by C.S.Works, the former will then support the withdrawal of the garrison of the C.S. Works, repeated until the C.R.Line has been passed, when Coys will assemble and reorganise in WADI in P.24.b. (d) M.G. and L.T.M.Bty. Sections attached to this Subsection will remain under orders of Subsection Commander. (e) Coy Comdrs. will report progress of reorganization at frequent intervals. 4. It must be distinctly understood by all concerned that a situation may arise in which it may be considered advisable to occupy the C.R.Line as a precautionary measure, but no withdrawal whatever is to be contemplated until the code word as laid down in para.2. is issued from Sector H.Q.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Aug 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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