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    WAR DIARY FOR MAY 1917 1 May 1917 - Berlencourt-le-Cauroy Work of reorganising battalion continued. 2 May 1917 Battalion started training. 9 May 1917 Divl Transport Competition won by battn by 87 points from all other regiments in the division. Divl Field Firing Competition open to one Coy. from all regiments of the division won by A.Coy. 14 May 1917 Lt.Col.F.H.Edwards MC transferred to Home Establishment for three months rest. Lt.Col.W.R.Campion M.P. took command of the battalion. 15 May 1917 Battn won Brigade Band Competition. 18 May 1917 - Montenescourt Battn moved to billets at MONTENESCOURT. 19 May 1917 - Tilloy-les-Mofflaines Battn moved to trenches at TILLOY, relieving 3rd London Regt. 168th Bde 56th Divn & becoming part of the Bde in support. 20 May 1917 - near River Cojeul 112th Bde relieved 167th Bde, 56th Divn in front line trenches from the COJEUL RIVER (O.14.c.1.1) yo O.8.a.8.9. (Ref. Map 51.B.S.W. 1/20000) Battn relieved 1st London Regt. in trenches from N.17.d.7.3. to N.11.b.9.2, becoming battn in Bde Support. 21 May 1917 Hostile artillery active on support trenches in the morning. Casualties 2 killed & 8 wounded. Much work done in the way of salvage & improvement of trenches. 22 May 1917 Very heavy shelling by hostile artillery towards evening, followed by gas shell bombardment at night. Casualties 7 killed & 14 wounded. Lt.Col.Edwards, capt.Blake, capt.Williams & Lt.Hislop mentioned in despatches. 23 May 1917 Quieter day. 24 May 1917 Took over left sector of Bde front from 8th E.Lan.Regt. 25 May 1917 Hostile artillery active all day, especially towards evening. Very quiet in the front line. Considerable work done in the way of salvage & improvement of trenches. 26 May 1917 A quiet day. A strong party was sent out at midnight 26/27 under 2/Lts CRANSWICK & WRIGT [sic] to obtain a prisoner if possible & get information about the line of shell holes held by the enemy in O.14.b. Before reaching the objective, a covering party was encountered who were protecting a large party of the enemy who were wiring in front of the line of shell holes. Further progress was impossible as our party were considerably outnumbered but a lively encounter with bomb, rifle grenades took place. Several Germans were killed & the whole enemy party appeared considerably frightened & surprised. Fire was opened all along the line & our party withdrew, all men, except three, regaining our trenches. Casualties were 1 officer & 3 men wounded & 3 men killed. The whole operation was conducted with great determination & was highly successful considering the opposition that was met with. 28 May 1917 - Achicourt Battn relieved by 8th E.Lan.Regt & 13th Rifle Brigade & retired to billets at ACHICOURT. Total casualties during tour of duty - 49 killed & wounded (includes two officers). 29 May 1917 Battalion resting. 31 May 1917 - Duisans Battalion moved to billets at DUISANS. [Fighting strength of battalion, (includes regimental details); on 31.5.17 - 691. 1 D.C.M. & 10 Military Medals were allotted to the battn during the month].
  • Date free text
    1-31 May 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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