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    WAR DIARY FOR JULY 1916 1 Jul 1916 - Wormhout Coys at training - Musketry, Drill, Use of Go. H Carts 2 Jul 1916 Battalion open air Church service during morning. 3 Jul 1916 Coys at training. Musketry, Drill, Lectures & Outpost duties. Battalion bathed. 4 Jul 1916 Coys at training. Musketry, Drill, Bn. ROUTE MARCH in marching order during forenoon. 5 Jul 1916 Coys at training. Drill & Outpost Duties. 6 Jul 1916 Coys at training. Musketry & Drill. Divl. Gymkhana in afternoon at Esquelbecq 7 Jul 1916 Bn. Outpost Scheme on line HERZEELE - OUDEZEELE in defense of WORHOUDT [sic]. Very wet, but good practice was afforded for junior officers & N.C.O.s in selection of position for picquets, &c, on strange ground. Lecture on notes taken during scheme to all officers by Major W.Allason in the evening 8 Jul 1916 Coys training - C & D Coy re-inoculated. Col.Lord Henry Scott rejoined and assumed command of the battalion. 9 Jul 1916 battalion open air church service. 10 Jul 1916 Coys training - extended order drill, bayonet fighting & bombing. C & D. bathing during afternoon. 11 Jul 1916 Ciys training. Battalion inspected by Corps Commander (Lt.Gen.F.R. The Earl of Cavan C.B. M.V.O.) in Field Service Marching Order. 12 Jul 1916 Coys training. Battalion inspected by the Army Commander (General Sir Herbert C.O. Plumer, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.) in Field Service Marching Order. the battalion marched past in column of route. 13 Jul 1916 Bn. route march in Field Service Marching Order during the morning. Afternoons coys training. Major W Allason departed to take over command of a battalion in the Reserve Army. 14 Jul 1916 Coys training. Tactical scheme by platoon commanders & senior N.C.O.s. 15 Jul 1916 Bde. marched to camps west of Poperinghe via HERZEELE, HOUTKERQUE, WATOU and St.Jan ter BIEZEN. The battalion marched off at 7 55am - arrived in Camp at 12.20 pm. Distance about 11 1/2 miles 16 Jul 1916 - Poperinge Voluntary service for CofE in Church Army hut. 17 Jul 1916 - Ieper CQMS Duxford[?] Sgt Flack Sgt Love[?] Sgt Stimson, Cpl Robinson, Pte.Parker & Pte Johnson received cards of appreciation from G.O.C. 6th Division for acts of gallantry & devotion to duty. At night moved to YPRES in relief of 1/KSLI in the cellars. Battn is held in Bde. Reserve. 18 Jul 1918 Battn. in reserve. Working parties 200 strong furnished at night working on X. Line. Hostile artillery fired a certain amount of shell into the town during afternoon, mainly shrapnel. 19 Jul 1916 Battn in Bde. Reserve in YPRES. Furnished working parties 400 strong at night for Support & X Line. 20 Jul 1916 In Bde. Reserve. Furnished working parties at night 400 strong. 21 Jul 1916 In Bde. Reserve. Furnished working parties at night 400 strong. 22 Jul 1916 In Bde. Reserve. Furnished working parties at night 400 strong. 23 Jul 1916 In Bde. Reserve. Furnished working parties on support lines 400 strong. 24 Jul 1916 Battn. in Bde. Reserve. 25th Col Lord Henry Scott assumed command of 16 IB Major Latham Leicester Regt Commander Batt. 25 Jul 1916 - Potijze Wood Battn. in Bde. Reserve Relieved 1/K.S.L.I. in left section 16 IB Sector. Bn. H.Q. POTIJZE WOOD - A Coy A4, A5 and S.5 - B Coy, A1 and A3 Crater No6 - C Coy, X.Line - D Coy POTIJZE DEFENCES Relief carried out without a hitch. Enemy non-aggressive and very quiet. 26 Jul 1916 Battn in trenches as above - Day very quiet except for slight hostile shelling - Casualties 1 O.R. killed by sniper. 27 Jul 1916 Battn in trenches as above. Day misty - enemy quiet excpet for snipers. Casualties 1 O.R. killed & 1 wounded. Col Lord Henry Scott resumed Command. 28 Jul 1916 Battn in trenches as above. Day bright. Aircraft very active. Considerable amount of artillery fire. Enemy worried our front & support lines with field guns. Our artillery replied and breached enemy parapet in several places - Casualties 2 O.R. killed, 3 O.R. wounded. Major Latham returned to 11th Leicesters 29 Jul 1916 Battn in trenches as above, Day quiet though clear & good for observation. No casualties. 30 Jul 1916 - Poperinge Day abnormally quiet and though clear very little hostile aircraft up. Relieved at night by 2/Hampshire Rgt, 29th Division, and moved to billets in POPERINGHE. 31 Jul 1916 In billets. Coys overhauling Kit & equipt. Commdg officer held an officer's Conference on on [sic] arrangements for move and new methods in the attack and holding of trenches.
  • Date free text
    1-31 Jul 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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