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    WAR DIARY FOR JANUARY 1918 1 Jan 1918 - Bailleulmont The Battalion was relieved by the 1st LEICESTERSHIRE Regiment 71st Brigade. On relief coys marched independently to their new billets in BAILLEULMONT. Route taken by coys was AYETTE - DOUCHY-LES-AYETTE - ADINFAR [sic] - RANSART - BELLACOURT - BASSEUX - BAILLEUVAL [sic] to BAILLEULMONT. Roads were in a bad condition owing to frost. The march was done ingood time by the battalion and no men fell out during the march. At 6P.M all coys and transport were reported in billets. Condition of billet good A&B Coys in huts with C&D coys & H.Qrs in barns all men wire beds. 2 Jan 1918 Coys at disposal of Coy Commanders for training as per programme issued from 9AM to 1 P.M. Afternoon devoted to games. 3 Jan 1918 Training by companies as per programme. 24 O.R arraived from DIV WING. 4 Jan 1918 Training by companies as per programme 5 Jan 1918 Training by companies as per programme 6 Jan 1918 Training by companies as per programme. 29 O.R. arrived from DIV WING also Captain ELLIOTT who took over command of 'C' Coy from Captain WRIGHT. 7 Jan 1918 Training by companies as per programme Commanding officer inspected new drafts. 8 Jan 1918 Training by companies as per programme. 9 Jan 1918 Training as per programme 2/Lt SMITH rejoined from DIV WING. 10 Jan 1918 The Battalion alloted baths at BAILLEULVAL during the day 40 O.R. were bathed and received clean clothing 40 O.R. A boxing bout was held in afternoon which was very well attended and some excellent boxing was out up by the men taking part. 11 Jan 1918 Training as per programme mostly carried out in billets wing to weather. 12 Jan 1918 Bn. parade & march to BAILLEULVAL where presentation parade of medals was held by General Officer Commanding 6th DIVISION. The following were presented with MILITARY MEDAL for operations round CAMBRAI. a.C.S.M. Walker P. 'A' Coy Lce Cpl Mills A.J. 'A' Coy Sgt Freer R. 'D' Coy Captain NIXON & 2/Lt Whitbourn to Rest Camp III Corps 5 O.R joined from DIVISION WING. 13 Jan 1918 Church parade service. LC Goody to Corps Gas school. 14 Jan 1918 Battalion exercise carried out during forenoon afternoon devoted to games. 15 Jan 1918 Training as per programme Afternoon devoted to games. 16 Jan 1918 Training as per programme Afternoon devoted to games. 17 Jan 1918 Training under Coy Commanders two Companies A & C firing on Range Brigadier General went round all coys at work during the forenoon. Afternoon games. 18 Jan 1918 Training under Coy Commanders Coy attack practice carried out by 'B' Coy. 4 O.R arrived from Divisional Wing. 19 Jan 1918 Battalion exercise under Commanding Officer (Major Saunders) during forenoon 20 Jan 1918 - Courcelles-le-Comte The Battalion proceeded by march route to billets at COURCELLES-LE-COMTE (LENS II) marching off at 8AM Route was BAILLEULVAL - BASSEUX - RANSART - ADINFER - AYETTE - COURCELLES-LE-COMTE Billets taken over were in a good condition. The marching of the Bn. was good throughout. Transport moved with battalion. 21 Jan 1918 - Lebucquiere The battalion marched to billets at LEBUCQUIERE parading at 7.15AM route ACHIET-LE-GRAND - BHIUCOURT [sic] - BAPAUME - FREMICOURT - LEBUCQUIERE (Sheet 57c) The battalion marched by companies at intervals of 100 y Transport moved in rear of Bn. in two portions. The marching was god throughout and very few men fell out. Lt & Qr.Mst.Rutherford evacuated to Hospital. Lt Martin to Hospital, 22 Jan 1918 Companies carried out inspections during the forenoon. Officers reconnoitred assembly pisitions N. & S. of CAMBRAI ROAD which the battalion is to form up on in case of enemy attack. 13 O.R. joined from DIV WING. 5.O.R. admitted to Hosp. 9 officers & 400 O.R. furnished by Bn. to bury cables under direction of 6th Div Signals 23 Jan 1918 Company parades Officers again reconnoitred route to Assembly positions. 1 off 65 O R furnished by Bn. to work under direction of 252nd Tunnelling Coy on Dug-outs. Captain PARES awarded MILITARY CROSS. 24 Jan 1918 Commanding officers conference as regards defence scheme, Coy Commanders had parade for training from 9 AM to 12.30 PM under Coy arrangements. 9 off, 400 O.R. furnished by Bn. to work under officer of 6th Div Signals burying cables. 25 Jan 1918 Baths alloted to Bn. for one & half hours 150 O R had bath & clean clothing 1 sgt 15 O.R. proceeded to TANK CORP 2 O.R. to Dib Employment Coy. Battalion entertainment in CINEMA Hut Battalion relieved 4 working parties of the 9th SUFFOLK REGIMENT in the following positions 'A' Coy 1 off (Mr.Hughes) 40 O.R. at J.12.a.6.7. B Coy (Mr.Ambridge) 40 O.R. at J.6.c.6.2. 'C' Coy (Mr Williams) 40 O.R. at J.5.A.8.3. 'D' Coy (Mr Bradfield) 40 O.R. J.17.A.8.6. Ref sheet 57c Enemy carried out bombing raids on our back area in early part of the evening. 26 Jan 1918 Coys at training under Coy arrangements. Coy commanders reconnoitred positions of their respective working parties in forenoon. 'A' Coy furnished 2 off & 2 platoons (Mr.Balls & Mr.Poulter) to relieve 2 platoons of the 9th NORFOLK Regt. in SUNKEN ROAD about J.23.A.30.40 to J.22.b.90.90 Ref sheet 57c and came under direct orders of O.C. 1st The Buffs. This party moved off at 5.15 P.M. Mr.Wilson & 2 O.R. proceeded for course at 59th Squadron R.F.C. COURCELLES. 27 Jan 1918 10.30AM Parade service under Commanding Officer (Major Saunders) for all men not in line 2nd in Command (Capt PARES MC) and signalling officer (Mr.Lapper) reconnoitred the position of the 2 platoons of 'A' Coy. Coy Sgt MAJOR Garrod M.N. interviewed by 6th Div General with a view of being recommended for Temporary Commission. 28 Jan 1918 Parades under Coy arrangements. Battalion had entertainment in Cinema Hut given by 6th Div "FANCIES" I N.C.O. & 15 O.R working under Town MAJOR. 29 Jan 1918 Parades under Coy arrangements Commanding Officer & Lewis Gun officer (MAJOR SAUNDERS & 2/Lt OAKLEY) reconnoitred all the working parties in forward area. 1 off 40 O.R. (2/Lt Kinkead MC) of 'D' Coy relieved the platoon of 'A' Coy in line under 2/Lt Hughes. platoon of 'C' Coy under 2/Lt WILLIAMS moved to 16th BDE. H.Q. for work on new dug-outs 2/Lt Wilson from R.F.C. course. 30 Jan 1918 Parade under the Commanding Officer at 10.15 AM when letters of appreciation were read out to the Bn. from the major General Commanding 6th Div and the Brigadier General Commanding 16th.I.B. Working parties as follows were supplied by the B. 1 NCO & 15 OR under Town MAJOR. 2 N C O & 40 OR on Brigade Grenade school. 1 off & 100 O.R. under direction of R E on intermediate line. Lt LAPPER proceeded to ENGLAND for 6 months tour of duty. Copy of speech attached to War Diary. 31 Jan 1918 Parades under coy arrangements. The following working parties were furnished by the Battalion 1 NCO & 15 O.R. Town Majors fatigue 2 NCO & 40 OR working on Brigade Grenade school. 4 officers & 100 O.R. working on intermediate line under R.E. 1 officer (2/Lt Ambridge) & 2 O.R. proceeded to Third Army Musketry course 1.O R to Pigeon course at 6th Div H.Q. GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, BRITISH ARMIES IN FRANCE. 20th January, 1918. My dear Byng, The situation with regard to man-power has rendered it impossible to maintain all the units now in the field, and in consequence the Army Council have issued orders that a large number of battalions must be broken up. I wish, through you, to convey to the Commanders and all ranks of the battalions about to be disbanded my great regret that this step should have been found necessary. I know how deeply officers and men will feel the severance of the ties binding them to the units in which they have served and fought with such splended [sic] gallantry and success and with which they had hoped eventually to return home after the great struggles had been won and their task achieved. But I know also that since this reorganisation has to be it will be accepted with the loyalty and devotion with which every trial has been met by British officers and men throughout the war. Please convey to the officers and other ranks concerned, with my deep appreciation of their services in the past, my confidence that they will accept this disappointment in the right spirit and will give to the new units to which they are transferred the same devotion and espirit-de-corps that they gave to those they have been with until now. Your very truly D.HAIG Gen, Sir J.H.G.BYNG K.C.B., K.C.M.G., M.V.O., Commanding Third Army. SECRET Third Army A/A/10492 IV Corps A.958 6th Divn. A/11068 16th I.B. A.106/3 IV Corps The Army Commander directs that a copy of the Commander-in-Chief's letter is to be sent to the Commanding Officer of every battalion which is to be broken up, to be communicated verbally to all ranks of the battalion. (Sd) A.F.SILLEM , Major-General D.A. & Q.M.G. Third Army H.Qrs. Third Army 25.1.1918 -----------------2-------------------- 6th Division For information and communication to all ranks (Sd) L.B.JENNER, Major, D.A.A.G., IV Corps 26.1.1918 ------------------3-------------------- Officer Commanding, 8th Bedfordshire Regiment (thro' 16th I.Bde.) In forwarding the attached correspondence, the Major-General Commanding regrets that is has been found necessary to break up the 8th Bedfordshire Regiment, and he wishes to express to the Officers, N.C.Os. and men his high appreciation of the services rendered by the Battalion during the time it has been with the Division. The splendid gallantry with which it has fought and the loyalty with which it has served has been in keeping with the highest traditions of the British Army. (Sd) P.HUDSON, Lieut. Colonel, A.A. & Q.M.G. 6th Division 29.1.1918 After serving with the 8th Bedfordshire Regiment for 26 months the other units of the Brigade will sadly miss the Battalion. Its conduct in action and in the line has taught them to have every confidence in it. The Battalion did practically all its fighting in the 16th Infantry Brigade and it leaves a record of which the Brigade is proud. (Sd) H.T.WALKER, Brig. General Commg. 16th Infantry Brigade. 29.1.1918
  • Date free text
    1-31 Jan 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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