- ReferenceX550/6/8/1803
- TitleWar Diary for March 1918 1 Mar 1918 - Mulebbis Coy Training. Nos 5 Platoon under 2/Lieut C.A.I.DAMON and No 15 Platoon under No.200559 Sgt.C.MARLOW left to represent the Bn in the Divl Platoon Tournament at YAZUR where 2 Platoons from each Bn in the Div are concentrating for a six days competition. The Bn Team won the Final Divl.Cross Country Race which consisted of 15 runners from each Unit in the Division 2 Mar 1918 Battalion Training. Practicing the attack 3 Mar 1918 Church Parade at 1000. Town was shelled by the enemy at about 0600 for an hour by H.E. A few houses hit otherwise no damage 4 Mar 1918 Battalion Training. Practicing the attack 5 Mar 1918 Battalion Training. Practicing the attack. Move Orders received. the whole Brigade is to concentrate at R.24 on night 7/8 March. the Adjutant went with Staff Capt to see the area allotted to thus Unit. The Town Baths were allotted to us for Bathing and fumigation 6 Mar 1918 Coy Training 2 Platoons from 'B' Coy. left at 1730 as an advance party and to find working party for R.E's. Surplus Kit was sent on in advance. Final day of Platoon Tournament C.O. and several officers went to see the exhibition competitions. No.15 Platoon was 2nd and No.5 were 9th in the placing of the whole of the Platoons. 7 Mar 1918 - [Tarif] The 2 Platoons from the Tournament Camp went straight to the new area. the day was spent in packing and cleaning up. A Bde Dump was formed where all spare Kit and camp Equipment ws left. The Bn Paraded at 1830 ready to move, proceeding via WILHELMA to the new area, arriving there at 2400 after a very rough heavy march. The ground at the new area is rocky. 8 Mar 1918 Morning spent in cleaning up, making paths etc. Rifle Inspections etc. during afternoon. B.G.C. gave a Lecture to all officers and Sergts on Hill and Open Warfare, he also congratulated everyone on the good results the Bde had obtained in the Divisional Competitions which have been held recently 9 Mar 1918 Coy. Training 10 Mar 1918 No Church Parade. Bde Orders received for operations taking place on 12th inst. C.O., Adjt., and Coy.Comdrs reconnoitred the ground over which the Advance is to take place. Bn. Order No.14 issued 11 Mar 1918 Coy. Drill in the morning. Cleaning up and packing in afternoon. 12 Mar 1918 Bn paraded at 0530 and marched to point from which the attack was to start, accompanied by Coy. Limbers, Pack Animals and SAA Limbers. The attack commenced at 0745 proceeded by Artillery Fire. Our objectives were taken without opposition and without casualties. A heavy storm came one during the attack making observation very difficult. 0900 At about 0900 the 1/4th Northampton Regt and 1/10th London Regt passed through our line to resume the attack. About this time PT.489 was slightly shelled by the enemy, one shell bursting near a group of our men (A Coy.) and wounding six. 1/4th Northampton Regt gained their objective without opposition. 1/10th London met with some resistance at MEDJEL YABA but after a bombardment by the Artillery the place was taken by 1230. During this period the Bn had moved to KH DIKERIN. Here during during [sic] the afternoon a 2nd Line was formed by B C D Coys, A Coy with Bn HQ in Reserve. Blankets & water was brought up by camels. The Limbers were unable to reach H.Q.owing to the rocky ground. Whilst standing on the Plain they were bombed by enemy aeroplane, 4 Bombs being dropped. 2 Mules were Killed, 3 men wounded. A dump was formed in a Wadi near Bde H.Q. During the night the work on the 2nd Line was begun. The ground being too rocky for entrenching the defences were made of sangars. Orders received to relieve 1/4th Northampton Regiment 13 Mar 1918 During morning roads and paths were made to Coys. C.O. Adjt., and Coy Comdrs went round the line held by 1/4th Northampron Regiment. Immediately after dinner (1300) relief of 1/4th Northampton Regt, in the Right Section 162 Bde Line, was begun. relief was complete by 1600. Distribution of Coys now is C Coy. on Right. B Coy. in Centre. D Coy. on Left and A Coy. at Bn.H.Q. in Reserve. Patrols were sent out during night to WADI RABAH and found all clear. 14 Mar 1918 During the night a Platoon from D Coy. salvaged about 100 shells, these were probably left by a mountain gun Battery which is known to have been somewhere in the vicinity. Work on roads was carried out by A Coy. the Coys in the line worked on their defences (sangars). Just before dusk it was reported by the Outram Rifles, on our right, that the enemy were concentrating in front of C Coy. but a patrol which was immediately sent out could find no trace of the enemy. At the same time one of our 'planes was dropping lights and firing tracer bullets about 1500 yds to the N. of the WADI RABAH. The 'plane did not leave until quite dark. Work on Roads and defences was continued in the evening. Patrols were sent our to WADI RABAH at dusk and returned about 2100 having found all clear of enemy. 15 Mar 1918 A further 100 shells were salvaged by D Coy. during the night. Sniper were [sic] sent out in the morning to remain out all day. The day was very dull the clouds hanging on the hills making observation very bad. Heavy Rain fell in the evening. Patrols were sent our at dusk, but found no sign of enemy 16 Mar 1918 Heavy Rain in the early morning. Major C.R.James, capt.F.B.Hobbs & Lieut.W.A.Shaw MC's R.S.M.Milton MC, DCM, C.S.M.Chandler Sgts Sapsford, Sharpe, Cpl.Ball D.C.M's., Sgt.Marlow, Ptes Halfpenny, Andrews M.M's proceeding to YAZUR for presentation of decorations by the Duke of Connaught. Usual patrols were sent out in evening. Very heavy Rains. One Arab boy wandering in our immediate front was brought in and sent to Bde. 17 Mar 1918 Heavy rains. Work on posts continued. defence Orders published. Patrol left our line as usual at dusk. 18 Mar 1918 2 Turks gave themselves up after being fired at by a Listening Post of B Coy. 2 Arabs were also brought into our lines & sent to Bde. 19 Mar 1918 Slight Rain in morning. Enemy aircraft active. usual patrols & snipers went out. Patrols distributed propaganda 20 Mar 1918 No Rain. Weather a great deal warmer. Enemy aircraft active. Front Line slightly shelled by 5.9. No casualties. usual patrols went out. 21 Mar 1918 Situation Quiet. 2 officers and 13 O.Ranks proceeded on leave to Egypt. Usual patrols & snipers 22 Mar 1918 Enemy Aircraft active one 'plane came right over our portion of line presumably taking photographs. Fired at by M.Gs & A.A. without result 23 Mar 1918 Special Patrol of 1 officer and 20 Other ranks proceeded towards Wadi Rubal at 0400 and returned at 0530. Communion Service at Battn H.Q. at 0900 24 Mar 1918 Very heavy hail storm in afternoon. usual patrols & snipers sent out. 25 Mar 1918 Patrols & snipers as usual. One of our agents came into our lines & was sent to Bde. 26 Mar 1918 Patrol reconnoitred approaches to KH BUREID. Enemy Artillery active on our front line. 2 Arabs and one boy found wandering in our lines with two donkeys, sent to Bde. 27 Mar 1918 - Kurnet el Haramiyeh Orders for the advance of the line issued. We advanced our line to KURNET EL HARAMIYEH and M.27.c.d. New line occupied 1930 which was consolidated & wired during night. 28 Mar 1918 At 0700 enemy snipers ejected our day occupation from KH BUREID. Enemy Aircraft very active one driven to ground by our Airmen 29 Mar 1918 Snipers took up positions & came into action with enemy Picquet. usual shelling by our Artillery. Signalling observed from MULEBBIS and answering signals in enemy's line could be seen 30 Mar 1918 Snipers go out as usual. About 1530 about 150 enemy seen advancing down Green WADI disappearing behind ridge in front of WADI RABAH, making their way towards KH BURIED [sic] ay 1630 this party became visible on crest line M.21.a crossing in extended order. Our enemy [sic. artillery?] shelled effectively. Heavy Rain. Front line shelled by enemy. 31 Mar 1918 Our snipers occupied position in M.20.a returned after dark our snipers also one L.G. are in position on M.19.d central 1730 The enemy in large numbers appeared on the erect line in M.20.a & b and M.21.a At dusk about 150 enemy in three waves crossed the crest & advanced down slopes, towards our post in KURNET EL HARAMIYEH. They were immediately engaged by Lewis Guns & eventually took up a line halfway down the hill. From this position as darkness fell they opened heavy fire on our post. Under cover of this fire a party of 15-20 Turks crossed WADI & advanced against two of our sangars some were bombed & dispersed by a Listening Post a few of remainder reached our wire, but were bombed out. Patrols who immediately searched the slopes in front of our wire could find no trace of enemy dead. Our patrol attempted to occupy M.20.a., but were immediately fired on by enemy picquets. Our casualties 3 slightly wounded 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment ORDER No.14 Ref: 1/63360 Map 10th March 1918 1. The enemy is believed to be holding the Ridge running East from EL MEZEIRAH with about 50 rifles and 2 Machine Guns, to have a post at KH DIKERIN of about 30 rifles and 2 Machine Guns, and about 120 Infantry, possibly 30 cavalry and about 4 Machine Guns at MEJDEL YABA with some scattered groups in between, the whole amounting to one Battalion (19th Regt.), about 250 rifles possibly 30 German Cavalry and 7-8 Machine Guns. So far as is known the only guns which can reach the above area are about three 77m.m. guns near KEFR KASIM, 2 or 3 long range 4.1 guns near JILJULEIH, and 2 small mobile pack guns usually about the WADI RABAH. He has a few small posts further East, the chief one being at DEIR BALLUT where there are some 50 Cavalry and about one Battalion between KEFR KASIM and MEJDEL YABA. 2. On 12th. March part of the line now held by 21st.Corps is to be advanced to the line KH ES SINOBAR - KH EL EMIR - DEIR BALLUT - KH UMM EL TAWAKY - hill in U.3 - SH BARAZ ED DIN. The operations will be conducted in 5 Phases, of which the first and third affect the right of the 75th. Division only. the remainder will be carried out by the 162nd. Infantry Brigade in conjunction with 234 Inf.Bde. (123 Outram's Rifles) on our right, the boundary being a line from ET TIREH to UMM EL LEBED (both inclusive to 234 Inf.Bde.) there running due north. The line at the end of these phases will be: - 2nd Phase. ED DIURAH - UMM EL LEBED - Pt.489 - MEZEIRAH 4th Phase. DEIR BALLUT - KH UMM EL TAWAKY - Hill in U.8.c. 5th Phase. KH UMM EL TAWAKY - Hill in U.3 - SH BARAZ ED DIN 3. On our left 163rd Inf. Bde. during the night of 11/12 March are sending out one Coy 4th Norfolk Regt. and 1 Section M.G. Coy to RAS EL AIN, and one Coy 4th Bn. Norfolk Regt. and 1 Sectn. M.G. Coy to JISR EL ABABNEH. These detachments will push forward at dawn on March 12th to co-operate by fire with our attack. 4. 270th Bde and A/272nd Bde R.F.A., 2 Sections 486th Fld. Coy R.E. and 2 Sections 1/2nd E.A.Field Ambulance have been placed under orders of B.G.C. 162nd Inf. Bde. 21st Corps Heavy Artillery and the remainder of 54th Divnl. Artillery will also co-operate in the attack. 5. To cover preliminary movements 161st Inf.Bde. are taking up a line by 2100 March 11th from about R. in W.2.b. through U.39 central; and KULEH to NEBY TARI. 6. Under protection of the above screen R.A. Group Commander and O.C. 162nd M.G.Coy. will move their Batteries and M.G. Coy respectively into positions to cover the crossing of the WADI SAHURY and capture of the EL MEZEIRAH Ridge. To be in position by 0600 on March 12th. 7. For Phase 2. 1/5th. Bedford Regt and 1/11th London Regt. will take up positions close behind the line held by 161st Inf. Bde. whence to start the attack. 1/11th London Regt. will be on the right, 1/5th Bedford Regt will be on the left. 1/4th Northampton Regt. will be in support in Square W.1.b. 2 Sections 486th Fld. Coy. R.E. and 1/10th.London Regt. will be in reserve about Square R.6.d. 8. The Bn. will be formed up ready to leave camp by 0530, Coy Limbers and Reserve S.A.A. will move to a position at the bottom of the foot hills (pointed out to the T.O.) and after the capture of MEZEIRAH RIDGE will move to 200 yds. S. of MEZEIRAH 9. On arrival at the position from whence the attack is to start Coys will form up (in formation which will be told them) ready to deploy. "C" Coy on the right, "A" Coy on the left. "D" Coy behind "A" Coy. "B" coy behind "C" Coy. 10. At 0745 the Artillery will open fire, when 1/11th London Regt. and 1/5th Bedford Regt will advance against EL MEZEIRAH RIDGE. Coy frontage will be 200 yds "C" Coy will attack Hill about 200yds E. of Pt.489 (pointed out to O.C. "C" Coy) "A" Coy will attack Pt.489. "D" Coy will follow 250x behind "A" Coy. in Support, and on seeing "A" Coy. reach its objectives will sweep down the MEZEIRAH RIDGE and make good the village. "B" Coy. will be in Reserve and will follow Bn. H.Q. in a suitable formation. The pace will be regulated by the Right of "C" Coy., who will keep touch with the left of 1/11th London Regt. Aid Post will follow the Reserve Coy. 162nd M.G.Coy. will be giving overhead covering fire. 11. Not less than 15 minutes before the troops are ready to storm the enemy's sangars O.C. 1/11th London Regt. who throughout will have been in the very closest touch with O.C. 1/5th Bedford Regt. will notify the Artillery Liaison Officer with him, and also Bde. H.Q., the exact hour at which the assault will take place. For the three minutes preceding this hour the Artillery will maintain an intense bombardment. The lifting of this bombardment will be the signal for the assault. 12. The lift will be for 200x and will be followed by further lifts of 100x every two minutes until a total of 500x has been reached, when a standing barrage will be established. 13. After positions have been captured Coys. will consolidate sufficiently to withstand a counter-attack. 14. At 0900 the advance will be resumed, 1/4th Northampton Regt., on Right, 1/1oth London Regt. on Left. After these troops have passed through the line Coys. wil lreform behind Pt.489, where the Bn. will remain in Reserve. 15. A contact aeroplane wil lfly over the line at about 0900, 1300 and 1700. Flares will be lit by the most advanced Infantry when called for by the aeroplane. The signals for this will be: - (a) A series of "A"s on a Klaxon Horn, or (b) A White Very Light. Ground Sheets will be carried by Bn.H.Q. and will be displayed if called for. 16. An ammunition and R.E. Dump is being established at RANTIEH. 17. An Advanced Dressing Station is being established at RANTIEH by 0600 March 12th. After the capture of MEJDEL YABA an Advanced Dressing Station will be established in the vicinity of NEBY TARI. 18. Troops will be in Fighting Order and carry one day's full rations. Everything in Camp will be left ready to be brought forward 19. The Divnl. Train will issue rations direct to Units on night 12/13th March. Guides, to be detailed by the Q.M. will meet Divnl. Train at P.33.a. at 1800. 20. Until water in the captured area has been passed fit for drinking all drinking water will be obtained from WILHELMA. Animals will water at WILHELMA until MEJDEL YABA has been captured; after that at NEBY TARI. The water carts will be handed over to the Bde. Water Officer at WILHELMA by 0600 March 12th. The Divnl. Train will provide teams for these, and they will be brought up with the rations on night 12/13th March and form a Bde. reserve of Water. 21. All Prisoners of War will be sent to Bn. H.Q. 22. watches will be synchronised at 2015 on March 11th and 0515 on March 12th by the Signal Officer, who will synchronise with Bde. Signal Officer at 2000 and 0500. 23. Brigade Battle H.Q. will open on a Hill about W.2.a.1.9. at 0600 on 12th March. During the pause between the 2nd and 4th Phases they will move forward to Pt.489, and between the 4th and 5th Phases to KH DIKERIN. 24. An Advanced Bn. H.Q. will follow in Right rear of "A" Coy. and will keep in touch with Bn. H.Q. by telephone, Helio, Relay Posts (or other means if necessary), and on arrival at Pt. 489 wil lestablish an O.P., the personnel of which will be detailed by the Scout Officer. Bn. H.Q. will be in the first instance on the Ridge E. of KULUH and on the Right of the Bn. and will move forward as opportunity occurs (on the Right) until after the assault, when it will move to Pt. 489 25. ACKNOWLEDGE 1/5th BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT ORDER No. 16 Map Palestine 1:63360 27th March 1918 1. On the night 27/28th March the 234th Infantry Brigade (75th Division) is advancing its line to include KH. UMM EL IKBA, and is establishing a post in aboyt U.4.a. 2. In conjunction with this move, the front line of the RIGHT SUBSECTION will advance to the watershed separating the Wadis DEIR BALLUT and RABAH. The LEFT SUBSECTION will not move. 3. "A" Coy. will advance to KURNET EL HARAMIYEH; "B" Coy. to position as pointed out to O.C. Coy. (about M.27.c.9.8.) so as to connect with Left Post of 2/4th Devons. "D" Coy. will take up their new positions by 1845, when "C" Coy will come into Reserve at Battn. Hqrs. 4. The M.G.O. will at once reconnoitre new pisitions which he will take up immediately Coys are in their new Positions. 5. Positions will be consolidated and wired as far as possible by dawn. 6. Coy. Comdrs. will arrange mutually their dividing lines with Coys. on their Right and Left. 7. Arrangements for the Defence of the new line will be the same as in Right Subsection Defence Scheme. 8. Signal Officer will arrange the usual communications. 9. Aid Post will be with Support Coy. at U.3.c.2.5. 10. Battn. Hqrs. will remain in its present position for the present. 11. ACKNOWLEDGE
- Date free text1-31 Mar 1918
- Production dateFrom: 1918 To: 1918
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords1st/5th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, cross country running, 54th (East Anglian) Division, church services, 162nd Infantry Brigade, baths, Royal Engineers, weather, 1st/4th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, 1st/10th (Hackney) Battalion London Regiment, aerial action overseas, mules, words, 123rd Outram Rifles, Arabs, Turks, land weaponry, 19th Turkish Regiment, Germans, XXI Corps, 75th Division, 234th Infantry Brigade, 163rd Infantry Brigade, 1st/4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, Royal Field Artillery 270th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery 272nd Brigade, 2nd/1st East Anglian Field Ambulance, 484th Field Company Royal Engineers, 161st Infantry Brigade, 1st/11th (Finsbury Rifles) Battalion London Regiment, 486 Field Company Royal Engineers, prisoners of war, telephone, Mulebbis, Yazur, Wilhelma, Tarif, Mejdel Yaba, Khirbet Dikerin, Wadi Rabah, Egypt, Khirbet Bureid, Kurnet el Haramiyeh, Khirbet Umm el Tawaky, Kafr Qasim, Jiljulieh, Deir Ballut, Khirbet es Sinobar, Khirbet el Emir, Sheikh Baraz ed Din, Et Tireh, Umm el Lebed, Mezeirah, Ed Diurah, Ras el Ain, Jisr el Ababneh, Kuleh, Neby Tari, Wadi Sahury, Rantieh, Khirbet Umm el Ikba, Rabah
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