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    War Diary for November 1917 1 Nov 1917 - Butts Camp Preparation made for operations. Extra Rations, ammunition etc., issued. A dump was formed for all surplus kit 2/Lt Bass being left in charge. Packs were put on this dump. Everyone rested during day as much as possible. The Divl. Commdr. spoke to all officers, about 1400. 2 Nov 1917 - Skeikh Hasan 0210 Left Bivouac area, in order named in Bedford Order No.8 dated 31 Oct 17. 0310 Passed SHEIKH AJLIN. No casualties 0315-0345 Moved forward very slowly to within 150 yds SEA POST, where we were blocked owing to 11th Londons waiting to deploy 0410-0430 Moved forward about 300 yds. Companies moved off and Battn .H.Q. were established about 150 yds S. of CRICKET WELL waiting here until Advanced Battn.H.Q. reported TOMB SPUR cleared and Advanced H.Q. established there. This was reported about 0510. Battn.H.Q. moved to TOMB SPUR, they came under heavy machine gun fire from RAFA-BELAH RIDGE. No casualties. Attack on SHEIKH HASAN was carried out absolutely to programme and by 0600 HASAN GARDEN was cleared right through and consolidated on a line from S.W. corner of P.3.c. HASAN PIMPLE - SHEIKH HASAN. Thirteen officers and 140 O'Ranks prisoners were taken and sent back, a number of Turks were killed twenty have been counted, there are probably more as the locality is too big to reach properly.Three Machine Guns, fragments of a fourth over 200 rifles many thousand rounds of S.A.A., Bombs, R.E. material, Q.M.Stores, papers and booty is being collected, but owing to consolidation no proper salvage arrangements can be put into operation. In the attack one Platoon led by 2/LIEUT.E.A.PHILLIPS, BERKSHIRE REGT attached this until with more dash than thought for his orders reached and entered TURTLE HILL. The Turks put up the white flag, but a M.G. in rear opened on the Platoon and nearly all of the were wiped out 2/LIEUT.E.A.PHILLIPS was killed. During the advance throuigh the garden our shrapnel barrage is said to have been erratic, or it may have been the keenness of the men, but we suffered most of our casualties there from our own shell fire. The protective barrage also did not lift off HASAN PIMPLE and SHEIKH HASAN this also caused further casualties before it could be stopped. The Tanks were not on time and only No.5 turned up eventually at 0625, this off-loaded its R.E. material and proceeded forward, but soon afterwards it broke down. From about 0615 to 0830 the enemy shelled us heavily with what was thought to be one 5.9 one 4.2 and two 77 m.m batteries. Efforts were made to support the Northampton attack on LION and TIGER but owing to smoke and mist visibility was bad. During the morning we suffered from enemy M.G. and Rifle fire from TORTOISE HILL and TURTLE HILL. At 1430 the 1/4th Northampton Regiment attacked TORTOISE HILL and BELAH unsuccessfully and were driven back at the same time the whole locality came under very heavy enemy shell fire again and a very strong enemy counter-attack developed between TORTOISE HILL and TURTLE HILL. We reinforced our right, and all communications being cut by shell fire, fired the S.O.S. signal our barrage then came down and this tigether with our machine gun fire stopped the enemy. At the same time Turks were reported advancing from the direction of TIGER this was confirmed by the action of the Navy who opened fire on them at once and this stopped the movement. It is said that this party was the remains of the Northampton Company returning to our lines. During the evening the remaining Northamptons and one Company of 1/11th London Regiment were put under this Battns orders, the distribution being as follows Strong Point S.E. corner of P.2.d is held by Northamptons. Three of our Coys with one Platoon each attached from 1/11th London Company are distributed in two lines from BEACH ROAD, HASAN PIMPLE to SHEIKH HASAN. No attempt has been made to entrench a continuous line. Platoons are distributed checkerwise mutually supporting one another, four M.Gs and four Stokes Guns are in the second line near the road. This arrangement has worked well so far although the enemy has shelled us very continuously we have not had as many casualties as we might have done. We are under close observation from TURTLE HILL and it is beginning to tell. 3 Nov 1917 A Section of RE were with us all night on the Northampton strong point and also put in a pump and well at the North end of BEACH ROAD which is giving us a good supply of water. The men are very tired, the long advance over the sand carrying heavy loads took a lot out of them, the [sic] got a little sleep last night, and blankets are expected up for them tonight, bivouac sheets are already up. The morale of the men is excellent all round and needs to be on account of the heavy shell fire they are subjected to. Patrols during the night went out to (1) TURTLE HILL. Found enemy consolidating (2) LION and TIGER. Found enemy consolidating. Two O.P.s have beene stablished No.1 O.P. at SHEIKH TOMB, No.2 O.P. in centre of ALFRED approx P2.D.3.9. 0630 Enemy shelled HASAN GARDEN, H.E. and sharpnel 0735 Enemy shelled our 1st and 2nd Line in the Garden every 2 1/2 minutes 1030 Enemy shelled with H.E. from direction of SHEIKH REDWAN 0635 Small parties of Turks seen at different times all morning on high ground behind enemy lines 1655 Considerable movement on Sand Ridge E. of No.1 O.P. 1545 16 Turks came forard over small Ridge in front of trench LION-TIGER Line. They had full march order 1605 Small parties observed in communication trenches LION-TIGER Line 1730 100 Turks seen N. of TURTLE HILL Flash of enemy gun observed 60 degrees near Clump of trees The total casualties for 2/3rd are officers 1 Killed 3 Wounded 2 of these remained at duty. O.Ranks [blank] Killed [blank] Wounded [blank] of these remained at duty. Missing: [blank] 27 Turks have been buried 10 Evacuated to Hospital wounded. A British cemetery has [sic] made in SHEIKH HASAN GARDEN. 2 Barrels of Beer were brought up with the rations and issued to the men. The men are in excellence [sic] spirits, but rather tired. Consolidation proceeding satisfactorily. 4 Nov 1917 Two patrols left our line, no enemy patrols were met but enemy working parties were heard on TORTOISE HILL and TURTLE HILL, Consolidation continued. Enemy shelling fairly continuous during day. 5 Nov 1917 Two patrols left our line, no enemy patrols met. Enemy stores and equipment collected and a quantity sent by ration camels back to Salvage Dump. A Cemetery was made in the gardens and our own and enemy dead buried. Enemy shelled the whole garden with 5.9s over 200 falling between 2000 and 2130 only 1 casualty. 6 Nov 1917 A patrol left our lines and proceeded towards LION and TIGER no enemy patrol met. 1/4th Northampton Regt took over A Coy's strong point. A Coy to [sic] over C Coy's Sector. C Coy coming in Reserves. C & D Coy practiced for a proposed attack on TURTLE HILL. Day was quiet, situation remaining unchanged. 7 Nov 1917 - Jebalieh 0100 C & D Coy attacked an took TURTLE HILL, Turls were found to have evacuated the work. Our casualties 1 O'Rank. Information received that the enemy was withdrawing from his line. GAZA was reported as unoccupied. The Divl Cavalry rode through SHEIKH HASAN to follow up retiring enemy. 52nd Divn proceeded through later. Collection of captured stores etc. was proceeded with. Our captured include 8 M.G's (Damaged), 400000 rds SAA, 2000 bombs, refuelling equipment and numerous other stores. Orders received to prepare to move. All Transport was got up and everything packed up in readiness. Moved at 1800 and proceeded to JEBALIEH via Beach Road On arrival at JEBALIEH, A B & D Coys took up an Outpost Line, during which time they came under enemy M.G. fire. C Coy with H.Q.Coy were in Reserve and formed Battn HQ in the Cactus Gardens. 2 4.2 Guns manufactured by Armstrong Whitworths in 1897 were taken by A Coy. also a considerable amount of transport 8 Nov 1917 The day was very quiet the enemy having withdrawn during the night. An enemy plane was brought down by one of our machines. A large explosion was seen in the direction of the enemy Railhead and it was afterwards found out that a [sic] enemy dump was blown up. Orders were received that we were to be relieved by 1/4th Essex Rgt who were taking up a more advanced line. 6 Prisoners were captured by us during day. Moved at 1730 to Support Line 162nd Bde Outpost Line, a draft of 94 were used as guides slong the route. 9 Nov 1917 - el Nuzle Draft detailed to Coys. Cleaning and straightening up generally 10 Nov 1917 Packs got up from SHEIKH HASAN. Inspection parades etc. 11 Nov 1917 Usual cleaning up parades. A voluntary service was held at 1700 by Rev.Walkey V.B. C.F. 12 Nov 1917 Moved bivouac on to the cliff near the Sea 13 Nov 1917 Parades, Close Order Drill and smartening up drill 14 Nov 1917 - Herbieh Parades up to 1100. Orders received to move. 1400 Bn. parades and proceeded by march route to HERBIEH arriving 2100. 15 Nov 1917 - Medjel Marched with Bde group to MEDJEL, arrived about 1700 16 Nov 1917 - Esdud Permission given to visit village. relieved guards of 7 NCO and 35 men of B.W.I's Orders received to march with Bde Group to ESDUD staring 1800 arrived at 2200 17 Nov 1917 - Yebna Marched with Bde Group to YEBNA arrived about 1600 18 Nov 1917 - Ayun Kara Formed Advance Guard to Bde Group moving to AYUN KARA, on arrival about 1600 A & D took up Outpost duty but were latter [sic] withdrawn and came into Bivouac with remainder of Battn. 19 Nov 1917 - Ludd Marched with Bde Group to LUDD arrived at about 1130. A, B & C Coys took up Outposts very heavy rain in evening. 20 Nov 1917 - Haditheh Batt moved to HADITHEH to take over line held by Yeomanry. D Coy took over their position 21 Nov 1917 B & C Coys took over their positions. A Coy & Battn H.Q. moved to position at Y.1.D Central. 1 section 162nd M.G.Coy coming under orders of this unit. The positions held from part of the Bde line 1/11th London Rgt on the Left Yeomanry on the Right 22 Nov 1917 Quiet day. Coys consolidating their positions, each Coy making a Strong Post. Posts manned D.Coy. ZEIFY HILL, C Coy. NABALA HILL, B Coy PINNACLE HILL running Left to Right respectively/ 1/8th Hampshire Regiment relieved the Yeomanry on our Right. 23 Nov 1917 Quiet day. Consolidation proceeding. Sections of line numbered, that held by this Battn being No.3 Section, which was later altered to No.2 Section 24 Nov 1917 A patrol of the Battn.Scouts proceeded to reconnoitre the track BEIT NABALA via KHDATHRAH to SHUKHAH including track from KHDATHRAH via ROMAN ROAD to ABUD returning via KIBBIA and WADY [sic] SHAKIN. About 20 enemy cavalry were sighted by this patrol when at X.26.c about 1500 yds distant. No other sign of enemy. Quiet day. Roads made to Posts 25 Nov 1917 A Turkish Officer (Captain) was captured by one of our Picquets, coming down to the well near BEIT NABALA. A line of Control Posts was formed to prevent inhabitants moving backwards and forwards through our line, no inhabitant of HADITHEH and BEIT NABALA being allowed to cross the WADY ES SURAR in either direction. This was proclaimed in both villages also a proclamation to the effect that if any Turks were hidden up the MUDAR would be held responsible and hanged. 26 Nov 1917 A patrol of Battn. Scouts went out to reconnoitre WADY ADASIYEH towards RENTIS and DEIR ALLA. Both these villages were reported clear of enemy. 27 Nov 1917 0230 Arab gives himself up to C Coy. with information with information [sic] as to a force of Turks at SHOKHAH. 0815 About 150 Turks in close order are seen from ZEIFY HILL advancing down Wadi betn ZEIFY HILL & DEIR TOREIF. Fire opened upon them by L.G. Rifles from ZEIFY HILL at range of betn 1300 & 1500 yds. Turks scattered & some loss inflicted on him, he taking up position under cover & a sniping engagement ensued 1030 Strong patrol pushed forward from right of ZEIFY HILL to cistern kiln at W.26.a, where an advanced post was established, consisting of 2 L.G. Sections & section of riflemen. 1500 From ZEIFY HILL an enemy force consisting of a Battn & transport was seen mooving [sic] in an E.direction from ET TIREH at about 1515 this force came within range of post at Cistern Hill & fire was opened by both LGs at range of about 1400 yds. Casualties were seen to be inflicted on enemy especially amongst their transport. As a result of this the direction of enemy advance was altered & enemy advanced in extended order on Cistern Hill. Post on CISTERN HILL contd to engage enemy until latter were 300yds away when they were withdrawn. At dusk enemy occupy CISTERN HILL. 28 Nov 1917 During the day enemy attempts to renew advance were continued. Fire from ZEIFY & NABALA checked them, small enemy sniping post established 300 yds from ZEIFY HILL. 29 Nov 1917 1230 Enemy commenced to shell ZEIFY HILL with 4.2 & mountain guns this contd intermittently throughout day, casualty one wounded at same time enemy infantry showed disposition to attempt to gain ground. MG & LG fire from ZEIFY HILL brought to bear on an enemy advance on DEIR TOREIF. This was stopped at 900 yds from 10 Londons position, At dusk complete cessation of fire by enemy 1800 Enemy strength about 150 attempted to carry ZEIFY HILL by surprise attack. Front line rushed & M.G. captured. Immediate c/attack organized & launched by Post Commander & [in margin Capt.F.B.Hobbs] enemy were ejected with bayonet. Enemy party carrying away M.G. disposed of & gun recaptured. 1900 Lull established & all quiet again. Casualties inflicted on enemy 9 bodies (including 2 Austrians) buried by us, 3 prisoners 13 rifles captured. Numerous dead bodies in front of our position most could not be collected. Our casualties one officer [in margin 2nd Lt.J.E.Waterton Privates Lancaster, Perry] & 2 ORs killed 8 ORs wounded 30 Nov 1917 Party of about 50 enemy attack NABALA HILL with bombs, this attack did not quite reach our position & the fire of LGs carried on immediate retirement of enemy to lower slopes of hill. A small c/attack was launched by us without loss of time & the enemy retired precipitately. A Barrage from 4.5 Battery was directed on the position of deployment i nwhich direction he retired. Enemy casualties not known our casualties one officer seriously wounded [in margin Lt.H.W.Cronin] Remainder of day passed quietly on our whole front. 162nd Inf Bde order No.48 as to move on night of 1/2 Dec recd.
  • Date free text
    1-30 Nov 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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