- ReferenceX550/9/1/1712
- TitleWAR DIARY FOR DECEMBER 1917 1 Dec 1917 - Lincoln Avenue 2AM Order received to withdraw Battn from VILLERS PLOUICH - BEAUCAMP line and to move to DEAD MANS CORNER 4AM Battn started to move to DEAD MANS CORNER by companies taking a route VIA LINCOLN AVENUE. During this move all was quiet and the Battn. arrived without suffering any csualties and were reported in their new position about 6AM. 6AM Battn. took up a position on BORDER RIDGE with left on Q24 central and Right on R.23.D.5.0. and dug in. 'B' Coy and 'D' Coy holding front line with 'C' Coy and 'A' Coy in Support in LINCOLN AVENUE. This position was held until the afternoon when orders were issued to withdraw. 3.30PM Orders were received from 16th I.B. that the battn. would withdraw to LINCOLN AVENUE prior to move early following morning. The two companies in front line started to withdraw at 5.P.M. 6.45P.M. Orders were received from 16th IB. that the Battn. would move early the following morning and would be responsible for the defence of HIGHLAND RIDGE against attack from the EAST. 2 Dec 1917 - Plush Trench and Marcoing to Ribecourt-la-Tour Road 1 A.M. Orders re the defence of HIGHLAND RIDGE were cancelled and the battn. ordered to move to PLUSH TRENCH and take up a position from Q.6.B.50.25 to junction of PLUSH TRENCH with HIGHLAND ROAD, Battn. moved off by companies at 5 minutes interval leading coy ('A') moving off at 2.15 A.M. route taken VIA LINCOLN AVENUE. 6.45 A.M. All compaanies were reported to be in position in PLUSH TRENCH. Passed very quiet day in line until about 5.15 P.M. when orders were erceived that the Battn. would be in Brigade Reserve with Battn. HQ and two companies in HINDENBURG Support Line astride MARCOING - RIBECOURT road. The other two companies under 2nd in Command (MAJOR SAUNDERS) remaining in PLUSH TRENCH Ref MAP 57c N.E. 3 Dec 1917 - Railway Bridge, Hindenburg Support Line, Talmas Lock Passed fairly quiet morning with exception of slight shelling causing some casualties (1WO and 15 men). 1.30 P.M. Orders were received that the two companies in PLUSH TRENCH were to move up & rejoin the battalion. 1.45 P.M. Brigade order arrived that 1 coy was to be sent to reinforce the 14th D.L.I. who had been heavily attacked but had repulsed the enemy. 'A' Coy under 2/Lt DOLMAN at once moved off by small parties under a heavy enemy artillery barrage and crossed RAILWAY BRIDGE and BARGE BRIDGE in L23D (ref map 57c NE) and succeeded in joining up with the 14th D.L.I. who had again been attacked & lost a slight portion of their line. 'A' Coy went & counter-attacked along with the 14th D.L.I. and retook the portion lost. 3.5 PM 'B' Coy under CAPT PARES was ordered up to reinforce 14th D.L.I. and 'A' Coy or in any case to hold two bridges in L23D9 1/2. 2 1/2 to RAILWAY BRIDGE in L23C60.90 or L23D20.20 (ref map 57c N.E) This coy moved forward under enemy Barrage and succeeded in taking possession of the bridges and holding them. The remaining two companies arrived in HINDENBURG Support Line about this time from PLUSH TRENCH. 8 P.M. A message was received that the 1st K.S.L.I. had withdrawn from TALMAS LOCK and that steps were at once to be taken to prevent the enemy crossing. 'C' Coy under Lt Wright was ordered up to take possession of this lock and to hold it at all costs. This coy succeeded in establishing themselves & guarding this lock. Orders were received that all troops on EASTERTN side of canal were to be withdrawn to the WESTERN side as orders had been issued that all the bridges were to be blown up. This withdrawal was accomplished without losing a man the battalion being the last to cross all positions being held by them until orders were received that the bridges were ready for demolition. The bridges were then blown by br R.E. with assistance from the battalion To O.C. 8th Bedfordshire Regiment 3/12 14th D.L.I. are across Canal on line L.23.d.10.30. to L.23.d.70.70. and one company of your Battalion is on their left from L.23.d.70.70. to L.23.a.80.00 AAA Get in touch with R.E. at old Bde. H.Q. at L.22.d.40.40. and as soon as bridges are ready for demolition, inform 14th D.L.I. and all troops across Canal and order them to join you on this Bank AAA As soon as this is done report all clear to R.E. and order them to blow up bridges From 16th Infantry Brigade 8.10 p.m. (Sd) J.Horlington, Captain To 8th Bedfords B.M. 188 3/12 Send one company as soonnas possible to reinforce 14th D.L.I. who have been heavily attacked but have driven off the enemy AAA Company should proceed by small parties across railway ridge and barge bridge in L.23.d. and will report to O.C. 14th D.L.I. aaa Send officer on in advance to report to his H.Q. AAA From 16th I.B. (Sd) R.B.Leslie, Captain To O.C. 8th Bedfordshire Regiment B.M. 160 3/12 The 1/K.S.L.I. have withsrawn from TALMAS LOCK AAA Take steps at once to man this lock and prevent enemy crossing at this point AAA 71st I.B. have been informed they may also send a party there AAA Ensure patrols hold crossings from RAILWAY BRIDGE inclusive to TALMAS LOCK From 16th Infantry Brigade. 8.55 p.m. (Sd) J.Horlington, Capt. To O.C. All Coys. 3.12 OPERATION ORDERS (Ref. Map - Sheet 57 c N.E.) 8th Bedfords Regt. have been ordered to take up a line from the Railway Bridge over the Canal inclusive at L.23.c.50.90. to the Lock at L.17.d.65.70 AAA The Y.& L. will be on our right and touch to be gained with 71st Bde. on our left about L.17.a.25.25. AAA B Coy will withdraw from the East side of the CANAL and take up a position on West Side of Canal L.25.c.50.95 AAA D Coy will take up a position on Wsst of Canal covering lock at L.23.b.10.80 and will also establish a post where road crosses canal at L.23.a.40.85 AAA C Coy will take up a position on West of Canal covering the Lock at L.17.d.70.70. and will be responsible for Chateau Talmas and touch will be gained by 71st I.B. at L.17.a.85.15 AAA A Coy when withdrawn from the Canal will be in reserve and will take up a position West of ESCAUT RIVER in L.17.c. from abot l.17.c.15.40 to about L.17.c.60.65. AAA Companies will defend their posts in depth and frequent patrolling will be done between posts AAA Position of Bn. H.Q. will be in Sunken Road at about L.15.b.85.20. AAA Control post will be posted here as guides to guide runners etc. aaa Companies will report when in position aaa D Coy will be responsible for the Bridge in L.23.c.50.95. until relieved by B Coy. AAA Rations will be dumped at Cross Roads L.22.a.95.25. and coys will arrange to draw these after they are in their new positions. (Sd) J.McCormack 2/Lieut. & Adjt. 12.50 a.m. 4 Dec 1917 Nothing of importance occurred [sic] throughout the day and the situation was very quiet no reports were received owing to runners being unable to get back to battn. H.Q. by daylight. 7 P.M. Brigade orders were received that the 71st I B were establishing an outpost line from PREMY CHAPEL to Railway about L22c7.2 which would be the outpost line until 4AM 5.12.17 at which time they would withdraw (Ref. MAP 57c NE) 5 Dec 1917 - Ridge Trench and Ridge Support Trench 1AM Bn. started to withdraw under cover of the outposts this was carried out by companies from the left each company sending word when they had got clear of their position. 2AM Companies reported to be all clear Bn.H.Q. then moved back leaving R.E.s to destroy the dug-outs. Th Battn. marched by companies to billets in RIBECOURT where a quiet spell was spent 3.15PM Orders were received that the battn. would move at dusk from RIBECOURT to RIDGE Trench and RIDGE Support Trench REF MAP 57 C N.E. 5.45PM Battn moved off by companies at 100 yds interval & reached position without any casualties. 9PM Reports received that all companies were in position. 6 Dec 1917 Passed quiet day in line. At night furnished carrying parties for R.E (strength 100) All coys were working at night on trenches making fire-steps and Lewis Gun positions 7 Dec 1917 Coys working on line cleaning trenches relaying trench-boards, furnished 100 O.R for carrying party to 509th Field Coy R.E. 8 Dec 1917 Coys working on trenches during forenoon. Situation during this time quiet. 1.30PM Orders received that the Battn. would be relieved that night by a battn. of N.STAFFORDSHIRE REGT (8th) 67th I.B, 19th DIVISION. Guides were sent to reconnoitre overland route during the afternoon and then to meet the relieving Bn. on the TRESCAULT - RIBECOURT road K36.C02.05 (Ref MAP 57C NE) 10PM Relieving Bn. started to arrive and by 1AM 9th relief was reported complete. 9 Dec 1917 - Sorel 1AM Bn. H Q started to march to SORREL [sic] (distance 8 miles) where guides met the Bn. & conducted them to their billeting areas which consisted of NESSEN HUTS. 5 guides from Bn. were left in the line under 2/Lt MOODY 1st Buffs to guide the 8th N.STAFFORDSHIRE REGT. into the front line that night. A very quiet day was spent in billets. 10 Dec 1917 Battn. spent the day resting in billets baths were alloted in the afternoon 450 men were bathed & got clean clothing. General cleaning up of equipment & clothing. 11 Dec 1917 - Courcelles-le-Comte 3.15AM Orders were issued that the battn. would move by bus to billets at COURCELLES-LE-COMTE (5 miles N.W. of BAPAUME) 8.50AM Battn. paraded and marched to a point 500 yds SOUTH of Mill on FINS - NURLU Road and embussed at 9.15 A.M. 4P.M. Arrived in new billets NO1 CAMP COURCELLES-LE-COMTE area, accommodated in large huts with wire beds for the men. 12 Dec 1917 8AM Received warning order to "Stand to" which was cancelled about 8.30 AM. Companies were at disposal of Coy Commanders for cleaning inspections & reorganisation during the morning and afternoon. 6PM. Orders were received that the Battn might have to move from present area during the night to MORY. This move did not take place. 13 Dec 1917 6.30AM Battn. 'standing to' in fighting order ready to move as an attack was expected on 3rd Divisional Front. Order to stand down was issued at 7.45 AM. Baths alloted to the Battn from 8AM to 10AM 150 men had bath which completes the battn since coming out of the line. Companies carrying out inspection during the forenoon. Companies played football in afternoon 'B' Coy gave a concert at night. 2/Lt.MADDISON was admitted to Hospital. 14 Dec 1917 Companies at disposal of company commanders during the forenoon. Football matches were played between companies in the afternoons. 15 Dec 1917 Companies at disposal if Coy commanders during the day for P.T. & B.F. Drill Musketry and attack formations. 16 Dec 1917 Companies at disposal if Coy commanders during the day for P.T. & B.F. Drill Musketry and attack formations. 17 Dec 1917 - Mory 9.15AM Battn. proceeded by route march to MORY and were accommodated in huts and were in reserve to the 3rd. DIVISION. Route taken by Battn. was COURCELLES - GOMIECOURT - ERVILLERS - MORY. Companies arrived about 11 A.M. but did not get into billets until 12.30 as they were occupied by another unit (The KINGS 3rd DIVISION) Snow fell throughout the whole of the march a fatigue party of 4 officers & 200 O.R. was furnished at night for carrying wire to front line. 18 Dec 1917 8.45AM Commanding officer and two officers per coy proceeded to reconnoitre the front line to be taken over by the Battn. returning about 2P.M. Companies carried out usual daily inspections. SPECIAL ORDER OF THE DAY The Divisional Commander in reviewing the operations between 20th November and 4th December, wishes to express his appreciation of the following: - (1) The good work of one company 9th Suffolk Regiment in pushing forward and holding bridges at MARCOING on 20th November. (2) The initiative shown by 2nd West Yorks in charging and capturing an enemy battery on 20th November. (3) The dash shown by 2nd Durham Light Infantry in capturing a German battery on the same date. (4) The initiative and spirit of 14th Durham Light Infantry in supporting the attack by Cavalry and Tanks on CANTAING on 21st November. (5) The good fight put up by 2nd York and Lancasters on the night of the 30th November/1st December in their attack on the QUENTIN RIDGE. (6) The gallany [sic] behaviour of the Transport of the 2nd West Yorks and 2nd Durham Light Infantry on the 30th November, when they prevented the enemy reaching a part of GOUZEAUCOURT. (7) The splendid fight of the 14th Durham Light Infantry on 3rd December when without wire or any protection they repulsed three attacks on part of their front and counter-attacked three times, regaining a portion of the line which had been broken through. When finally borne down by superior numbers they retired, reorganised, abd advanced again. (8) The steady behavious of two companies 8th Bedfordshire Regiment on 3rd December, who advanced through a barrage and reinforced and helped to hold the line across the Canal at MARCOING. (9) The gallant conduct of 16th Machine Gun Company on 3rd December especially that of No. 2 Section under Lieutenant Battershill, M.C. These are worthy of the best traditions of the 6th Division and of the British Army, and the Divisional Commander heartily congratulates the officers and men who were responsible for these achievements. (Sd) W.H.St. John, Major, General Staff. 18th December, 1917. 19 Dec 1917 Companies had inspections etc during the day also a conference as to best method for holding the line during the Battns tour of duty. Box Respirators were inspected by Brigade N.C.O. and drill carried out. LIEUT H.W.WRIGHT granted permission to wear the badges of rank of Captain. 3 OR proceeded to join 16th Trench Mortar Battery. 20 Dec 1917 - Railway Reserve and front line near Bullecourt Forenoon cleaning up camp and getting ready to proceed to trenches. 3.15PM Battalion moved off to trenches to relieve the 2nd DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY in the left SUB SECTOR of the RIGHT SECTOR of the 18th INFANTRY BRIGADE. Relief was reported complete by 9P.M. Battalion had no casualties during the relief. the line was held by the Battalion as follows. 'A' COY (CAPT. MC BRIDE) from U23D70.00 to U23D10.35 and from U29A.65.70 to U29A45.85. 'B' Coy (CAPT PARES) from U.23.D.10.35 to U22D55.70 and from U23D00.40 to U22D55.30. 'C' Coy (CAPT WRIGHT) from U29A25.95 to U29C50.60 a newly dug trench which was held chieflt by posts as the trench was not completed to allow communication 'D' Coy (CAPT KNIGHT) in SUPPORT in TANK AVENUE. Battalion H.Q. were in RAILWAY RESERVE C5A10.40 (REF MAP BULLECOURT TRENCH MAP) 21 Dec 1917 At about 6.30 AM a patrol of the enemy (strength 15) attempted to raid our block at U29A65.70 but were repulsed by Lewis Gun and rifle fire. Our casualties were 1 officer wounded 2/Lt DOLMAN. Our snipers claim to have hit 3 of the enemy during the day. 6PM Ration limbers arrived at Battalion H.Q. 'D' Coy furnished all ration carrying parties for front coys. 150 men from 1st The Buffs reported to us for work on the New Trench line Weather very cold with hard frost Companies all in good spirits 22 Dec 1917 - Mory 6AM About this time the enemy threw 10 bombs into our block at u29A65.70 wounding 2 men lightly. Lewis Gun fire was opened on them but results could not be seen owing to the darkness. 1 O.R. was wounded in the morning by a sniper. Patrol reports sent in by companies showed that all the objects the patrols had been sent out to ascertain had been accomplished. Operation Orders were received that the battalion would be relieved that night by the 7th K.S.L.I. 8th INFANTRY Brigade and on completion of relief would march to Billets at MORY. 6P.M. The leading company of relieving battalion arrived at Battalion H.Qrs. the relief of the battalion was carried out in good time and without any trouble. 1 O.R. of A Coy was killed during the relief. 10.15P.M. All companies reported that they were present in billets. 23 Dec 1917 - No.1 Camp, Courcelles-le-Comte 10AM The battalion was ready to vacate billets on arrival of 12th WEST YORKS Regiment 9th INFANTRY Brigade Head Quarters moved off at 10.15AM followed by companies at 200yds distance and marched to No1 CAMP at COURCELLES-LE-COMTE Route taken by battalion was MORY-ERVILLERS-GOMIECOURT-COURCELLES-LE-COMTE The weather was cold with hard frost roads were in a good condition for marching. All companies were reported in billets about 12 NOON 24 Dec 1917 Companies were at disposal of Coy Commanders during the day for inspections & cleaning up. 8.30PM The band of the Battalion played round the camp and then went to Brigade HQ of 16th Infantry Brigade Christmas eve was spent very quietly by the men. 25 Dec 1917 6.30AM Christmas Day was brought in by the band blowing the Long Reveille on bugles During the forenoon arrangements were carried out which enabled the battalion to have a splendid Christmas dinner which was enjoyed very much by all ranks. During the afternoon a football match was played between officers and Sergts and after a very enjoyable & hard game the sergeants proved the winners 5 goals to 4. 8 PM Officers dinner which proved to be a great success and a very happy & enjoyable evening was afterwards spent in sings & speeches which were much appreciated. 26 Dec 1917 - Berles-au-Bois 10.30AM The battalion moved by route march from it [sic] present camp to billets at BERLES-AU-BOIS Route taken by Battalion was AYETTE-ADINFER-RANSART BERLES-AU-BOIS. The marching was good considering the state of the roads which were covered with snow. The Transport experienced some difficulty during the march but all arrived in billets and up to time. The battalion was reported to be in billets at 2.30P.M. (Ref MAP LENSII) Billets for the battalion consisted mostly of barns, men receiving straw beds to lie on. 27 Dec 1917 - Courcelles-le-Comte 10AM Orders were received that the battalion must be prepared to move at 3 hours notice. Companies were warned of this but the usual parades were carried out until 11.30AM 11.30AM Orders were received from 6th DIV H.Q that the battalion would move back to COURCELLES-LE-COMTE 2.15PM the battalion moved off by route march to COURCELLES-LE-COMTE Route taken was RANSART - ADINFER - AYETTE - COURCELLES-LE-COMTE which was reached at 6PM. On arrival it was found that the billets alloted to the battalion were very much scattered BN. HQ and 'C' Coy being in No4 camp 'A' & 'B' Coys were under canvas 'D' Coy being in a hut in No1 Camp. the huts taken over were in a bad condition having no stoves or inner lining to them. 28 Dec 1917 The battalion carried out training programme by companies during the morning The afternoon being devoted to games CAPTAIN ADDY J C.F. attached to the Battalion. 29 Dec 1917 The battalion still on training programme most of the huts were supplied with a stove CAPTAIN MCBRIDE and Sgt JACCARD proceeded to Third Army school of instruction. 2.30 Church service for the battalion 2nd LIEUT WEBB & 1 O.R. to Musketry course at IV Corp School 30 Dec 1917 10.45AM 2nd LIEUT BLAND & 1.O.R. to Gas course at IV Corp School. 31 Dec 1917 - Courcelles-le-Comte Companies carried out training as per programme issued to Coy Commanders. Report received that 2/Lt DOLMAN had died of wounds at NO45 C.C.S. The following number of reinforcements joined during the month. 1 officer (LIEUT VERNER) and 26 O.R. The following numbers were struck off the strength during the month 1 officer 2/Lt WELLER and 43 O.R. (Killed 6, Wounded 54 To England 1 officer and 30 O.R.)
- Date free text1-31 Dec 1917
- Production dateFrom: 1917 To: 1917
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- Keywords8th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, maps, town & local roads, 16th Infantry Brigade, 14th Battalion Durham Light Infantry, canals, transport bridges, railways, 1st Battalion King's Shropshire Light Infantry, Royal Engineers, Escaut, land weaponry, 509th Field Company Royal Engineers, 8th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment, 67th Infantry Brigade, 19th (Western) Division, 1st Battalion Buffs, baths, omnibuses, MILLS, 3rd Division, football, weather, 9th Battalion Suffolk Regiment, 2nd Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion York & Lancaster Regiment, 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry, 6th Division, 16th Company Machine Gun Corps, 16th Trench Mortar Battery, 18th Infantry Brigade, 7th Battalion King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 8th Infantry Brigade, deaths, Christmas, 3rd Army, church services, IV Corps, Lincoln Avenue [Cambrai], Dead Man's Corner [Cambrai], Border Ridge [Cambrai], Highland Ridge [Cambrai], Plush Trench [Cambrai], Hindenburg Support Line [Cambrai], Talmas Lock [Cambrai], Chateau Talmas [Cambrai], Premy Chapel [Cambrai], Ribecourt-la-Tour, Ridge Trench [Cambrai], Ridge Support Trench [Cambrai], Sorel, Courcelles-le-Comte, Courcelles-le-Comte No.1 Camp, Mory, Gomiecourt, Ervillers, Marcoing, Quentin Ridge [Cambrai], Tank Avenue [Cambrai], Railway Reserve [Cambrai], Bullecourt, Berles-au-Bois, Ayette, Adinfer, Ransart, Courcelles-le-Comte No.4 Camp, Courcelles-le-Comte No.1 Camp
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