• Reference
  • Title
    WAR DIARY FOR FEBRUARY 1918 1 Feb 1918 - Maida Camp Working Parties. 1 Man wounded. 2 Feb 1918 Working Parties. 3 Feb 1918 Working Parties. 1 O.R. wounded. 2nd Lieut.PLOWRIGHT Struck off Strength. 4 Feb 1918 - Heuringhem Entrained DICKEBUSCH. Detrained EBBLINGHAM [sic] & marched to Billets in HEURINGHEN [sic]. 5 Feb 1918 Training. 2nd Lt W.A.S.OGDEN Transferred to ENGLAND wounded. 6 Feb 1918 Training. 2nd Lt.G.A.BINNS joined the Battn from 1st H.A.C. 7 Feb 1918 Training. 8 Feb 1918 Training. 96 O.Rs joined the Battn as reinforcements. Off.Reinforcements 2nd Lieuts HADFIELD, L.E.. P.A.O'SULLIVAN, J.W.DRUMMOND, E.A.S.WHITE. 9 Feb 1918 Training. 10 Feb 1918 CHURCH Parade. 115 ORs (reinforcements) from 8th Battn Bedford Regt. joined the Battn. Officer reinforcements Capt.A.W.ELLIOT M.C. 2nd Lt.H.WILLIAMS, 2nd Lt.W.O.WILSON (from 8th Bedf Regt). 11 Feb 1918 Training. 12 Feb 1918 Training. 10 O.R joined Battn from 8th Bedford Regt. Officer reinforcement from 8th BEDF.Regt Lt H.W.CLARK, Major G.W.COURTNEY left Battn for ENGLAND. 13 Feb 1918 Training. 14 Feb 1918 Training. 15 Feb 1918 - Malplaquet Camp Marched to EBBLINGHAM [sic] and entrained for DICKEBUSCH & marched to MALPLAQUET CAMP. 16 Feb 1918 - Polderhoek Sector trenches Battn moved to front line (POLDERHOEK SECTOR) Battn Hdqrs STIRLING CASTLE. 17 Feb 1918 In trenches. 1 O.R. wounded. 18 Feb 1918 In Trenches. 1 O.R wounded (at duty). Officer reinforcement from 8th Battn BEDF.R. 2nd Lt.R.BLAND. 19 Feb 1918 In Trenches. 20 Feb 1918 In Trenches. 3 O.R.s wounded. 21 Feb 1918 - Maida Camp Battn moved to Reserve. MAIDA CAMP. 5 O.R. (reinforcements) joined from 8th Battn BEDFORD.REGT. 22 Feb 1918 NIGHT working parties. 1 O.R. wounded. 23 Feb 1918 Resting. 2nd Lt.D.KEW DCM, MM reinforcement from Royal BERKSHIRE REGT. 24 Feb 1918 Church Parade. 25 Feb 1918 Training. 26 Feb 1918 - Menin Road trenches Battn moved into front line (MENIN ROAD SECTOR) 27 Feb 1918 In Trenches. Officer reinforcements from 8th Battn Bedf.R. Lt.H.W.WRIGHT, 2/Lt.W.AMBRIDGE. 28 Feb 1918 In trenches. 1 O.R. Killed. 6 OR Wounded.
  • Date free text
    1-28 Feb 1918
  • Production date
    From: 1918 To: 1918
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