• Reference
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    WAR DIARY FOR SEPTEMBER 1917 1 Sep 1917 - Kemmel Shelters Orders to relieve 39th & 41st Divisions. 2 Sep 1917 - trenches Battn relieved 12th Sussex & 8th Buffs & took over front line from I.36.d.5.0 - J.31.c.2.9 (Ref Map SHREWSBURY) Hdqrs in railway cutting at Hill 60. 3 Sep 1917 Very quiet day. One petty officer & 8 sailors attached to the battn for 24 hrs. 4 Sep 1917 Quiet day. Enemy attempted to raid out trenches E. of KLEIN ZILLEBEKE, but was driven off by rifle fire. A Coy under 2/Lt.R.K.Wright, who was slightly wounded, did very well on this occasion & were mainly instrumental in bringing about the failure of the raid. A patrol sent out after the raid brought in a dead Hun who provided a valuable identification. The enemy came over in some strength & were provided with explosive charges. 5 Sep 1917 Heavy shelling of back areas all day. Capt.L.F.Beal M.C. posted to the battn as Major on hdqrs. 7 Sep 1917 Battn relieved by 10th L.N.Lan.Regt & became battn in Bde support. 8-9 Sep 1917 Battn in support. Large working parties at night to the front line. 8 Sep 1917 11 O.R. reinforcements arrived. 10 Sep 1917 Attempted raid on enemy trenches in J.31.c. by B Coy under 2/Lt.D.W.Wright proved a complete failure owing to the artillery shooting short & putting the barrage between ourselves & our objective. Fortunately no casualties. 11 Sep 1917 - Westouter Battn relieved by 10th Worcesters & 8th N.Staffordshire & withdrew to camp at SIEGE FARM. Moved back to camp near WESTOUTRE at night. 12 Sep 1917 Battn in rest. 2/Lt J.C.Rogers rejoined from hospital. 1 O.R. reinforcement arrived. 14 Sep 1917 Working parties in back area all day. 16 Sep 1917 Church Parade & holiday for the battn. 17 Sep 1917 Working parties all day in back area. Bde communication scheme in afternoon. 19 Sep 1917 - R.E. Farm Inspection by the Brigadier after which the following letter was received from the Bde Major: - "The Bde Commander desires me to inform you that he was more than satisfied with the splendid turnout of your battn on parade this morning. The cleanliness of every article of kit as well as the general turnout spoke well for the organisation within your battn & was a credit to all concerned. It gave the Bde Commander very great pleasure to see such a fine parade & he feels confident that in any possible offensive operations, your battn will continue to show as it has in the past that good interior economy & organisation are half the battle." Battn moved up at night to R.E. FARM. 10551 Cpl.S.W.Sawford awarded the Military Medal. 20 Sep 1917 General attack on Army front. 112th Bde not used, battn remained at R.E. FARM. 21 Sep 1917 - Westouter Battn moved back to WESTOUTRE. 2 O.R. reinforcements arrived. 22 Sep 1917 - trenches Battn relieved 39th Divn - (6th Cheshires) - in front line at 5 hrs notice. Taken up in busses. Extremely difficult relief & battn heavily shelled on the way up. Capt.J.Hislop M.C. & 2/Lt C.E.Inch killed & 4 O.R, 20 O.R. wounded. Took over line J.26.c.9.4 - J.26.d.6.9. 23 Sep 1917 Very heavy shelling all day, but only 2 O.R. wounded. 24 Sep 1917 Heavy shelling continued. 2 O.R. killed, 7 wounded. Relieved at night by 10th L.N.Lan.Regt. Became battn in bde support. 25 Sep 1917 Continued shelling. 2/Lt N.W.Rycroft & 11 O.R. killed, 16 O.R. wounded Lt.R.E.CARLES & 20 O.R. arrived as reinforcements. Battn maintained an unbeaten record in cooker & limber competition at 37th Divl Horse Show held near St.JEAN CAPEL. 26 Sep 1917 General attack on the left continued. Hostile artillery very active all day. 6 O.R. wounded. 27 Sep 1917 - R.E. Farm Hostile artillery considerably diminished & a much quieter day altogether Battn relieved by the 10th Worcesters (19th Division) & returned to R.E. FARM. 28 Sep 1917 - Bois Carre Battn moved into Divl Reserve at BOIS CARRE. Hostile aircraft active at night - several bombs dropped. 29 Sep 1917 Battn resting. 5 Officers joined reinforcements
  • Date free text
    1-30 Sep 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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