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    WAR DIARY FOR JUNE 1916 1 Jun 1916 - trenches around Willows, Vicars Lane, Dawson City, Butts, Headingley Lane and Canal Bank In trenches as for 31st May, 16. - Enemy quiet. Casualties 1 O.R. wounded. 2 Jun 1916 In trenches as for 31st May, 16. - Enemy quiet and non-aggressive. Divl artillery & Corps H. Artillery concentrated on enemy trenches near MORTELDSE with good results. Casualties - 1 OR wounded. Colonel Lord Henry Scott joined & took over command of battalion 3 Jun 1916 In trenches as for 31st May, 16. - Enemy quiet. Casualties 1 OR killed. 4 Jun 1916 - Camp E, Wood A30 In trenches as for 31st May, 16. - Enemy quiet. casualties 1 OR wounded. At night battn. was relieved by 1/K.S.L.I. and moved back to Camp E, Wood A30. 5 Jun 1916 Resting in Camp E. - Cleaning and inspection of kit, equipt. & arms. 6 Jun 1916 Resting in Camp E. Inspn. of Coy in marching order by C.O. & drill. Ordered to stand by ready to move up by Division at 3.30 p.m. All preparations made, but stand down ordered at 9.45 p.m. 7 Jun 1916 Resting in Camp E. Drill, and baths. Improvement of shelter trenches. 8 Jun 1916 Resting in Camp E. Training & improvement of shelter trenches. "Gas Altert" ordered in the evening 9 Jun 1916 Resting in Camp E. Training & improvement of shelter trenches. 10 Jun 1916 Resting in Camp E. Training & improvement of shelter trenches. 11 Jun 1916 - trenches near Ieper around Dawson's City, Butts, Headingley Lane, Willows, Vicar's Lane and Canal Bank Resting in Camp E. Moved into the line at night in relief of 1/K.S.L.I. - Bn.H.Q. & B Coy Canal Bank. - A Coy, D 22, Dawson's City & Butts 8 & 9 - C Coy E23, Headingley Lane, Butts 10 & 11, D Coy, D21, Willows and Vicar's Lane. 12 Jun 1916 In trenches as above. Casualties nil - Continuous artillery bombardment on Canadian Corps front, between HOOGE and HILL 60, preparatory to counterattack to regain lost ground. Objective was gained and about 100 prisoners. 13 Jun 1916 In trenches as above. Casualties 1 O.R. wounded - Enemy non-aggressive, except for shelling of our Canal Bank area in the afternoon. Very wet all day which impeded work on trenches at night. 14 Jun 1916 In trenches as above. Casualties, nil - Enemy quiet, a few shells on Canal Bank area. Weather dull & poor for observation. 15 Jun 1916 - La Belle Alliance and trenches In trenches as above. Casualties 1 O.R. killed & 2 O.R. wounded. - 'B' Coy relieved by Coy. 1/Irish Guards & returned to Camp, Wood A30. Bn. H.Q. moved to LA BELLE ALLIANCE. Enemy did very little shelling, but machine guns active at night. 16 Jun 1916 -Ijser Canal Bank and trenches In trenches as above. Casualties nil. A & C Coys relieved by 1/Irish Guards and moved back to YSER Canal Bank. Enemy aircraft active & slight increase in shelling. Quite an intensive bombardment on our right. 17 Jun 1916 - X Camp, Wood A30 and trenches In trenches as above. Casualties, nil. H.Q. & A & C Coys relieved by 1/Welsh Guards & moved back to Camp X, Wood A30. D Coy remaining in the line under command of O.C. 2/Y&L. 18 Jun 1916 - Camp O, Wood A30 In Camp 'O', Wood A30 which we took over from 9th Norfolks. Bathing & Cleaning of Kit & equipt. The following were mentioned in despatches dated 30th Apl. 1916. Capt R.M.Quilter, 2/Lt A.McK.Fleming, C.S.M. Ashby L.C.Jones, LCTrill, & Pte Watts. 19 Jun 1916 In camp 'O', Wood A30. Bn. furnished working party 350 O.R. for work at night laying cable under Corps signals 20 Jun 1916 In Camp 'O', Wood A30. Bn furnished working party 500 O.R. for work at night laying cable under Corps signals 21 Jun 1916 - Houtkerque In Camp 'O', Wood A30. Marched via POPERINGHE, - WATOU to HOOTKERQUE [sic] and billeted in farm for the night. 2/Y&L Rgt and 16 I.B. TrenchMortar By. & M.Gun Coy marched also. 22 Jun 1916 - Worhout-Cassel Road Marched to WORMHOUDT [sic] via HERZEELE with 2/Y.&L. Rgt - M.Gun Coy & Trench Mortar By. had proceeded to same place in advance. The day was hot & roads dusty. The men felt it as we had recently had quite cold weather for the season. Battalion billeted on WORMHOUDT-CASSEL ROAD. 23 Jun 1916 Coys training in drill, musketry, bayonet fighting, &c. C.O. inspected all companies in Field Service Marching Order. 24 Jun 1916 Coys training in drill, musketry, bayonet fighting &c. Battalion allotted baths. 50 men (indifferent shots) each of C. & D. Coy fired grouping practices on rifle range. Major W.Allason joined the battalion. 25 Jun 1916 Brigade open air church service in Gymnasium Field. Divl. Band in attendance. Draft of 57 other ranks joined from the Base in the evening. 26 Jun 1916 Coys at training - Battn inspected by Brigadier-General C.L.Nicholson, C.M.G. during forenoon. 27 Jun 1916 Coys training - A & B musketry on rifle range during morning C & D. Bathing. Afternoon Drill & bayonet fighting. 28 Jun 1916 Coys at training. Billets inspected by G.O.C. 16 I.B. (Bde.Gen.C.L.NICHOLSON, C.M.G.). Colonel Lord Henry Scott took over command of 16 IB whilst Brigadier proceeds on leave. Maj.W.ALLASON took over command of battalion. 29 Jun 1916 Coys at training - Battalion Sports held in the afternoon. Good weather prevailed and an enjoyable time spent. 30 Jun 1916 Battalion route march in "marching order" during morning. Coys training in afternoon, C & D Bombers practicing with live bombs. Field State 8th Bn. Bedfordshire Regt at June 30th 1916 Killed O.R. 2 Wounded O.R. 7 Sick to Hospital 56 Sick from Hospital 36 Evacuated to Base 70 A Coy Strength 17 Officers 237 O.R. B Coy Strength 7 Officers 246 O.R. C Coy Strength 8 Officers 242 O.R. D Coy Strength 9 Officers 243 O.R. Total 41 Officers 968 O.R.
  • Date free text
    1-30 Jun 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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