- ReferenceX550/6/8/1805
- TitleWar Diary for May 1918 1 May 1918 - Wilhelma All HQ Coy tents taken down and surplus material stacked i.e. Canteen Messes, Pioneers Stores, ready for the forthcoming move by this Battn. Battn Move Order No.25 issued to all concerned, Battn to relieve 1/5 Norfolk Regt in LEFT SUBSECTION LEFT SECTION and to leave WILHELMA at 1830 on the night of 2nd May 1918. Overcoats given in and dumped at No.12 WILHELMA. Selections given by massed bands of 162nd Inf Bde. 2 May 1918 - F.12.A.8.2. No training owing to move by this battn. Orders issued with regard to "Stand To" while in the line. 0330 "Stand To" Advance party left WILHELMA for F.12.A.8.2. at 1200 Battn left for F.12.A.8.2. at 1830 Battn arrived at F.12.A.8.2. t 2130 HQ established Relief complete 2320 A and D Coy in line B and C in reserve 3 May 1918 Reconnaissance of ISOLATED WOOD made by Commanding Officer and dump of 28 4.1 Turkish Ammunition Quiet Day. 4 May 1918 Orders issued to 2 Lieut H.B.DAWES for a Salvage Patrol to ISOLATED WOOD as follows (1) Recover dump of Turkish Gun Ammunition already located by you near Bridge at D.31.A.9.9. (2) Search vicinity for any other stores worth salving 5 May 1918 0100 Salvage Patrol of 1 officer and 27 OR's proceed to ISOLATED WOOD and brought in 28 rounds enemy 4.1 Gun Ammunition patrol returned without incident at 0400. 1430 LEFT SUBSECTION LEFT SECTION ORDER No 26 issued at 1430. Quiet Day 6 May 1918 Move by companies completed. 1830 Patrol of 2 officers and six ORs left D.31.B.5.0. at 1830 and proceeded to WADY [sic] DHAHEB and D.16.C.8.2. One prisoner was brought in by patrol. Patrol placed propaganda with 50yds of Railway line D.16.D.2.2. 2300 Patrol returned. 7 May 1918 1200 Operation Order number 27 issued. 2200 Patrol of 2 officers 18 OR's left D.31.A.2.0. and proceeded to D.31 central owing to mist patrol returned at 0130 without incident. Quiet day. 8 May 1918 2200 Order for redistribution of SUBSECTION received from 162 Inf Bde. 1845 Patrol of 2 Officers and 4 OR's left D.21.D at 1845 and proceeded along WADY DHAHEB. Propaganda was placed on the Railway and returned without incident at 2310 LAMP SIGNALLING from the direction of MULEBBIS seen when patrol were at D.27.B.0.7. and was answered from JILJULIEH. LAMP SIGNALLING was also seen from KEFR KASIM to the W but it was unanswered 9 May 1918 0400 LEFT SUBSECTION Order No.28 issued 1900 Patrol of 2 Officers 6 OR's left D.31.C.0.7. at 1900 and proceeded along WADY ISHKAR. Enemy picquet located at D.16.D.3.2. Propaganda was placed at D.16.D.0.3 abd D.16.D.0.9. Patrol returned to our lines at 2140 without incident. 1 Deserter Sgt Arab entered our lines at MILL RACE 10 May 1918 0330 Relief complete. Work on front line and Support Posts started and plans of work completed and proposed being prepared for Brigade 11 May 1918 Work continuing on all posts also wiring nearing completion. Ammendments [sic] added to ORDER No 27 12 May 1918 Orders Re Renumbering of Posts both Front and Support Line. 1930 Patrol of one Officer and 7 O.R. left D.13 marching on bearing of 55 degrees at 2400. A band was heard playing about 1500yds N of patrol probably from BIR ADAS. Patrol returned without incident at Post D.13 at 0320 13 May 1918 1930 Patrol of 1 Officer and 7 ORs left our lines at 1930 and proceeded towards Railway line, picquets were seen at D.22.central, D.16.A.1.0., D.16.D.3.9., D.16.C.9.8. Patrol returned to our own lines at 0300. 14 May 1918 2350 Patrol of 1 Officer and 1 OR left our lines (see 15th) 15 May 1918 Patrol reached D.22.A.1.4. where a cavalry patrol of ten was seen moving N.E. up th WADY ISHKAR at D.16.G central, patrol proceeded to cross Railway at D.16.B.4.5. Enemy picquets were heard on the line no rails were seen; at 0400 two picquets were seen one at D.16.D.2.1 another at D.22 central. Strength of picquets eight each one picquet remained after daylight to cover working party of twelve who were cutting grass in front of D.22 central. Seven wagons came from BIR ADAS at 0400 with 6 men in each to D.20.B.8.5. Three parties of cavalry total 30 met at D.16.D.5.1 and moved to JILJULIEH where they evaded a machine gun on a pack mule. patrol returned to our own lines at 0845 1200 SUBSECTION ORDER No.29 and amendments 2030 VII Indian Division heavily shelled 16 May 1918 Patrol of 1 officer and 7 OR's proceeded along BIR ADAS ROAD until 0100 when two rifle grenades were fired by enemy from D.14.D.6.10. Grenades burst to the West of the patrol in WADI West of road. Patrol then moved East 500 yds to D.15.central when movement was heard. Patrol located a picquet in D.15.B. A white Every light was sent up from JILJULIEH BRIDGE at 0215. Patrol returned to D.31.C.0.7 at 0445 without incident. Track from ISOLATED WOOD to BIR ADAS as far as patrol went is metalled but overgrown with grass 2300 Patrol of 1 officer and 3 OR's left post D13 at 2300 17 May 1918 0300 Patrol reached D.16.C.1.0 and moved towards JILJULIEH BRIDGE. Patrol crawled forward and was able to locate picquet, strength 8-10 men at D.16.C.10.8. A second picquet was located at D.16.A.5.3, no trenches were seen. Patrol then moved West to BIR ADAS track, and saw a party of the enemy loading grass at D.22.A. One enemy seen in trench at D.7 central and 3 men at D.14.A. 0625 Patrol returned. Notes made by patrol. The WADI ISHKAR has continuous water for about 1600 yds from ISOLATED WOOD. It is deep and in many places thick with weed and tall grass. Beyond, it widens and there is water at intervals only Picquets observed were at D.16.C.10.8 and D.16.A.5.3. 2115 Enemy signalling observed from KEFR KASIM only letters read were: VOM.ZUGE ABDTTTTT RD after which lamp ceased 2400 Patrol of 1 officer and 3 OR's left D13 18 May 1918 Patrol (mentioned above) proceeded NE along WADI DHAHEB for 1500 yds when WADI merged into surrounding country. Patrol marched by compass to railway in D.22.D.1.5. A single narrow guage [sic] line runs between two embankments which are covered with thick vegetation. At this point the officer with 1 OR crossed railway and moved to D.22.D. The knoll is about 25' high with what appeared to be an OP at the summit. Patrolled [sic] moved D.22.D.5.3, saw nothing of the enemy, so returned to railway embankment, to watch enemy picquet line as day was breaking. Nothing was seen of the enemy on the WADI DHAHEB east of the railway. The enemy picquet in D22 central remained in position and a number of men came out to cut corn. A M.G. and auto rifle fired at a British plane in D.22 cantral. 0630 Patrol returned. 1800 Signalling again observed from direction of KEFR KASIM; This was impossible to read. 2115 Patrol of 1 officer and 5 OR's left post D13 and proceeded up course of WADI DHAHEB to D.28.A.3.6. From here the enemy could be heard cutting grass. Patrol remained 1/2 an hour until 2300 then moved to South bank of WADI and waited at D.28.A.4.3. until the moon was observed when they moved ENE to a point D.28.A.7.4. fro mwhich point movement was observed along the WADI 19 May 1918 0030 Three of the enemy approached to within 20 yards of patrols position from about D.22.C.10.0. At this point a picquet could be heard 50 or 80 yds away also East of the railway about D.23.C. At 0100 patrol moved to D.28.A.9.7 and withdrew at 0245 returning to post D13 at 0415 without incident. Enemy picquets located at D.22.C.10.0 and in direction of D.23.C, propaganda being placed at D.22.C.4.0. 1800 to 1830 Stokes guns register on ISOLATED WOOD. 1930 lam signalling observed at bearing of 85 degrees from F.12.A.8.2; letters read were: TR AUJA JAP. It may be noted that TR is the code of one of our own units in that section of the line but on the other hand the spot from which the light comes is unmistakable and certainly not within British lines 2230 patrol of 1 officer and 7 OR's left our lines. Propaganda was placed at D.22.C.7.3. 20 May 1918 0445 Patrol returned 22.15 Patrol of 1 officer and 7 OR's left post D13 and moved up BIR ADAS ROAD to D.14.D.4.5. At this point 6 of the patrol were left and officer and 1 OR moved forward. At 2330 patrol heard a cry simulating a jackal; this cry was taken up all along the line including the two groups located by the patrol D.14.B.5.2 and D.15.A.4.5. patrol then moved on a bearing of 80 degrees for 600 yds when they were fired on by rifles from D.15.A.4.5. Patrol moved 100 yds further and a white Very light was fired from D.15.A.4.5. As a white Verey light was fired from JILILIEH, patrol saw 12 of the enemy in extended order moving towards them, so they withdrew 200 yds. Patrol did not see enemy again as they turned East. After waiting 1/2 an hour, they moved N.E. crossed the WADI ISHKAR and got on the JILJULIEH TRACK at D.22.A central along which they moved for 500 yds. At 0410 the mist was very thick and patrol returned to our lines. 21 May 1918 F.G.Court Martial on No [blank] Pte.H.Butler. Capt.R.C.Haughton A.S.C. joined unit for duty and was posted to "A" Coy. B.G.C. inspected all books and papers of officers mess, P.R.I. and Bn. Orderly Room correspondence. 2200 1 Officer and 14 ORs left Post D.13. moved along WADY DHAHEB to D.27 central where voices and wheeled transport were heard N of the WADY. 22 May 1918 On moving on to D.21.D.1.2 patrol attempted to locate picquet at D.22 central but owing to a line of 12 enemy skirmishers each side of the Rly were unable to do so. Patrol withdrew to D.28.A.9.5. small KNOLL at D.28.A.3.3 patrol waited till daybreak to get observation but were shot at by rifle and MG from D22 central and skirmishers again appeared so patrol withdrew to own lines without incident at 0620. 0945 Two rounds 77 mm in front of Isolated Wood slight shelling on SW front at intervals during the morning 300 yds W of MILL RACE and shrapnel 600 yds E of it. 2005 Signalling again observed from about KEFR KASIM the following only was read SG a prefix denoting that an SG (urgent signal) messaage is coming. A call for light signalled by means of a succession of dots and a long dash was observed. Bde HQ wired in accordance with their instructions on commencement of signalling 2145 Patrol of 1 off and 13 ORs left post D13 and moved with its right flank on the N bank of WADY DHAHEB on arriving at about D.22 A and C the patrol came on a hobbled horse one N.C.O. and five men were sent to the right flank and when these were in position patrol commander and the seven men surprized and captured a picquet of eight of the enemy who were sleeping near the horse after searching surrounding country for without result patrol returned to own lines reaching Post D13 at 0315 23 May 1918 1800 Signalling again observed on bearing of 90 degrees from CatHOUSE it appeared to come from a different position than previous occasions and was probably beyond KEFR KASIM. An unusual sign which was very much used by the enemy whilst signalling on this occasion was .-.-. Major C.R.JAMES MC assumed command of 1/10 London Regt from today. The signalling noted at 1800 read as follows. RH20 S.A.E. REGFLZLF EREULMNI TDBGUN E GEZENU WEK TNDIENI URESPK HABT H.R.S.P. P.W. VERR AURGED OMMIN K TRAMPE 2. STAND PEPOSTEN TRAMPE 12. AAA. 2115 One officer 7 OR's left post D.13, moved along BIR ADAS TRACK for 2000 yds Patrol then moved NE and located enemy picquets at approx D16 central, D.15.b.8.6., six to eight Turks in each. Patrol then moved W and located another picquet at D.15.A.0.2. and returned to Post D10 at 0425 without further incident. 24 May 1918 Signalling again observed with very powerful lamp apparently at BIDIEH and in communication with KEFR KASIM letters rec'd as follows: TR (called four times) AM LT III KU III TST ----III SM6 AB CD TST CVGEEE EE GEEE NNRSB III C MMEMI ETTAGTI AEUNE TST IK IKIK IK .-.-. K T T UA WGAA CH .-.-. message ends Orders issued for relief of A and D Coys by B and C Coys 25 May 1918 Relief of A and D Coy by B and C duly carried out Parties from 54 D.P.L.S. rejoins unit as course was broken off at beginning 1830 Signalling again observed from approx direction BIDIEH 2215 Patrol of 1 officer and 9 OR's left D13 Post and moved along BIR ADAS RD to a point 200 yds beyond ISOLATED WOOD then crossed WADY ISHKAR at D.25.D.8.8. and moved along JILJULIEH track to D.21.B.10.5 where a party of the enemy was seen moving south at D.22.C.8.4. Patrol leader then moved to D.15.A.9.7 where he saw 8 or 9 enemy in extended order advancing these he endevored [sic] to lead on by withdrawing but lost sight of them and they were not seen again. Patrol located enemy picquet at D16 central 2 sentries and several sleeping men seen 200 yds from this picquet 20 or 30 men were seen working at the front of a small hill. Patrol returned reaching D13 at 0420 26 May 1918 1830 Usual enemy signalling Quiet Day work on front and Support Line Posts both digging and wiring 2130 Patrol of 1 off and 6 OR's left D12 Post proceeding to a point about 300 yds east of Railway at D.28.A.9.4. Nine Turks seen moving NW at D.27.B.5.3. Five Turks seen E of WADY moving N. Party of four seen moving N along Rly at D.28.A.9.4. patrol returned owing to approach ofdaylight at 0400. 27 May 1918 Capt.H.Wilkin MC assumes duty of Adjutant having returned from Divl Platoon Leader School as Adjutant. 2030. Patrol of 1 off and 6 O.R's left D11 Post and proceeded to spot 500 yds south of SHEMS ED DINS following WADY DHAHEB to D.27.B.6.2. thence N.E. crossing Rly to track in D.23.C. which patrol followed no enemy and no track of trench marked in D.23.b were seen. 28 May 1918 1000 Course of lectures to young officers by the C.O. started today at 1000 with Introductory Lecture. Mess Etiquette 2030 VII Indian Division advanced their line on our left much shelling and machine gun fire in their sector all night 2040 Patrol left D11 Post and proceeded by WADY DHAHEB and crossing the Rly near its source reached JILJULIEH TRACK and proceeded up it at SHEMS ED DINS Patrol leader heard voices in the WADY ISHKAR at this point which he believes came from an enemy sentry group in the WADY patrol returned by same route at 0345. 29 May 1918 Great increase of enemy shelling and M.G. fire on VII Indian Division Front Patrol of 1 off and 8 OR's left D11 Post and proceeding by same route as yesterday patrol reaching Rly at D.22.B.3.3 50 yds N of this spot an enemy picquet was obseved [sic] two or three of which crawled towards our patrol which withdrew S and E and crossed Rly at D.22.B.2.0. arriving on JILJULIEH TRACK they moved to D.18.C.3.5. from here patrol leader observed enemy picquet on S side of WADY ISHKAR at D.18.C.6.7. he also saw movement on road at D.17.D.8.7. returned by same route to our lines at 0345 30 May 1918 Battalion of 32 Sikh Pioneers arrived this area at 1900 to clear the banks of the River Auja of all vegitation [sic] Patrol of 1 off andf 9 OR's left d13 Post, followed WADY DHAHEB and passing under a culvert in the Rly embankment and proceeded to the mound marked in D.22.D no enemy were found on the mound but voices and much movement were heard in the direction of about D.22.D.5.3. cralling [sic] in this direction patrol got to within 150 yds of them and 4 camels were seen to leave going N.E. Patrol then crawled N and the east in this manner getting within 70 yds of a sentry group at about D.22.D.5.3. this group they carwled towards when they suddenly came upon a sleeping picquet of eight Turks these they bayoneted but their screams gave the alarm and six more Turks whom they had not seen in the long grass humped up and fired at them, a sentry group was also alarmed and turned to reinforce the picquet. Patrols rearguard also reported more enemy coming from the mound whereupon the patrol fought its way through and saw two more Turks fall the Turks did not follow up and the patrol got away under the culvert and arrived back in our lines at 0345 at least ten enemy were killed or badly wounded our casualties were one wounded. 31 May 1918 1000 G.O.C. 54th Division presents M.M. ribbon to Corporal S.WELCH outside Battn HQ all "A Coy was on parade". Balls Bridge Post being temporarily relieved by D Coy APPENDIX A 1/5th BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT Map. FEJJA (C.3) 40000. 2nd. Edition 1st May 1918 1. 1/5th Bedfordshire REgiment will relieve 1/5th Norfolk Regiment in the Left Subsection, Left Section on the night 2/3 May. 1918 1/11th London Regiment will be on 1/5th. Bedford REgiment Right Flank, and a Battalion of 7th Indian Division on Left Flank. 2. Details of relief have been arranged between Company Commanders concerned. 3. No Company or Detachment will leave its present Bivouac area before 1830 on 2nd. prox. 4. Signal Lines will be taken over by Signal Officer 1/5th. Bedford Regt. 5. A copy of 162nd Infantry Brigade Administrative Instrictions are issued to Transport Officer, Q.M. and Medical Officer. 6. Completion of relief will be wired priority to Battalion H.Q. 7. Battalion H.Q. wil lclose at WILHELMA at 1830 and open at F.12.a.8.2. on arrival 8. ACKNOWLEDGE. APPENDIX B LEFT SUBSECTION, LEFT SECTION ORDER No.26 Date: 5th May, 1918 Ref: Map FEJJA C.3) 1/40000 1. Dispositions for defence of this Subsection will be altered as under tomorrow, 6th May, and Companies will move into new positions immediately after morning "Stand To". 2. (a) "B" Coy. from Right of Subsection to Bend of River, D.31D.8.6., inclusive. (b) "D" Coy. thence to D.31.c.8.7. (c) "A" Coy. thence to the Left Boundary of the SubSection; exclusive to the Post at BALLS BRIDGE. (d) "C" Coy. will be in Subsection Reserve, and will be in the Orange Grove in F.6.B.10.3. This Company will find the Post at BALLS BRIDGE (strength 1 Lewis Gun Section), also the Police Post at FERREKIYEH STONE BRIDGE (strength 1 N.C.O. and 3 men) (3) No alteration of dispositions will be made by Companies in the front line until Posts to be handed over by them have been relieved for this purpose. "B" and "C" Companies will move furst, and "D" and "A" Companies make the necessary readjustments afterwards. (4) The line will be taken up in the manner already pointed out by the C.O. to Company Commanders on the ground, and he will visit the line, beginning at the Right, at 0700 tomorrow to check these dispositions. (5) Headquarters and administrative arrangements will remain at CAT HOUSE. (6) Plan showing the new distribution of the line will be circulated to all concerned when it has been finally approved by higher authority. (7) ACKNOWLEDGE APPENDIX C LEFT SUBSECTION, LEFT SECTION OPERATION ORDER No.27 7th May, 1918. Map - FEJJA (C.3) !/40000 (1). The intelligence system of the enemy has improved lately to a considerable degree, and there is no doubt that a number of his agents are passing backwards and forwards through our lines conveying information to the enemy as to our dispositions. This indicates the necessity of being much more strict as regards the movements of inhabitants in sreas near the front line. (2). The importance of this matter is to be impressed on all ranks, as it is known that under present arrangements the enemy are receiving detailed information as to our movements. (3). A line has now been fixed through this Subsection North and east of which no Natives or Jews except those employed by the E.E.F. are to be allowed. This line runs as follows: - From Junction of Road and WADI LEJJA (F.12.d.Central) along the WADI LEJJA to junction of WADI AUJA and WADI LEJJA (C.35.d.0.2) (4). This line will be patrolled as follows: - (a). H.Q. Coy. wil lestablish a Standing Post at CAT HOUSE CROSSING (F.12.a.2.2.) which will patrol from F.12.s.central to F.6.c.8.3. (b). Company in Subsection Reserve wil lestablish a Standing Post at FERREKIYEH Stone Bridge, which will patrol from F.6.c.8.3. to C.35.d.o.2. (5). Each Standing Post will consist of 1 N.C.O. and 6 men acting as Armed Policemen. (6). The orders for the Posts are: - (1). To turn all Natives, Jews, Orange Sellers, etc. South and West of this line. (2). To send any such found with passes on them to Subsection H.Q. under escort. (3). In case if attack by the enemy to defend the crossings of the WADI LEJJA at their Posts as detailed in para.4. (7). In addition to above Posts, watch will be kept from all front line works, S.P.'s, Company and Battalion H.Q. to see that the above orders are carried out in the vicinity of Posts and Bivouacs (8). ACKNOWLEDGE APPENDIX D LEFT SUB SECTION Order No.28 9th. May. 1918 Map: - FEJJA (C.3) 1:40,000 1. 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment will be redisposed in this Subsection today, 9th. May, as per attached sketch, having 1/11th London regiment on its Right and a Battn. of 7th. Indian Division on its Left. 2. On relief by 1/11th London Regiment, "B" Coy will move into Subsection reserve at CAT HOUSE sending one platoon each to: - (a) PENNEY POST. (b) LEJJA POST. (c) BALLS BRIDGE. to relieve the present garrisons of these Posts. This Coy will also take over the Police Posts on the WADI LEJJA Crossings at: - (a) CAT HOUSE. (b) FERREKHIYEH STONE BRIDGE. 3. Details of relief will be arranged mutually between Coy Commanders concerned. Moves may take place by day provided it is done in small parties and under cover. 4. "B" Coy will hand over all correspondence, plans etc. of its present Coy area to 1/11th London Regiment and will take over similar documents in respect of: - PENNEY POST. LEJJA POST. BALLS BRIDGE. from the present garrisons. Scout Officer will hand over Battalion O.P. at Northampton castle complete with all documents etc. to 1/11th. London Regiment. 5. Lists of Area Stores, Documents etc to be handed or taken over, will be signed in duplicate and forwarded to Subsection H.Q. immediately on completion of relief. 6. Completion of relief will be wired priority to Subsection H.Q. by code word "WILKS". 7. Subsection H.Q. will remain at CAT HOUSE. 8. ACKNOWLEDGE. APPENDIX E Reference LEFT SUBSECTION LEFT SECTION Order No. 27. 1. That part of the line to ne patrolled by 1/5th. Bedfordshire Regiment from F.12.D.central to CAT HOUSE will be taken over from tomorrow morning 12th. May by 1/4th. Northamptonshire Regiment. 2. When 1/4th. Northamptonshire Regiment have taken over, Standing Posts: - (a) will be dismounted and Regimental Police will assume responsibility for the CAT HOUSE Crossing. 3. Standing Posts: - (b) will become responsible for Patrolling the whole line from CAT HOUSE exclusive to C.35.D.0.2. 4. ACKNOWLEDGE APPENDIX F 1. In order to ensure uniformity, a new system of numbering posts is being taken into use. 2. All posts will be numbered from Right to Left throughout the Brigade Front. each Brigade Front will have a separate letter. the letter allotted to Right Section, 54th Divisional Front is C, and to Left Section D. 3. Posts in the left Sub-Section will be numbered thus: - (a) FRONT LINE Transfluvia East D11. Avenue Post D12. Transfluvia West D13. Mayers Post D14. Support Post MILL RACE D15. (b) S.P.LINE Penny POST D.S.5 LEJJA POST D.S.6 BLLS BRIDGE POST D.S.7 4. The above numbers wil lalways be referred to in future instead of names previously used. APPENDIX G Reference Subsection Order No.29 1. Continuation of Boundaries North East are as follows: - Between Right and Centre Subsections Bridge in D.34.d.1.1 (inclusive to Centre Subsection) - KEFR HATTA Between Centre and Left Subsections D.27 central along WADI DHAHEB (both banks inclusive to Left Subsection) as far as JILJULIEH Road thence along this road to JILJULIEH (and inclusive to Centre Subsection) 2. All persons including Officers or other ranks found between the central and front lines who are not known or are not in possession of a pass are to be detained and enquiries immediately made to establish their bona-fides 3. ACKNOWLEDGE The boundary between this Sub-Section and 7th Division has been altered and now runs as follows: - BIR ADAS - BALLS BRIDGE ROAD (incl. to this Sub Section) thence along Right bank of River AUJA to Bridge in Z17. the whole of ISOLATED WOOD is inclusive to this Sub Section. 2. ACKNOWLEDGE MAY 1918 O'RANKS KILLED NIL WOUNDED 1 on Patrol 31st May 18 SICK ADMITTED 81 DRAFTS NIL REJOINED 58
- Date free text1-31 May 1918
- Production dateFrom: 1918 To: 1918
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords1st/5th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, 1st/5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, 162nd Infantry Brigade, deaths, Prisoners of war, Turks, 1st/4th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, town and local roads, out county railways, JEWS, Palestinians, 7th Indian Division, Jiljulieh Bridge, Field General Court Martial, Army Service Corps, 54th (East Anglian) Division, 1st/10th (Hackney) Battalion London Regiment, 1st/11th (Finsbury Rifles) Battalion London Regiment, horses, Auja, Sikhs, Arabs, 2nd/32nd Sikh (Pioneer) Battalion, Mulebbis, Wilhelma, Isolated Wood [Gaza], Wadi Dhaheb, Mulebbis, Jiljulieh, Kafr Qasim, Mill Race [Gaza], Bir Adas, Wadi Ishkar, Cat House [Gaza], Bidieh, Shems ed Dins, Balls Bridge [Gaza], Ferrekiyeh Stone Bridge [Gaza], Penny Post [Gaza], Lejja Post [Gaza[, Wadi Lejja, Wadi Auja, Transfluvia East [Gaza], Transfluvia West [Gaza], Avenue Post [Gaza], Mayers Post [Gaza], Kefr Hatta
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