• Reference
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    War Diary for July 1917 1 Jul 1917 - Flint, Merioneth and Welsh Redoubts HOLY COMMUNION 0600. Working parties from reserve coy sent to MERIONETH & FLINT posts for 4 hours (0715-11.15) during morning: one party for 3 1/2 hours work on MERIONETH communication trench worked at night. Parties were arranged with reliefs so that a man's ration of actual digging was 5 hours. 2 Jul 1917 The day passed without incident. Working parties as yesterday. C.O visited 54th Div training school ST JAMES PARK to see a practice trench raid by B coy 3 Jul 1917 Working parties as usual 4 Jul 1917 Working partiues in morning. 1800 1 Coy 1/11th LONDON regt relieved 1 coy 1/4th NORTHAMPTON REGT att to this unit 5 Jul 1917 0800 Working parties as usual. B coy left Div training camp & moved to new batt bivouack area arriving about 1000 6 Jul 1917 The day was spent in preparing their bivouack, resting & bathing. Routine continued & working parties as usual. Information received that a raid on Umbrella Hill would shortly be performed by this unit. 7 Jul 1917 Orders were received that on the 9th the whole battalion would be concentrated at MARINE view on relief, at WELCH & FLINT by the HQ & 2 coys of 1/5th NORFOLK Regt and at MERIONETH & HQ bivouack by HQ & 2 coys of 2nd/5th HANTS. Working parties & routine were continued as usual. 8 Jul 1917 Advance officers from relieving units visited HQ & coys. Work & Routine as before. 9 Jul 1917 - Marine View 0900 1 coy FINSBURY (1/11th LONDON Regt) were relieved by 1 coy 2/5th HANTS & then rejoined their own unit. 1 Platoon of A coy in MERIONETH & D coy in FLINT were relieved by 1 Platoon of 2/5th HANTS & 1 coy 1/5th NORFOLKS respectively. C Coy were relieved at WELCH at 1000 by HQ & 1 coy 1/5th NORFOLKS. Batt HQ were relieved at 1500 by HQ 1/5th HANTS. Batt concentrated in new area. 10 Jul 1917 Training for the raid began. capt C.H.MISKIN assisted by aeroplane photos & plans commenced a replica of Umbrella Hill on which to practice. Capt H.S.ARMSTRONG commenced to train the RAIDERS. An appendix dealing with the orders issued & the details of organisation will be attached. Owing to the lengthy preparation of orders, due to the number of arms & units concerned - RFA, RE, MG units in line superior authority it was considered best to start the general training at once & to complete the details when orders were issued. A patrol of Capt ARMSTRONG, LIEUT B.W.SMYTHE & 2nd Lieut R.H.SMITH & 2 O.Rs spent about 1 1/2 hours in no man's land between our trenches and Umbrella Hill [overwritten and largely unreadable section beginning "A suitable spot for the support..."] 11 Jul 1917 Lt.E.T.Maier commenced training the SUPPORTS. CAPT ARMSTRONG continued to train raiders. 12 Jul 1917 Practice by day & night was continued by both Raiders & Supports in which good practice was made. Dugouts for Battle HQ, aid post & Sig office were started at entrance to K39 Trench. The day passed without incident. 13 Jul 1917 Raid practice by day was continued. Dugouts as yesterday. During both morning & afternoon the enemy shelled the beach with shrapnel using each time a few rounds only. No casualties were suffered by the battalion. 14 Jul 1917 Raid practice continued by day & night a rehearsal of Raiders & Supports in conjunction was arranged & went off satisfactorily. 15 Jul 1917 HOLY COMMUNION 0700. 162 Bde HQ Routine work. Raiders had a rest from practice. Patrol of 2 officers 6 O.Rs went out into no mans land to SE & SW of UMBRELLA HILL and MG opened fire on the SE side. No one was encountered. 16 Jul 1917 During the morning Raid practice continued & in consequence of fresh aeroplane photos the replica, on which practice had been going on, was altered & modifications in personel [sic] made. Some shelling took place on the beach where bathing was in progress. Three small sharpnel fell & one man was slightly wounded. 17 Jul 1917 Raid practice continued & details were discussed by the C.O. & Brigadier. In the evening a practice raid on the replica took place. 18 Jul 1917 Raid practice at night before Brigadier & GSO1 of 54th Div. Conference of left subsection group battery commanders to enable the CO to explain the infantry programme 19 Jul 1917 Raid practice continued especially with 6 new rifle sections which had been added as local reserve to RAIDERS under the orders of G.O.C. E.F. a gap of about 30 yds wide was cut on front trench of Umbrella hill by our Artillery during the afternoon. During the morning the R.S.M. & party had been at work on the dump of stores at the "place of assembly". This was shelled for a time & one sergt was wounded. In view of this shelling being in the nature of registration, the roll call after the Raid was ordered to take place on the wire road in P.31.D.4.3 instead of at the place of assembly. 20 Jul 1917 0540 GOC 162 Bde inspected a rehearsal by the new 6 rifle sections. 0600-1100 R.S.M. & party laid out stores at place of assembly in proper dumps. These stores had been taken up by the T.O. to the entrance of K.M1 communication trench near P.31.D.4.4. The afternoon passed without incident. 1900 The whole raiding party marched arriving at the place of assembly at about 2015. Stores were issued & the party detailed in orders placed the four trench bridges in position & made the gap in our own wire. Everything was quite ready by about 2050 & all stores issued. The raiders left the place of assembly at 2055 in accordance with programme & the raid was carried through very successfully in accordance with programme - details are given in Appendix B. By sheer bad luck the enemy had put up an intense bombardment of 5.9" H.E shells onto a very small area near the place of assembly & almost the whole of the casualties are due to this except for the missing & probably two or three killed in UMBRELLA HILL & perhaps 8 or 10 wounded there. 2145 About this time the Raiders & followed by the supports came back to our front line with so many men & in view of the tremendous noise & dense smoke some confusion was inevitable but the officers & N.C.Os of these parties quickly appreciated the situation & with the assistance of some parties organised by the reserve commander Capt C.H.MISKIN, managed to retain most of their men in our front trench which was comparatively safe as the enemy barrage was plastering a zone some 50 yds to 150 in rear of our front line & on a front of about 200 yds, with occasional shots further to our rear & to the flanks. After some reconnaissance it was found possible to move our men to the flanks i.e. towards SAMSON'S RIDGE & SNIPER'S SPUR along the front line & so out of the barrage. They were then passed down communication trenches or in small parties in the open. The garrison had been relieved & all except wounded evacuated by 0130. 21 Jul 1917 0230 The large number of wounded were evacuated by about 0230. This is dealt with in the appendix. 0330 A patrol of 1 officer & 5 O.rs went in the direction of the BEANFIELD (about 150 yds short of UMBRELLA HILL), but found nothing. Everything was quiet on UMBRELLA HILL. The remnants of the smoke & a thick mist made visibility difficult. 0400 About 0400 a patrol of two went out, just as the dawn & lifting mist enabled one to see. They only stayed out about 10 mins and found 1 dead body - from a former engagement & some equioment which was brought in. During the morning equipment & booty was collected into a dump. The dead of the expedition including RAMC, 1 Div Sig Coy, 1 484 Coy RE & 1 M.G Coy 1 unkown & 16 BEDFORDS were buried in a cemetery near HQ of the Raid viz K 39 trench The remainder of the day was spent in rest & by the officers & NCOs in writing reports, recommendations, transporting the dump & booty. One feature of the reports was that every commander of a Unit from O.C Supports, Reserves & Raiders down to individual "mopping-up sections" was asked for a written report of his own work. These were forwarded to GSO 1 54th Div. 22 Jul 1917 HOLY COMMUNION 0600. Voluntary Service 1730. The day passed without incident. Brig.General A.MUDGE G.O.C. 162nd Bde [overwritten and unreadable] 23 Jul 1917 1700 The day was spent in routine work. At 1700 Major-General S.W.HARE G.O.C. 54th Div presented 19 Military Medals to members of the Raiding party for gallantry in action of the recipients 16 belonged to the unit. 24 Jul 1917 Orders were received that a second raid on UMBRELLA HILL would be executed by the Battalion on the 27th. Preparations were started at once & the various modifications - especially in size of the parties employed were discussed & decided on. Practice started at once & 2 dugouts were started in a special trench off K39. 25 Jul 1917 Raid order No2 - Appendix C - were made out & circulated to all concerned. Practice was pushed on with & good progress was made with dugouts & collecting stores. This was not such an easy task as might appear on the surface, material, safety pins, cotton (for identification armlets) had to be got from CAIRO! 26 Jul 1917 Raid practice continued. Dugouts were completed & stores got up. Profiting by the first raid the dugouts were on unregistered ground - no shell holes about. They were also smaller & fitted with overhead cover to a depth of about 4' 3" of sand. The dump too was made unostentatiously & concealed by sand bags. Wire of enemy was gapped. 27 Jul 1917 The Zero hour was fixed for 2100 as before. At dawn it was found that the gaps which had been cut by our guns in the enemy's wire had been mended in the night. During the afternoon their wire was again cut by the guns. 2100 The battalion concentrated as before in the hollow by K39 & by 2045 all was ready. Zero hour had been fixed for 2100 & in accordance with the programme the bombardment started then & our Raiders & support moved through the gap in our wire. Again our barrage seemed perfect but it did not have the same demoralizing effect as before on the TURKS, who opened fire at 2103 & kept it up till our men dashed into the work at 2106. here a MG was on the parapet firing but it was rushed & passed back to the supports, where the two men detailed to carry it lost it. A stubborn resistance was met with everywhere, but the parties were of a more handy size & there was no confusion but each dashed for its objective & after a number of hard bombing duels the Turks began to give way & everything appeared to be going in our favour when a whistle was blown, it thought by the Turks & as this was taken for our evacuation signal the Raiders & supports withdrew. There had been no time to collect prisoners or booty, but in all some 50 Turks had been killed. Our casualties were 3 killed, 7 missing, 23 wounded including 4 remaining at duty. 2nd Lts COATE & H.W.E.SMITH were also wounded. As before the enemy put down a heavy barrage of H.E on K39 Hollow & a quantity of shrapnel along SAMSON RIDGE & some shrapnel & H.E behind SAMSON RIDGE. Owing however to the more "elastic" arrangements for the return of the Raiding Party few if any casualties occurred in our work & the enemy barrage was successfully negotiated. 2300 A patrol to look for the M.G went out about 2300 & returned about 2330 the M.G was not found, but 2 Turks who fired on the patrol were killed. 28 Jul 1917 0220 All wounded & unwounded were clear of the trenches by 0220. The rest of the day passed without event, two of our dead were buried in our lines. Patrols of 25 O.R & 2 officers searched no mans land from HEREFORD RIDGE to the BEANFIELD at the foot of UMBRELLA HILL without result. 29 Jul 1917 HOLY COMMUNION 0600. Voluntary service 1730. the day passed without incident. 300 men were sent on working parties. 30 Jul 1917 200 men were sent on working parties to various posts the day passed without incident 31 Jul 1917 0630 Musketry practice with the short rifles which were issued on the 22nd under the rearmament of the 54th Div scheme with short rifles. A & B coys used the range. Nothing of interest occurred apart from this. Appendix July STRENGTH 1st July 1917 18 off 750 O.R. STRENGTH 31st July 1917 17 off 690 O.R. APPENDIX A JULY WAR DIARY RAIDING PARTY Order No.1 16 July 17 Ref maps: - (i) GAZA-SHELLAL 1/40,000 (ii) Also tracing of Turkish position on UMBRELLA HILL. Issued to all concerned INFORMATION 1. The enemy holds UMBRELLA HILL, his trenches there form an Advanced Work dome 500 yards in front of his main line of defences and 550 yards from our lines On the North and South the trenches are protected by a line of barbed wire entanglement 2 to 4 yds. broad and 4ft High, and on the West by Knife Rests. The hills on which the work is situated are entirely of sand , their maximum height being about 30ft above the general level of the ground in front. The work appears to consist of a fire trench following the crests of the hills with a trench at the foot of the rear slopes off which short passages lead to dugouts, burrowed into the rear slopes and with numerous communication trenches into the fire trench. Three communication trenches lead back to the main position and a sunken road on the S.E. appears to be used also. Nothing is known of the strength of the garrison nor of the position of machine guns. It is unlikely that there are any deep dugouts or fire trenches other than those on the crests of the hills. All trenches are wide, probably only partially revetted with sandbags and not very deep. INTENTION 2. UMBRELLA HILL (viz. the area enclosed within the lines Z, Y, X, W, V. on the tracing issued) will be raided on the night of 20/21 July, by a Raiding party as detailed in these orders. the garrison will be killed or captured, all enemy arms ammunition, equipment or other material collected or destroyed and the position otself wrecked. Some prisoners for identification will be obtained, also all papers from telephone office or Post H.Q. if located. CONCENTRATION 3. The Raiding Party as per margin [1 Off. 12 O.R. 484th Fd Coy.R.E., 16 Off. 511 O.R. 5th Bedford Regt. Bearer Sub-div. 2/1st E.A.Fd.Amb. R.A.M.C.] (less R.E. and R.A.M.C.Details) organized in parties in accordance with these orders will parade in bivouac area of 1/5th Bedford Regt, ready to move at Zero minus 2 hours and march to the place of assembly (viz. entrance to K.39 via KM2, K35 and K.39, which will be reserved for the use of the Raid from Zero minus 2 hours to Zero plus 2 hours in following order: - Reserve (including parties detailed in paras 8, 10 and 17) in advance. Battn.H.Q. Raiders Support (including party detailed in para 23) Aid Post R.E. and R.A.M.C. Details will join at the place of assembly by Zero minus 1 Hour. RAIDERS 4. The Raiders (strength as per margin) [Cmdr. Capt.H.S.ARMSTRONG 1/5th Bedford Regt. R.E. 1 Off. 12 O.R. 1/5th Bedford Regt. Liuet.H.WILKIN, Lieut.B.W.SMYTHE, Lieut.W.A.SHAW, 2/Lt.R.H.SMITH, 25 O.R. "A" Coy. 115 O.R. "B" Coy, 35 O.R. "C" Coy., 29 O.R. "D" Coy., 6 O.R. Sig.Sect., 12 O.R. Scouts, 9 O.R. S.Bs.] will leave the "point of departure" (viz.Bay 23) at zero minus 5 minutes. The party will march to a point (to be reconnoitred beforehand) from which it can reach the enemy's FRONT TRENCH in 5 minutes. This will be called the "position of deployment". Under cover of the Artillery bombardment lifts the party will leave the "position of deployment" at zero and move on FRONT TRENCH and at zero plus 5 minutes when the artillery bombardment lifts they will enter the enemy's position between points A-B, and rush it in accordance with orders issued by their commander and carefully rehearsed beforehand. 4 Trench Bridges will be placed across our front line trench at fire bay No.23 and our wire rolled back in front so as to form a gap 25yds wide, by 484th Field Coy.R.E. 5. The Support (strength as per margin) SUPPORT(Cmdr.Capt.E.T.MAIER 1/5th Bedford Regt.), Capt.H.W.CRONIN, 2/Lieut.C.F.BUCK, 48 O.R. "A" Coy., 60 O.R., "C" Coy., 9 O.R. "D" Coy., 6 O.R. Sig.Sect., 9 O.R. S.Bs)] will leave the "point of departure" immediately after the Raiders, which it will follow closely to a suitable point (previously reconnoitred) close to the enemy's wire at FRONT TRENCH. At this place the support will take up a position of readiness to form a rallying point for the Raiders (if necessary) - the Commander at once will send out small flanking parties each with a L.G. to the flanks - that on the right to prevent any enemy from working through the wooded country in between SNIPERS SPUR and UMBRELLA HILL and taking either the Raiders or the Support in the flank - that on the left to perform a similar task among the sandhills on that side. Both these flank parties must have careful instructions as to the position of our artillery and machine gun barrage so that they may not go too far. The Support will carry out with it Reserve Stores as per para 7 The Support is intended to form an intermediate station of personnel and material between our own trenches and the enemy position and it will be the duty of the Commander to issue such orders as will ensure that all casualties, prisoners or booty sent back by the Raiders are received at once by him, for evacuation to the rear and their escort or carrying party returned at once to FRONT TRENCH, also that all casualties suffered or stores used by the raiders are replaced at once by sending up the equivalent to FRONT TRENCH. When the Raiders withdraw they will pass through the line of the Support which will then act as rear guard to cover the withdrawal to our own line of the whole of the expedition. RESERVE 6. The Reserve (strength as per margin) [Cmdr. Capt.C.H.MISKIN 1/5th Bedford Regt.), Capt.F.B.HOBBS, 2/Lt.F.J.W.GURNEY, 10 O.Rs A Coy, 2 ORs B Coy, 6 ORs C Coy, 73 ORs D Coy] will be concentrated at the "place of assembly". It will have with it Reserve Stores as per para 7. It will be the duty of the Commander to issue such orders as will ensure that all casualties suffered or stores or reinforcements sent up by the support to the front are replaced by sending forward the equivalent to the Support. The Reserve will also be responsible for the defence (in case of counter attack by the enemy) of Bays 21 to 28 inclusive of our front line trenches, which will be handed over by their proper garrison for use as "point of departure" . It will take over this part of the line from 1/5th Devon Regt at Zero minus 1 1/2 hours and remain responsible until all members of both raiders and Support have been withdrawn within our line, and this proper garrison have taken over again at Zero plus 1 1/2 hours, when it will form a working party to reset the wire in front of our trenches, to take down all trench bridges, and remove all other things which have been used for the purposes of this raid. STORES 7. The following stores will be collected in separate dumps by the R.S.M. 1/5th Bedford Regt. and under his charge at the "place of assembly" by the night of 19/20 July. S.A.A. in bandoliers - Support 1500 - Reserve 3000 S.A.A. full drums for Lewis Gun (3 drums in a canvas carrier) - Support 30 - Reserve 60 Lewis Guns (each with 12 Drums in canvas carriers) - Raiders 3 - Support - 3 - Reserve 3 Bombs, Mills - Raiders 736 - Support 120 (in nosebage containing 15 each) - Reserve 184 (120 in nosebage containing 15 each) Grenades, Rifle - Raiders 8 Wirecutters - Raiders 27 Axes, felling - Raiders 16 Picks - Raiders 4 Bill-hooks - Raiders 22 Torches, electric - Raiders 24 - Reserve 6 Telephones - Raiders 3 - Support 4 - Reserve 4 Wire, telephone - Raiders 800 yds, 400 yds - Support 800 yds Wire (for lead wire with a white tag every 10 yds) - Support 800 yds Pistols, Very 1" - Raiders 11 - Support 4 - Reserve 4 Lights, Very, White 1" - Raiders 66 - Support 24 - Reserve 24 Lights, Very, Red 1" - Raiders 110 - Support 20 - Reserve 50 (includes 30 for Lt.Hucklesby's party) Stretchers - Raiders 4 - Support 8 - Reserve 16 Field Panniers - Reserve 2 DRESS & EQUIPMENT 8. All ranks will wear jackets, shorts and puttees. helmets (wit hchin straps down). equioment without pack, haversack, waterbottle or entrenching tool and handle, 120 rds S.A.A. each L.G. Team will have 12 full drums in canvas carriers. bayonets will be fixed by all at the place of assembly (except men who are ordered to have rifles slung) Two sandbags will be carried on the belt. All possible marks of identification will be removed (including both identity discs). No papers, letters, envelopes or notes of any sort are to be carried on the pewrson. All ranks wil lwear a white armlet 3" wide securely fastened on each arm. These armlets will be numbered consecutively in indelible pencil and registered with the regimental number rank and name of the wearer, in a special roll to be perpared beforehand and kept at the "place of assembly" by party as per margin [C.S.M. LEWZEY, O.R. "A" Coy. 4 1/5th Bedford Regt.] This party will come under the orders of the O.C.reserve All wirecutters carried will be securely fastened to the person with a lanyard long enough to allow them to be used without detachment. The same rule will apply to VERY Pistols, revolvers, whistles and the like. IDENTIFICATION OF ENEMY POSITION 9. The Raiders will carry with them white name boards wit hclear black lettering in accordance with the tracing of Turkish position issued. the boards will be placed under careful supervision as the position is captured to assist all ranks in finding their way about the enemy position. Similar boards wil lalso be used in the replica of the position during rehearsals. it is to be carefully explained to all ranks that while every care has to be taken to construct correctly the replica of the position used during regearsals - there may be certain points in which it is not quite accurate, also the contour of the ground on which it is situated is known to be different. PRISONERS & BOOTY 10. A receiving station (as per margin) R.S.M. Provost-Sergeant O.R. "A" Coy. 10 1/5th Bedford Regt.] for prisoners and booty will be established at the place of assembly to come under teh orders of the O.C.Reserve. Prisoners and booty taken will be sent back immediately to the Support. They will be handed over and their escort returned at once to FRONT TRENCH. A party from the Support will take them and hand them over to the R.S.M. after which this escort will return at once to the Support. MEDICAL 11. Aid Post (strength as per margin) [R.M.O. 2 O.R. R.A.M.C. attached 1/5th Bedford Regt. Bearer Subdiv. 2/1st E.A. Fd.Amb.RAMC] will be established at the place of assembly. There will be a Reserve of 16 stretchers here. Immediately a full stretcher comes in, it will be replaced by an empty one and the stretcher party returned with it at once to their position with the Support. Casualties will be evacuated as soon as possible under arrangements to be made by O.C. Bearer Sub-div. He will not in the first instance, have his transport further forward than the entrance to KM1 Regimental Stretcher Bearers will carry no rifle or equipment, but will each carry 200 rounds S.A.A. in bandoliers to be handed over (if necessary) whenever they are at their most forward point. All stretchers will be carried open so that they may be ready for use in the dark without delay. ARTILLERY SUPPORT 12. (i) The Artillery will cut three gaps in the enemy's wire in front of FRONT TRENCH, between points A and B by 1800 on 20th July (ii) At zero minus 5 minutes the 8" Howitzers will shell DUGOUT ALLEY (iii) At zero the Artillery will open an intense bombardment of the enemy's position, including the bushes between SNIPERS SPUR and UMBRELLA HILL, creeping back clear of the Area to be raided and form a box barrage around it, remaining until withdrawal is complete. (iv) The Artillery will also shell points in the enemy's main position from which it is thought he may bring M.G. fire to bear on UMBRELLA HILL or its approaches. Detailed programme of Artillery support can be seen by all concerned at H.Q., 1/5th Bedford Regt. M.G. SUPPORT 13. M.G.Positions will be selected and prepared from which a box barrage can be formed round the area to be raided as follows: - Right Flank. Extending to the enemy's main line trenches near the CAIRO-GAZA Road. Left Flank. Extending to the enemy's main line trenches near P.33.a.6.9. No bullet from teh right or left flank barrage will fall within 250 yards of a straight line drawn from P.32.c.9.6. to P.32.b.7.2. Overhead. On the enemy's position from P.33.b.2.2. to P.33.a.9.9. and on communication trench running back from P.33.a.5.9. Plan showing M.G.Barrage in detail can be seen by all concerned at H.Q. 1/5th Bedford Regt. M.G.Fire forming the above box barrage will begin at zero plus 5 minutes and continue until zero plus 50 minutes. DIVERSIONS 14. (i) Artillery fire will be opened from the SHEIKH ABBAS SECTOR. (ii) Musketry fire will be opened from our front line against the enemy's front from OUTPOST HILL to the PLANTATION at R.3.B central from zero plus 5 minutes to zero plus 50 minutes. (iii) Musketry fire will be opened from our front against the enemy front from P.27.central to EL ARISH REDOUBT and also on ZOWAID TRENCH from zero plus 5 minutes to zero plus 50 minutes. (iv) Two Red Very Lights and one white Very Parachute Light will be fired simultaneously from JONES' POST at Zero plus 5 minutes. CO-OPERATION WITH ARTILLERY AND ACTION OF RAIDERS GENERALLY 15. All ranks of the Raiders are to be carefully taught that they must keep right up to the Artillery barrage - that it is quite safe to keep within 100 yds of our H.E. and to get to such a point that our shrapnel bursts immediately overhead. the success of the whole operation depends on the Raiders dashing into the enemy trenches as the barrage lifts, and before the enemy has time to recover from it. There also will be a considerable amountr of overhead M.G. fire from our own lines. This will sound very close bu tall ranks are perfectly safe from this within the limits rehearsed, either in the trenches or on top in the enemy's position. While the majority of the Raiders will be prepared to act as bombers if necessary, it is to be taught that the bayonet is to be used primarily and bombing only resorted to if progress cannot be made otherwise. Bombing is too slow - a determined rush with the bayonet stands a much better chance of success and with less risk of casualties to ourselves. Rifles will have magazines charged with cutoffs closed and nothing in the chamber, men will not fire except as a last resort, all situations will be met by a determined rush with the bayonet. PASSWORD 16. A password will be used and this will be communicated to all rabks before marching away from the bivouac area. WITHDRAWAL 17. The Raiders wil lwithdraw at zero plus 35 minutes unless the work having been completed quicker than is expected, O.C. raiders decides to withdraw earlier. In ether case a signal will be given by firing a succession of Red Very Lights in the enemy work as quickly as possible. This signal will be given only by that Officer who is, or has become the senior officer in the enemy's work. On this signal the withdrawal will be conducted i naccordance with orders to be issued by O.C.Raiders and rehearsed beforehand. The signal will be repeated from the South end of the Spur on which FLINTSHIRE REDOUBT is situated by a party (as per margin) [2/Lt.HUCKLESBY, 2 O.R.Sig.Sect. 1/5th Bedford Regt.] This party will come under the orders of O.C.Reserve. ROLL CALL 18. All ranks of Raiders, Support and Reserve, will answer their names after withdrawal at the "place of assembly" and be ticked off the roll by the party detailed in para.8. care must be taken that any casualties evacuated during operations are reported at once by the M.O. to W.O. i/c roll - also that any man sent back from the place of assembly for any purpose whatever report to this W.O. both on their departure and return. O.C.Reserve will post policemen in communication trenches to ensure that this is done. WARNING TO ALL RANKS 19. It is to be made perfectly clear to all ranks that the enemy's line lies to the east and that our lin lies to the west and men are to be tested to see that they know how to find their direction by the stars. They are also to be instructed to note the direction of the signal fired from FLINTSHIRE REDOUBT. Every man is to be warned if inadvertantly he should be taken prisoner by the enemy he is obliged to give his Regimental No., Rank, Name and Regiment. All ranks are also to be cautioned not to take any notice of any order shouted out or whistle blown unless they are absolutely sure that it is given by one of our own side, who, from his position, is entitled to give it, and that it is meant for them RATIONS 20. The Q.M. 1/5th Bedford Regt wil larrange that all ranks are given a hot meal before parade on the evening of 20 July and for the issue of soup to all after the operation. SANITARY 21. The R.M.O. 1/5th Bedford Regt. will arrange for additional latrine accommodation at the place of assembly from zero minus two hours to zero plus 2 hours. he will order up the necessary equipment and personnel from 1/5th Bedford Regt. TIME 22. Divisional Time will be sent to all Signal Office at 1200 and again at 1800 on 20th July, and all watches will be synchronized. In addition the Adjutant 1/5th Bedford Regt wil lreport at 162nd Bde.H.Q. at 1800 to synchronize watches personally with the Brigade Major, after which he wil lcheck the synchronization of all watched of the Raiding Party. The greatest care is to be taken about this. All ranks are warned than an error of only 15 seconds may jeopardise the whole operation. COMMUNICATIONS 23. In addition to ordinary telephone communication a lead wire (with white tags every 10yds) will be run out from the point of departure through the Support to FRONT TRENCH by the party as per margin [Sergt MANNING. 6 O.R. "C" Coy. 1/5th Bedford Regt.] having laid this wire the party will then be posted at intervals along it to see it is not broken and to direct any man who may be i ndoubt as to his way. On withdrawal this party will roll up or otherwise dispose of this wire. They will come under the orders of the O.C.Support. REPORTS 24. Battn. Report Centre (strength as per margin) [C.O.Adjut. Sig.Sergt. Bn.Bombing Ofr. (BN.Observation Ofr.) Bde Intell Ofr. Artillery Liaison Officer, Interpreter, Det. 162 Bde.Sig.Sect. 4 O.R. "A" Coy. 1 O.R. "B" Coy. 1 O.R. C Coy. 9 O.R. D Coy. 6 O.R. Sig.Sect.] will be established at the place of assembly at zero minus 1 hour on 20th July. All reports will be sent there. 25. OC Support wil ldetail an officer to bring back a full description of the enemy's wire in all possible detail. This is to include samples of wire and stakes and suggestions as to best method of rapid Passage through - whether by cutting with wire cutters or axes ot by carrying ladders, blankets, matting, mattresses or what not in order to pass through it without cutting. 26. ACKNOWLEDGE Appendix B War Diary 1/5th BEDFORDS July 1917 Ref. plan attached to RAIDING PARTY ORDER No 1. In accordance with orders received the party detailed for the Raid assembled at the entrance to K39 trench at about 2015. Stores were issued, 4 bridges thrown across our trenches, our own wire gapped & all preliminaries completed by 2050 at P.32.C.9.5 (Ref SHEET AJLIN 1/10,000) The night was then dark & everywhere along the line things were quite quiet. Zero was fixed for 2100. At 2055 two flashes in the distance were seen & after what seemed a long time two dull roars & a heavy droning noise growing louder & louder were heard, then two vivid flashes on UMBRELLA HILL followed almost at once the tremendous crash of 2, 8" shells exploding shook the night. Two minutes of silence then two more 8" shells: Two more minutes & yet another pair hurtled over. A minute more & at Zero started a veritable inferno. Flashes all over the sky from the guns behind & from the shells bursting in front lit up UMBRELLA HILL & showed that it was wreathed in a bank of smoke which grew denser each moment. The noise was deafening so that when the Machine Gun barrage from 24 guns started at 2105, at first there appeared to be little more added to the din than the noise of a stick being run over a split-oak fence & later, one was quite oblivious of any M.G fire at all. At 2100 the Raiders closely followed by the supports moved quickly over the trench bridges & disappeared through the gap in our wire. So rapid was the advance across "no-man's land" that it was found necessary to halt for 1 minute at the BEANFIELD. At 2106, a minute ahead of time, the screen under Lieut B.W.SMYTHE dashed up to the wire with the shrapnel of our barrage bursting right over their head & soon found the gaps in the wire. They shouted through the smoke to the Raiders, who though close on their heels were quite invisible & so guided , the [sic] later dashed into FRONT TRENCH at about 2107, bayoneted the few TURKS who offered any resistence & captured a Machine Gun which was found in position. Having arrived & established touch with the enemy, capt H.S.ARMSTRONG fixed his HQ & the various parties as detailed in orders, began to move to their allotted objectives, though at first some confusion occurred owing to the dense smoke & the large number of men crowded together. LT B.W.SMYTHE after his first task of guiding the Raiders through the gap had been accomplished, collected a small party & dashed across the open to CROSS CUT which he cleared & made good thus affording a measure of local protection while the deployment mentioned above took place. To follow briefly the fortunes of various parties. The LEFT SECTOR party under LIEUT W.A.SHAW moved along SIDE TRENCH, SILK ALLEY & finally obtained touch with RIGHT SECTOR at TASSEL CORNER. Bombing sections were quickly pushed up COVER ALLEY & SIDE TRENCH. So thoroughly demoralised were the Turks in most cases that they had to be bombed in their dugouts, each of which contained from 3 to 6 & refused to come out or indeed to do anything except cower down on the ground. A few TURKS offered resistance in COVER ALLEY but they were speedily overcome. Soon after the evacuation signal went & in consequence the time was found insufficient for reaching STICK ALLEY & POINT TRENCH. The RIGHT SECTOR party under 2nd LIEUT R.H.SMITH entered the enemy trenches at STAY ALLEY, passed through ECHELON & made for TASSEL CORNER, where there was some congestion of troops. DUG-OUT ALLEY was then visited & a large number of TURKS killed. As before little resistance was encountered. When the evacuation signal went this party had just reached the bottom of DUGOUT ALLEY. Meanwhile a section of bombers had been working successfully along ECHELON TRENCH. They killed some 10 TURKS & took several prisoners. A large MINENWERFER was met with & being far too bulky for removal, was put out of action very ingeniously by the Section who exploded bombs in its working parts. While these parties had been at work killing or capturing the garrison, a party of R.E.s under LT.MENDHAM 484th Field Coy RE had been systematically destroying the enemy works & wrecking the trenches. They left several heavy charges of gun cotton in the principal dug-outs which were exploded subsequent to the evacuation by time fuses. Soon after the RAID started, the enemy began to shell the Hollow about 50 yds in rear of our front line at K39 very heavily with 5.9" H.E shelld & some shrapnel from much smaller guns. It was afterwards calculated that about 500 shells fell during the night here. By sheer bad luck the shelling was limited to an area of little more than 150 yds radius & in that was situated the sginal office, HQ dugout & aid post. The area was fairly full of people, Orderlies, stretcher bearers, a dump party & HQ details found themselves in the open under this heavy fire. For about two hours an intense bombardment was maintained, the heavy shells falling in salvoes at first & later in quick succession. Later the bombardment died down to intermittent shelling with a single gun & this finally died down altogether. During the bombardment candles were continually blown out by the concussion, wounded were killed in some cases at the aid post & the dense smoke rendered the evacuation of wounded a matter of great difficulty. Though it was successfully carried out & by 0230 all the wounded had been evacuated. When it was perceived that the returning Raiders & Supports would suffer heavily if allowed to enter the shelled area, which practically did not touch our front line, parties were organised by the Reserve Commander Capt C.H.MISKIN who was wounded while so engaged, to direct then. Partly owing to this organisation & partly owing to the control still exercised by the officers over the raiders & supports most of these were held up at our front line & after a short interval worked away to the left flank & evacuated by the communication trenches leading back from the neighbourhood of SAMSON RIDGE. Many casualties were undoubtedly avoided in this manner. About 0100 it was found possible to hand over the defence of bays 21-28 to the 5th DEVONS & our reserves were withdrawn except for a small party repairing our wire & those attending to the wounded. An officers patrol of 6 worked in no man's land for an hour in search of wounded & dead but none were found. By this time a thick mist had added to the difficulty to seeing anything so no good could be done. At dawn & just before the mist lifted a patrol of two went out again for a short time. A revolver & some equipment was found, but none of our casualties. General a) Casualties were killed wounded missing (excluding other units) [no figures given] b) Artillery Support. This was perfect & completely demoralised the TURKS. Not one of our men were hit by our own guns. c) Machine Gun barrage also worked without a hitch d) COMMUNICATIONS. The elaborate system of telephones was found of little value at any rate forward of Battalion Battle HQ. Nothing could be heard & the wires were soon cut. e) BOOTY was brought in as under 25 Rifles 6 Bayonets 1 Revolver 1 M.G on sledge mounting complete 7 belt boxes 6 full belts 1 37m/m gun 79 shells for do. 1 bag of spare parts 1 set of equiopment 2 Gas masks f) Enemy Casualties. No count was possible in COVER ALLEY & STAY ALLEY & those killed by our guns are not included. the counted casualties are: ECHELON TRENCH 24, FRONT TRENCH & CROSS CUT 15. Side TRENCH 1 officer, 30 O.Rs. DUGOUT ALLEY 35 Total 105. Trench Map of Umbrella Hill position showing: Front Trench; Stay Alley; Rib Alley; Side Trench; Point Trench; Handle Alley; Stick Alley; Button Alley; Birch Alley; Dug-out Alley; Cover Alley; Cross-Cut; Echelon Trench; Ferrule Alley; Tassel Corner Appendix C July WAR DIARY RAIDING PARTY Order No.2 Ref Maps: - (i) GAZA-SHELLAL, 1/40,000. (ii) Also tracing of Turkish position on UMBRELLA HILL issued to all concerned 25th July 1917 INFORMATION 1.The enemy still holds UMBRELLA HILL, and his trenches there are being repaired on much the same plan as before the first raid, except that a trench is being made outside SIDE TRENCH at the foot the razor-back hill. Prisoners report that there are still 3 Machine Guns and 3 Mortars in the works, also one light 37 m.m. quick-firing gun> INTENTION 2. The Raid on UMBRELLA HILL as already carried out will be repeated on Zero night, with such slight alterations as appear in these orders. owing to shortness of time and the fact that the same troops will be engaged it is not thought necessary to repeat all orders in full. CONCENTRATION 3. The Raiding Party (as per margin) [1 Off. 2 O.R. 484 Fd.Coy.R.E. 12 Off. 268 O.R. 1/5th Bedford R. Bearer Subdiv. 2/1st E.A.Fd.Amb.R.A.M.C.] wil lconcentrate near K.39 which will be the place of deployment, ready to move out from our front line trenches at zero. Communication trenches KM1, K33, K35 and K39 will be reserved for the use of the Raid from zero minus 1 1/2 hours to zero plus 2 hours. RAIDERS 4. The raiders (strength as per margin) [Cmdr.Capt.H.S.ARMSTRONG. 1/5th Bedford Regt. R.E. 1 Off. 7 O.R. 1/5th Bedford Regt. Lieut.W.A.SHAW, 2/Lt.R.H.SMITH, 2/Lt.M.A.STRUGNELL, 2/LT.T.A.J.COATE, 29 O.R. A Coy., 20 O.R. B Coy., 22 O.R. C Coy., 20 O.R. D Coy. 12 O.R. Scouts. 9 O.R. S.Bs] will leave the point of deployment at zero and march straight to FRONT TRENCH under cover of the Artillery bombardment. At zero plus 7 minutes when the artillery bombardment lifts they will enter the enemy's work as before and in accordance with orders issued by their commander and carefully rehearsed beforehand. Trench Bridge will be placed across our front line trenches and wire rolled back as before by 484th Field Coy.R.E. SUPPORT 5. The Support (strength as per margin) [Cmdr.Capt.E.T.MAIER 1/5th Bedford Regt. Capt.F.B.HOBBS. 2/Lt.H.W.E.SMITH 3 O.R. A Coy., 66 O.R. C Coy, 3 O.R. D Coy.] will follow the Raiders closely to the enemy's wire at FRONT TRENCH. The Support will act as a rallying point and rear guard when the Raiders withdraw, as before. An Officer will be detailed to report on and bring back a full description of the enemy's wire. TRENCH PARTY 6. A Party (as per margin) [2/Lt.J.J.W.GURNEY 5th Bedford Regt) R.S.M. 30 O.R. A Coy., 15 O.R. B Coy., 15 O.R. D Coy.] will be distributed at intervals in our own trenches from SNIPERS SPUR to SAMSONS RIDGE (both inclusive) t oassist the raiders and support after withdrawal, and to direct them the best way through our own lines in case of hostile barrage behind our lines STORES 7. The following stores will be collected by the R.S.M. 1/5th Bedford Regt. between MERIONETH REDOUBT and K35 ready to issue on Zero night. Bombs, Mills - Raiders 505 - Support 135 Grenades, Rifle - Raiders 32 Rifles, Grenadier - Raiders 4 Torches - Raiders 30 - Support 3 Whistles - Raiders 21 Billhooks - Raiders 8 Axes - Raiders 12 - Support 1 Wirecutters - Raiders 50 - Support 3 Very Pistols 1" - Raiders 6 - Support 2 Lights, Very, 1" (white) Raiders 36 - Support 12 Lewis Guns (with 12 drums in canvas carriers) - Support 1 Stretchers - Raiders 4 - Support 6 Trench Stretchers - Trench Party 16 Field Panniers - Trench Party 2 Acetylene lamp - Trench Party 1 DRESS & EQUIPMENT 8. As before. the checking party (as per margin) [C.S.M.LEWZEY, 4 O.R. 1/5th Bedford Regt.] will be stationed at the junction of the wire road just south of WELSH REDOUBT - in order that the communication trenches through FLINT REDOUBT may be used for withdrawal if necessary. IDENTIFICATION OF ENEMY POSITION 9. The replica will be used for rehearsals and the same names as before, but no attempt will be made to carry name boards. PRISONERS & BOOTY 10. Prisoners will be evacuated to the Brigade Compound under the parties who bring them in. Booty will be handed over to the R.S.M. 1/5th Bedford Regt. and his party and colelcted at a convenient point in our line for reemoval later. MEDICAL 11. The R.M.O., 1/5th Bedford Regt. and party as per margin [R.M.O. 6 O.R. 2 O.R. R.A.M.C. attached, Bearer Subdiv. 2/1st E.A.Fd.Amb.R.A.M.C.] will work in the front line trenches, having a call station near head of K33 and a reserve of 16 trench stretchers there. Should he leave this point he will leave runners who know where he is. He will also have with him runners so that he may call up additional assistance from the Bearer Subdiv. should it be necessary. Bearer Subdiv. will be stationed in MERIONETH REDOUBT (KM8) in the first instance. Casualties will be evacuated as before under arrangements to be made by O.C.Bearer Subdiv. ARTILLERY SUPPORT 12. The Artillery programme will be repeated as before except that the bombardment will last for 7 minutes from zero, and there will be no firing before zero. M.G.SUPPORT 13. A M.G. Barrage as before will be formed but the flank barrage will be shut off at zero plus 37 minutes to give the Raiders greater freedom in withdrawing DIVERSIONS 14. As before, except that the Artillery Bombardment of OUTPOST HILL wll begin at zero. At zero plus 7 minutes, three Red Lights in succession will be fired from JONES' POST and answered at once from the vicinity of LEES HILL. WITHDRAWAL 15. The Raiders will withdraw at zero plus 37 minutes on a whistle signal to be given in the work by the Commander and repeated by all Officers. This signal will be carefully taught to all ranks. O.C.raiders may withdraw before this time if he thinks necessary, but under no circumstances may he remain longer. At zero plus 37 minutes a white light will be displayed from the south end of the spur on which FLINTSHIRE REDOUBT is situated by the party (as per margin) [2/Lt.A.G.HUCKLESBY 2 O.R. Sig.Sect. 1/5th Bedford Regt] to assist any men who may have become and lost their way. This will remain visible for 1/2 hour. TIME 16. Divisional Time will be sent out through Signal Offices as before at 1200 and 1800 on zero day. The same arrangement as to synchronization of watches will be made and the greatest care is to be taken over it. COMMUNICATIONS 17. Telephone communication with the Raiders and Support will not be attempted but a lead wire will be run out as before by the party as per margin [Sergt.J.LOVELL, 6 O.R. C Coy. 1/5th Bedford R.] but all ranks are warned that although this will be the most directway to our trenches, it may be advisable to avoid it if the enemy brings down a barrage fire. REPORTS 18. Battn. Battle H.Q. (strength as per margin) [C.O. Adjutant Arty.Liaison Ofr. M.G.Liaison Ofr. Det.162 Bde.Sig.Sect. 1 O.R. A Coy. 1 O.R. B Coy. 2 O.R. D Coy.] will be established in the first instance in K33, at zero minus 1/2 hour. If circumstances render it necessary it may be moved to some point in our front trenches between SNIPERS SPUR and SAMSON RIDGE (both inclusive). Touch will be maintained through the party referred to in para 6. O.C.Raiders and Support will report in person on their return 19. ACKNOWLEDGE
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