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    1-10-15 Weather fine Parades under Coy arrangements 2-10-15 Weather fine. Instruction in wire entanglements by coys in the morning. 3-10-15 Church parade. Weather fine. 4-10-15 Weather dull and showery, cold. Conference of 18th Div. at 4pm. 5-10-15 Battalion relieved 12th Middlesex in Sector D2 trenches. Relief orders and sketch map attached herewith marked [not included] 3.0pm Evening Tactical Report Situation unchanged 6-10-15 2.45am Morning Tactical Report Enemy shelled trenches 85 with whiz bangs at 5.15pm. Our guns replied on FRICOURT trenches. At 4pm evening fired 5 large trench mortars which filled part of Trench 88. Our guns replied with shrapnel and HE At 4.45pm enemy commenced bombardment with aerial torpedoes 40 of which were fired on trenches 87-90. Considerable damage and havoc was done. This is now being cleared. Our guns fired and scored hits on spot where these shells were thought to come i.e. just N of E in CIMRE at pt.06. At 11.15pm the enemy sent a shell in direction of MAULTE. Wind light E to NE. Night very foggy. 2.45pm Enemy fired four shells on SOUTH AVENUE as Oxford & Bucks were relieving. The shells which fell on C Coy last night are reported to be 6in shells. Two of these were sent over at 2pm. They were fired from the direction of LA BOISSELLE. Arrangements are now being made to shell these guns from Sector D3 as shrapnel is no use against them 7-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Wind NE. Centre section of D2 heavily bombarded with aerial torpedoes. Bombardment started at about 3.0pm and continued at irregular intervals until 6pm. Some delay was caused in getting into communication with the heavy artillery owing to the wire to the Howitzer Batty being broken. At about 6pm our guns fired eight heavy shells and after a short interval several more. This stopped the bombardment. Nearly all shells fell in rear of 88 trench near well. One shell fell on 92 trench at 6.15pm. Considerable damage has been done in rear of trenches 87-88. Patrols report centre sap of aeroplane trench occupied and covered with wire. The road with the centre in front of this sap does not contain snipers holes in the bank as supposed. left sap unoccupied. Red lights observed over FRICOURT at 6.50pm and 7.50pm and green light at 8.35pm. Capt.King arrived at 8.30pm and is now superintending evacuation of buried men. Estimated casualties Oxford & Bucks 6 killed, 20 wounded, Bedfords 7 wounded. Mortar located pt.73 and at pt.50 NE of 73 in an angle of trench. Oxford & Bucks attached for instruction as per attached schedule AP10 [not attached] 2.45pm Evening Tactical Report Several High Explosive shells from enemy fell to left of Estaminets. Two aerial torpedoes exploded at 2.25pm near left sector Hdqrs immediate counterstraffe by our Heavy Batty. It would appear that enemy's object is to raise [raze] all buildings. Staff Captain of 18th Div is now down in the trenches. Wind NW. 8-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Enemy again threw aerial torpedoes on our centre sector starting at 2.25pm. Heavy Batty at once replied and firing ceased at 10pm. A working party on pt.43 was twice caught by our guns. It is thought that our Heavy batty did serious damage at this point. As the enemy were persistent with their working parties [they] were silenced by our howitzers. Wind ESE 2.20pm Evening Tactical Report Twenty rifle grenades fired into BOIS FRANCAIS at 11am from heap of sandbags at top end of middle sap in Aeroplane Trench. This was at once counterstraffed by our guns. Enemy working party reported at point where our heavy shells exploded last night. They were seen to be carrying away felled wood to their trenches. These were fired on by our shrapnel. This party was dispersed three times by D82. Wind E. Patrol this morning in front of centre sector proceeded down Railway Cutting as far as road F9A68 and reported no sign of enemy. 9-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report At 7.30pm German working party reported at point 73 our shrapnel & HE Guns opened fire noise of tools being hastily dropped was then heard. Transport heard E of FRICOURT 8.15pm. German sniper was shot opposite sector right yesterday while endeavouring to signal the direction of our shots. Patrols sent out report no hostile patrols encountered. Mine exploded at 6.30pm in BOIS ALLEMAND followed by short burst of rapid fire and grenades our guns fired a section salvo as counter strafe to this - wind dead calm now. Occasional easterly gusts. 2.15pm Evening Tactical Report Observatory report Germans seen carrying timber in aeroplane trench. A bright light was shewn on road N of FRICOURT at 8pm last night at the same time German transport was heard . A German in blue uniform was seen in aeroplane trench at 11.30am. Wind North East. 10-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Considerable improvement noticed in enemy's shooting. At 9.50 enemy fired on ALBERT we at once counter strafed on FRICOURT. Observers and sentries reported two masked snipers east of aeroplane trench. These kept putting up dummies and firing from behind and between them. the dummies and snipers were dressed the same and could be easily seen through glasses. After 3 hours we scored a hit and the enemy ceased. Red flare sent up from FRICOURT at 9pm in an easterly direction. Enemy flares appeared to have increased in range. Wind NE increasing in strength. 2.30pm Evening Tactical Report Patrols report enemy wire opposite FRICOURT in hollow damaged in places. Working party noticed in trench 73. This was continually fired at by our Machine Guns. Dummies are being used to draw fire in enemy's line. Sounds of heavy hammering heard in FRICOURT. Column of smoke went up from behind Hill (S) of Aeroplane Trench at 7am.Wind SE. 11-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Two rifle grenades fell behind well in centre of sector last night. These are reported to have been fired from pt.73 from the same spot as from where the aerial torpedoes came from. Large mound of earth reported in the trees at F3C93. A mine exploded in TAMBOUR at about 6.15pm. This was followed by a short burst of rapid fire from the enemy. Sound of orders shouted and movement of transport was heard in FRICOURT last night. Sound of music believed to be a band was also heard. 2.30pm Evening Tactical Report Patrols recovered flag put out by 12th Middx. Another patrol was hit in front of trench 88 apparently in [sic] from a MG about pt.75. Two Machine Guns located at F9B71 and F9B53. Two trench mortars were fired into D1 at 12.20 from trees at SW corner of FRICOURT not absolutely certain about it being at pt.73. A large column of smoke was seen in German trench at F9C54 at 6.45am. Wind ENE 12-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report The trench mortar used against the Fusiliers yesterday afternoon was reported on as follows. It was firing from a range of about 700. The shells could be distinctly seen in the air. The shells were exploded by the time fuse as two burst in mid air while others buried themselves some time before exploding. position located is F9B17. After the guns had searched this spot no more firing was experienced from the enemy's mortar. At 3.15 several rifle grenades were thrown on to the well in the rear of trench 87-88 and also several whiz bangs one of which fell very near Coy hdqrs. Our guns retaliated. Between 6 and 8pm two large search lights were seen. These were thought to be operated on from behind the BOIS DE MAMETZ. AT 8.55pm a rocket was sent up from LA BOISSELLE which burst into many Very lights. This was followed by flares on both sides. Patrols sent by left sector report that they got quite close to the German lines. Fire reported to be only coming from 3 positions in a front of 300yds. Wind East. Yesterday there was a conference a Bde Hqrs Major Jones appointed CO BCORDEL garrison on the 9th October. Lt.Bull took over command of B Coy 2.30pm Evening Tactical Report Fresh earth has been thrown up 200yds east of communication trench behind AEROPLANE TRENCH. Spot is being watched. A German has been seen running along their parapet for last three mornings for about 50yds. A white flag was seen at German trench at 7pm. Wind SSE SSW 13-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Enemy fired 20 heavy trench howitzers at 2.30pm which fell around railway station and estaminet in left section of D2. Our guns replied with Lyddite and shrapnel. At 4.30pm the bombardment started again over 16 shells falling in the same place. Communication trenches round the estaminet were knocked in otherwise no damage was done. Parapet intact. Two trench howitzers fired into their position, is positively reported to be F3C8/7. At 4pm German sniper was shot at F9B6/2 he was wearing a kind of brown canvas helmet with eye holes. Very heavy bombardment has been heard since 2pm on our left. Patrols reported all quiet and encountered no enemy patrols. We fired a bomb into German lines from trench 94 with some success. Wind very slight NNE. 2.15pm Evening Tactical Report Further inspection shows that the spots from which the trench mortars were fired are as stated in my report of yesterday. The emplacement appears to be covered by grass screens. Red glow seen in the sky last night thought to be a burning village about 15 miles north. 4 small HE shells were sent over the estaminet at 10am. Wind SSE. 14-10-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report A few rifle grenades were sent over trench 88 at 4.20pm and fell away [in] the ruins. At 5pm enemy again started bombardment with trench torpedoes. A portion of the parapet was destroyed and communication trenches blocked in sections 91. These have now been repaired. We successfully bombed German trenches S of the TAMBOUR with catapults. Our guns replied to the torpedo bombardment. One shell appeared to hit direct on emplacements to prevent [fire?] but ricocheted this also happened in the case of two others which apparently hit the same spot. Can it be that the Germans dig a lot of loose earth round their emplacements to prevent shells from bursting? The emplacements were three reported yesterday viz F3C87, F3C87. This information is positive. Smoke caused by the discharge of torpedoes was clearly seen from Btn.HQ and again located to these spots. A large German working party was reported at SW corner house of FRICOURT at 9.[0]8pm and again at 10.15pm and 1am. On each occasion our artillery fired a salvo of shrapnel and a great commotion and sounds of tools being dropped was heard. Up to this time the party have not returned. A French bullet was fired into our lines today from the enemy. A mine exploded in BOIS FRANCAIS at 5.20pm. No damage reported Maulte 15-10-15 Battn relieved by 12 Middx in accordance with A[ttached] P[lan] [not attached] rest of day spent in cleaning up of billets 16-10-15 Parades on this day were, Bomb Drill and throwing, running & physical exercises. Afternoon spent in carrying out a practice alarm. weather moderate. 17-10-15 Church parade. Weather raw. Major Jones left for England. 18-10-15 Running parade at 6.30am. A Bomb attack was carried out by A & B Coys in the morning. Afternoon parades as on work programme. Weather fine. 19-10-15 Battalion was bathed in the morning. Bombing Drill was carried out at other times. In the afternoon a bomb attack was carried out. Weather fine. 20-10-15 Running drill at 6.30am. Bombing Drill was carried on during the day. Lt.Lacey appointed Bde M.G.Officer until further orders. 21-10-15 Parades as usual today. Weather still fine. 22-10-15 Running drill & physical exercise at 6.30am. Rest of day spent in Bomb Drill & Bomb Throwing. Weather fine warmer than usual. 23-10-15 Usual programme of work for this day, with Bombing chief parades. Weather fine. 24-10-15 Church Parade. Weather moderate. Pte.Waterton left on leave for England. 25-10-15 Battalion relieved 12th Middx in D2. Relief completed 10am. Weather Very Wet. 2/Lt.Baden and Sgt.Drummer left on leave to England. Trenches D2 25-10-15 2.15pm Hammering heard at F3D11. Observation is being kept on this point. Wind strong SE. 26-10-15 2.15am 8 Smoke Rockets fired from direction of FRICOURT fell near SOUTH AVENUE at 3.30pm. These were believed to be an Artillery Test as Guns fired directly afterwards. Other reports state these rockets came from our lines. Working party opposite trench S of pt.73 dispersed by Grenade & M.G.fire. Our 6" Batty fired 12 shots between 5 & 6pm into enemy's trenches behind BOIS ALLEMAND. Cat & dog seen by sentry in trench 85 going towards BOIS FRANCAIS, coming from German lines. Wind easterly. 2.0pm Considerable artillery activity on both sides this morning. Working party shelled in cemetery street we retaliated on German trenches. Notice boards have been put out by the enemy opposite 88 trenches. Two sections of enemy left trench at F4G03 they were dressed in grey and dirty drill. Wagon and cyclist seen on FRICOURT-MAMETZ road. Fired on by our Guns. Smoke observed from trench at F30C515. Flash and smoke from heavy Gun was noticed coming from a ravine near large tree in open ground 1000yds NW of MAMETZ. Reported to F.O.O. 27-10-15 2am During afternoon of 26th considerable artillery activity. AT 5.40pm two heavy trench mortars were fired in direction of D1. At 12.15 midnight enemy sent over a shell in direction of MAULTE we replied with two heavy shells. These burst at F3C82 with good effect. Trench mortars located at F9D88 but not absolutely certain. Enemy Machine Guns rather more active than usual. Very little rifle fire. Lt. & Qrs.Mr.F.Corner & Lt.Lloyd left for leave. 3pm Wind NNW. Artillery activity on both sides between 10.20am and 12 noon. Situation otherwise unchanged. 28-10-15 2.15am At 3.20pm small trench mortar bombs from F3C6552 fell on D2A and C our guns replied on FRICOURT. Between 3 & 4pm our Guns were busy registering an enemy's batty at X29A several shots were also fired at communication trench X27. At 4.25pm our guns successfully caught a party of enemy at F4b30. Enemy's snipers not nearly sp active. there is a peculiar absence of rifle fire. In spite of repeated shelling and fire from our Guns there appears to be still considerable activity in the wood SE of FRICOURT. Wind NNW. 2.15pm Evening Tactical Report Artillery activity between 10.30am and 12.30 noon and enemy fired small trench mortar bombs at 11am on trench 84 F9D57 and several at F9D46. Our artillery retaliated. Wind SW. 29-10-15 2am Morning Tactical Report At 8pm enemy fired rifle grenades and trench mortars at F9D6570. Our Guns retaliated. Frequent flares sent up from Aeroplane trench and trench 65 traversed by Machine Gun from FRICOURT. At 9pm our guns fired 6 rounds into BOIS ALLEMAND. Sentry reports sound of gong from enemy trenches directly this ceased. Rifle fire from F3C68513 is directed straight to the front and not to the flanks as was the former case. Different troops less highly trained are believed to be in front as the rifle fire is exceedingly scarce, the enemy only firing with mortars and rifle grenades. 2.35pm Evening Tactical Report Mine exploded at F3C37 at 6.30am. Enemy sent over Grenades and mortars into the left of our sector at 8.30am. Our Guns retaliated with H.E. on F3C7545 and the enemy ceased offensive action. Working parties of enemy at F4b30 and X21d44 fired on by our artillery. Trench mortars were fired from F3C7575 and F3b19. Wind SW 30-10-15 2am Morning Tactical Report German working parties were heard at F9B16 and F3C83, F9B1568 and at F9B55. These were fired on by our guns it is believed with some effect. Rather more rifle fire tonight. Enemy fired rifle grenades and shrapnel over left of trench 88F9A56. Our Guns retaliated on FRICOURT and German trenches opposite this spot. There was considerable artillery activity on both sides during yesterday afternoon. Working party caught by our rapid fire at 7pm at point F3C70. Wind SE. 2.45pm Evening Tactical Report Artillery activity on both sides 8am to 9am. Trench Mortars & Rifle Grenades were fired on Trench 91. Our artillery at once retaliated and enemy ceased hostilities. 9.50am working party reported F9a9508. Wind SW slight. Our artillery fired on working party. 31-10-15 2am Morning Tactical Report Between 1pm & 4.30pm considerable artillery activity on both sides . Our snipers report they shot a man at F3C83. Rifle grenades were fired from F3C8005 & F9H by enemy. Working Parties fired on at F9B52 & F2C80. 2pm Evening Tactical Report 3 aircraft passed over our lines at 8am going East. They were fired at by Enemy Machine Gun from pt.80. Enemy are making an emplacement at F3C7530. Enemy Machine Gun fired last night from pt.80.
  • Date free text
    Oct 1915
  • Production date
    From: 1915 To: 1915
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