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    WAR DIARY FOR OCTOBER 1917 1 Oct 1917 - Bois Carre Battn resting. 2nd Lt.F.J.BLAKE and 2 O.Rs reinforcements arrived. 2 Oct 1917 21, OR's reinforcements arrived, Officers reconnoitred routes to trenches. 3 Oct 1917 Battn. still resting, warning orders received; two O.R's wounded attached RE's. 4 Oct 1917 - trenches near Mount Sorrell Battn. to trenches at 2.0 p.m. Capt & Adjt H.J.CUNNINGHAM killed, 2nd Lt.C.C.CLIFFORD wounded. 2 OR's wounded. Battn. lent to 63rd and 111th Bdes. spent the night in trenches near Mt.SORRELL 5 Oct 1917 - trenches A, C coys moved up to support 111th. Bde S. of MENIN-YPRES road; guides sent to reconnoitre Route to HQrs of 10th YORK & LANCS. REGT., 4th MIDDLESEX & 8th LINCOLNS. Battn relieved these three REGTS with front line from J.26.b.60.10 to J.26.b.90.75, rather heavy shelling round the support coy's trenches and Battn. Headquarters. 2nd Lt A.R.JONES, 2nd Lt W.B.COLLINS wounded. 2 O.R's killed, 8 O.R's wounded. This relief was extremely difficult, and was much impeded by practice barrages. 6 Oct 1917 Rear positions again shelled fairly heavily; front line pretty quiet, Lt/Col.CAMPION, who was left behind by order of the Brigade comes up to command Battn. Lieut HOBSON reported from transport lines as A/Adjutant. 1 O.R. wounded. 12012 Pte DICKINSON, 10414 L/Cpl GREEN awarded the Military Medal. 7 Oct 1917 Heavy artillery bombarded the GERMAN front line throughout the day with success. Our front line coys pushed forward patrols to ascertain if the ENEMY was still holding his same position. He was! Inter-coy relief took place between D & A coys - "B" would have relieved "C" coy but got badly shelled and was unable to do so. 10 O.R's killed 15 O.R's wounded. 8 Oct 1917 A very quiet day indeed in the front line; but some shelling round Battn Headquarters, 1 O.R. killed, 11 O.R's wounded. 4 O.R. missing, 2 O.R's killed 12 O.R's wounded. 9 Oct 1917 General attack on army front. Bn. ordered to be prepared to advance if ENEMY made a voluntary retirement which he did not make. Very severe shelling generally. 1 O.R. killed 11 ORs wounded. 2 ORs missing. The weather broke, trenches very wet and cold, men suffering from the exposure. 10 Oct 1917 - Little Kemmel Camp A quiet day except for practice barrages. 2nd Lt CRAVEN wounded. 1 OR killed, 2nd Lt ROBINSON to England for 6 months tour of duty. The Battn relieved by the 8th S.L.I. (63rd Bde). Very heavy shelling in the back areas but we suffer very slightly. Buses from SPOILBANK to Little KEMMEL CAMP. Battn. under bivouacs suffering very badly from Trench foot. 11 Oct 1917 Resting at LITTLE KEMMEL. 12 Oct 1917 Resting. Lt.Col.CAMPION to ENGLAND on 6 months leave. 13 Oct 1917 - Epsom Camp, Westouter Battn to EPSOM CAMP near WEST OUTRE [sic]. 1.O.R. wounded attached R.E's. 14 Oct 1917 Battn. resting, 2nd Lt.J.BLANKSBY reinforcement. 15 Oct 1917 - Westouter and Ieper 8 officers, 250 O.R's to YPRES for work on roads in ANZAC CORPS area. H.Q.S remained at EPSOM CAMP. 250 OR's under command of the 11th R.WARWICKSHIRE REGT. 16 Oct 1917 Lt.E.S.DYER and 90 reinforcements arrive. Details left at EPSOM CAMP start training. 17 Oct 1917 ENEMY bomb camp N.E. of YPRES where the working party stops, no casualties. 18 Oct 1917 2nd Lt.S.VAN der LINDE killed, 2nd Lt A.FOLL and 3 OR's wounded by bomb dropped by E.A. N.E. of Ypres, training carried on in EPSOM CAMP as usual. 19 Oct 1917 - Westouter Battn. HQrs and details at EPSOM CAMP. 200 ORs at YPRES. 28 ORs reinforcements. 20 Oct 1917 ditto. two officers sent up to replace casualties at YPRES. 21 Oct 1917 2nd Lt A.STONE M.C. 2nd Lt.F.J.SMITH and 14 OR's reinforcements. 22 Oct 1917 250 ORs returned from YPRES; inspection of all drafts by C.O. 23 Oct 1917 All men returned from YPRES resting, remainder paraded from 9.0 AM to 12.30 pm. 24 Oct 1917 - Berthen Battn. moves to billets in BERTHEN. 350 in billets, remainder in barns; 50 men carried on buses, suffering with Trench foot. 25 Oct 1917 Training begins, range for two companies 12779 L/Cpl.L.ORPIN, 12051 L/Cpl F.LEE, 32120 L/Cpl R.GRUBB, 16434 L/Cp W.WRIGHT, 43225 Pte.B.SMITH awarded the Military Medal. 26 Oct 1917 Lt.Col.G.W.COURTNEY arrived to take command of the Battn. 27 Oct 1917 - Doncaster Huts, Loker Battn. marched to DONCASTER HUTS in LOCRE 28 Oct 1917 Training carried on. 29 Oct 1917 2nd Lt B.W.WRIGHT, 2nd Lt.A.WALLER, 2nd Lt ARTABOR, 2nd Lt.J.BLANKSBY wounded, 1 O.R. killed, 4 O.R's wounded (two at duty) by bomb (E.A) which exploded inside "B" Coy officers MESS. Training carried on. 30 Oct 1917 Inter-Battn. Transport competition. The Battn took first place. Training carried on. 31 Oct 1917 Inter Battn. Drum competition. The Battn. took second place. 2nd Lt E.E.Ashby awarded the Military Cross
  • Date free text
    1-31 Oct 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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